Page 5 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 5

Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter 														                                                                                                                     July 22, 2015 • Page 5

NIACC Foundation kicks off capital campaign                                                                                                                             Clear Lake Parks &
                                                                                                                                                                             Recreation Update
	 The NIACC Foundation of-                Sheffield, and O.Jay and Pat Tomson,                                               	 Diesel facility – Discussions
ficially announced the launch of the      of Mason City. Also co-chairing the                                                with employers in the transportation          Review this section of the paper for updated information
Keeping NIACC First Capital Cam-          campaign are Gary and Vicki Watt-                                                  industry were held as part of the Capi-       regarding P&R programs, program deadlines and events.
paign with a kick-off press conference    nem, of Mason City, and David Stef-                                                tal Campaign Feasibility Study.  These
on the NIACC campus. As the Col-          fens, Jr., of Lake Mills.                                                          individuals identified a shortage of                  by Steven Story, Clear Lake Parks & Recreation Assistant Director
lege’s first capital campaign in over     	 “We recognize the importance                                                     workers throughout the industry.
15 years, the Keeping NIACC First         and value of NIACC’s service through      NIACC President Steve Schulz officially  These needs are supported by the cur-      	 •Yoga on the Lake: Come and              	 Ages: Anyone 11-15 years old
Capital Campaign will fund science,       its superior education, partnership,      launched the “Keeping NIACC First        rent and projected job openings in the     enjoy the sunrise on Clear Lake by         	 Place: TBA
technology, engineering and math          and leadership, and we have reached       Cammpital Campaign” last week. The       Iowa Workforce Development Agen-           beginning your day with a yoga class       	 Dates: Thursdays- Aug 6, 13, 20
(STEM) classrooms and lab equip-          a crossroads where critical enhance-      campaign goal is $15 millionn.           cy’s Middle Skills Job Report.  Our        from one of our many certified in-         	 Times: 5:30 – 7 p.m.
ment; health simulation facilities and    ments must be made in order for the       North Iowa.                              rural economy relies heavily upon          structors that will be leading the class.  	 Limit: 10 participants
equipment; piano upgrades and music       College to stay the course as an educa-   	 Piano upgrades and music en-           transportation to deliver the goods        Wear comfortable clothing, and bring       	 Cost: $23 per fisherman
enhancements; and a new diesel facil-     tional leader. Therefore, we are excited  hancements – As part of NIACC’s          and services provided by business and      your own mat. Held outdoors south          	 Registration Deadline: July 30
ity.                                      to serve as Honorary Co-Chairs and        commitment to excellence in music        industry in North Iowa. NIACC is           of the Main St. Boat Ramp or at
	 The goal of our Keeping NI-             Co-Chairs for the Keeping NIACC           and performance, steps must be taken     committed to creating a Diesel Tech-       the Sea Wall depending on weekend          	 •Co-Ed Kickball League:
ACC First Capital Campaign is $15         First Capital Campaign,” according to     to improve the quality of the pianos,    nology Center to provide training for      events and instructor preference, these    League is played on Tuesday evenings
million. The NIACC Foundation has         a statement from the Campaign Co-         which are critical instruments for in-   the transportation, maintenance, and       classes offer a unique atmosphere to       beginning Aug. 4, at 6 p.m. on the
been working behind the scenes and        Chairs and Honorary Co-Chairs.            struction and performance for both       repair industry.                           relax and invigorate at the same time.     Clear Lake Youth Athletic League
with NIACC to identify and secure         	 Following the counsel of area           students and professional performers     	 In the coming weeks, volunteers          In addition, participants can enjoy the    Baseball/Softball Complex. This
funding in the form of Federal and        business, industry, and community         scheduled at the North Iowa Com-         will visit the College’s friends, alumni,  stunning view. All participants will       league is a great opportunity to just
local grants, private donations and in-   leaders, the priorities where the Capi-   munity Auditorium. NIACC’s fleet of      employers, and supporters to discuss       have to sign a waiver and anyone un-       have fun due to its laid back atmo-
ternally generated funding. Through       tal Campaign will make the greatest       pianos has served the College for de-    these critical enhancements that NI-       der 18 will need to have it signed by a    sphere. New teams are welcome and
those efforts, Keeping NIACC First        impact at NIACC became clear:             cades and is presently nearing the end   ACC needs to continue in its leader-       legal guardian.                            encouraged to register! All 2014 team
Campaign has found great support          	 Science, Technology, Engi-              of useful life with several of the pia-  ship role. Visit to       	 Date: Saturdays thru Aug. 1.             captains will be sent league registra-
and success, securing over $10 mil-       neering, and Math (STEM) class-           nos suffering from cracked keyboards,    learn more or make a donation on           	 Time: 7 – 8 a.m.                         tion packets. Registration packets are
lion to support the needs. That leaves    rooms and lab equipment – The             making replacement a better option       line.                                      	 Place: Clear Lake Sea Wall area          available at the Parks and Recreation
a balance of $4.5 million which is still  science wing was added to McAllister      than attempting repairs. In order to                                                	 Fee: $1 per session paid directly        office, City Hall, or online at www.
needed from private investments and       Hall in 1979, and the used equipment      care for the pianos, enhancements to     Legal Aid to hold                          to the instructor                
grants. Now the effort will go forward    installed in that area was donated to     maintain humidity and temperature        free workshops                             	 Registration: Available on site.         	 Fee: $40 per team
throughout North Iowa and the coun-       NIACC by Mason City High School.          controls and monitors must be struc-     in North Iowa                                                                         	 Registration deadline: July 28
try, seeking support from our alumni,     In order to provide quality science,      turally included to protect the invest-                                             	 Advanced Fishing Techniques:
friends and businesses. Through the       technology, engineering, and math         ment in the future so the pianos last    	 Iowa Legal Aid and area volun-                                                      	•Fish Iowa -Kids Fishing
targeted areas for improvements,          (STEM) programming, a remodeling          long-term and do not see stresses as     teer attorneys will be holding a series    This class will be available to all youth  Camp: Come try fishing in Clear
students in these core and emerging       and expansion of the existing facility    in the past. Upgrading the pianos and    of free legal topic workshops available    11-15 years of age and will cover a va-    Lake! This is a great introduction for
critical fields will have modern facili-  is needed to meet the teaching and        providing for enhancements in the        to community members in North              riety of fishing techniques. Classes will  kids to learn how to fish. This camp
ties and equipment to learn the skills    learning needs of today’s students.       music area will help to preserve and     Central Iowa area counties.                meet at three different sites around       will cover local fish identification and
needed for success. “Without the con-     	 Health Simulation facilities            strengthen NIACC, which benefit all      	 The scheduled series of topics           Clear Lake. Techniques covered in-         fishing regulations, casting, baiting
tinued support of generous donors,        and equipment – The construction          of North Iowa.                           will include: Housing, Help for Se-        clude: fishing from docks, fishing us-     your hook, and fishing for three days
these needed facility improvements        of a state-of-the-art health simulation                                            niors 60+, Family Law, Consumer            ing waders, as well as jigging and troll-  at the Ventura grade.
will likely go unmet,” NIACC Presi-       lab is necessary to meet the needs of                                              Issues, Veterans, Public and Govern-       ing from boats at “hot spots” on Clear     	 Ages: 6 - 10 years of age
dent Steve Schulz said.                   NIACC students pursuing a career                                                   ment Assistance.                           Lake! Fishermen should have a basic        	 Dates: August 3, 4, 5
	 As a nationally recognized leader       in the healthcare industry. Currently,                                             	 In July, a workshop about hous-          knowledge of fishing, how to use their     	 Session 1: 6-7 years 9-10 a.m.
in education, NIACC has been an in-       the industry is experiencing a serious                                             ing, including house tenant/landlord       fishing poles, bait their own hooks and    	 Session 2: 8-10 years 10-11 a.m.
tegral part of the fabric of North Iowa   shortage of healthcare practitioners                                               rights, real estate transactions and       be able to cast their lines. Everyone      	 Session 3: 6-10 years 11-noon
for nearly 100 years. The Keeping         and support personnel. In addition to                                              foreclosure rights will be held at the     must have their own transportation         	 Fee: $17 - includes bait and 	
NIACC First Capital Campaign aims         nursing, the Simulation Center will                                                Mason City Public Library, 225 2nd         to and from the sites and bring their      	 lures. Fishing poles provided
to complete the building projects and     meet the training needs of individuals                                             St. S.E., Tuesday, July 28.                own fishing gear along with your life      	 Place: Ventura Grade.
enhancements in time for the 100th        and communities providing emergen-                                                 	 To register for the free work-           jackets (live bait provided). There is a   	 Limit: 10 per session
anniversary of the College’s founding     cy medical services. The Simulation                                                shop, call Lisa Kunzman at 800-532-        good potential that participants can/      	 Registration deadline: July 27
in 2018, according to Schulz.             Center will expand NIACC’s ability                                                 1275, extension 1403.                      will get wet, so be prepared. Class size
	 Honorary campaign co-chairs             to increase and enhance training op-                                                                                          is limited, so sign up early.
include Eugene and Mary Sukup, of         portunities for the communities of

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