Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 12

Arts/EntertainmentPage 12 • Nov. 18, 2015									                                                                                                                Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

New artist-owned gallery features
work of many local artists
	 There will be a new way of             describing the new art venture. “Now      Jim Kerns, Becky Kyhl, Tonja
bringing art to the people of North      the public can come visit the artist      Ihlenfeldt, Terry Johnston, Sandra
Iowa, with the formation of an artists’  and learn more about the art itself,”     Quintus, Craig Kienast, Meagan
owned gallery, Art On The Plaza,         Coffey said.                              Steinberg, Linda Sorensen and Wendy
located in Bergo’s Mini Mall in Mason    	 Artists who have also organized         Kuhl.
City.                                    the gallery and will work there           	 There will be a grand opening
	 The artists will display and sell      include: Nancy Bainter, Gloria            on Saturday, Nov. 28, from 10 a.m.
their art at 11 South Federal on The     Beeman, Pamala Bergo Coffey, Peggy        to 4 p.m. The Art on the Plaza will
Plaza in Mason City, beginning with      Cornick, Emily Kiewel, Gretchen           then have regular hours in December,
a special opening on Nov. 20, from 4     King, Laura Nicholson, Marg               Wednesdays through  Saturday, from
p.m. to 8 p.m., and Nov. 21, from 10     Richards, Chris White-Rozendaal,          noon to 4 p.m.
a.m. to 4 p.m.                           Jo Anne Willemsen, and Christina          	 “We are passionate about art,
	 “We have some incredibly               Blum.                                     and excited to have a special place
talented artists who will be part of     	 Some of the other artists in            to promote artists and the arts in
the new artist owned gallery,” co-       the gallery include: Dee Fredericks,      downtown Mason City,” Coffey said.
founder Pamala Bergo Coffey said in      Brenda Nesheim-Fuller, Tim Fuller,

                                                                                                                           Cup O’ Joe is on stage this weekend

                                                                                                                           The cast of the 2015 Fall Cup O’ Joe is looking toward the upcoming holiday season and the staging of its first Cup O’
                                                                                                                           Joe performance Nov. 19, 20 and 21. “As a group we feel we have so much to be thankful for,” said Director Laura Wil-
                                                                                                                           son. “Thanks to this community for its continued support past, present and hopefully looking to the future. We are all
                                                                                                                           grateful for the wonderful group of actors and techies, some of whom have been with us since the beginning and some
                                                                                                                           who are new, and for the chance to find unknown new windows of opportunity for performance in the coming years.”
                                                                                                                           The group is gratful to those businesses who have given in-kind donations or loaned props over the years: Lake Liquors,
                                                                                                                           Breadeaux Pizza, Theiss Shirts, Opportunity Village, CL-Tel, KGLO-KLSS and the support of the Mirror Reporter and
                                                                                                                           the Globe Gazette and the Clear Lake Chamber. Businesses who have purchased ads for promotions are also appreciated.
                                                                                                                           Pictured are cast members in this weekend’s show, (Row 1 L-R) Laura Wilson, Kristy Neidlinger, Tom Dakin, (Row 2
                                                                                                                           L-R) Dave Coulter, Terri Masteller, Jodie Stockberger, Gloria Beeman, Priscilla Mayland, (Row 3 L-R) Stef Penfield,
                                                                                                                           Dave Spilman, Barb Haibach,  (row 4 L-R) Ed Halbach, Stacey Nichols, Wendy Niccum, Mark Hanson, Gary Ewing,
                                                                                                                           Gene Beeman.  Not pictured: Bailey Goldberg, Mark Mowrey. -Submitted photo.

Pictured are artists (front L-R)Tonja Ihlenfeldt, Linda Sorensen, Nancy Bainter, Pam Bergo Coffey, Emily Kiewel, Gloria    Music Man Square                       Clean & Fresh! Comfortable &
Beeman, Marg Richards, Jo Anne Willemsen, (back L-R) Gretchen  King, Christia Blum, Peggy Cornick, Chris White-            holiday event Friday                                     Convenient
Rozendaal and Laura Nicholson.-Submitted photo.
                                                                                                                           	 The Music Man Square presents                       All size dogs welcome
Arm-knitting project will be taught at CLAC                                                                                the third annual Holiday Premier
                                                                                                                           “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like              8$ Complete 8 min.wash
                                                                                                                           Christmas” Friday, Nov. 20, 5 – 8                                                    (Includes supplies)
                                                                                                                           p.m. Cost is $50 per person; tables
                                                                                                                           seating eight guests may be sponsored  Clear
                                                                                                                           for $350.                              Lake
                                                                                                                           	 Featured musical entertainment
                                                                                                                           by ‘Betty and the Gents.’              Located at Laser Wash • North 20th Street, Clear Lake
                                                                                                                           	 Tickets are available at The Music
                                         	 Learn how to knit a scarf using         end, there will be a finished scarf in  Man Square, 308 South Pennsylvania
                                         the modern craft of Arm Knitting at       everyone’s hands.                       Avenue, Mason City, phone 641-
                                         this fun arty party Saturday, Nov. 21,    	 Participants will need to purchase    424-2852: Hy-Vee East: North Iowa
                                         at 10 a.m.                                their own yarn: three skeins of #6      Community Credit Union, or on-line
                                         	 Don’t know how to knit? “Not            weight yarn (Larson’s Mercantile has    at
                                         a problem,” says instructor Tracey        a large selection Red Heart Mixology
                                         Hansen. “This Arty Party is designed      yarns recommended for this project).
                                         for people that have never knit before.”  The cost of this arty party is $15 for
                                         	 Arty Parties are fun-filled art par-    Arts Center members, $20 for non-
                                         ties centered around an art or craft      members.
                                         activity with cash bar (wine and beer)    	 To register for Coffee, Mimosas
                                         and step by step instructions from an     and Arm Knitting call or email the
                                         instructor. Designed for beginners        Clear Lake Arts Center at 357-1998
                                         or intermediates. Everyone knits the      or [email protected] The Clear Lake Arts
                                         same type of scarf with step-by-step      Center is at 17 S. 4th St.
                                         instructions from an instructor. In the

                                         Wednesday Night                                                                   SShhoopp oouurr ttwwoo ccoonnvveenniieenntt llooccaattiioonnss

      Friday Night                       Wine Night                                                                           Highway 18, Clear Lake

Free Taco Bar                                $1 off all wine                                                                                     (next to Breadeaux Pizza)

   5 p.m. until gone                     1/2 Price Appetizer                                                                              NOW OPEN!

$2 Domestic Bottles                          A different 1/2 price                                                          509 2nd Ave. N., Clear Lake
                                             appetizer every
   Until 9 p.m.                              Wednesday night                                                                                  (1 block west of the fire station)

Country/Karaoke                              Dinner Specials                                                                         Opening Nov. 21st

   with $2.50 tall boys                  Wednesday                                                                                  Spruce Tops
   9 p.m. - close                        Greek Chicken on rice $10.99                                                                   $18.99

   Thanksgiving Eve                      Thursday                                                                                            Bundles of 10
                                         Bourbon Chicken Sandwich $9.99
      Wednesday, Nov. 25th                                                                                                 Wreaths  Boughs  Garland
         Country Karaoke                 Friday                                                                                Red Twig  Birch Poles
                                         Greek Chicken on Greek pasta                                                                  Fresh Trees
$2 domestic bottles from 8-midnight
                                                                            $10.99                                          All greenery is purchased direct from the north woods and
                                                                                                                               handcrafted into decorations in our Clear Lake shop.
                                              Holiday Parties

                                         Book your holiday party here
                                               Call 641-357-1222

619 Buddy Holly Place • 641-357-1222

          Tuesday - Saturday open at 4 p.m.
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17