Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter July 22, 2015 • Page 3
scheduled for
Harriet L. Finer years Harriet worked for Winnebago grieving youth Woodies return to the lake
Industries, in Forest City, Iowa.
Harriet Lavonne Finer, 83, of Harriet married Eldon L. Finer Hospice of North Iowa’s Youth Wooden boats, or “woodies” as they are fondly called, were back on display last weekend in Clear Lake after a three year
Marion, Iowa, formerly Clear Lake, on Nov. 26, 1955, at Zion Lutheran Bereavement Camp, Camp Green- absence. The Antique and Classic Wooden Boat Rendezvous drew about a dozen wooden boats for display along the
went home to be with her Lord and Church, Clear Lake. She loved spend- tree, is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. Sea Wall and in the water. Boat owners were on hand to answer questions about their restored vessels. Clear Lake Area
Savior on Thursday, July 9, 2015 at ing time with her family and attend- 19, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., at Camp Tan- Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Tim Coffey said organizers were pleased with the turnout and hope to grow
the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hos- ing her grandchildren’s events. She glefoot, Clear Lake. the event again, after being gone a few years.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
pice House of Mercy, Hiawatha, also enjoyed cooking “turkey/dressing This one-day camp offers youth,
Iowa. and roast beef,” baking “pies, cookies, ages seven to 14-years, the opportu- Veterans invited to ‘Welcome Home’
Services for Harriet will be held brownies, and kringlas,” and host- nity to meet others who have experi- Forty years ago the last of the homecoming is scheduled Aug. 27-30 from 1975 and older, vendors and
at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, July 25, ing family gatherings, particularly at enced the death of a family member American troops were pulled off the with anywhere from 12-15,000 visitors shuttles.
2015, at the Ward-Van Slyke Colo- Thanksgiving at her home on Clear or friend, as well as the chance to gain front lines and bases in Viet Nam, from North Iowa and Southern Min- All Vietnam veterans are request-
nial Chapel, Clear Lake, with Evange- Lake. Harriet loved serving her Lord coping skills. Activities are selected to ending a 13-year war in which 58,119 nesota, as well as out-of-state guests. ed to register online at www.operation-
list, Bruce Collins officiating. Burial and Savior, reading the Bible, praying promote a better understanding of the troops were killed and 153,303 were The event opens with free gate in order to receive free keepsake
will be at Memorial Park Cemetery, for her children and grandchildren, grieving process. Youth begin to rec- injured. admission and kicks off with a pan- 40th commemoration coin or medal-
Mason City, Iowa. The family will hosting gospel meetings, and hymn ognize healthy and appropriate ways Operation LZ Welcome Home is cake breakfast. It features honored lion and a free meal voucher at the
greet friends on Friday, July 24, from sings in their home. to express their feelings and cope with an opportunity for those who lost fam- guest speakers at a Vietnam Traveling event.
4-7 p.m. at the Ward-Van Slyke Colo- Harriet is survived by five chil- loss. ily members, neighbors, schoolmates Wall ceremony, Sky Soldiers air show, Those with no computer access
nial Chapel and then one hour before dren, Robin (Michael) Peters, of Camp includes indoor and out- and others to recognize and honor POW/MIA hot air balloon rides, Des may call 1-641-582-2771 for phone-
the service on Saturday at the Chapel. North Liberty, Iowa, Cheryl (Jack) door activities, creating special mem- those who were called, served and Moines sky divers, Poet Ethenal stunt in registration. The public, as well as
Harriet was born March 21, Toppin, of Garner, Iowa, Jeffrey (Lin- ories and making friends along the sacrificed, yet never received a proper planes air show, Mobile Riverine Trav- other veterans and guests, are request-
1932, in Mason City, the daughter of da) Finer, of Clear Lake, Jacquelyn way. “thank you”. eling Museum, two Huey helicopters ed to register to help organizers plan
Henry and Mary (Meyer) Van Allen. Dillon, of Denver, Colo. and Don Advanced registration is required Operation LZ (Landing Zone) – with rides for purchase, Cobra heli- for supplies, parking, latrines, pancake
She attended Clear Lake Schools, (Leslie) Finer, of Aliso Viejo, Calif.; and due by Friday, Sept. 11. “Welcome Home” is being planned copter and T-6 Thunder trainer, sev- breakfasts, vendors. Camping sites
Hamilton Business College and later 10 grandchildren, Jordan Peters (fian- Camp Greentree is free of charge for late August in Forest City. Orga- eral army motor pool displays, lots of can be reserved on the registration link
obtained her real estate license as she cé, Mara Hines), Aaron, Stephan, Na- and open to all youth ages seven to 14 nized by Riley Lewis and a commit- memorabilia, free Rockie Lynne after- at Operation LZ website for $15 per
and her husband, Eldon, enjoyed than (special friend, Jessica Graybill), who have experienced the death of a tee of 25 veterans and civilians, this noon concert, Private Malone car show night.
owning rental properties. For many and Hannah Peters, Nicole Toppin, family member or friend. Those who
Riley, Nickolas and Whitney Finer, have not been served by Hospice of
David (Heather) Dillon; two sisters, North Iowa are welcome to attend.
Jean (Bob) Brown, of Forest, Ontario, For further information, or to
Canada and Judy (Charles) Meyst, register, contact Hospice of North
of Southfield, Mich.; two brothers, Iowa at 641-428-6208 or 1-800-297-
Lloyd (Francis) Van Ellen, of Park- 4719 or visit our website at: www.
ersburg, Iowa, and Robert (Nancy)
Meinders, Cedar Falls, Iowa; and sev-
eral nieces and nephews. CL Library hosts
She was preceded in death by Scholastic Book
her parents; husband, Eldon; and two Fair this month
grandchildren, Kimm Finer and Ste-
ven Dillon. The Clear Lake Public Library
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- invites the public to its Scholastic
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- Book Fair. The book fair will be on
rangements. the lower level of the library through
Aug. 1.
Evelyn L. Opheim
Evelyn L. Opheim, 91, of West Des Moines, Iowa, formerly of Clear Lake, MEALS
died Saturday, July 18, 2015, at the Iowa Methodist Hospital, Des Moines.
Services are pending at the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, 101 N. 4th THURSDAY - Cheeseburger on a
St., Clear Lake. whole wheat bun, Santa Fe corn, baby
carrots, plums, orange juice.
Deadline nears for FRIDAY - Ham loaf, roasted red
School Board candidates potatoes, California blend, raisin rice
to file nomination papers pudding.
MONDAY - Creamed chicken,
Only one week remains in the fil- three School Board members. Seats buttermilk biscuit, corn, bean and broc-
ing period for candidates to file nomi- currently held by Chad Kuhlers, Jon coli salad, strawberry rhubarb raisin
nation papers for the Sept. 8, 2015 Loge and Jill Wilhelm will be decid- crisp, tomato juice.
Regular School Election. The filing ed. The current Board members have TUESDAY - Cook’s Choice.
deadline is Thursday, July 30. School not indicated whether they will be WEDNESDAY - Hearty vegetable
board members are elected to serve seeking re-election. beef soup, corn bread, banana half,
four-year terms, with elections taking The new GHV Board has two cinnamon apples with crunchy top-
place in odd-numbered years. board positions retiring this year. ping.
Nomination papers for school Dave Zrostlik and Tim Tusha have Congregate meals are served
board seats are available from local each stated they do not plan on re- at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake,
school board secretaries. School board turning. Both these positions will be 105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in
candidates must obtain the signatures at-large positions and can be filled by Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m.
of at least one percent of the qualified anyone living in the GHV district. Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake and 829-
electors of the district or 50 electors, Persons interested in being can- 3517 in Ventura for reservations.
whichever is less, but at least 10 sig- didates for director positions on local
natures. A free guide for board candi- school boards or the North Iowa Area vv THEATRE
dates, titled “Leaders Who Care,” can Community College Board should
be found at contact the county auditor or the ap- Minions
Board members for community propriate school board secretary.
colleges are also elected on Sept. 8. Nomination forms and informa- Wednesday & Thursday “PG”
Board members for area education tion about signature and filing re-
agencies, which provide specialized quirements are available on the Cerro Inside Out“PG”
services to local schools, are elected Gordo County website Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.
by the boards of schools within each, and at the county audi-
area. tor’s office. Normal business hours Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
In Clear Lake, terms are up for are 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
Starring: Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Richard
Kind, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling,
Kaitlyn Dias, Diane Lane (1 hr. 35 min)
Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4