Page 18 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 18
Legals/ClassifiedsPage 18 • Nov. 18, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
THE MATTER OF THE ties are reasonably ascertainable. Any suit BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
DALE S. SARGENT REVOCABLE not filed within this period shall be forever CHECK US OUT ON FACE- IMMEDIATE OPENING - All real estate advertised herein is
barred. CONTRACT SALESPERSON: BOOK for daily specials. RECEPTIONIST: Apply in subject to the Federal Fair Housing
TRUST Notice is further given that all persons Selling aerial photography of Louie’s Custom Meat & More. person between 8:30 a.m. and Act, which makes it illegal to adver-
Dated January 12, 2011 indebted to the decedent or to the Trust are farms on commission basis. RTFN 12:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizen tise any preference, limitation, or
requested to make immediate payment to $4225.00 first month guarantee. Center, 105 S. 4th St., Clear discrimination based on race, color,
NOTICE IN COMPLIANCE WITH IOWA the undersigned Trustee. $1,500-$3,000 weekly proven AMY’S MOSAICS: One-of-a- Lake, or call 641-357-5443 to set religion, sex, handicap, familial
CODE SECTION 633.3109(3) Notice is further given that any person earnings. Travel required. More kind signs, garden items, small up an appointment. R-46 status, or national origin, or intention
or entity possessing a claim against the info or 877/882- furniture, picture frames and to make any such preference, limita-
trust must mail proof of the claim to the 3566 (INCN) more. Created from repur- GENERAL MERCHANDISE tion, or discrimination.
To All Persons regarding Dale S. Sargent trustee at the address listed below via posed china and pottery. Taking _______________________
Deceased, who died on or about Septem- certified mail, return receipt requested, by ENTERTAINMENT AND custom orders. Call 357-7435. We will not knowingly accept any
ber 26, 2015. the later to occur of sixty days from the EVENTS Also, search for “Amy’s Mosa- JD SNOWBLOWER: 5 HP, 22” advertising for real estate, which is
You are hereby notified that Janelle second publication of this notice or thirty ics” on Facebook & Pinterest! cut, 2-stage, electric start, chains. in violation of the law. All persons
Sargent is the Trustee of the Dale S. days from the date of mailing this notice Iowa’s Largest Arts & Crafts RTFN $350. Call 641-357-3334. R-47 are hereby informed that all dwell-
Sargent Revocable Trust dated January if required, or the claim shall be forever Show, Nov.20-22, Iowa State ings advertised are available on an
12, 2011. At this time, no present probate barred, unless paid or otherwise satisfied. Fairgrounds, Des Moines. Over AUTO/TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE: Set of 12 - 8 1/4” equal opportunity basis.
administration is contemplated with regard 325 Talented Exhibitors, Fri. 5-9, _______________________ porcelain D’arceau-Limoges
to the above-referenced decedent’s estate. Dated this 2nd day of November, 2015. Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4, Adm. $7. (Ladies) numbered editions HOUSE FOR RENT: Furnished
A Petition has been filed for probate of Fantastic Shopping Event. 563- DODGE RAM MEGA CAB (perfect) with hangers. $100/set. 2 bedroom. Available Nov. 2015
the will without present administration in Janelle Sargent, Successor Trustee 652-4529 (INCN) power retractable running Must see - Christmas is coming! through May 14, 2016. Contact
the Cerro Gordo County Clerk’s office. of the Dale S. Sargent Revocable Trust boards. New in box. $500 OBO. 641-512-6078. R-46 Kathy Kloetzer: 641-425-1726.
Any action to contest the validity of this HELP WANTED- HEALTH CARE 641-590-7285. RTFN R-47
trust must be brought in the District Court dated January 12, 2011 NOTICE
of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, within the 27 Lido Road RN’s up to $45/hr LPN’s up to CLEANING SERVICES _______________________ FOR RENT: 801 W. 12th Ave.
later to occur of four months (4) from the $37.50/hr CNA’s up to $22.50/ _______________________ N., Clear Lake. 3 bedrooms, all
date of second publication of this notice, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428 hr Free gas/weekly pay $2000 PURSUANT TO CHAPTER appliances. $825 plus deposit &
or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing Bonus AACO Nursing Agency WINDOW CLEANING 556F.8 OF THE CODE OF utilities. NS/NP. References &
this notice to all heirs of the decedent and Date of second publication: 18th day of 1-800-656-4414 Ext. 12 (INCN) Clean View Window Cleaning is IOWA, notice is being made to lease required. Available soon.
beneficiaries under the trust whose identi- November, 2015. the answer to all of your window inform the public that at approxi- 641-357-3468; leave message.
HELP WANTED- TRUCK cleaning needs. Call Nick and mately 12:00 p.m. on Oct. 20, R-46
Notice of Probate DRIVER get a FREE estimate. Phone 2015 CASH was found at/near
529-0451. RTFN 2900 Block 4th Ave. South, Clear HOUSE FOR RENT: South
THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT the second publication of this notice or Lake, Iowa. The address of the Shore area, 1 bedroom. Re-
CERRO GORDO COUNTY one month from the date of mailing of EMPLOYMENT finder is: 904 N. 10th St., Clear frig/stove, washer/dryer, water
this notice to all heirs of the decedent and _______________________ Lake, Iowa 50428. The CASH softener furnished. $350/month.
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF devisees under the will whose identities was turned over to the Clear Call 641-529-1308. R-47
DALE S. SARGENT are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter COOKIES, ETC. is hiring for 15- Lake Police Department. Any
Deceased be forever barred. 25 hr/wk, Mon thru Sat, 9-5:30. claim to the CASH shall be made APARTMENT FOR RENT: 2
Additional hours available for to the Clear Lake Police Depart- bedroom upstairs apartment,
Probate No. ESPRO29830 Dated this 2nd day of November 2015. summer. In-person applications ment. R-48 stove, refrigerator, central air,
NOTICE OF PROOF OF WILL only. R-48 off-street parking. No pets.
WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION Check out our website References and lease required.
If you have a Available Nov. 1. Call 641-425-
To All Persons interested in the Estate of Janelle Sargent QLF Transportation – Class A carpentry job 0179 or 641-829-3671. RTFN
Dale S. Sargent, Deceased, who died on Proponent CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
or about September 26, 2015: Home Weekends, and Benefits! coming up,
You are hereby notified that on the 27 Lido Road Potential of $60,000 plus per give us a call. 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
8th day of October, 2015, the last will and Clear Lake, IA 50428 year! Contact Tony 608-935-
testament of Dale S. Sargent,, deceased, 0915 Ext 16 (INCN) Professional • Experienced
bearing date of the 12th day of January, Matthew F. Berry, ICIS PIN No: AT0000802 Windows • Doors • Siding
2011, was admitted to probate in the above Attorney for estate Butler Transport Your Partner in
named court and there will be no present 306 Main Avenue, P.O. Box 187 Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Decks and more
administration of the estate. Any action to Clear Lake, IA 50428 Needed. Sign on Bonus. All
set aside the will must be brought in the miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or (641) 420-5559
district court of the county within the later Date of second publication: 18th day of (INCN)
to occur of four months from the date of November, 2015.
THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT Notice is further given that all persons Now’s the time Find your next Apartment at
CERRO GORDO COUNTY indebted to the estate are requested Advertise your EVENT, to make Lakeland Park Apartments in Clear Lake!
IN THE ESTATE OF to make immediate payment to the PRODUCT or RECRUIT an your move
JULIE A. MacDONALD undersigned, and creditors having claims applicant in this paper plus 30 Comfortable Apartment Living for Elderly Persons 55 and Over
Probate No. ESPRO29852 against the estate shall file them with the other papers in Northwest Iowa PEBBLE or Persons with a Disability.
clerk of the above named district court, as for only $110/week! Call 800- CREEK
NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF provided by law, duly authenticated, for 227-7636 Utilities Included. Controlled Access. On-site Laundry.
APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND allowance, and unless so filed by the later (INCN) 2 bedroom apartments Barrier-Free Units Available. Off-Street Parking.
to occur of four months from the second 3 bedroom townhomes
NOTICE TO CREDITORS publication of this notice or one month Academy Eligible Residents Pay 30% of their Adjusted Gross Income.
from the date of mailing of this notice Drywall & 1 MONTH FREE For Applications or Appointments Contact
To All Persons interested in the Estate of (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim RENT Greg at 641-357-2378
Julie A. MacDonald, Deceased, who died is thereafter forever barred. Painting or visit today!
on or about October 16, 2015: Vouchers welcome.
You are hereby notified that on the Dated this 3rd day of November, 2015. Experience Provides Income guidelines apply. Oakleaf is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
28th day of October, 2015, the last will Quality We do all
and testament of Julie A. MacDonald, Jack G. MacDonald 641-423-4994 APARTMENTS FOR RENT
deceased, bearing date of the 8th day of Executor of the Estate size jobs! THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake
October, 2002, was admitted to probate 309 6th Avenue South
in the above named court and that Jack Clear Lake, IA 50428 20 Years Experience • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
G. MacDonald was appointed executor Licensed - Insured • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or
of the estate. Any action to set aside the Matthew F. Berry, ICIS PIN No: AT0000802 Cori Ewen, owner disabled of any age
will must be brought in the district court Attorney for the Executor • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
of said county within the later to occur of 306 Main Avenue, P.O. Box 187 (641)696-5765
four months from the date of the second Clear Lake, IA 50428 (641) 420-0044 641-357-8888
publication of this notice or one month
from the date of mailing of this notice to all Date of second publication: 18th day of
heirs of the decedent and devisees under November, 2015. PICKUP TOPPERS:
the will whose identities are reasonably
ascertainable, or thereafter be forever Buy factory direct
barred. 1040 Diagonal Street
Britt 641-843-3698
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