Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 16

Local NewsPage 16 • Nov. 18, 2015									                                                                                                                                                     Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

North Woods Hawk Trapping                                                                                                                                                                                             NIACC
Falconer’s phone call launches                                                                                                                                                                                        open to the
Superior Adventure for CL outdoorsman                                                                                                                                                                                 public Friday

by Lowell Washburn                          import permits already in hand, I        As the big goshawk continued her           Ben Ohlander [left] and Carol and Lowell Washburn savor the moment with freshly       	 The public is invited to attend
	 The big female goshawk was                couldn’t think of a single reason to     journey, endless miles of wilderness       trapped northern goshawk. The hawk was captured near Two Harbors, Minnesota;          the annual NIACC Marketplace
growing weary. Drifting southward           decline Ohlander’s invitation. “I        forest passed beneath her wings.           the Canadian border lies on the forested horizon.-Photo courtesy of Lowell Washburn.  from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday,
above the Ontario wilderness, the           can be on the road in 10-minutes,” I     Running on fumes, the hawk needed                                                                                                Nov. 20 in the NIACC Activity
hawk had been on the wing for a long        quickly responded.                       a kill. Following the rising air of a      her hood while slowly moving a            and then another. After eagerly             Center.   Marketplace features
while. Although she had killed and          	 Big adventures are always best         prominent ridgeline, the raptor detected   piece of pigeon breast back and forth     consuming every scrap of pigeon             merchandise for sale (tax free) by
eaten the better part of a snowshoe         when shared and I asked my wife,         a sudden flicker of movement. A            across the glove. The hawk remained       breast, the goshawk allowed me to           small business entrepreneurs who are
hare the day before, the energy gained      Carol, if she wanted to ride along.      hundred yards out front, a medium-         understandably suspicious, but was        replace the hood without protest.           NIACC students, staff, alumni and
from that meal was waning. She              Fifteen minutes later, we were heading   sized bird was fluttering to earth.        not totally fearful. Still trying to      Our initial manning session ended           faculty. 
had been empty for several hours now        due north. The miles ticked by until     Whatever it was, the bird appeared to      figure out what was happening; it was     without incident; a very good start.        	 There will be several vendors
and growing pangs of hunger were a          familiar farm country landscapes were    be in trouble. Immediately launching       likely that the bird had never even       I’m hoping it was just the first step of    with a variety of merchandise such as
constant reminder that the migrating        replaced by northern forest. Arriving    an attack, the hawk’s velocity increased   seen a human until arriving at the trap   a long and exciting partnership.            art work, jewelry, photographs, books,
raptor was in need of a meal. But           at Duluth, we turned east along the      with each rapid beat of her wings.         site. The hawk stoically refused the      Enjoy more wildlife tales online at         cupcakes, and Christmas cookies and
the cold autumn wind had shifted            north shore of Lake Superior. Before     Arriving at what was sure to be an easy    meat for a full half hour. But in the     Washburn’s Outdoor Journal at               much, much more. 
to the northwest and was currently          reaching Two Harbors, we pulled off      kill, the speeding hawk reached to grasp   end she lowered her head and took the                        	 The national NACCE Innovation
providing a free ride of sorts. The         the main highway and headed north        her prey. Instead, the raptor collided     first hesitant bite, followed by another                                              Award-winning NIACC John
forested landscape was rolling by at an     toward the trapping blind.               with an invisible wall of fine netting.                                                                                          Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center
accelerated pace. In spite of increasing    	 The site was located on                Instantly entangled, the hunter had                                                                                              provides college level courses and
hunger, the raptor pressed on.              prominent ridgeline and was armed        become the prey.                                                                                                                 degree programs in entrepreneurship,
                                            with a pair of large, finely-meshed      	 The entangled hawk watched in                                                                                                  as well as comprehensive consulting
	 Two Harbors, MN. --- I                    nets stretched between wooden poles.     horror as two strange creatures emerged                                                                                          services for business start-ups, existing
could tell by the excitement in Ben         A pulley line was attached to one of     from the confines of a small canvas                                                                                              industries and owner transitions in the
Ohlander’s voice that something             the poles, and a live pigeon wearing     structure. The creatures, the likes of                                                                                           North Iowa region.   Space is available
extraordinary was about to happen.          a leather vest is hooked to the line.    which she had never seen, rushed in                                                                                              for start-up businesses in the North
A Minnesota falconer and longtime           		 The hawk trappers hide                her direction. Struggle as she might,                                                                                            Iowa Business Incubator. For more
friend, Ohlander was calling from a         within the confines of the blind -- a    the hawk was powerless to escape.                                                                                                information, contact the NIACC
ridgetop located somewhere between          makeshift canvas covered frame with      Arriving at the net, one of the creatures                                                                                        Pappajohn Center at 641-422-4111.
the Canadian border and the north           small observation windows. When          grasped the hawk by her legs while the
shore of Lake Superior.                     trappers spot an approaching hawk,       other gently placed a leather hood over    Lime Creek launches Monarch program
	 Ben knew that I’ve recently had           the pigeon is hoisted into the air and   the bird’s head. As the hood’s draw
a growing desire to capture and train       then quickly allowed to settle back to   straps were pulled tight; the sunlight     by Todd Von Ehwegen                                            of this program is to assist citizens, schools, businesses
a new goshawk to use in falconry. A         earth. Thinking the pigeon is injured,   was eliminated and the world turned        Conservation Education manager                                 and communities with planting native milkweeds and
published authority on the species,         the raptor launches an attack. When      completely and mercifully dark.             	 In the 1960s the number of bald eagles was so low           wildflowers on their properties to provide critical habitat
Ohlander has been studying, trapping,       attempting to seize its prey, the hawk                                              that biologists feared they might be headed for extinction.    and help turn the tide for monarchs.  In addition we will
banding, and flying wild goshawks           hits the wall of near invisible netting  	 Ben Ohlander was delighted               There wasn’t a single bald eagle nest in Iowa.  Today bald     be promoting planting nectar plants for bees and other
for decades. When Ben gets excited,         and becomes entangled in the mesh.       with the catch.                            eagles are one of our greatest conservation success stories.   pollinator species, many of which are also struggling. 
fellow Hawk Heads listen up.                The hawk is captured while the pigeon    	 “We’ve trapped a really nice             Why?  Because law makers, public and private conserva-         These pollinators are a very important component of our
	 “It’s been raining, but the skies         remains unharmed behind the net.         bird here; she’s the best of the           tion agencies, and American citizens took action to protect    food supply and their declining numbers should concern
are clearing and the wind is going          	 Hawk Watchers Paradise:                day,” Ohlander exclaimed while             this iconic bird, which now nests in nearly every county in    everyone.
northwest,” said Ohlander. “Things          Lake Superior’s north shore is one       intentionally stating the obvious.         Iowa and has been removed from the endangered species          	 Components of the program will include a web site
are really looking good for a big           the world’s best places to observe       	 It was true. The big goshawk             list.                                                          ( full of resources with a section
migration up here. Today will be            or capture wild goshawks. Each           was absolutely stunning. When I first      	 Today another iconic species needs our help.  The            to share monarch pictures, videos, and observations; public
very significant; a lot of hawks will be    autumn the lake is visited by tens of    laid eyes on her, I became so caught       monarch butterfly, once common across the countryside          training sessions on creating pollinator gardens; assistance
moving”                                     thousands of migrating raptors of all    up in the reality of the moment that       and in everyone’s backyards, has decreased 90 percent in       to schools and communities for planting pollinator
	 “Think you can you make it up?”           shapes and sizes. With a width of 160    it was hard to say who was in more         numbers since the 1990s.  A drastic reduction in milkweed      gardens; Monarch Mania! signs to post at registered
he asked.                                   miles, Lake Superior is the migration’s  shock; me or the hooded goshawk. I         plants, especially in the very important monarch breeding      gardens; utilizing schools and volunteers to start milkweed
	 I love getting to know new                greatest obstacle -- an inland ocean     don’t remember everything that was         grounds of the Midwest, is believed to be one of the main      plants from seed; pollinator demonstration plots; monarch
birds. During my time as a licensed         that hawks are reluctant to cross.       said, but I do remember that I was         causes for this decline.                                       and pollinator expert guest speakers; and monarch tagging
Iowa falconer, I’ve formed a hunting        When conditions are right, bird          chattering like a monkey. By now,          	 Everyone knows what a monarch is, and everyone can           programs.  Our goal is to establish 50 registered pollinator
alliance with many birds of prey.           numbers increase exponentially as the    it was late afternoon and the wind         do something to help.  The only plant monarch caterpillars     gardens over the first year of the program.
But my experience with goshawks is          flight stacks up against this watery     lying down. As we stood atop that          will eat is milkweed.  Without it they cannot survive.  So     	 The Monarch Mania! program is being funded by the
limited. I’ve only flown three; mostly      barrier. Most hawks eventually turn      marvelous ridge, a brilliant wilderness    the solution seems relatively simple - plant Milkweeds!        Lime Creek Nature Center’s Maxine Sanberg Memorial
because the species is hard to come         west, following the shoreline until      sunset provided a spectacular              	 Fortunately, there are numerous species of milkweeds         Fund.  Maxine was a long-time volunteer, nature center
by. Although they may occur here as         they arrive at the lake’s western tip.   conclusion to an incredible outing.        that are native to Iowa and all are eaten by monarch           board member, and strong supporter of the Lime Creek
occasional winter stragglers, goshawks      Rounding the horn at Duluth, the         	 Final Thought: The freshly               caterpillars.  In addition, they are relatively easy to grow   Nature Center.  She was also an avid photographer and
remain a rarity in Iowa. The best way       birds turn south again and disperse      trapped ‘gos adjusted quickly and I        and maintain in backyard gardens and habitat plantings.        took many pictures of monarch butterflies over the years.
to obtain a bird for falconry is to travel  across northern Minnesota and            offered her food the following day.        So, like the bald eagle campaign decades earlier, a massive    	 More information on the Monarch Mania! program
to the North Woods.                         Wisconsin. During peak migrations,       In a dimly lit room, I sat with the        effort to save the monarch butterfly is underway and           will be available on our Facebook page and web site as the
	 With a nonresident Minnesota              hawk trappers may see upwards of         hawk on my fist and gently removed         gaining traction throughout the Midwest.                       program develops.  Please get involved and help make the
capture permit and Iowa raptor              2,500 raptors in a single day. It’s a                                               	 The Lime Creek Nature Center is joining this                 return of the monarch a conservation success story equal to
                                            sight like no other.                                                                effort with our “Monarch Mania!” program.  The goal            that of the bald eagle!
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