Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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Ag./BusinessClear Lake Mirror-Reporter July 22, 2015 • Page 7
Results are in from the Deadline nears for FSA County
North Iowa Fair
Committee Nominations
The North Iowa Fair was held July Sawyer Salisbury; Champion Market The NIACC John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center recently hosted the Youth En- Cerro Gordo County USDA disaster, conservation, commodity and
8-12, at the North Iowa Events Cen- Steer, Sawyer Salisbury; Reserve, My- trepreneurial Academy. Participants included (L-R): Corey Behrens, Alysia Thorpe, Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive price support programs, as well as other
ter, in Mason City. Many youth from cah Weaver; Champion Senior Show- Noah Taylor, Lauren Klaahsen, Jenna Borcherding, Brianna Carroll. -Submitted Director, Barry TerHark, announced important federal farm program issues.
around the North Iowa area partici- man, Morgan Sliger; Champion Junior photo that the nomination period for local County committees consist of three to
pated in a variety of events and showed Showman, Emma Weiner; Reserve Ju- FSA county committees nomination 11 members.
exhibits at the fair. nior, Brett Weaver; Champion Market Area students participate in Youth forms must be postmarked or received “It is important that county com-
Results of the fair are as follows: Heifer, Kohl Avery; Champion No Fit, in the Cerro Gordo County FSA Office mittees are comprised of members who
•“Grown in Iowa” food contest Tyler Nuehring; Reserve, Ellie Weaver; Entrepreneurial Academy by close of business on Aug. 3, 2015. fairly represent the diverse demograph-
winners: Appetizers & Snacks: Markus Champion County Bred, Sawyer Salis- The North Iowa Area Community media. Brad Barber was the keynote “County Committees are unique ics of production agriculture for their
Elsbernd; Salads or Sides: Nathan Els- bury; Reserve, Brett Weaver; Cham- College John Pappajohn Entrepreneur- speaker. to FSA and allow producers to have a community,” said TerHark. “All pro-
bernd; Main Dishes: Nick Dyre; Des- pion Supreme Market Animal, Sawyer ial Center (NIACC JPEC) conducted The top businesses presented their voice on federal farm program imple- ducers, including women, minority
serts: Britta Elsbernd. Salisbury; Reserve, Mycah Weaver. the Youth Entrepreneurial Academy on businesses to a panel of five judges: Ty- mentation at the local level,” said Ter- and beginning farmers and ranchers are
•Outstanding 4th Grader Exhib- •Swine Show Results: Champion June 15-19. This free annual academy ler Heeren, First Bank Hampton; Jef- Hark. encouraged to participate in the nomi-
its: Ellie Weaver, Josie Frohling, Carly Sr. Showmanship, Kailey Uhde, West is offered to all high school students frey Short, Co-Founder of Writerr To be eligible to serve on the FSA nation and election process.”
Joynt, Isabelle Goedken, and Markus Fork FFA; Reserve Sr. Showmanship, interested in entrepreneurship. Partici- (YEA Alum); Brad Barber, Cabin Cof- county committee, a person must par- FSA will mail election ballots to
Elsbernd. Morgan Sliger, Portland Community pants receive a $500 NIACC scholar- fee Franchise; Brook Boehmler, NI- ticipate or cooperate in an agency ad- eligible voters beginning Nov. 9. Bal-
•Projects chosen to go on to State Springers (PCS); Champion Jr. Show- ship sponsored by the John K. and ACC SBDC; and Rick Whalen, Butler ministered program, be eligible to vote lots are due back in the Cerro Gordo
Fair: Cheyla Weaver, Miranda Wulff, manship, Cail Weaver, Shifting Gears; Luise V. Hanson Foundation and John County REC/EDC. in a county committee election and County Office by mail or in person
Kacy Sampson, Britta Elsbernd, Jessica Reserve Jr. Showmanship, Collin Pappajohn when they attend NIACC. The judges chose six companies reside in the Local Administrative Area no later than Dec. 7, 2015. All newly
Theobald, Rebecca Bartling, Ryan An- Witte, GH RRR; Champion Breed- This year 18 area high school stu- to win $500 seed monies. Two of the (LAA) where they are nominated. elected county committee members
dersen, Owen Orr, Collin Witte, Nick ing Gilt, Madison Steenhard, West dents completed the academy which winners were from Clear Lake: This year, nominations and elec- and alternates will take office Jan. 1,
Dyre, Aunalea Timpe, Emily Shatek, Fork FFA; Reserve, Kailey Uhde, West is held as a day camp from 8:30 a.m.- Alysia Thorpe—The Art Guru: tions will be held in LAA 2, which in- 2016.
Cail Weaver, Allison O’Connor, Max Fork FFA; Champion Market Pen of 4:30 p.m. This is the third year the cur- “The Art Guru is a service in which I cludes Bath, Dougherty, Geneseo, Mt. “Nominating potential county
Frohling, Britta Becker, Lucas Pistek, 3, Mycah Weaver, Shifting Gears; Re- riculum called Lean Canvas has been will come to your home and set up an Vernon, and Pleasant Valley townships. committee members, voting for can-
Morgan Sliger, and Spencer Orr. serve- Morgan Steenhard, West Fork used. art studio in your own space, provide all Producers may nominate them- didates and serving on the committees
•Affordable Clothing Event Win- FFA; Champion Market Individual, This year all students were given the art supplies, walk you through the selves or others as candidates. Orga- are truly services to your community
ners: Clothing Selection: Breanna Fair- Dakora Burress, Ventura Hustlers; Re- the opportunity to stay in NIACC’s piece, and clean up. Examples of some nizations representing minority and and the agriculture industry,” said Ter-
banks; $15 dollar challenge: Breanna serve, Morgan Sliger, Portland Com- new student housing, and several stu- parties are birthday parties, mother- women farmers and ranchers may also Hark. “County Committee members
Fairbanks, Emily Shatek, Britta Elsber- munity Springers; Market Carcass, dents elected to do so. The students not daughter painting class, or even holiday nominate candidates. To become a make important decisions on how fed-
nd; $15 dollar challenge—going on to Michael Fjone, GH RRR; Reserve, staying in the student housing received themed parties. The client won’t have nominee, eligible individuals must sign eral farm programs are administered
Iowa State Fair: Cailee Henning. Carson Nuehring, GH RRR; Champi- gas cards to help cover the week’s travel to lift a finger, except for making art. form FSA-669A. The form and more locally to best serve local needs and in-
•Premiere Exhibitor: Junior Divi- on Derby Pen of 3, Cail Weaver, Shift- from their homes to NIACC. Ad- My goal with this company is for my information about county committee terests.”
sion: Reserve- Zach Feld and Cham- ing Gears; Reserve, Mariah Steenhard, ditionally, six students received $500 busy clients to be able to have a fun elections is available online at: www. For more information about
pion- Britta Elsbernd; Intermediate di- West Fork FFA; Champion Derby In- seed money for the businesses they de- and unique party without all the hassle county committees, please contact the
vision: Reserve: Nathan Elsbernd and dividual, Cail Weaver, Shifting Gears; veloped during the week. of planning, getting supplies, and set- Elected county committee mem- Cerro Gordo County FSA office at
Champion: Breanna Fairbanks; Senior Reserve, Tyler Nuehring, GH RRR. The participants and schools rep- ting up the party. I want this to create bers serve a three-year term and are re- 641-423-2286 or visit www.fsa.usda.
Division: Reserve: Cailee Henning and •2015 Horse Results: Jr. Horse- resented were: Corey Behrens, Forest an efficient and personalized way to go sponsible for making decisions on FSA gov/elections.
Champion: Morgan Sliger. manship, Bailey Martin; Sr. Horseman- City; Shelby Berte, North Iowa; Jenna about having a party.”
•Challenge Class Winners: Cen- ship- Lauren Lunning; Jr. High Point Borcherding, Hampton-Dumont; Bri- Noah Taylor—Home Zoo & Oil Change $2599
tral Gardens Photography Challenge Games, Angela Hett; Sr. High Point anna Carrol, West Fork; Logann Elkin, Aquatics: “My business is Home Zoo & Filter
- Lizabeth Richardson, Junior Division Games, Dylana Luett; Champion Pony, Belmond-Klemme; Alexa Louise Gar- & Aquatics. I build, sell, and clean
and Breanna Fairbanks, Senior Divi- Spencer Orr; Reserve Champion Pony, cia, Belmond-Klemme; Olivia Miller, custom fish tanks and stands and I Includes standard 5 quarts of conventional oil and filter, inside
sion. Alec Barkema; Champion Stock Type, Osage; Jackson Schumaker, Mason share our profits with the North Iowa
•Citizenship Challenge: Max Dylana Luett; Reserve Champion Stock City; Wyatt Spitz, Osage; Noah Taylor, Humane Society. Our product is a per- FREEvacuum, window wash, and 21 point maintenance inspection.
Frohling-Junior Division; Emily Type, Bailey Martin; Champion Non- Clear Lake; Alysia Thorp, Clear Lake; sonal, unique fish tank with a unique Pick Up & Delivery
Shatek- Senior Division. Stock Type, Lauren Halvorson; Reserve Danica Voortman, North Iowa; Jo- stand included that is made specifi- in Clear Lake & Ventura
•“Zoom in” Photography Chal- Champion Non-Stock Type, Rebecca siah Wunderlich, Mason City; Lauren cally for the needs of each customer.
lenge: Britta Elsbernd- Junior Division; Bartling; Jr. Showmanship, Olivia Brc- Klaahsen, Mason City; Brady Holliday, Our customers are middle class Mid- Servicing all car & truck
and Jasmyn Klemesrud- Senior Divi- ka; Reserve Jr. Showmanship, Cassidy Muscatine; Alex Covarubias, Musca- western families who share our pas- makes & models
sion. Teeter; Advanced Showmanship, 1. tine; Emily Huggins, Muscatine; and sion for animals and who want qual-
•Beef Show Results: Champion Madalynn Cash, 2. Spencer Orr, 3. Jes- Hanna Wold, St. Ansgar. ity, unique, hand built tanks and tank
Registered Breeding Heifer, Morgan sica Theobald; Sr. Showmanship, Sha- Friday, June 19, the final day of stands to personally match their needs.
Steenhard; Reserve, Mariah Steenhard; na Wood; Reserve Sr. Showmanship, the academy the students pitched their I provide our customers with face to
Champion Commercial Breeding Heif- Dylana Luett; English Performance, business ideas by submitting an execu- face interactions to ensure that we are
er, Sawyer Salisbury; Reserve, Emma 1. Dylana Luett, 2. Shana Wood; Sr. tive summary that included a company meeting their specific requests. I mar-
Frohling; Supreme Breeding Heifer, English Equitation, 1. Dylana Luett, description, financial plans, and busi- ket our product through social media
Sawyer Salisbury; Reserve Breeding 2. Spencer Orr; English Performance ness model key measures that included websites, the local newspaper, and fish
Heifer, Morgan Steenhard; Champion Jr. walk/Trot, 1. Lauren Halvorson, 2. startup costs and sales projections. The tank blogs. I am partnering with local
County Bred Breeding Heifer, Sawyer Jessica Theobald; Western Performance Academy’s mentors included: Jim Elias, welders and supplies wholesalers so that
Salisbury; Reserve Co. Bred Breeding Jr. Equitation, 1. Brylee Hoeppner, 2. Muscatine Community College (fa- I can keep costs low and still maintain
Heifer, Emma Frohling; Select Cham- Natalie Rolling; Western Performance cilitator), Holden Nyhus, Scout Pro, quality. I am launching my business in
pion Cow/Calf, Sawyer Salisbury; Re- Jr. Pleasure, 1. Bailey Martin, 2. Rachel Kelley Crane, NIACC JPEC, Aaron north Iowa, but have expansion plans
serve, Kohl Avery; Champion Prospect Lursen ; Senior Trail Class, 1. Dylana Morse, U of I student/YEA Alum, to move to Ames and purchase an exist-
Male, Kohl Avery; Champion Prospect Luett, 2. Madalynn Cash, 3. Spencer Kayla Kearns, NIACC graduate/YEA ing store where I will include my cus-
Heifer, Sawyer Salisbury; Reserve, Alum/Entrepreneur, Gavin Scrog- tom fish tank business. With the $500
See FAIR on page 8 gin, YEA Alum, and Regatta Olinger grant, I will purchase a computer with
(Tropical Sno/YEA Alum). a CAD program. This will allow me to
Guest speakers included Scott model out more efficient ways to create • Trusted experience
Moorman, of Moorman Clothiers, tanks and stands, which will save mate-
and Mark Miller, Fitness Digest/NI- rial costs and time.” • Over 20 years in the industry Call Us
ACC Instructor – marketing and social • Affordable shop rates Today
• No one pays retail for parts
• We only do the work you authorize
Brenda Terwilliger presents Spencer Orr, of Clear Lake, with Champion Pony award 2101 2nd Ave. S., Clear Lake
earned at the North Iowa Fair. -Submitted photo
Grissom says…
I was talking to my sister the
other day and she bet me $100 I couldn’t
build a car out of spaghetti.
You should have seen the look on her face
as I drove PASTA!