Page 20 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
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CLEAR LAKE Shop your neighborhood Fareway meat NewsPage 20 • Nov. 18, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
STORE departments known for the last 76 years for
selling only the finest USDA choice beef, farm NEWS OF RECORD
Prices Effective Through fresh poultry, all natural pork, cut fresh daily
Monday, Nov. 23, 2015. COLLISIONS: THEFT/VANDALISM: Nov. 11, David M. Kellerman,
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. in our full service meat departments. Nov. 7, Vanessa Swalve, Clear Nov. 7, Kent Keeler, of Minne- Clear Lake, was cited for a stop sign
Monday - Saturday • 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Lake, ran into a shed belonging to sota, reported a theft. violation.
LOTTERY NOW AVAILABLE! Jacqueline Brady, Clear Lake, on 10th Nov. 11, Lori Ann Jost, Clear Nov. 11, Andrew R. Lukes, Ma-
Grocery 357-5773 • Meat 357-5769 We accept the following major credit cards: Ave. N. Lake, reported a theft. son City, was charged with theft in
Nov. 9, Judith Eilders, Mason CITATIONS/ARRESTS: the third degree, theft in the second
©201152FFaraerweawy aStyorSest,oIrnecs., Inc. City, reported hitting a deer on High- Nov. 6, Derek H. Kapaun, of degree and lottery fraud.
way 122. Minnesota, was cited for following Nov. 11, Michelle S. Higbee,
Meat Nov. 9, Ethan Bredlow, Clear too close. Clear Lake, was cited for no insur-
Bundle Lake, reported damage to his vehicle Nov. 7, Liban A. Hassan, of Mis- ance.
by an unknown vehicle. souri, was cited for disorderly con- FIRE/AMBULANCE CALLS:
$50 00 Nov. 10, Vanessa Swalve, Clear duct. Nov. 6, at 11:59 a.m. CLFD
Lake, ran a vehicle into the ditch on Nov. 9, Vanessa A. Swalve, Clear Paramedics responded to the 400 block
2 Lb. Ham Loaf I-35. Lake, was cited for driving on the of 27th Ave S. for a medical call.
4 Lb. Our Fresh Ground Beef Nov. 10, Paula Laird, of Wesley, wrong side of the highway and failing Nov. 6, at 11:34 a.m. CLFD
3 Lb. Beef Rump Roast Iowa reported hitting a deer on High- to maintain control. Firefighters and Paramedics responded
5 5-Oz. Boneless Pork Chops way 18. Nov. 10, Sheila R. White, Mason to the intersection of Highway 18
12 Oz. Cooked Shrimp (51-60 Ct.) Nov. 12, Vanessa Swalve, Clear City, was charged with two charges of and N. 24th St. for a motor vehicle
Lake, ran into a garage owned by An- dependent adult abuse, theft in the collision.
thony Scott, of Clear Lake. fifth degree and theft in the fourth de- Nov. 7, at 12:27 a.m. CLFD
Nov. 12, Lawrence Gergen, gree. Paramedics responded to the 300 block
of Fertile, Iowa collided with a ve- Nov. 10, Vanessa A. Swalve, Clear of Main St. for a medical call.
hicle driven by Kam Collins, of Des Lake, was cited for failing to maintain Nov. 7, at 1:22 p.m. CLFD
Moines, on Highway 18. control and no insurance. Firefighters and Paramedics responded
to the 1400 block of 7th Ave. N. for a
Retirement Tom Alexander fire call.
Plans Financial Consultant Nov. 7, at 5:52 p.m. CLFD
Firefighters and Paramedics responded
Securities America to the 4000 block of 240th St. for a
Member FINRA/SIPC carbon monoxide check.
Nov. 7, at 8:04 p.m. CLFD
641-357-7106 Paramedics responded to the 100 block
888-357-7106 of S. 8th St. for a medical call.
Nov. 8, at 1:10 p.m. CLFD
Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust Paramedics responded to the 400 block
322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake of 27th Ave. S. for a medical call.
Nov. 8, at 3:12 p.m. CLFD
[email protected] Firefighters and Paramedics responded to the 1100 block of N. 7th St. W. for
a medical call.
Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee Nov. 8, at 4:42 p.m. CLFD
Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency. Firefighters and Paramedics responded
to the 1200 block of N. 9th St. W. for
Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative. an automatic alarm.
Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated. Nov. 9, at 3:01 p.m. CLFD
Paramedics responded to the 700 block
Fareway We know garage doors. of S. 8th St. for a medical call.
Let us help you select the Nov. 10, at 9:18 p.m. CLFD
Butter Paramedics responded to the 2400
right fit for you. block of S. Shore Drive for a medical
16 Oz. • Limit 2 call.
Overhead Garage Doors Nov. 11, at 11:23 p.m. CLFD
Paramedics responded to the 200 block
Residential • Commercial • Agricultural of W. 10th Ave. N. for a medical call.
Nov. 11, at 8:40 p.m. CLFD
We service all brands of garage doors & openers Paramedics responded to the 500 block
of 1st Ave. N. for a medical call.
$199 641.357.5575 101 N. 8th St., Clear Lake Nov. 12, at 2:13 a.m. CLFD
Paramedics responded to the 200 block
Kraft ¢ of N. Lakeview Drive for a medical call.
Nov. 12, at 11:06 a.m. CLFD
68Cool Whip Residential • Commercial Firefighters and Paramedics responded
Complete Recycling Services to the intersection of 4th Ave. S. and S.
9th St. for a motor vehicle collision.
1 Yd. to 42 Yd. Containers
8 Oz. • Limit 2 ABSOLUTE WASTE NIACC offers
REMOVAL courses during
Green Giant 28¢ winter break
Peas, Corn, Proudly serving the Clear Lake area
Green Beans
(641) 357-4517 • (800) 357-1042
14.5 Oz. Each • Limit 4
Fareway 28¢ Email: [email protected] now open
Cream of Mushroom, Sunday Fu n day North Iowa Area Community
Cream of Chicken, College (NIACC) is once again
Cream of Celery Serving Breakfast offering courses when students are
normally on winter break. A selection
10.5 Oz. • Limit 4 9 am - 12:30 pm of NIACC courses will be offered
December 21-January 15. All are
Stove Top ¢ $4 Bloody Marys offered online, with one course
Captain Morgans requiring a one-day workshop on
77Stuffing Screwdrivers campus.
6 Oz. • Limit 2 Vodka Lemonades “We are excited to offer this
By the Pint! 10 am - 4 p.m. additional opportunity for students
Crystal 88¢ Kitchen open to earn credits,” said Terri Ewers,
all day Vice President for Student Services at
Sugar NIACC. “These courses are open to
$1 off all Burgers • 5 - 10 pm all interested people, no matter what
4 Lb. • Limit 1 college or university they attend.
NoGt jruestaottoaf!o!boadr, “If your son or daughter is com-
Dole ¢ ing home from school for the holi-
307 Main Ave., Downtown Clear Lake days, we encourage you to talk to him
39Celery (641) 357-4629 or her about enrolling in one of these
Each classes during their winter break,” Ew-
ers said. “They can pick up some cred-
Sweet & Juicy its while they are home for the holi-
days and we’ll help them transfer the
¢Sweetango credits back to their school. It’s a great
way to get ahead or make up credits.”
99Apples Registration is now open. It’s easy
Lb. and does not require an appointment.
All registration takes place on the
NIACC web site at http://www.
courses/. A list of courses is also
available on the website.
The deadline to register for classes
over the winter break is Dec. 14.
Questions can be directed to
the NIACC Admissions Office 641-
422-4245 or 1-888- GO NIACC,
extension 4245.