Page 8 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 8
Ag./BusinessPage 8 • Nov. 18, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Stack Women, Land &
completes Legacy to meet
training course Cerro Gordo County Exten-
sion, along with Cerro Gordo County
NRCS, FSA, Soil & Water Conserva-
tion District, and Farm Bureau, will
Tracey Stack, a licensed massage hold a Women, Land & LegacyDis-
therapist, has completed training in
clinical shoulder techniques at Carl- cussion Meeting on Thursday, Nov.
19, at the 4-H Learning Center, North
son School of Massage Therapy. Iowa Events Center, 3700 4th St. SW,
Stack specializes in clinical mas-
sage therapy, neuromuscular massage Mason City. Free supper and registra-
tion will be from 5:30-6 p.m. followed
therapy, sports massage and Swedish by the program from 6-8 p.m.
relaxing massage.
Stack has practiced in Clear Lake The topic of interest for Nov. 19
will be “Land Values and CSR2” pre-
since 2002. sented by Fred Greder of Benchmark
Her office is located at 604 Bud-
dy Holly Place, Clear Lake. She can Agribusiness. This is a free program
open to all women who would like as-
also be found on Facebook. TRACEY STACK sistance with farm management. Please
Pro-Ag Outlook seminar planned RSVP by Nov. 18 by calling Becky or
JoAnn at the Cerro Gordo County Ex-
The annual Mason City Pro-Ag tension Office, 641-423-0844.
Outlook seminar will be held Friday, presenting on the outlook for beef The Cerro Gordo County agricul-
Nov. 20, from 1-4 p.m. at the 4-H and pork and discussing how the live- tural agencies have teamed up to offer
Learning Center, North Iowa Events stock industry may respond to current this tremendous outreach program for
Robin Younge, a pharmacist at Thrifty White Pharmacy, cuts the ribbon to the new store while corporate officials and Clear Lake Center, 3700 4th St. SW, Mason City. production costs and future demand. the women. Please come with your
Chamber of Commerce First Mates look on. The new pharmacy is located at 1907 Highway 18 East, Clear Lake. -Reporter Registration begins at 12:30 p.m. The What do lower grain prices and in- questions in mind as women will be
photo registration fee is $20 per person. creasing livestock numbers mean for free to ask questions at any time dur-
The first presenter will be Kris-
Thrifty White opens at new location tine Tidgren. She is the staff attorney the future of the meat and grain in- ing the program. Women of all ages are
for the Center for Agricultural Law dustries? invited to attend the meeting.
Thrifty White Pharmacy is pleased to announce that maintenance prescriptions filled and ready on one day and Taxation. She will be presenting Global Entrepreneurship Week celebrated
construction is complete on the new pharmacy location each month. This leads to much better medication adher- on the issues relating to multiple liens
at 1907 Highway 18 East, Clear Lake. The grand open- ence and health improvement. The profession of phar- on the same assets which is critical to The North Iowa Area Communi- Development Center (SBDC) and the
ing of the store and the first day at the new location was macy is changing and this new location will allow Thrifty understand in today’s economic situa- ty College (NIACC) John Pappajohn Mitchell County EDC. It will be held
on Monday, Nov. 16. White to help lead that change. tion. Entrepreneurial Center will celebrate on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at the Riceville
The new location is a free standing building designed The business is relocating from its downtown address Dr. Chad Hart, Extension Crop thinking globally and acting locally High School Library, in Riceville, from
as a professional pharmacy. The new pharmacy will have at 2 N. 4th St. The downtown address, which has housed Economist from Iowa State Universi- with Global Entrepreneurship Week 6-8 p.m. Participants will learn in this
many great new features including a drive through phar- a pharmacy for many years, has been a Thrifty White ty, will discuss the market outlook for events November 16-20. free two hour workshop how to create a
macy lane, expanded additional parking right at the door, Pharmacy for 12 years. corn and soybeans. Current produc- “It’s also a nice opportunity to en- business plan, do market research, con-
new “Healthy Outcomes” format with multiple checkout Thrifty White is a 100 percent employee owned com- tion has driven prices to recent lows, courage people to look into what be- sider different types of business owner-
lanes for faster service plus three consulting rooms for pany. This means that any profits earned are shared with yet input prices remain at historically ing an entrepreneur is all about. They ship, and how to register a business. To
professional pharmacy services. The private consulting the employees that live and work in Clear Lake and the high levels. You won’t want to miss can even give it a try with our NIACC register, contact Mary Spitz at NIACC:
rooms are available for immunizations, biometric screen- communities they serve. Recent studies have shown that the information on the production Marketplace event where students, 641-422-4342.
ings, comprehensive medication reviews and medication the real winners from employee ownership are the com- and demand for corn and soybeans in faculty and staff are provided a venue •Nov. 20: NIACC will host a
consulting. munities that are home to employee-owned companies. the coming months and how manag- to sell their art, jewelry and other cre- tax free shopping extravaganza. The
Thrifty White is a national leader in Medication The more employee ownership in an area, the better job ing price risk and yield risk is critical ations,” said Tim Putnam, Pappajohn Marketplace features NIACC students,
Synchronization, which allows one to have all of their stability, income, tax base, etc. that exist there. as profit margins have evaporated for Center Director. faculty, staff, and alumni entrepreneurs
many. Activities for the remainder of the showcasing their home-based business-
Soil Health and Cover Crop Field Day set for Nov. 19 Dr. Lee Schulz, Extension Live- week include: es. The event will take place from 10
stock Marketing Economist, will be •Nov. 18: A free Start Smart class a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Activity Center on
The Soil Health Partnership, Farm, will provide updates for ongo- is being offered by NIACC Pappajohn Friday, Nov. 20. This is a great chance
along with the Iowa Learning Farms ing projects. An initiative of the National Center and America’s Small Business to pick up some holiday gifts.
and Bremer County farmer partner •Elyssa McFarland, Iowa Field Corn Growers Association, the Soil
Mark Mueller, will host a cover crop Manager for the SHP, will discuss Health Partnership works closely with
and soil health field day on Thursday, management strategies to improve soil diverse organizations including com-
Nov. 19, from 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at health. modity groups, industry, foundations,
the Borlaug Learning Center at the The field day will also feature a federal agencies, universities and well-
Iowa State University Northeast Re- tour of the ILF cover crop mixtures known environmental groups toward
search and Demonstration Farm, near trial plots. The field day has been sub- common goals.
Nashua, Iowa. The event is free, open mitted for two Soil and Water CEU’s “We encourage sound soil prac-
to the public and includes a compli- for Certified Crop Advisors for no tices combined with scientific quanti-
mentary meal. charge. fication of results from farmers taking
Speaking at the field day is Mark The event will be held at the Bor- positive actions,” said Nick Goeser,
Mueller, SHP demonstration network laug Learning Center, 3327 290th St., SHP director. “Improved crop pro-
and ILF farmer partner, who will share Nashua. ductivity, environmental gains and
his experience with cover crops and The field day is free and open to economic growth are all benefits of
other conservation practices. Muel- the public, but an RSVP is requested. progressive soil management strate-
ler is a fourth generation farmer on a Please contact SHP Field Manager gies.”
Centennial Farm near Waverly, Iowa. Elyssa McFarland, elyssamcfarland@
No-tilling since 2000, Mark has also
added cover crops to help preserve the Flat Set Price Adjustable Set Price
fragile topsoil and keep it in place dur-
ing rainstorms. Around this time each year, the award-winning equity analysts Queen Size was $1,999 was $3,474
Also speaking at the field day is: at Raymond James release their list of recommended stocks - Prodigy now $1,899 now $3,174
•Iowa State University Extension thoughtfully selected names expected to produce superior re-
and Outreach water quality engineer sults over the next year. The names on this list have produced an Queen Size SAVE $100 SAVE $300
Matt Helmers, who will provide a re- average total return of 18.5% over the past 10 years compared Insight
search update of the long-term drain- to 11.8% for the S&P 500*. In fact, they’ve outperformed the was $1,299 was $2,774 Queen Mattress Set
age plots at the research farm. broad-market index almost every year since the list’s inception. now $1,199 now $2,474
•Tyler Mitchell, agricultural Maybe it really is the thought that counts. LIFEWELL PLANNED.
specialist at the Northeast Research SAVE $100 SAVE $300
Contact me for your own copy of the handpicked list.
Flat Set Price Adjustable Set Price
locally grown, fresh cut
Queen Size was $1,999 was $3,474
Christmas Trees Honoree SPT now $1,799 now $3,074
will be available starting
Saturday, Nov. 21st Queen Size SAVE $200 SAVE $400
until Christmas Vantage
or come to the farm and Plush or Firm
(3 Weekends Only)
Nov. 21 & 22
Nov. 27, 28, 29
and Dec. 5 & 6
5-10 foot Fraser Fir, was $1,299 was $2,774
Balsam Fir & Scotch Pine now $1,199 now $2,474
The Fisher’s SAVE $100 SAVE $300
3 Four Winds, Clear Lake William R. Cooney Shane W. Cooney
Senior Vice President, Investments Senior Vice President, Investments
103 E State St., Suite 700 // Mason City, IA 50401
T 641.423.0801 // T 866.279.2817 // F 641.423.3080
Tree Farm Directions from [email protected] // [email protected]
Ventura: 7.7 mile N. on S14
• 3 mile W. on B14 (Airport Blacktop) 418 Main Avenue 641-357-5241
• 1 mi. N. on Welch, 1/3 mi. W. on Clear Lake
340th, then 1/3 mile North.
Pre-Cut or
Cut Your Own!
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