Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 11
Arts/EntertainmentClear Lake Mirror-Reporter July 22, 2015 • Page 11
Festival of Holiday Christmas Banquet
Brass groups added to Christmas By The
will practice, Lake schedule in 2015
perform in
Clear Lake Band camp rocks Christmas by the Lake will be be joined by Merlyn the Magician,
adding a special event to its roster of of Omaha, Neb., the Feast of Fools
Two units will Clear Lake High School Band Director Brandon Borseth teammed with other area directors to hold a Middle School activities for the festive December comedy troupe from Des Moines and
give stand-still Band Camp in Clear Lake last week. Over 80 students from seven different schools participated in this year’s camp. The weekend. The ‘Holiday Christmas Father Christmas, himself. A group
performances at camp concluded with a concert at the City Park Bandshell Friday night. Epic adventures were on the docket this year, Banquet’ will take place at the Best of Victorian mummers and table-side
Thursdays on as the program consisted of Captain America, Chronicles of Narnia, How to Train Your Dragon, Lord of the Rings, and Western Holiday Lodge on Saturday characters will fill out the rest of the
Main July 30 Star Wars/Raiders of the Lost Ark. Camp Counselors this year were Conner Tipping, from Newman Catholic; Meredith night, Dec. 5, after the downtown show cast.
Tipping, of Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock; Rachel Petsche, West Hancock; Tammy Aberson-Hansen, Clear Lake; and fireworks show. The feast will include a full holiday
North Iowa Music Arts and Pag- Nate Benzing, Garner-Hayfield/Ventura.-Submitted photo. Limited seating is available for in- meal with frills and specialty courses
eantry present A North Iowa’s Festival dividuals, small groups or even com- like Wassail punch.
of Brass in Forest City on Saturday, pany Christmas gatherings. Advanced There will also be pre-show games,
Aug. 1, at 7 p.m. The competition reservations will be required, and can cash bar and contests with prizes start-
happens under the lights at the For- be made starting this month. ing at 6:30 p.m. with the formal seat-
est City High School Stadium. Gates The theme for this feast will be ing at the feast at 7 p.m.
will open at 5:30 p.m., with the Forest Dickens-Victorian with a throw Tickets for the ‘Holiday Christmas
City Fine Arts Patrons serving conces- back to Renaissance-Madrigal en- Banquet’ can be obtained at the Best
sions. tertainment. Featured performers Western from Mandy VanVoorhis,
Tickets are now on sale at www. will include the most popular act at phone 641-357-5253 or mvanvoor- They are also the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, [email protected].
on sale at MBT Bank locations in For- the Fandazzi Fire Circus. They will
est City and Clear Lake, TSB in For-
est City and the Forest City Chamber, New Homes • Additions • Remodels
Payless Foods in Clear Lake and Rie-
man Music in Mason City. Tickets No job too big or small
are $10 in advance and $15 at the Call today
gate. Children under six-years are
admitted free of charge. Fly Iowa Air Show offers
Special Stand Still performances two days of high-flying fun
by Les Stentors and Coastal Surge
will be on July 30 in Clear Lake for Fly Iowa, returning Saturday 641-357-4987 CONSTRUCTION
Thursdays on Main at 6:15 p.m. Les and Sunday, July 25-26, to the Ma-
Stentors and Coastal Surge will be son City Municipal Airport, has an- [email protected]
performing in Clear Lake City Park nounced its performer lineup and Over 35 Years experience
on July 30 at 6:45 p.m. schedule that includes Matt Younkin
The following Drum & Bugle in his Twin Beech 18, Julie Clark in unique aircraft: A 1920’s New Stan- point of view, for $80 a person. Area’s largest premier watercraft
Corps will be arriving early morning her T-34 Mentor and a performance dard Biplane, WWII P-51 Mustang, The Bell UH-1 (HUEY) Heli- dealer in North Iowa
Saturday, Aug. 1, and will be having by local Iowa band The Nadas. and a Vietnam Era HUEY. copter, one of the most iconic aircraft
open rehearsals Aug. 1 prior to the Fly Iowa will be held at the Ma- The P-51 Mustang “Gunfighter,” from the Vietnam War era, will be giv- featuring a full line up of Fun in
competition: son City Municipal Airport. Gates performing in the show, is also offer- ing rides Saturday and Sunday of the sttahretswahteerre!
•Vanguard Cadets (Calif.) – For- open at 2 p.m. Saturday, with the ing rides for sale to those who want airshow weekend. Fly back in history
est City High School airshow beginning at 4:30 p.m. The the ultimate flying experience. Re-live with the men and machines that were
•Coastal Surge (S.C.) – Forest Nadas will be in concert at 7:30 p.m. history and ride in the most awe-in- there! For a $75 donation, riders are
City Middle School and a night air show will begin at spiring fighter of World War II. This able to strap in the back of the heli-
•7th Regiment (Conn.)– Lake 8:30 p.m. That will be followed by unique opportunity will allow rid- copter and fly with a veteran pilot.
Mills High School fireworks. On Sunday, a fly-in break- ers to experience the sights, sounds, For more information regarding
•Colt Cadets (Iowa) – Clear fast is set for 7 a.m., with the air show smell, and feel of flying a P-51 Mus- rides in the P-51, the New Standard,
Lake Middle School beginning at noon. Fly Iowa will also tang. Rides start at $1,695 for a one or the HUEY, visit www.mcwairshow.
•Les Stentors (Canada) – Clear be offering ride opportunities in three hour experience that you will never com.
Creek Elementary School unique aircraft. The Fly Iowa event is forget. The Fly Iowa event is free and
•Raiders (N.J.) – Belmond High free and open to the public. The New Standard D-25 Biplane open to the public. For more infor-
School “Our acts include some of the will be giving rides on Friday, Satur- mation visit,
•Gold (Calif.) – Ventura Middle biggest names in the airshow industry day and Sunday of the airshow week- call 515-229-2986, or follow Fly Iowa
School today. We are very proud to be able to end. The open cockpit beauty can take on Facebook at
put on an event of this caliber for the you and three friends into the sky to FlyIowa and Twitter at @flyiowa.
The following Drum & Bugle North Iowa community,” said Adam see North Iowa from a whole new
Corps will be In Clear Lake July 28 – Glowaski, Fly Iowa 2015 Chair.
30 with open rehearsals. Performers in the show include:
•Les Stentors (Canada) – Clear Matt Younkin - Twin Beech 18 / Su-
Creek Elementary School per Decathlon; Julie Clark - T-34
•Coastal Surge (SC) – Clear Mentor; Erik Edgren - Clipped Wing
Lake Middle School Taylorcraft; The Texas Flying Legends
Museum – F4-U Corsair / Zero / B-25
Fam Bam / P-51 / P-40 / TBM Avenger; Mike
Color Jam Run Galloway - Extra 300; The Vanguard
slated for Aug. 15 Squadron – 4 RV-3’s; Larry Lumpkin
- P-51 Mustang; Larry Kramer – RC
Families First Counseling Ser- Jet; The Nadas - Iowa Band; Flashing
vices will hold its second annual Fam Thunder – Fireworks.
Bam Color Jam, a 5K Family Color Fly Iowa will also be offer-
Run/Walk, beginning in Clear Lake ing ride opportunities in three very
City Park. The event will be held Sat-
urday, Aug. 15. Registration will be- Registration underway for Clear Lake watercraft
gin at 9 a.m., with the event at 10:30 High School All-Class Reunion Sept. 17-19
Registration includes a T-shirt, Registrations are now being ac- day, Sept. 17, with a welcome and place in the Surfside 6 Lounge from Starting at $4,999
goodie bag, one color packet and reg- cepted for the Fifth Annual Clear information headquarters at the Cy- 4-7 p.m.
istration fee. Lake High School All Class Reunion press Room at the Surf Ballroom from Saturday, Sept. 19, a tour of Proudly Selling & Servicing North Iowa for 50 Years!
Cost to participate (now through Sept. 17-19 at the Surf Ballroom. noon to 5 p.m. Silent auction items CLHS will be given at 10 a.m. Surf
Aug. 1) is $25 for children age 17-years Register before Sept. 1 for $30 will be available for bidding through doors open at 5 p.m. for a social hour, Hwy. 122 W. Mason City (641) 424-2861
and under. Those under 12-years-old per person; all registrations received Saturday evening. followed by a dinner buffet at 6 p.m. (Across from Target)
need to be accompanied by an adult, after Sept. 1 will be $40. Go to www. Friday, Sept. 18, the welcome A special reunion program will begin
and $30 for adults. After Aug. 1 the or pick up and information headquarters will be at 7 p.m., with music and dancing un- ™, ®, and the BRP logo are trademarks of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates
entry fee goes to $30 and $35. There a registration form at the Clear Lake open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. A golf outing is til midnight.
is a family discount available before Area Chamber of Commerce office. planned at Oak Hills and an Alumni
Aug. 1 for families of five or more The reunion will begin Thurs- Reception Meet and Greet will take
(maximum of two adults), $100.
Sign up on-line at RunSignUp.
com by searching Fam Bam Color
Jam, or drop off or mail entries to:
Families First Counseling Services,
202 1st St. SE, Suite 201, Mason City,
Iowa 50401.
Families First Counseling Ser-
vices is one of the leading providers
of family based, in-home and in-office
services in 37 counties across northern
and western Iowa. All proceeds from
the event will be given back to the lo-
cal community to provide families in
need with daily basic items of food,
shelter, clothing, transportation and
access to medical and mental health