Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Nov. 18, 2015 • Page 7
GHV High School honor roll named
The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Hawe, *Mallory Keech, Carlie Knut- Andrew Baumgard, Taylor Boggs, V.F.W. 4868 members Mike Nelson, Mike Cash and Don Christ fold the flag as Eagle Scout Isaac Byrne details the meaning
High School has announced the first son, Brooklyn Laird, Hannah Lau, Deserae Clevenger, Cassandra Da- behind every fold at local Veterans Day services.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
quarter honor roll recipients. To be *Kayla Leerar, Anastasia Nannenga, vis, Spencer Duregger, Spencer For-
eligible for the “A” Honor Roll, a stu- Paige Penning, Lydia Seelhammer, manek, Bailee Frayne, Taylor Gerdes, VETERANS DAY ness,” he told the audience. “We are Local Veterans Day services con-
dent must have a grade point average Conner Shaw, Haley Suby, Chase Samantha Hall, Blaine Hanson, from page 1 here to give veterans the recognition cluded with a flag presentation from
of 3.667-4.00. An * represents a 4.00 Theobald, Grady Umbarger, Anna Makenzie Harms, Josilynn Hasler, they deserve.” the V.F.W. to CLHS in memory of
GPA. To be eligible for the “B” Hon- Williams, Mason Wirtz. Maya Kinseth, Connor Kiss, Ashley their memories of grandfathers who Byrne was joined on stage by Carrie Heitland and in honor of all
or Roll, a student must have a GPA of •Twelfth grade: Turner Albert- Markla, Amidy Mego, Seth Miller, served the country. three members of Clear Lake V.F.W. veterans.
3.00-3.66, son, Bailey Ayers, Payton Bamrick, Derek Neuberger, Kaylee Parris, Star Orr said the fact that his great- Post 4868 to conduct a flag folding
Students named to the “A” Hon- Brandon Bell, Olivia Buseman, Sam- Pralle, Jadan Smith, Rachel Sokol, grandfather never had the opportunity ceremony and discuss what each fold We Make Copies 15¢ each
or Roll include: uel Cataldo, Sydney Childress, Ashlee Alex Stadtlander, Madison Taft, Mat- to take an Honor Flight to Washing- means.
•Ninth grade: *Mara Anderson, Diaz, Todd Finley, Jacob Folkers, tilynn Ulven, Morgan Westendorf, ton D.C. inspired him to join with his When the flag is completely fold- Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
Kylee Bannister, Kyle Bell, Amanda Brett Formanek, Harley Forry, *Alek Emma Whelan, Reva Winkelman. church and sponsor a veteran’s Honor ed, the stars are uppermost, remind-
Bierle, Dakota Burress, Bretta Carolus, Goll, MaryGrace Hulbert, Miranda •Eleventh grade: Zachary Ab- Flight experience. He challenged oth- ing us of our national motto, “In God 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
Elexis Carrison, Jared Graham, Grace Jackson, Payton James, *Kiersten Jass, bas, Samara Ades, Riley Assing, Hai- ers to let veterans know they are ap- we Trust.”
Greiman, *Dalton Hawe, Rachel Hej- Mallory Johnson, Samantha Lus- ley Crowder, Logan Dalbeck, Tucker preciated.
lik, Droste Hennings, Jayden Hughes, combe, Montana McNamara, Kelsey Datema, Cassandra Eichmann, Bran- Byrne, an Eagle Scout, said he
Leah Johnson, Nathan Larson, Tyler Obermann, *Caitlynn Ostrem, Hold- don Feuring, Dallas Goll, Katheryn never knew his grandfather, but
Nielsen, Jace Pringnitz, Lucas Ray- en Oulman, *Katherine Rasmuson, Groom, Cassidy Hannah, Kyle Han- learned about his service as a medic
hons, Justin Reding, Alissa Sandoval, Colton Raw, Theodore Schoneman, sen, Jasie Heitland, Patrick Henley, through stories passed down through
Paige Schnieders, *Tori Sloan, Brielle Cole Schreiber, Kyleigh Slaichert, Holden Hutcheson, Clayton John- his family. “What did they do it for?
Smeby, Reece Smith, Macey Spilman, Chase Smith, Hannah Sokol, Mat- son, Megan Jones, Annemarie Kac- Life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-
Nicole Upmeyer, Madison Williams, thew Sonquist, *Kayla Stoychoff, zor, Ryley Kozisek, Dylan Mahlstedt,
Sidney Wilson. *Alex Stromer, *Gabriel Umbarger, Alan Mohlis, Jonah Nehl, Johnathan
•Tenth Grade: Jonah Albertson, Autumn Weaver, *Sarah-Michele O’Connor, Hunter O’Hara, Bailee
*Taylor Bell, Breanna Billings, Con- Weaver. Pitzenberger, Courtney Pletcher,
nor Burke, Ray Cataldo, Summer Students named to the “B” Hon- Keegan Sassaman, Parker Schnieders,
Eenhuis, Matthew Heinemann, Jil- or Roll include: Emily Schreiber, Makaya Shropshire,
lian Heitland, Adyson Hook, *Emily •Ninth grade: Ty Abele, Kate- Mackenzie Van Gerpen, Katelyn Wil-
Howke, Nicholas Joynt, Abby Kale, lynn Bannister, Noah Boeckman, Ka- son.
*Tyler Kumsher, Mariama Larson, tie Boehnke, Juan Carranza, Payton •Twelfth grade: Derek Ander-
Kaylee Mahlstedt, Leah Meinders, Echelberger, Brianna Gamerdinger, son, Jordan Babcock, Tucker Barick-
*Ryan Meyers, Tehya Mitchell, Ethan Erik Goll, Benjamin Haack, Tricia man, Dalton Basinger, Benjamin
Nelson, *Tyler Obermann, Bryce Ol- Hall, Carlie Hannah, Lily Hanson, Baumgard, Kaleb Bruggeman, Taryn
son, Paige Rasmuson, Cherrice Risius, Rachael Hanson, Holden Larson, Carolus, David Cook, Devon Eckert,
Colton Schroeder, *Alaina Scott, Jack Chase Loers, Makayla Madsen, Mat- Morgan Graham, Samantha Haugen,
Van Dusseldorp, Jacqueline Van Oort, thew Martinson, Austin Mohlis, Ash- Hannah Hejlik, Trevor Hueneman,
Hannah Wellik, Dane Whipple, Alex- ley Moorehead, Megan Oetken, Sadie Alexandra Kelley, Trevor Kluver, Ana
is Wirtz. Oulman, Stephen Phillips, Jack Pow- Kozisek, Taylor Lackore, Betshaida
•Eleventh grade: Rebekah Bax- ers, Simon Schmidt, Madison Scho- Larson, Ty Marth, Alyssa McGuire,
ter, Katelyn Bierle, Derek Brown, neman, Caleb Swalve, Caden Vitek, Brianna McNeil, Aidan McRobie,
Olivia Carew, Austin Case, Joshua Buck Weaver, Hannah Whelan, James Chadwick Mitchell, Nathan Nedved,
Chizek, Candie Cueva, Andrew Woody. Courtney Thompson, Julian Wash-
Dornbier, *Rachel Enright, McKinley •Tenth grade: Cade Bamrick, ington, Rachel Weaver, Alec Weyland,
Jordan Wright.
Collection of artist-made Andersen’s Christmas Greens
ornaments unveiled at
Clear Lake Arts Center Christmas Greens Are Here!
Adorned with over 200 ornaments created by tion. “Typically the ornament artist will use simple Trees (assorted sizes) Roping • Wreaths
local artists, the Clear Lake Arts Center’s Christ- forms in romantic or folk art styles. While that is Kissing Balls • Pine Cones & More
mas Tree is a spectacular site to see. The fully deco- the case with a portion of this collection, there are
rated tree takes center stage in the Arts Center’s a surprising number of ornaments where the art- Everything you need to decorate
Hanson Gallery through Wednesday, Dec. 23. ist chose to add more detail and complex forms.
The 2015 collection of all artist-made orna- Not an easy task, when the ultimate goal is to hang for the holiday
ments encompasses a broad range of art media these small structures from tree branches.”
from fused glass to hand-sculpted clay, from felted Fisher Trees donated the live Fraser Fir tree. Free delivery in Mason City & Clear Lake
wool to twisted wire and more. All ornaments, Fraser Firs, often called the ‘Cadillac’ of Christmas
with the exception of the Linda Sorensen’s felted trees, are known for their soft, short needles, yet (Set up charge my apply)
partridge tree topper, are for sale and perfect for bushy look – with an emphasis on soft.
gift-giving and holiday decorating. The Clear Lake Arts Center is located at 17 Mennonite Baked Goods • Amish Candy • Wisconsin Apples • All Squash $1
“The collection is a wonderful study on how S. 4th St. Hours of operation are Tuesday – Sat-
an artist can integrate what they do as a fine artist urday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more informa- Open 10 - 6 Daily (641) 530-1234
into the decorative arts’” said executive director, tion about the Clear Lake Arts Center go online to
Paula Hanus, when asked about the unique collec- 2727 19th St. S.W., Mason City (West of Newman School)
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