Page 6 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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Social NewsPage 6 • July 22, 2015									                                                                                                                                             Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

BIRTHDAYS                                                                             CHURCH NEWS

           Donna Nedved                                Charlie Zirbel                 Barbary Coast Band                        Lake, from July 26-30.                                 PEGGY BANG
	 Donna (Tschirkl) Nedved, of              	 Charlie Zirbel is turning 28 for         at UMC July 26	                           	 At Everest, kids discover what it
Clear Lake, will celebrate her 80th        the 42nd time! Come and wish him                                                     means to hold on to God’s mighty           Bang to hold book signing this
birthday on Sunday, July 26, with an       a happy birthday on Tuesday, July 28,      	 On Sunday, July 26, the Barbary         power in everyday life. Kids par-          weekend at the Art Sail
open house from 2-4 p.m. at the Clear      at the VFW, in Clear Lake, from 5-8        Coast Dixieland Band will provide         ticipate in memorable Bible-learning
Lake Senior Citizen’s Center, 105 S.       p.m.                                       music at both the 8:30 and 11 a.m.        activities, sing catchy songs, play        	 During the16th Annual Meeting held on June 20, 2015, of the Walter
4th St., Clear Lake.                       	 Food and fun will be provided.           worship services of Clear Lake United     teamwork-building games, make and          Burley Griffin Society of America,  Peggy Bang was appointed to their National
	 Her family will be hosting the                                                      Methodist Church, 508 2nd Ave. N.         dig into yummy treats, experience          Board of Directors. Bang is a retired NIACC Visual Arts Professor,  President of
events and would like to invite all her                                               The public is welcome to attend.          one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, col-       Wright on the Park, and Vice President of the MacNider Art Museum Founda-
friends and relatives to come and join                                                	 A free-will offering will be taken.     lect Bible Memory Buddies to remind        tion.  
her. No gifts please.                                                                 The band will be performing also in       them of God’s love, and test out scien-    	 Bang recently wrote and published her first book, “The Melson House Re-
                                                                                      City Park as part of the Annual Dix-      cy-fun gizmos they’ll take home and        vealed - an Owner’s Perspective.”  The Melson House was originally designed
Clear Lake Jaycees to host                                                            iefest weekend. Director of the band,     play with all summer long. Plus, kids      by Walter Burley Griffin and drawn by Marion Mahony, both licensed archi-
Poker Run on Aug. 15                                                                  Dick Petersen, and his crew of five are   will learn to look for evidence of God     tects and former associates of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Oak Park studio. Her book
                                                                                      not strangers to Clear Lake. Church/      all around them through something          explores the history of the residence, the thoughtful restoration she and her
	 The Clear Lake Jaycees will be           	 Also included in the fun is a            gospel tunes fit well into the jazz idi-  called God Sightings.                      husband, Roger, conducted after they purchased the home in 1994 and various
hosting their 3rd Annual Boat, Bus,        scavenger hunt for all ages! Cash priz-    om and Spirituals; and many religious     	 Everest is for kids from 5 to 11         personal experiences enjoyed by living in this home. Her book is full of photo-
Bike Poker Run on Saturday, Aug.           es will be awarded for the top three       songs came out of these traditions.       years-old and will run from 6-8 p.m.       graphs, many taken by Peggy.
15.	This action-packed, family-            poker hands. Various prizes associ-                                                  each day. For more information, call         	 From 11a.m. - 1 p.m.  on July 25,  Peggy will be selling and signing her
friendly, fun-filled day is a poker run    ated with the scavenger hunt will also     Zion to host Raiders                      641-357-5261.                              book that is on consignment at the Clear Lake Arts Center.  Come meet this
with a twist - do it with whatever         be given.                                  of the Lost Art                                                                      North Iowa author who has spent the last 32 summers in Clear Lake. She will
transportation you wish. With loca-        	 Proceeds from this year’s event                                                    Bell Harbor to hold                        be stationed at the CLAC’s membership table at the Art Sail.
tions all across town and around the       will go to benefit two local organiza-     	 Raiders of the Lost Art, will play      services July 26
lake, you can easily complete the task     tions, Patriot’s for Pets Rescue and       at the 9:30 a.m. church service at Zion                                              COLLEGE NEWS
by boat, bicycle, motorcycle, car/         Shelter and Lime Creek Nature Cen-         Lutheran Church, on Sunday, July 26.      	 Worship services at Bell Harbor                                                   .
truck/bus, or even walking.                ter.                                       The service is held at Clear Lake City    will be held through the summer at 9       	 The Academic High Honor and
	 To complete the run, you must            	 The Clear Lake Chapter of the            Park, weather permitting. Raiders of      a.m. at Knoer Lodge, 4672 Epworth          Honor lists (Dean’s List) for the past
register between 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.      U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce            the Lost Art are in town for the An-      Drive, off South Shore Drive, just be-     spring semester at Minnesota State       	 Bethel University, St. Paul,
at  The Landing at South Shore Inn.        has been serving the city of Clear Lake    nual Dixiefest weekend.                   yond P.M. Park.                            University, Mankato, have been an-       Minn., announced the Dean’s List
Registration is $20. Participants must     since 2012. The Jaycees are a leader-      	 The public is welcome to attend         	 The Speaker for the service on           nounced. To be eligible for the for      for academic excellence for the spring
make it to at least five of the predeter-  ship training and community service        the service and listen to some jazz and   Sunday, July 26, is Lorraine Dykstra,      the High Honor List a student myst       2015 semester. The Dean’s List hon-
mined destinations and return to the       organization for persons aged 21-40.       dixie music.                              of Ventura. The services are ecumeni-      achieve a 4.0 straight “A” average. To   ors students who achieve an outstand-
Landing by 5 p.m. to be dealt a poker      For more details or for membership                                                   cal and open to all. Dress is casual.      qualify for the Honor List, a student    ing scholastic record during a semester
hand. The best five card hand wins!        information, visit the Facebook page       St. Pats to hold                          A fellowship time follows the worship      must earn a GPA of 3.5-3.99. To          with a grade point average of 3.6 or
Bonus cards will be dealt for making       at          Vacation Bible School                     service.                                   qualify for academic honors, under-      greater.
it to all the stops.                       cees.                                                                                                                           graduate students must be enrolled for   	 Caitlin Harle and Jacob Harle,
                                                                                      	 St. Patrick’s Catholic Church,          UU Fellowship to                           at least 12 credit hours for the semes-  both of Clear Lake, were named to
                                                                                      1001 9th Ave. S., Clear Lake, will        meet this weekend                          ter.                                     the list. Caitlin is a senior at Bethel
                                                                                      hold Vacation Bible School Monday,                                                   	 Rachel Purcell and Jaci Ullrich,       University and Jacob is a sophomore.
                                                                                      Aug. 3 through Thursday, Aug. 6,          	 The Unitarian Universalist Fel-          both of Clear Lake, were named to the    They are the children of Kurt and
                                                                                      from 5:30-7:30 p.m.                       lowship of North Central Iowa will         Honor List.                              Mary Harle, of Clear Lake.
                                                                                      	 Registration forms can be found         meet on Sunday, July 26, at 606 N.
                                                                                      on the parish website at stpatrick.we-    Monroe, Mason City. A coffee and
                                                                             or in a folder outside the    social time begins at 10 a.m. and the
                                                                                      cry room.                                 program begins at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                	 Be part of the national UU scene
                                                                                      Children invited to                       this Sunday morning. Come sit in on
                                                                                      Everest VBS                               workshops, discussions, and decision
                                                                                                                                making; participate in singing, danc-
                                                                                      	 A summer kids’ event called Ever-       ing, celebrations and social justice
                                                                                      est VBS, will be hosted at Zion Lu-       work; and explore booths of the many
                                                                                      theran Church, 112 N. 4th St., Clear      UU-related exhibitors in Exhibit Hall.

Clear Lake and Ventura Church Directory                                                                                                                                    Calligraphy & Art Sale

Agape Christian                            Church of Christ                           Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.                 Sunday, 9:30 a.m.                                            featuring...
Family Church                                                                                                                   Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday and
                                           2010 14th Ave. N., • 357-5813              First Church of                           Friday, 8:30 a.m. (fourth Friday of month  One Day Only!!
2810 Hwy. 18 West, • 357-8014                            the Open Bible                            at Oakwood Care Center at 9:30 a.m.);                           Pastor: Brad Sheldon                                                                 Tuesdays at Newman Catholic, 9:15              Saturday, July 25th • 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Pastors: Dave and Kris Toyne               Fellowship: 9:15 a.m.                      609 South 8th St. • 357-3217              a.m., elementary gym; Wednesday: 8:45
Sunday Power Hour (all ages): 9 a.m.       Bible School: 9:30 a.m.                    Pastor: Rev. Will Hunsaker                a.m. at Newman Catholic                    NEW LOCATION! 103 33rd Street West, Clear Lake
Sunday Worship with Super Church for       Worship: 10:30 a.m.                        Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.                Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 p.m.
Children: 10 a.m.                                                                     Wednesday Family Night: 7 p.m.                                                                           (1 block west of The Harbourage)
Wednesday Big Dreams Children and          Clear Lake Regular                                                                   United Methodist Church
Youth: 7 p.m.                              Baptist Church                             First Congregational                                                                 Andersen’s Flowers
2nd Sunday of each month: “God-                                                       Church                                    508 2nd Ave. N. • 357-5247                         Locally Grown Fresh Produce
Tism” a class for children 2-8 yrs. on     314 North 6th Street • 357-5851                                            
the Autism spectrum                        Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.                   205 W. 10th Ave. N. • 357-2818            Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson
2nd & 4th Sundays of each month:           Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.           Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 & 11 a.m.
“SIgn-Interpreted Sunday Service for       Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer: 7 p.m.       facebook: FirstCongregationalClearLake    Sunday School (all ages): 9:45 a.m.
the hearing impaired                       Wednesday Kids Club: 7 p.m.                Sunday: Worship, 10:10 a.m.               Mid-Week Worship with Communion:
Staffed nursery for all services.                                                     Fellowship, 11:10 a.m.                    Wed., 5:15-5:45 p.m.
                                           Community of Christ                        Communion: First Sunday of the month
Bell Harbor                                                                                                                     Zion Lutheran
                                           15 Plaza Drive • 357-3766                  Galilean Lutheran Church                  Church
4560 Wesley Dr., Clear Lake • 357-3345     Pastor: Christina Blum(357-1234)
Pastor: Rev. Keith Scott                   Youth/Teen Ministers: Bob and Jill Brans-  Hwy.18 West • 357-2296                    112 North 4th Street • 357-5261
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.                     tad (357-4918)                             Pastor: Scot McCluskey                    Pastors: Rev. Dr. Patrick Hall and
                                           Young Adult Advisors: Cliff and Wanda      Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m.                 Rev. Kirk Wilkie
Celebration Community                      Hagman (424-9246)                          Fellowship: 10:15 a.m.                    Worship Services: Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Church                                     Fellowship: 9:30 a.m.                      Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.                 and Sunday, 8 a.m. - Traditional; 9:30
                                           Worship: 10 a.m.                                                                     a.m. - Contemporay service held in Clear
805 10th Ave. N. (Across from Lion’s                                                  Harvest Bible Chapel                      Lake City Park.
Field) • 357-0026                          Evangelical Free Church
Pastor: Daniel Miller                                                                 2200 N. 24th St., Clear Lake • 357-7500            VENTURA
Sunday School: 9 a.m. (Ages 3 thru         1310 Hwy 18 West • 357-7581                        Redeemer Lutheran
adult)                                                 Senior Pastor: John Tank                  Church
Fellowship 9:45 a.m.                       Senior Pastor: Dan Jordan                  Worship Leader: Cody Rogers
Sunday Praise & Worship: 10 a.m.           Youth Pastor: Randy Vaage                  Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.                   LC-MS Ventura • 829-3650
Wednesday Adult Bible Study: 7 p.m.        Sunday Morning Worship Service: 9:30       Sunday School: 10 a.m. for birth          [email protected]
                                           a.m.                                       to fifth grade                            Pastor: Scott Kozisek
Christian Church                                                                                                                Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
                                           First Church of Christ,                    St. Patrick’s
302 Hwy. 18 West • 357-4885                Scientist                                  Catholic Church
Pastor: Scott A. Wilson
Sunday School all ages: 9 a.m.             Corner of 8th & Main • 357-7210            1001 9th Ave. South • 357-3214
Sunday Worship Service: 10 a.m.            Sunday Church Service: 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday: Christian Education, 6:30                                                  Pastor: Fr. John Gossman
p.m.; Praise Team, 7:30 p.m.                                                          Weekend Mass: Saturday, 4 p.m. and
Thursday Bible Studies 6:30 & 9:30 a.m.

This Directory is brought to you by these Clear Lake community minded sponsors:                                                                                              Tomatoes • Green Beans • Cherries
                                                                                                                                                                           Raspberries • Cantaloupe • Watermelon
•Culver’s                                  •CL Tel                                    R•7esSttaaurrsanFtamily                   B•Calenakr&LaTkreust
                                                                                                                                                                                     Blueberries • Cabbage
1204 N. 25th St., 357-0757                 107 N. 4th St., 357-2111                   2309 3rd Ave. S., 641-231-8026            322 Main Ave., 357-7121
                                                                                                                                                                            20% Off                                 Sweet Corn
•Wilcox                                    •Bennigan’s                                M•Cilreraorr-LRaekpeorter                 P•ThharrifmtyacWy hite                     Primitives

Main Ave., 357-5241                        I-35 & Hwy. 18, 357-2366                   12 N. 4th St., 357-2131                   4th & Main Ave., 357-5271                  2727 19th St. S.W., Mason City           (641) 530-1234

S•Gelrevni’cseT, iIrnec.                   •Apple Valley                              •Fareway                                  •Master Floors

880 Hwy. 18 W., 357-7117                   405 27th Ave. S., 357-7083                 910 Hwy. 18 W., 357-5778                  402 S. 15th St., 357-7869

                                                                                                                                                                           (West of Newman School)                  Mon - Fri 9-6 • Sat/Sun 9-5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11