Page 13 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 13
Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter Nov. 4, 2015 • Page 13
Area teams well represented in Class 2A District 2 All-District teams
Clear Lake lands nine and GHV has six players named to the First Team
Clear Lake Reporter
•Clear Lake JV/V girls basketball at
Mason City, 6:15 p.m.
•Clear Lake 8th grade girls basket-
ball home vs. Hampton-Dumont,
4:15 p.m.
•Clear Lake 7th grade girls basket-
ball at Hampton-Dumont, 4:15 p.m.
•Clear Lake Wrestling Preview
Night at High School gym
•Clear Lake V boys basketball at
NCC Jamboree at West Hancock,
7:30 p.m.
•GHV 8th grade boys basketball
home vs. Forest City, 4:15 p.m.
•GHV 7th grade boys basketball at
Forest City, 4:15 p.m.
ball home vs. Hampton-Dumont,
4:15 p.m. Clear Lake’s Justin Sholly and Storbeck, defensive backs. Sholly by kicking. He made 23 of 25 extra offensive unit was senior Gabe Um- GABE UMBARGER JACK VANDUSSELDORP
•Clear Lake 7th grade boys basket- Garner-Hayfield-Ventura’s Con- was honored as an inside linebacker. point attempts and was three-for- barger, as an offensive lineman.
ball at Hampton-Dumont, 4:15 p.m. ner Shaw were named the Most Garrington played both sides five on field goal tries for a total of Umbarger recorded 4 and one-half Earning Honorable
•Clear Lake JV/V girls basketball Valuable Defensive and Offensive of the ball for the Lions, impacting 32 points. Anderson was second sacks and had a total of 11 tackles Mention recognition for the
home vs. Charles City, 6:15 p.m. Players in Class 2A District 2 All- the teams’ performance on multiple in the district in kickoffs, booting for loss and 58 total tackles for the 2A All-District team were
•GHV JV/V girls basketball at District Team announced last week. fronts. Monson ranked seventh in 43 for a total of 2,161, an average year. seniors Cade Baker and Ty
Osage, 6:15 p.m. Clear Lake and GHV, which the district in tackles for loss with of 50.3-yards per kick. He also re- Named to the First Team de- Marth, junior Grady Um-
tied for the District 2 title, along 10.5; Pitzen was eighth with 10. turned kicks for the Lions and was fensive unit was sophomore Jack barger and sophomore Nick
•Basketball: Thurs., Nov. 19, at with Hampton-Dumont, were well Pitzen was also among the leaders fifth in punt returns with 13 aver- VanDusseldorp on the interior de- Joynt.
Marquette, 8 p.m. represented in the All-District vot- in sacks, raking eighth with four. aging 10.3 yards. He was 10th in fensive line, senior Connor Smith,
•Football: Sat., Nov. 21, home vs. ing. The Lions landed nine play- Storbeck tied for league honors in kickoff returns with seven averag- inside linebacker, Chase Theobald,
Purdue, 11 a.m. ers, plus Sholly, on the First Team, interceptions with five during the ing 17.7 yards. Walton played of- a junior, as defensive back, and All-Academic Team
while GHV had six, plus Shaw. season. He averaged a return of fense left tackle and defense on the sophomore punter, Dane Whipple. Clear Lake and GHV
•Cross Country: Sat., Nov. 21, at Clear Lake honors 10.8 yards for 54 total. Lions’ line. VanDusseldorp record six and had several players honored
NCAA Championship, at Louisville, Sholly led Clear Lake’s defen- The First Team All-District Of- Clear Lake senior Ben Mason one-half tackles for loss and he also as Class 2A, District 2 All-
Ky., 10 a.m. sive unit, which finished second in fense included senior running back was an Honorable Mention selec- scored five touchdowns and rushed Academic players. DANE WHIPPLE
•Football: Sat., Nov. 21, at Kansas scoring defense, averaging 18.1 over Zach Tatum and junior offensive tion for the 2A All-District team. for a total of 160 yards. Smith had
State, 11 a.m. 10 games, as well as total defense. lineman Kyle Willms. Mason ranked 20th in tackles a total of 62 tackles for the year Twelve members of the Lions team were honored.
•Basketball: Mon., Nov. 23, home The Lion defense allowed 1,467 Tatum was among the district among defensive players with 43 and two sacks. Theobald had five They are: seniors Tanner Berger, Carter Garrington, Ben
vs. Chattanooga, 7 p.m. yards rushing and 799 passing for leaders in several categories. He solo and 20 assisted. interceptions for the year and one Mason, Parker Pitzen, Devon Reckner, Jason Sholly,
a total of 2,266 yards, an average of was sixth in rushing yards with GHV honors touchdown. He also had seven kick Thomas Storbeck, Zach Tatum and Ace Walton; juniors
•Basketball: Sat., Nov. 21, home 226.6 per game. The Lions held 730-yards on 146 carries for an GHV’s total offense led the returns and averaged 19 yards a re- Nick Eggers, Cody Matz and Kyle Willms.
vs. North Carolina, 1 p.m. their opponents to an average of average of five-yards per carry. He district with 3,474 total yards, and turn. As the punter, Whipple was GHV had 11 players named to the All-Academic
•Football: Sat., Nov. 21, home vs. 4.53 yards per play, ranking second was also sixth in receiving yards they were second in the league in 13/32 on PATs with 13 points, he team. They are: seniors Ben Baumgard, Brandon Bell, Sam
Southern Illinois, 4 p.m. in the district. Sholly finished third with 23 receptions for 252-yards, scoring average with 27.1 points per led the district in punting, averag- Cataldo, Todd Finley, Matt Sonquist and Gabe Umbarg-
in the district in total tackles with an average of 11 per catch. He game. Shaw, a junior, was GHV’s ing 34.8 yards a punt. er; juniors Josh Chizek, Brandon Feuring, Clay Johnson,
•Women’s & Men’s Basketball: 57 solo and 50 assisted. had the fourth highest number of scoring machine that helped to rack Harley Forry, a senior, also Conner Shaw and Chase Theobald.
Wed., Nov. 18, home vs. Rochester Joining Sholly on the First receptions. Tatum was fifth in scor- up those high numbers. He was the earned First Team honors as a utili-
Comm. Tech. College, 6 p.m. Team defensive unit is Carter Gar- ing with 62 points. His all-purpose number one rusher in the league, ty player. Forry scored eight touch-
•Women’s & Men’s Basketball: rington, interior defensive line; yards totaled 1,084. tallying 1,395 total offensive yards downs for the year. He averaged 6.1
Fri.-Sat., Nov. 20-21, at Ellsworth’s sophomore Joey Monson and se- Also honored from Clear Lake and averaging 6.4 yards a carry. He yards a carry rushing for a total of
Dale Howard Classic nior Parker Pitzen, outside line- on the First Team is senior kicker recorded 12 touchdowns and two 366 yards. He was the team’s lead-
•Wrestling: Sat., Nov. 21, at Coe backers/defensive ends; senior Jarod Anderson and utility player interceptions for the year. ing receiver with 235 total yards in
College Invitational Tanner Berger and junior Thomas Ace Walton, also a senior. Ander- Joining Shaw on the First Team the air. He also snagged five inter-
•Men’s Basketball: Tues., Nov. 24, son led the district in points scored ceptions.
home vs. Riverland Comm. Col-
lege, 7 p.m. Tusha and Toppin
contributing to teams at ISU
Men’s Cross Country: Sat., Nov.
21, at NCAA National Champion-
ship, Oshkosh, Wis.
•Football: Sat., Nov. 21, home vs. Andrea Toppin (left) competes in the NCAA Championships. -Submitted photo
South Dakota State, 1 p.m.
Toppin runs for ISU cross county team
•Football: Sat., Nov. 21, at NCAA
Playoff game at Humboldt State, Tanner Tusha (#51) blocks a TCU player during a game played at Jack Trice Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 17. The Horned Frogs The No. 16 Iowa State women’s points.
Arcata, Calif., 3 p.m. topped the Cyclones, 45-21. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy cross country team finished second The team relied on a strong per-
at the Big 12 Championship on Sat- formance from the back half of its
•Wrestling: Sat., Nov. 21, Linden- Tusha plays deep snapper for the Cyclones urday, Oct. 31, and they were also lineup en route to its second place
wood Open, St. Louis, Mo., and second at the NCAA Division I Cross finish at the Midwest Regional. The
Coe College Invitational, Cedar Tanner Tusha, a former Clear Cyclones. He is majoring in supply Team All-State as a linebacker. The Country Championship Midwest Re- effort secured ISU’s spot at the 2015
Rapids Lake High School standout football chain management at ISU. team posted a 31-3 record throughout gional held Friday, Nov. 13, at Rim NCAA Cross Country Champion-
player, has been contributing to the During his career at Clear Lake, his career. Rock Farm, in Lawrence, Kan. ships next Saturday, Nov. 21, in
•JV/V Hockey: Fri., Nov. 20, at Des Iowa State football team this season. he was a three-year letter winner and Tusha was a 2012 graduate of At the Big 12 Championship ISU Louisville, Ky. The Cyclones will be
Moines Capitals, 6 p.m. Tusha, a 5’11” 195 pound red- team captain his senior year. He was Clear Lake High School. claimed the meet’s top two individual appearing in their seventh-straight
shirt junior, plays deep snapper for the First Team All-District and Second He is the son of Tom and Teri Tu- spots. Junior Perez Rotich became the NCAA Championships as a team.
•Hockey: Fri., Nov. 20, home vs. La sha, of Clear Lake. second-consecutive Cyclone to take ISU had a quartet of runners fin-
Crosse, 7:30 p.m. home the Big 12 individual crown, ish in the top 20, and earn All-Re-
•Hockey: Sat., Nov. 21, home vs. while Erin Hooker finished second to gion honors. Toppin finished 18th in
Wisconsin, 7:30 p.m. give ISU the top two spots on the po- 20:53.2. Toppin is a first-time All-
dium. Midwest honoree. She dropped :39
Also among those contributing seconds from her time at the Big 12
to the second place finish was Andrea Championship.
Toppin, a former stand-out runner The women’s cross country squad
from Ventura High School. Toppin also earned ISU its first points of
finished in 18th place with a time of 2015-16 Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series,
21:32. She was the fifth Iowa State as the Cyclone women’s second-place
runner to cross the finish line. effort bettered Iowa’s 19th-place per-
Oklahoma State won the meet formance. Oklahoma State won the
with 34 points. Iowa State had 52 Midwest Regional crown with 51
points, followed by West Virginia points.
with 118 points and Kansas with 129