Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 11

Arts/EntertainmentNov. 18, 2015 									                                                                                                                                          Page 11

al                                     Local pastor headlines cast of top
                                       Iowa singers at KCMR holiday event
        Clear Lake
      0900                             	 Pastor Jackie Thompson will                      Pastor Jackie Thompson           KCMR Radio’s Annual Christmas               Friday night Arty Party will
                                       headline an all-star cast of top Iowa      Christmas festival season in North      Concert will be a tribute to the late        have fun holiday theme
      Clear Lake                       singers at KCMR Radio’s 27th Annual        Iowa.” Eenhuis is the music director
    0-606-3552                         Christmas Concert. The Clear Lake          at First Congregational Church in         radio broadcaster and musician,            	 A stack of whimsical holiday packages is the subject of the acrylic on canvas
                                       Methodist pastor will sing the classic,    Clear Lake.                                         Fred Younger.                    painting for the Arts Center’s Arty Party on Friday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m. Arty
       Clear Lake                      “Mary Did You Know?”                       	 Early Bird Discount Tickets                                                        Parties are fun-filled art parties centered around an art activity with cash bar
       757                             	 Award winning vocalist Trever            are available at      Mason City; Thrifty White Pharmacy             (wine and beer) and step by step instructions from an instructor. Designed for
                                       Rayhons, of Garner, will perform “O’       Tickets are available at Hy Vee,      in Clear Lake; and from members of             beginners or intermediates. Everyone paints the same subject with step-by-step
      , Clear Lake                     Holy Night!” He will be accompanied        First Citizens National Bank, Major   the KCMR Board of Directors. For               instructions from an Instructor. In the end, there will be a finished canvas in
      88                               by Diane Stadtlander. Also appearing       Erickson, and the KCMR Studios in     more information, call 641-424-9300.           everyone’s hands.
                                       will be the top rated Garner Impulse                                             	 KCMR is a listener-supported                 	 All materials, including paint smocks, are included in the $32 price for
       Lake • 357-8118                 Choir under the direction of Jason                                               Christian Radio Station at 316                 Arts Center members or $35 price for non-members. Check out the events
                                       Heitland. The vocal jazz ensemble will                                           North Federal Avenue, Mason City.              calendar on the Clear Lake Arts Center for more events and Arty Parties www.
      Shops                            perform upbeat versions of the classic                                           The concert is sponsored by Major     To register, call or email the Clear Lake Arts Center at 357-
                                       “Come On, It’s Christmas” and the                                                Erickson Funeral Home.                         1998 or [email protected] The Clear Lake Arts Center is at 17 S. 4th St.
       ore                             newer, “Text Me A Merry Christmas.
       A Whole Lot More!               	 The concert, entitled “An Old-                                                                                                  Buying or Selling a Home in
      0 Hwy. 18 W.                     Fashioned Christmas” lights up the                                                                                                     the Clear Lake Area?
      Clear Lake                       North Iowa Community Auditorium
                                       stage at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 22.                                                                                              Trust one of these Real Estate Professionals
    1) 357-7117                        	 KIMT-TV’s Levi Ismail will serve
                                       as master of ceremonies.                                                                                                            415 First Ave. S., Clear Lake
    s                                  	 This year’s concert will be a                                                                                                           (641) 357-3330
                                       tribute to the late radio broadcaster
     ., Clear Lake                     and musician, Fred Younger. Younger                                                                                        
     17                                died shortly after he and his son,                                                                                                                                                            108 Wedgewood Dr., Clear Lake
                                       Cole, brought down the house at last
                 •High Speed Internet  year’s concert with their rendition of                                                                                              Cape Cod style with open floor plan, 9 ft. ceilings, and radiant in-floor heat. 2
                 •Phone                “Birthday of Our King.”	                                                                                                          bedrooms, inviting 4 season room, and office, along with 2 large decks. $268,000
                 •Digital Cable TV     	 Cole Younger will perform the
                 •Business Solutions   same song this year in honor of his
                 •Wireless             father. He will be joined by his group,
                 •Home Security        The River City Rangers. Cole Younger
                                       has also taken over as host of Blue
      eet • 357-2111                   Grass Gospel Gems, the show his father                     started on KCMR Radio.
                                       	 Recording artist Toni Timmer and
   mation                              the Iowa Andrews Sisters along with the
   ertising                            50-member New Horizons Band will
    ge call                            be another concert highlight.
    the:                               	 The Iowa Andrews Sisters will
                                       perform the classic “Rockin’ Christmas
    131 or                             Medley.” Toni Timmer will also do a                        solo rendition of “Jingle Bells.”
                                       	 The New Horizons Band performs
                                       the joyful Christmas hit, “O Come All
                                       Ye Faithful.” 	
                                       	 The River City Barbershop
                                       Chorus will perform the gospel hit,
                                       	 Also featured will be the Covenant
                                       Quartet, David Skatttebo, Paul
                                       Gagnon, Olivia Pappas, the North
                                       Iowa Choral Society, The North Iowa
                                       Choral Society Quartet, Pastor Jackie
                                       Thompson and The Garner Impulse
                                       	 “We are honored to have such an
                                       incredible lineup of top Iowa singers,”
                                       said Concert Director Marta Eenhuis.
                                       “The KCMR Radio concert has really
                                       become the traditional opening of the

                                       NI Concert Band                            The Iowa Andrews Sisters—Marta Eenhuis, Kaye Steger and Toni Timmer—will                                                                      2800 4th St. SW #3, Mason City
                                       to perform fall                            be one of the headline acts at KCMR Radio’s 27th Annual Christmas Concert.                                                             641.424.9400 • 1.877.243.8221
                                       concert Nov. 24                            -Submitted photo.                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                              624 8th Ave. N., Clear Lake
                                       	 The North Iowa Concert Band,                   We want to take a moment to                                                     3 Bedroom with charm. Several updates in kitchen and baths. Main floor laundry,
                                       under the direction of John Klemas,                                                                                                      oversized garage, fenced back yard with patio and fire pit. $124,500
                                       will present a Fall Concert on Tuesday,            express our sincere and heartfelt
                                       Nov. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the North               appreciation to our many customers                                                 302 Main Ave., Clear Lake
                                       Iowa Community Auditorium on the                 and the businesses that support us in                                                  (641) 357-0500
                                       North Iowa Area Community College
                                       campus.  Chuck Cooper is the band’s                  our work throughout the year.                                    
                                       announcer.                                                                                                                                                                                      213 1st Ave. S., Clear Lake
                                       	 The North Iowa Concert Band’s                Happy Thanksgiving
                                       program includes: “Kirkpatrick Fanfare”                                                                                              Fully Furnished Downtown Condo! 2 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, 2 stall garage.
                                       by Andrew Boysen Jr.; “October” by                          to you and your families                                                Only one block to the beach, City Park and Main Avenue shopping. $263,000
                                       Eric Whitacre; “A Little Tango Music”
                                       by Adam Gorb; “Amazing Grace”                      Dave’s Deck Care                                                                                                                             203 Main Avenue, Clear Lake
                                       by Frank Ticheli; three movements                Carpentry & Remodeling                                                                                                                         (641) 357-7373
                                       from “The Red Pony” - Film Suite for
                                       Band by Aaron Copland, Ia. Dream                                Dave & Melanie Marreel                                                                                               
                                       Music, III. Grandfather’s Story, IV.                                                                                            2510 North Shore Dr., Clear Lake
                                       Happy Ending; “The Walking Frog”                                  Matt, Steve B., Ben, Dana, Jon,
                                       by Karl L. King, arranged by Robert E.                              Jeff, Tim, Winston, BJ & Evan                                   You will love the beautiful lake views from this attractive ranch home. 3
                                       Foster.    Members of the North Iowa                                                                                                     bedrooms, 2.75 baths. Opportunity on a shared dock. $469,000
                                       Concert Band represent communities           SPECIAL DEAL!
                                       from all over North Iowa, including                                                                                               Find these listings plus so much more in the
                                       the towns of Belmond, Buffalo Center,           25Oil Change $ 99
                                       Charles City, Clear Lake, Forest City,               & Filter                                                                   Home Buyers Guide
                                       Garner, Goodell, Greene, Hampton,
                                       Lake Mills, Manly, Mason City, Nora                  Includes standard 5 quarts of conventional oil and filter, inside vacuum,  Published monthly, the last Wednesday of the month
                                       Springs, Osage, Rockford, Rockwell,                            window wash, and 21 point maintenance inspection                              and also available for FREE at
                                       Rudd, Thornton, Union and Galesville,
                                       WI.                                                            Servicing all car & truck makes & models                         • AmericInn                  • Best Western        • Budget Inn
                                       	 North Iowa Concert Band                                                         FREE Pick Up & Delivery                       • 7 Stars Family Restaurant  • Clear Lake Chamber  • Clear Lake Bank & Trust
                                       members from Clear Lake include Leah                                               in Clear Lake & Ventura                      • CLTel                      • Farmers State Bank  • Fareway
                                       Arends, Nick Chizek, Barb Halbach,                                                       Call to schedule your                  • Glen’s Tire                • Hall Realty         • Kum & Go
                                       Christopher Kuhlers, Ken Schneider                                                         appointment today                    • KFC/Taco Bell              • Larson Mercantile   • MBT
                                       and Mark Tesar. Those from Garner                                                                                               • Mason City Airport         • Microtel            • The Other Place
                                       are Tierra Luppen, Paula Schultz and                   2101 2nd Ave. S., Clear Lake                                             • Payless Foods              • Quick Shop          • South Shore Inn
                                       Nolan Turner.                                                                                                                   • Super 8                    • Ventura Mart        • Oakwood Market
                                       	 Tickets for the performance                             357-1941
                                       are $5 for adults and are available                                                                                                                      - or -
                                       at the NIACC Business Office
                                       (641) 422-4188. Tickets can also be                                                                                             go on line at
                                       purchased at the door the night of the
                                       concert.   All students will receive free
                                       admission.   A reception in the Muse-
                                       Norris Conference Center will be held
                                       following the concert.
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