Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • July 22, 2015									                                                                                                                                                 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                                                                                     CITY COUNCIL

More Clear Lake Reporter                                                             from page 1

                                                                                     	 Wicks Construction, of Dec-
                                                                                     orah, Iowa was the general con-
             CALENDAR                                                                tractor for the North Shore Drive
                                                                                     work, which involved $638,000
                                                                                     in federal funding. Petersburg
                                                                                     reported that the project is sub-
from page 1                                Sat. - Sun.                               stantially complete, but the city is

Friday                                     DixieFest                                 waiting for some trees to be plant-    Early risers
                                                                                     ed along the route in the fall.
Fresh on Friday                            	 The 23rd Annual Lakeside Dix-           	 Snyder Construction, of              The Clear Lake Noon Lions hosted another very succcessful Chicken BBQ Sunday. The club prepared and sold approxi-
                                           ieFest on Saturday and Sunday, July       Clear Lake, is waiting for some        mately 4,200 chicken dinners and sold out of the meals by 1 p.m. The event was a win-win, as not only did thousands
	 This week’s Fresh on Friday event        25 and 26, will feature a mixture of      pipes and valves to be delivered so    enjoy a delicious meal, but more than $15,000 was raised for local projects. Pictured preparing chicken for the huge grill
from 8-11 a.m. at Central Gardens of       bands new to the festival, as well as     that work can resume on the city’s     spanning the length of the Sea Wall is Tim Esbeck and Roger Walston.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
North Iowa, corner of 2nd Avenue           favorites from past events. The Bare-     Water Treatment Plant.
North and North 8th Street, features       handed Wolfchokers, based in the          	                                      Deferred judgement for man accused
a Take Time at Ten (10-10:45 a.m.)         Quad Cities, will be making their first   Other business                         of cheating in local fishing tournament
program about Garden Meditation,           appearance in Clear Lake. 	 The Party     	 In other business Monday,
presented by Frankie Winegardner           Gras Classic Jazz Band, from the Des      the Council joined Cerro Gordo
from the Integrative Health. Enjoy         Moines area, will be making its second    County Supervisors in approving
a relaxing morning with coffee and         appearance, having first performed in     the L&G Meyer 1st Subdivision.
seasonal goodies served on the pa-         Clear Lake in 2011. A returning Dix-      Although the site is not located
tio of the Nature Education Pavilion       ieFest favorite is the Barberry Coast     within the City of Clear Lake,
and purchase fresh flower bouquets         Dixieland Band. The Raiders of the        the city has the right to review it,
from the gardens. From 9:30-11 a.m.        Lost Art, made up of eight North          based upon its proximity to Clear
kids and adults are invited to the Bee     Iowa musicians, is now in its 28th year   Lake. The city’s Planning and
Happy Kids Garden. At 10:45 a win-         and will be seeing its 23rd year as the   Zoning Commission reviewed the
ner will take home a repurposed item       host band of the Lakeside DixieFest.      proposed subdivision, located at
from the Opportunity Village Gen-          All concerts will be performed in the     15096 Evergreen Ave., and recom-
eral Store for free.                       Band Shell in Clear Lake’s City Park      mended its approval to the Coun-
                                           and are free to the public. A complete    cil. The proposed two-lot subdivi-
Fri. - Sat.                                schedule of band performances ap-         sion is approximately 4.68 acres in
                                           pears on page 12 in this edition.         size and is owned by Lothar and
                                                                                     Gail Meyer.
Storytelling festival                                                                	 City Administrator Scott             	 One of two men accused of cheating in a Clear Lake          	 Both men were charged with second-degree theft, a
                                           Air show                                  Flory also presented details of a      fishing tournament earlier this year has received a deferred  Class D felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
     Three wonderful tellers will be the                                             Clear Lake Public Works Collec-        judgment and two years probation.                             During a plea change hearing held Monday, July 13, in
featured performers at the 2015 Iowa       	 Fly Iowa will be held Saturday          tive Bargaining Agreement. The         	 Aaron Lauber, 23, of Clear Lake, and Jason Schuttler,       Cerro Gordo County District Court, Schuttler pleaded
Storytelling Festival in Clear Lake.       and Sunday, July 25-26, at the Mason      three-year contract which the          25, of Manly, were charged by the Iowa Department of          guilty to a reduced charge of third-degree theft. Judge An-
Janice Del Negro, of Brookfield, Ill.,     City Municipal Airport. Gates open        Council approved largely mirrors       Natural Resources for cheating during a state-sponsored       nette Boehlje gave Schuttler a deferred judgment, placed
Jeff Doyle, of Brighton, Mich., and        at 2 p.m. Saturday, with the airshow      the agreement reached with the         fishing tournament at Clear Lake on Feb. 8. The pair          him on two years probation and issued a $625 civil pen-
Maureen Korte, of Des Moines, will         beginning at 4:30 p.m. The Nadas          city’s police department. Minor        turned in a winning entry of 50 fish at the Yellow Bass       alty, which was suspended.
participate in the event Friday and        will be in concert at 7:30 p.m. and a     changes to vacation, funeral leave,    Bonanza and won a prize package valued at $1,500.             	 Lauber is scheduled to have a plea change hearing on
Saturday, July 24 and 25. On Fri-          night air show will begin at 8:30 p.m.    sick leave, clothing allowance and     	 After the event the DNR received a tip that some of         Aug. 3.
day at 9 p.m. the featured performers      That will be followed by fireworks.       health and life insurance were         the fish were caught outside the tournament’s hours.
will share eerie stories on the “Ghost     On Sunday, a fly-in breakfast is set for  made, along with a 1.75 percent
Boat” aboard the Lady of the Lake          7 a.m., with the air show beginning       wage increase each July 1 of the       SENTENCE     Zimmerman and McRoberts must         The case was prosecuted by Assis-
paddlewheel boat.  Tickets for the         at noon. Fly Iowa will also be offer-     contract year and 1.5 percent wage                  also serve a 5-year term of supervised tant United States Attorney Jack Lam-
“Ghost Boat” are $15.  Advance pur-        ing ride opportunities in three unique    increase each Jan. 1 of the agree-     from page 1  release after the prison term.  Zim- mers and investigated by the North
chase is recommended.  Tickets are         aircraft. The Fly Iowa event is free and  ment.
non-refundable.  In case of threaten-      open to the public.                                                              	 Zimmerman and McRoberts, merman and McRoberts were each Central Iowa Narcotics Task Force,
                                                                                                                            were sentenced in Cedar Rapids by ordered to pay a $100 special assess- Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Office,
ing weather the ghost stories will be                                                                                       United States District Court Chief ment.  There is no parole in the federal Mason City Police Department, Iowa
presented at the Lakeview Room be-
hind Clear Lake City Park’s bandshell.     Ventura library invites public                                                   Judge Linda R. Reade.  Zimmerman system.                      Division of Narcotics Enforcement,
     On Saturday in the Story Tent in      to special summer programs                                                       was sentenced to 188 months’ im-         Both are being held in the United and Iowa Division of Criminal Inves-
City Park, there will be two perfor-                                                                                        prisonment and McRoberts was sen- States Marshal’s custody until they tigation. 
mances:  “Stories for Kids of All Ages”                                                                                     LETS’S BBQtenced to 45 months’ imprisonment.  can be transported to a federal prison.
at 10:30 a.m. and “Teller’s Choice” at
2 p.m.  All Saturday storytelling ac-      	 The Ventura Public Library in-          	 On July 29 at 1 p.m. the Han-
tivities are free.  Other visiting story-  vites the public to attend the follow-    son Family from Kanawha, Iowa will
tellers will also be performing at the     ing special summer programs:              entertain with juggling and unicyling
“Story Exchange” at noon.  The rain        	 Today, (Wednesday, July 22) at          fun.
location is the Lakeview Room.             1 p.m. join Lisa Laird and her puppet     	 Everyone is cordially invited to
                                           friends for a super hero story and stick  attend all programs. For more infor-
                                           around afterward to make a puppet to      mation call 641-829-4410.
                                           take home.

Farmers Market                                                                                                                          Join us at the

	 The Clear Lake Farmers Market                                                                                                Up In Smoke BBQ Bash
is held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays
in the Surf Ballroom parking lot, 460                                                                                                     July 24-25
North Shore Drive. Fresh fruits and                                                                                         located in East Park, Mason City
vegetables, as well as baked goods and
handcrafted products are available for                                                                                               FREE ADMISSION
                                                                                                                            Special              Visit our booth
Art Sail                                                                                                                    On-Site
                                                                                                                            Classes        Fri., July 24 - Rib BBQ Class
	 The 38th Annual Clear Lake Art                                                                                                         Sat., July 25 - Brisket BBQ Class
Sail will be Saturday, July 25, in City
Park in downtown Clear Lake. Pre-                                                                                                        Learn how to BBQ with Chris Marks,
sented by the Clear Lake Arts Center,
Art Sail is held during Lakefest Week-                                                                                                    8 time World BBQ Champion!
end. The Clear Lake Art Sail is an
Iowa tradition that showcases 75 fine                                                                                                    $20 per class. Call our store to register.
arts and crafts people. Hours will be                                                                                                                  Space is limited!
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in City Park.
                                                                                                                                         Need a new grill/smoker?
 Deck Care                                                                                                                               Here’s a great deal!

       Carpentry                                                                                                                         Whether you’re a beginner or master,
    & Remodeling                                                                                                                                we have your grill/smoker.

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Deck Repairs                                                                                                                                                          Off No exclusions! Valid thru 7-31-15

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Deck Cleaning

    & Staining

General Home


Windows & Doors

   Dave Marreel                                                                                                                           Lake Fireplace & Spa
                                                                                                                                                 1604 Hwy. 18 West, Clear Lake
641-357-0227                                                                                                                                                  (641) 357-3325

A Clear Lake Family Owned Business.                                                                                                      Hours: M-F • 9:30-5 & Sat. • 9:30-2:30
 Serving North Central Iowa since

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