Page 8 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 8
Local NewsPage 8 • July 22, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Financial assistance program
offered for breast health screenings
The Cerro Gordo County De- nual breast screenings. Early detection ment of Public Health at 641- 421-
partment of Public Health is kick- of breast cancer is the key to survival. 9315. To schedule an annual mam-
ing off another year of their Care For Early detection methods include get- mogram, call Forest Park Imaging at
Yourself Program. This program offers ting a mammogram and breast screen- 641-428-6555.
free mammogram and breast screen- ing yearly beginning at age 40. Funded through the Iowa De-
ing services to women who meet the To talk with someone about the partment of Public Health and the
following criteria: Health Department’s Care For Your- Susan G. Komen Foundation, the
• Cerro Gordo County wom- self Program or enroll in the program, Health Department program can help
en ages 40-64 call the Cerro Gordo County Depart- connect women with needed services.
• Any woman of any age who
Area 4-H members that had projects qualify for the Iowa State Fair include front row (L-R): Morgan Sliger, Nick Dyre, Em- has signs of breast cancer
ily Shatek, Cail Weaver. Back row (L-R): Max Frohling, Britta Becker, Britta Elsbernd, Ryan Andersen, Lucas Pistek, Collin • Non-insured, under-insured
Witte. Not pictured: Aunalea Timpe, Owen Orr, Spencer Orr, Cheyla Weaver, Kacy Sampson, Jessica Theobald, Miranda Wulff, women or those unable to pay insur-
Rebecca Bartling, and Allison O’Connor. -Submitted photo ance deductibles or co-payments
FAIR •Goat and Sheep Show Results: Dyre; Champ. Market Rabbit Junior “The University of Iowa esti-
from page 7 Champion Market Goat, Emma Buck, Nick Dyre; Reserve, Nick Dyre; mates that 2,250 Iowa women will
Frohling; Reserve Market Goat-, Col- Champion Market Rabbit Senior be diagnosed with breast cancer and
Orr; Western Performance Sr. Equi- lin Meints; Sr. Showmanship, Col- Doe, Nick Dyre; Reserve- Nick Dyre; 390 Iowa women will die from breast
tation, 1. Shana Wood, 2. Spencer lin Meints; Jr. Showmanship, Emma Best of Market, Nick Dyre; Champi- cancer in 2015. These numbers have
Orr; Pony Western Pleasure, 1. Spen- Frohling; Advanced Showmanship, on Market Rabbit Senior Buck, Nick shown to decrease over the past five
cer Orr, 2. Jessica Theobald; Senior Breanna Fairbanks; Champion Com- Dyre; Reserve- Nick Dyre; Cham- years partially due to greater emphasis
Western Pleasure, 1. Shana Wood, mercial Ewe, McKenna Weaver; pion Fancy Rabbit Jr. Doe, Madalynn on early detection,” said Karen Crim-
2. Brooke Hoeppner; Western Per- Reserve Champ. Commercial Ewe, Cash, Bits N Spurs; Reserve, Ma- mings, Chronic Disease Prevention
formance Junior Reining, 1. Emma Caitlin Sliger; Champion Purebred dalynn Cash, Bits N Spurs; Champ & Health promotion manager, Cerro
Frohling; Senior Reining, 1. Shana Ewe, Nathan Elsbernd; Reserve Fancy Rabbit Sr. Doe, Cassidy Teeter; Gordo County Department of Public
Wood, 2. Dylana Luett; Jr. Cowgirl Champion Purebred Ewe, Nathan Reserve, Nick Dyre, Ventura Hustlers; Health.
Queen Contest, 1. Kylee Smith, 2. Elsbernd; Champion Member Born Fancy Rabbit Sr. Buck, Carly Joynt, The Care For Yourself Program
Jessica Theobald; Sr. Cowgirl Queen and Raised, Caitlin Sliger; Reserve Bits N Spurs; Reserve, Britta Els- gives women in need of financial as-
Contest, 1. Madalynn Cash, 2. Champion Member Born and Raised, bernd, CG Explorers; Best of Fancy sistance an opportunity to receive an-
Brooke Hoeppner. Morgan Sliger; Grand Champion Rabbits, Cassidy Teeter; Best of Show,
•Dog Show: Novice Obedience, Market Lamb, McKenna Weaver; Cassidy Teeter, Bits N Spurs; Novice Red Cross
Shana Wood; Senior Obedience, Res. Champ. Market Lamb, Cheyla Rabbit Showmanship, Carly Joynt, schedules
Shana Wood; Reserve, Morgan Sliger; Weaver; Champion Market Pen of 3, CC Riders; Reserve- Aunalea Timpe, blood drive
Senior Showmanship, Shana Wood; Caitlin Sliger; Res. Champ Market CG Explorers; Jr. Showmanship, in Clear Lake
Reserve, Morgan Sliger; Junior Obe- Pen of 3- Morgan Sliger. Carter Mayland, Sharpshooters; Re- July 30
dience, Isabelle Goedken; Reserve, •Rabbit Show Results: Champ serve, Britta Elsbernd, CG Explorers;
Carly Joynt; Junior Showmanship, Pen of 3 Meat Animals, Nick Dyre, Sr. Showmanhip, Morgan Sliger, Port- The American Red Cross urges
Carly Joynt & Isabelle Goedken. Ventura Hustlers; Reserve, Nick land Community Springers; Reserve, eligible donors to help offset a season-
•Pet Show: Zach Feld, Blue, Dyre; Champion Single Fryer Meat Madalynn Cash, Bits N Spurs; Cos- al decline in donations and prevent a
Blue; Isabelle Goedken, Purple; Car- Rabbit, Nick Dyre; Reserve, Nick tume Class, Jordan Mayland, Sharp- shortage this summer by giving blood.
ly Joynt, Purple, Blue, Blue; Caitlin Dyre; Champion Market Rabbit Ju- shooters; Reserve, Aunalea Timpe, During June, July and August, This framed and matted Delores Frederick print “Clear Lake Art Sail,” will be
Sliger, Purple; Brett Witte, Purple; nior Doe, Nick Dyre; Reserve, Nick CG Explorers. there are about two fewer donors than raffled at Saturday’s event. Frederick’ was one of eight local artists who created post-
Emily Shatek, Purple, Blue. needed at each Red Cross blood drive. ers about Clear Lake for an “8 for $38” Arts Center promotion.-Submitted photo.
This can add up to more than 100,000 Raffle added to Saturday’s
fewer donations during the summer. Clear Lake Art Sail
Donors of all blood types – es-
pecially those with types AB, O nega-
tive, A negative and B negative – are
needed to help ensure blood products Raffle tickets will be on sale Center’s 38 of 8 for $38 Poster Proj-
are available to hospital patients this through Saturday for a framed and ect.
summer. Type AB donors have the matted Delores Frederick print “Clear “In March we asked eight local
universal plasma type, which can be Lake Art Sail.” artists to create a poster in response to
given to patients of all blood types. Raffle tickets can be purchased at one of the following statements: What
Plasma helps maintain blood pressure the Clear Lake Arts Center Wednes- I Love About Clear Lake … or What I
and supplies critical proteins for clot- day, Thursday and Friday during Love About the Arts … We were look-
ting immunity. It is often needed for hours of operation – 10 a.m. to 5 ing for a unique way to celebrate our
burn, trauma and cancer patients. p.m., or at the Art Sail on Saturday, 38th year of the Clear Lake Art Sail,”
To make an appointment to give July 25, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the said Paula Hanus, executive director
blood, download the Red Cross Blood Pavilion in Clear Lake’s City Park. of the Clear Lake Arts Center.
Huge Sale Donor App, visit or Tickets are $2 apiece or three for $5. The eight artists invited to par-
call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733- The drawing will be held at 4 ticipate were: Christina Blum with
Now in progress 2767). p.m. at the pavilion in City Park, need July 4th Celebration, David Delper-
On Thursday, July 30, there is a not be present to win. dang with Day’s End, Dee Frederick
blood donation opportunity from 1-6 The framed and matted, signed with the Clear Lake Art Sail, Ton-
p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church, 112 and numbered print is part of the Arts ja Ihlenfeldt with Music Soothes the
N. 4th St., Clear Lake. Soul, Gary Kelley with Not Fade
Away, Craig Kienast with The Music
We need to make room for new merchandise coming soon! Your Summer To-Do List Lives On, Jim Larson with Clear Lake
Sailing, and Sandra Quintus with
Save BIG! Fishing Boy.
The Clear Lake Art Sail is held
Baby Visit the Red Geranium for during Lakefest Weekend. Lakefest
Items happens every year on the weekend
20% OFF that includes the fourth Saturday in
July and takes place in a beautiful park
Jewelry setting overlooking Clear Lake. Lake-
SUMMER MERCHANDISE fest Weekend includes the Clear Lake
Art Sail, the Iowa Story Telling Festi-
val and the Dixieland Jazz Festival.
The Red Geranium Delores Frederick posters, “Clear
Lake Art Sail,” will be on sale at the
Art Sale on Saturday. The seven other
301 Main - Across from the Park • Clear Lake posters are on sale at the Clear Lake
357-1505 or Toll Free (888) 353-1505 Arts Center, 17 S. 4th St.
We Deliver!
Gifts Home
311 Main Avenue, Clear Lake (641) 357-0068
Monday - Saturday 10-5 • Sunday 12 - 4