Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 15
SportsNov. 18, 2015 Page 15
Tickets available for
State Wrestling Championships
The State Wrestling Champion- general public on Monday, Dec. otwthfMMifeeeoCee-BeuwlbCrrekalrlrioeea’sensgnreaEnmatFLdkelemiloaersisonoekrstong.setsefbs.,cdhlaowaoilsnslraet,s,
ship has been a sold out event for 7, at 10 a.m. The public will be
over 20 years and is the only IHSAA able to purchase tickets at the Iowa
reserved ticket event. Earlier this year Events Center ticket office or online
the Board of Control of the Iowa at or by calling
High School Athletic Association 1-844-55-HYVEE. The order limit
approved the procedure for the pur- will be 10 tickets.
chase of 2016 State Wrestling Tour- The ticket price is $10 per ticket,
nament finals tickets. Tickets will plus a convenience fee of $1.75 per
continue to be sold through either a ticket. There will be a $4 handling
walk up process or online. fee per order. A valid credit card will
Under this ticketing system, be needed to make an online pur-
schools have the first opportunity chase. The Iowa Events Center seat-
to purchase tickets. Ticket sales to ing chart will be available identifying
IHSAA member high schools who class 1A, 2A, and 3A mats. All seats
host wrestling programs will begin will be assigned in the order the trans-
Monday, Dec. 1, at 10 a.m. and close actions are processed either at a ticket-
Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 11:59 p.m. The ing location or online.
order limit is a maximum of 60 tick- Anyone with questions or expe-
ets per school. Complete informa- riencing difficulties ordering tickets
tion regarding the ticket ordering should call the Iowa Events Center
process for IHSAA member high ticket office at 515-564-8300. Any-
schools hosting wrestling programs one needing assistance with ADA seat-
has been communicated with them. ing should call the Iowa Events Center
Tickets will go on sale to the 515-564-8351.
Augustana to make appearance
in NCAA Football Playoffs
Augustana University will make marks just the second time in the pro- GHV
its first NCAA Football Playoff ap- gram history Augustana has won nine
pearance since 2010 and the fourth or more games in a season. The Vi-
in the program’s history. Bryson kings won a program best 11 games in
Hamilton, a former Clear Lake High 2010.
School standout football player, is a The Vikings earned the number
contributing member to the team. five seed in Super Region Three and
Other area athletes on the team in- will play at number four seed, Hum-
clude Newman Catholic standouts, boldt State on Saturday, Nov. 21.
John Waters and Gabe Dunn. Augustana University is located
The Vikings finished 9-2 this in Sioux Falls, S.D. and is a member
season, winning a share of the NSIC of NCAA Division II and competes
South Division title at 6-1 in divi- in the Northern Sun Intercollegiate
sional play. The nine wins in 2015 Conference.
Wartburg men’s cross country
qualifies for NCAA nationals
The Wartburg men’s cross coun- member of the squad. CONTEST RULES: 1. Only _ 12 N. 4th St., Return to the Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday
try team earned an at-large bid to the UW-Oshkosh will serve as hosts official entry blanks from
NCAA Championships. for the National Championships this the Clear Lake Mirror Re- Clear Lake OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (No Copies Please)
The field is comprised of 32 Saturday, Nov. 21, at Lake Breeze porter will be accepted. All
teams, 16 of which earned the au- Golf Club in Winneconne, Wis. The entries must have name and Circle the predicted winner
tomatic bids through the Regional men’s race will be at 12:30 p.m. Cen- phone number included to
Championships, and 16 are from at- tral time. be eligible. Blank tie breaker 1. Iowa State @ Kansas State 11. Illinois @ Minnesota
large selections. Toppin, a sophomore, is the son scores will be zeros. 2. En-
Joel Toppin, a standout runner of Gene and Dana Toppin, of Clear tries must be received at the
from Garner-Hayfield-Ventura, is a Lake. Clear Lake Reporter office
by 5 p.m. each Friday or
Sport Shorts be postmarked Thursday! 2. Purdue @ Iowa 12. Indiana @ Maryland
Any mailed entries received
Lions to hold football banquet Nov. 22 after the following Monday 3. Tennessee @ Missouri 13. N. Carolina @ Virginia Tech
are not eligible. 3. Write in
The annual Clear Lake Lions Football Banquet will be held on Sunday, Nov. your choice of winner on line 4. Mississippi State @ Arkansas 14. Memphis @ Temple
22, at the Surf Ballroom, in Clear Lake. Football players, coaches, Lion Tamers which corresponds with ad.
and cheerleaders should arrive with their families at 5 p.m. This year, food will Tie games do count. You 5. Baylor @ Oklahoma State 15. Cincinnati @ Arizona (P)
be provided and families are not asked to bring anything. Come celebrate a great may choose tie as a result if
year of Lion football. you wish. 4. You may enter 6. Michigan State @ Ohio State 16. Dallas @ Miami (P)
as many times as you wish;
Park & Rec to hold youth wrestling however, you must use an 7. UCLA @ Utah 17. Denver @ Chicago (P)
official entry blank from this
The Clear Lake Parks and Recreation Department will hold Youth paper. No copies will be ac- 8. USC @ Oregon 18. Tampa Bay @ Philadelphia (P)
Wrestling for boys and girls (pre K-2nd Grade.) Boys will wrestle boys and cepted. 5. Each previous
girls will wrestle girls. The main objective of the program is to introduce week’s winner will be listed 9. Arizona @ Arizona State 19. Oakland @ Detroit (P)
the students to the sport of wrestling and to have fun while doing so. If you in the Mirror-Reporter. 6. In
have a child that is showing an interest in wrestling, encourage them to give case of ties, the tie-breaker 10. Michigan @ Penn State 20. Green Bay @ Minnesota (P)
this a try! Any parent who would like to help instruct, please indicate on guess will determine the
registration form. All of the wrestlers will be able to participate in a FREE week’s winner. 7. Weekly Name _________________________________Phone_____________________ TIE BREAKER:
Wrestling Tournament, which will be held in the high school gymnasium. winners will receive $10 in Address__________________________________________________________ TOTAL POINTS OF
The program will be held Dec. 7-Jan. 25 on Mondays, from 5:30-6:15 p.m., Clear Lake Chamber Bucks
at the Clear Lake High School wrestling room. There will be no practice on and the choice of another GAME #1______________
Dec. 21 and Dec. 28 due to the winter break. The fee is $24 per wrestler. An prize.
optional T-shirt is available for $10. Registration deadline is Monday, Nov. CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received
23. A $5 late fee will apply after Nov. 23. at the Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following Monday are not eligible. 3. Write in your choice of winner on line which corresponds with ad. Tie
games do count. You may choose tie as a result if you wish. 4. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from this paper. No copies will be accepted. 5. Each previous week’s winner will be
Mighty Lions Wrestling to begin listed in the Mirror Reporter. 6. In case of ties, the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 7. Weekly winners will receive $10 in CL Chamber Bucks & your choice of a travel mug, insulated lunch tote or Stadium Cushion.
Might Lions Wrestling will practice on Monday nights from 6:30-7:30 This contest brought to you by these community minded sponsors
p.m., in the Clear Lake High School wrestling room. Girls and boys are both
encouraged to come to practice. The Perfect Place For A Tire Store
... And A Whole Lot More!
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641-357-7083 • Email: [email protected] Clear Lake
If you are a Clear Lake or GHV graduate who is playing in a college sport
this year, we would like to hear from you. We would be happy to publish and: 300 Lyndale St., Osage, IA. (641) 357-7117
your team’s schedule and any personal highlights from your season.
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