Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 4
Opinion Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Page 4 • July 22, 2015
Chicken BBQ a continued support of our local Boy
huge success Scouts for helping with the serving
and clean-up duties. We couldn’t do
To the Editor, the event without them.
On behalf of the Clear Lake Due to the outstanding atten-
Noon Lion’s Club I’d like to extend dance at this year’s event we were able
our appreciation to all who attended to serve over 4,000 meals and raise
our annual Chicken BBQ on Sunday, over $15,000 to be used in service to
July 19. our community during the coming
A special acknowledgement to year.
Slim Meints and Dale Snyder, respec- Again, we appreciate the support
tively, for their generous purchases of of Clear Lake and North Iowa.
blocks of tickets.
We also want to recognize the Carl Ades,
Chairman, 2015 Chicken Barbecue
Helpful tips for shopping at
a Farmer’s Market
By Christine Hradek, State Nutrition ing in these treats can be a fun part of
Helping a friend in 1990 Specialist with the Iowa State University going to the farmers market, but keep
Extension and Outreach in mind that just because they are sold
Bonnie and Larry Bacon were greeted in 1990 by about 20 friends and neighbors who had arrived to replace the Bacon’s roof. Larry Bacon, who made regular trips One of my favorite things about at the farmers market doesn’t mean
to Rochester for kidney dialysis said he was “overwhelmed” as the men re-shingled the home. The project was coordinated through Redeemer Lutheran Church, summer is going to my local farmers they are as healthy as the fruits and
in Ventura, and funded by AAL’s “Helping Hands Community Projects.” Lending their hands were front row (L-R): Brian Pierce, Tom Fey, Terry Cobb. Second market for delicious, fresh fruits and veggies at the neighboring vendors.
row (L-R): Larry Bacon, Kenny Mortensen, Rev. Daird Korth, Craig Ackerman, Steve Bacon, Dick Meyer, Nick Korth. Back row (L-R): Gene Hinrichs, Gary vegetables. I grow some of my own to- Try something new! My farmers
Anderson, Darwyn Mueller, Dave Luscomb, Bruce Anderson, Scott Hinrichs, Doug Bawn and Jay Waddingham. Not pictured: Larry Costello, Darwin Avery matoes and herbs on my patio, but I market sells some fruits and vegetables
and Doug Thein. don’t have the space to do much more that I can’t find at the grocery store.
than that. I try a few new things each summer
25 Years Ago guidelines, rules and regulations for tles., $1.79; Luv’s Diapers, 28-60 ct., 75 Years Ago The farmers market has a huge like different types of tomatoes, beets,
July 1990 hunting in limited development dis- $8.59; broccoli, bunch, 79; Swanson July 1940 variety and the food is as fresh as if greens and squash.
tricts, such as the newly annexed land Meat Pies, 2/$1.09; top sirloin steak, I had grown it myself. Shopping at WIC @ Farmers MarketsSNAP
Close to 4,000 people were treat- east of Clear Lake, was formed at the lb., $3.19; and Hillshire Farm Brat- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petersen the farmers market is different than Farmers MarketsLearn about what
ed to the Annual Noon Lions Chick- Clear Lake City Council meeting. wurst, lb., $2.29. have purchased the lunch room ad- the grocery store so here are some tips forms of payment are accepted. Many
en Barbecue at City Park in perfect Express Airlines, doing business joining the Lake Theatre from Jim for readers who may not have given farmers accept food assistance EBT as
weather. as Northwest Airline, set new record 50 Years Ago Anderson. Mrs. Petersen plans to op- it a try before or found it to be over- well as WIC benefits. You may see a
On Aug. 29, Clear Lake will host highs for passengers carried and flights July 1965 erate it and she will continue to work whelming. sign at the farmer’s booth indicating
ambassadors and trade representatives operated for the month of June. The at the Standard Service Station. Bring your own bag. The farmers they accept these forms of payment.
from at least 30 foreign countries. airline operated 10,816 flights. Ex- The Clear Lake City Council will The city has purchased 15,000 will appreciate it and having a bag that In Iowa the sign will look like the one
The stop in Clear Lake is part of the press Airlines transported 104,452 present a resolution of necessity on gallons of oil to be used on city streets. can go on your shoulder will help keep below
Third Iowa International Trade Sym- revenue passengers, a new all time the 1965 street program. A public Cerro Gordo County population your hands free. I use a backpack! Enjoy your farmers market this
posium sponsored by Senator Charles monthly record. The airline serves hearing on the $80,000 program will is 43,812 according to the census. It Get to know your local farmers. summer.
Grassley. The ambassadors will ride Mason City Airport. be scheduled at a later date. was 38,476 in 1930. They will help you choose the best
on the Lady of the Lake visit the Clear Overthrowing to second base in The steeple of the new Clear Lake Dorothy Louise O’Neill, daugh- they have to offer and will have good
Lake Fire Museum, have a picnic at the bottom of the fifth inning on an Zion Lutheran Church building was ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned O’Neill, suggestions for cooking and preparing
City park and then spend the night attempted steal, scored Mason City hoisted into place by Andrews Con- entered the novice in the Ottumwa the fruits and veggies as well.
with host families. their only run, and also the winning crete Products Inc. It took a 30-ton convent of the Sisters of Humility of Beware the “health halo.” Many
Jason Maley, age 5, was surprised run in softball action at Clear Lake. crane. The steeple weighs nearly two Mary. vendors sell delicious baked goods like
when he caught a painted turtle on Mason City held Clear Lake to one tons. donuts and pies. My market has ven-
his fishing line. He was even more hit, and that by Kendra Berge. Wen- The mercury hit 90 degrees on 100 Years Ago dors that sell fabulous international
surprised to find he wasn’t the first to dy Ball pitched, giving up four hits, July 4th. July 1915 foods like Salvadoran Pupusas and
catch the turtle. On the turtle’s un- walking one and striking out one. Grocery specials for the week at Vietnamese spring rolls. Yum! Indulg-
derside was painted, “My name is Joe. Specials for the week at Easter’s Shop-N-Save include: sugar, 10 lb. J.P. Hill has made corn growth
Caught 6-30.” Below that is painted Super Valu include: Old Style Beer, bag, 89¢; sweet corn 6/39¢; chuck tests the past week which show corn
“7-2.” Jason added “7-16” to the list 12-12 oz. cans, $3.19; Coke and roast, lb., 49¢; apples, 3 lbs., 49¢; and has been growing three inches a day.
and returned the turtle to the lake. Sprite products, 8-pack, 16 oz. bot- Shurbest Ice Cream, 1/2 gal., 49¢. Dr. A.A. Roslyn and family
A new Hunting Board to form moved into their fine new home on
Main St. A trip to Italy
There will be an ice cream
social at the John Miles home Betty Moylan and Maggie Malone traveled to Venice, Italy. The photo was
Thursday evening for the ben- taken on June 15. The pair are sporting t-shirts from the Barrel Drive-In.
efit of the Christian Endeavor -Submitted photo
Society at Lakeside Church.
Lost - automobile crank on
July 4th.
Miss Virginia Smith rode
a beautiful white horse and at-
tracted a good bit of attention
in the July 4th parade, but we’re
not sure if it was the horse or
rider that drew the most stares.
Charlie Chaplin made over a
million dollars last year by mak-
ing people laugh. Sorrow is free.
Potato bugs are getting in
their work and Paris Green is
expensive, but lead arsenate
works just as well to get rid of
the pests.
Infantile paralysis is spread-
ing rapidly. It is the duty of each
community to guard against it
by cleaning up the premises and
keeping everything sanitary.
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