Page 10 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 10
Local NewsPage 10 • July 22, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Tickets on sale for State dered sugar and remove from tart pan.
Slice and serve.
Fair Grandstand shows From Here is Ina Garten’s excellent lemon
Tickets for the much-anticipated ROCK-A-THON starring: Dee Snid- Twisted Sister, and multi-platinum The curd recipe:
Iowa State Fair Grandstand shows are er, Dokken, Warrant, Firehouse and pop-metal band Warrant. 3 lemons, zest and juice both needed
now on sale through all Ticketmaster Eddie Trunk will take the Grandstand Print at home discounted admis- 1 1/2 cups sugar
outlets. The 2015 line-up is presented Stage Aug. 23 at 6 p.m. sion tickets are on sale now at www. Market 1/4 pound (1 stick) unsalted butter, room
by U.S. Cellular. The rock festival’s array of per- Fairgoers can pur- temperature
In addition to the previously- formers include leading front man chase gate admission tickets online 4 extra-large eggs
announced star-studded line-up, Dee Snider of the heavy metal band and print their own tickets at no extra 1/2 cup lemon juice (will take 3-4 lemons)
charge. Fairgoers can also purchase 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
punch cards online and have them Zest the lemons, then put sugar and
mailed to them directly for a nominal By Marysue Salmon zest in food processor fitted with a steel blade. Pulse
Lime Creek Nature Center Tickets for all concert and track Blueberry Lemon Tart until zest is very finely minced into the sugar.
offers day camps for youth events are on sale through all Ticket- 3-4 tablespoons lemon curd, homemade or about half Cream the butter and beat in the sugar/lemon
master outlets, online at Ticketmaster. of a 10 oz. jar purchased zest mixture. Add eggs, one at a time, then add the
The Lime Creek Nature Center habitats, $20, Aug. 4-6, 9 - 10:15 com or by phone at 800-745-3000. 1 tablespoon poppy seeds lemon juice and salt. Mix very well until combined.
and Cerro Gordo County Conserva- a.m., ages four-six years. Registration All concert events are reserved 2-3 cups fresh blueberries, washed and blotted dry (Don’t be alarmed if it looks curdled, it will smooth out
tion Board are offering several camps required; call 641-421-3673. seating; track events are general admis- Your favorite flaky 9-inch tart crust recipe, chilled at when you begin to heat it!)
for children this summer. •Insectigations: Participants sion. The Fair’s Ticket Office is open 8 least one hour (The better the crust, the better the tart!) Pour the mixture into a 2-quart saucepan and
Registration is required for all of will learn all about insects, $20, Aug. a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through When ready to bake, preheat oven to 425 degrees. cook over low heat until thickened (10-15 minutes),
the camps and space is limited. The 4-6, 10:45 a.m. - noon, ages seven Friday, and 9 a.m. to noon on Satur- Roll the dough slightly larger than tart pan. Spray tart stirring constantly. The lemon curd will thicken just
following camps will be offered: and eight-years-old. Registration re- day for walk-up orders only (assuming pan with cooking spray, then fit the dough to the tart below simmer, at about 170 degrees. Remove from
quired; call 641-421-3673. tickets remain; no mail, phone or fax pan, trimming excess. heat. Cool and refrigerate.
•Tiny Tot Nature Camp: Par- orders). Convenience charges will ap- Prick with a fork all over raw crust bottom to This freezes fine in small containers.
ticipants will learn all about Iowa’s ply to all tickets. Grandstand tickets
do not include Fair admission. Gate keep it flat when it is baking.
admission must be purchased sepa- Prebake crust 10-15 minutes until set, but still
rately. light in color. Sides will be starting to pull away from
A complete listing of event dates, the pan. Remove from oven and cool slightly on wire
times and ticket prices follows: rack.
2015 Iowa State Fair Grandstand Lower oven temperature to 375 degrees.
Arts Center takes parties on the road Line-up presented by U.S. Cellular: Once the crust has cooled slightly, spread lemon
• Thursday, Aug. 13 Casting curd evenly over prebaked crust and return tart to oven
The Clear Lake Arts Center has “We will work with you to cre- Crowns with special guest for KING for an additional 15-20 minutes. Pastry should be a
been taking its Arty Parties on the ate an event that will meet your ob- & COUNTRY 8 p.m. $32 light golden color and lemon filling is bubbling.
road. jectives, your budget and create a • Friday, Aug. 14 Justin Moore Remove to a wire rack and sprinkle with poppy seeds.
The activity is great for church- unique and engaging experience,” said with special guest Easton Corbin, 8 Allow to cool 15 minutes, then arrange blueber-
es, organizations, country clubs or Paula Hanus, executive director at the p.m., $35 ries over the lemon filling. The lemon curd will hold
homeowners associations looking for CLAC. • Saturday, Aug. 15 Def Lep- the blueberries in place without cooking them. You
a different way to engage customers or For more information on how to pard with special guests Styx and Tes- will love the freshness of the uncooked blueberries!
members. Simply provide the space, schedule a private arty party, call 641- la, 7 p.m. $53 Allow to cool completely, dust lightly with pow-
and the supplies and instructor will be 357-1998 or email [email protected]. • Sunday, Aug. 16 REBA with
provided. special guest Caroline Kole, 8 p.m.,
We’re Talking Serious Fun Here! • Monday, Aug. 17 Carrie Un- Numerous ways to purchase
derwood with special guest Michael Iowa State Fair tickets
Back by popular demand, Ray, 8 p.m., $60
• Tuesday, Aug. 18 To Be An- With numerous ways to pur- Iowa Fareway Stores, Hy-Vee and Hy- fice or online at (a
YARD DOG CHARLIE nounced chase Iowa State Fair tickets “Nothing Vee Drugstores. Online mail orders five percent processing fee applies).
• Wednesday, Aug. 19 Grand Compares” to the fun found on the placed after Sunday, Aug. 2, will not Visit for details.
Mangrove Swamp Recording Artist Outlaw National Tractor and Truck Fairgrounds Aug. 13-23. For fairgo- be mailed, but will be held at will call. Must be purchased by Aug. 12 or
Pull sponsored by Iowa Farmer Today, ers planning ahead, the Iowa State Tickets are good any one Fair day. while supplies last.
Sunday, August 2nd • 2 - 5pm 2 p.m.; $20 Adults, $10 children ages Fair Ticket Office is now open to offer Fairgoers can enjoy an even big- Midway Savings
6-11, free for ages 5 and under discounted tickets for admission, rides ger benefit when buying early. Ad- Save on the Midway with a
(641) 829-3850 Summer Hours: Mon. - Fri. Open at 4:30 p.m. • Thursday, Aug. 20 Alabama and more. vance admission tickets have a coupon Midway Pack, which includes a set
702 East Lake St., Ventura and special guest Chris Janson, 8 The Iowa State Fair Ticket Of- for a free small Potato Olé® at partici- of five Midway ride tickets for only
Sat. & Sun. Open at 11:30 a.m. p.m., $40 fice, located in the Administration pating Iowa-area Taco John’s. Sept. $14. Each ticket is good for one ride.
• Friday, Aug. 21 To Be An- Building on the Fairgrounds, is open 30. See store for details. Available now at the Iowa State Fair
Signature Paint Store nounced 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays and 9 Punch Cards Ticket Office or online at iowastate-
• Saturday, Aug. 22 Meghan a.m. to noon on Saturday. Walk-up Buy a convenient Punch Card (a five percent processing fee
210 N. 4th Street, Downtown Clear Lake Trainor with special guest to be an- orders will be available until Aug. 6. with 11 days of adult Fair admission applies). Midway Mega Passes, good
641-357-2134 nounced, 8 p.m., $40 Cash, check, money order, Visa, Mas- for $88. Each punch is good for one for unlimited rides any one Fair day, • Sunday, Aug. 23 ROCK-A- terCard or Discover are accepted. All admission to the Fair. Cards may be are also available. Visit iowastatefair.
THON starring: Dee Snider, Dok- offers good while supplies last. used by individuals or families. Punch org for details. Fair admission must
ken, Warrant, Firehouse and Eddie Advance Admission Cards may be purchased at the Iowa be purchased separately. Must be pur-
Trunk, 6 p.m., $30. Adult and children’s advance State Fair Ticket Office or online at chased by Aug. 12 or while supplies
“Nothing Compares” to the admission tickets are available at the (a five percent pro- last.
2015 Iowa State Fair, August 13-23. Iowa State Fair Ticket Office, and cessing fee applies). Punch Cards are Food Tickets
The Fairgrounds are located at East online at as a print only available until Aug. 12 or while Buy a set of five $1 food tickets
30th and East University Avenue, your own fee-free option. Adult ad- supplies last. good for food or beverage purchases at
just 10 minutes east of downtown vance admission tickets are just $8 Fair Play Packs any Fairgrounds concession, exclud-
Des Moines. Discounted gate admis- (ages 12 and older; regularly $11), This value-packed deal, includ- ing the Midway. Cost is $5 per set,
sion tickets are on sale now through and children’s admission tickets are ing specials on admission, food and and they may be purchased through
our convenient print at home ticket $4 in advance (ages 6-11; regularly select rides, is perfect for employee the Iowa State Fair Ticket Office or
option at For $5). Children ages 5 and under are incentives or Fair-loving families! Fair online at (a five per-
more information, call 800/545-FAIR admitted free every day. Tickets may Play Packs are available for purchase cent processing fee applies). Available
or visit also be purchased at participating now at the Iowa State Fair Ticket Of- while supplies last.
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Weighs 20 lbs. Tilapia with $19 97
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$199 0 0
$15 97
26 6th Street SE, Mason City • 641-423-2473 Specials come with choice of potato or
steamed vegetables and soup or salad.
Monday-Friday 9am to 7pm • Saturday 9am-5pm
Open 6:30 a.m. Mon-Sat. • 7 a.m. on Sunday • Dinner Tues.-Thurs. at 5 p.m. • Fri. & Sat. at 4:30 p.m.
Where Quality, Service, and Fair Prices Meet
305 Main Ave., Downtown Clear Lake • (641) 357-0106