Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 12
SportsSept. 30, 2015 Page 12
CL eighth grade football team
picks up a 32-12 victory over H-D
WiienCmGTolaahon3snertgtnedoaws,yumtoemtwfereiiCkasgs’s.lssheetGaFdwrooLiorndatnbykeaerl.l Clear Lake’s eighth grade foot- DeVries finding Kearns for the points.
ball team earned a 32-12 victory over Arndt broke away for a 67-yard
Hampton-Dumont Tuesday, Sept. touchdown run and DeVries hit Bro-
22. dy Kuhlemeier for the two-point con-
Eric McHenry scored a pair of version to wrap up Clear lake’s scor-
touchdowns on runs of eight and ing.
12-yards to lead the Lions. Jaylen “The offense line of Mitchell
DeVries connected with Kody Kearns Raber, Max Soto, Kanon Goeman,
for a two-point conversion after the Austin Larsen, and Ryan Thomas did
first score. Brecken Arndt ran the ball a great job of making it easy for the
in for a second two-point conversion. running backs,” said Coach Steve Ho-
Jack Barragy scored the Lions’ bart.
third touchdown on a 25-yard TD The coach also noted Connor
reception from DeVries. The two- Morey had an interception on defense
point try was again successful, with for the Lions.
Enter to win First win of the season for
$10 in Clear Lake
Chamber Bucks CL 7th grade football team
and a choice of
The Clear Lake seventh grade ered an onside kick. On their first play
another football team earned their first win of from scrimmage, Bruns hit Warnke on
prize. the season with a convincing 54-34 a 65-yard pass and the rout was on.
win last Monday night over Hampton- “It was a fun game for the kids
CLEAR NICK EGGERS JEROME FERGUSON CODY MATZ Dumont. and coaches,” said Weber. “All 25 kids
LAKE Austin Warnke and Andrew For- were able to get quite a bit of playing
Nick is a junior returning letterwin- Jerome is a junior and he is a kick Cody is a junior and he plays wide manek scored two touchdowns apiece time, which is always fun. I felt the of-
ner. He plays running back and returner. He is the son of Laura receiver and outside linebacker. for the Lions. P.J. Feuerbach, Paul fensive line improved on their pass pro-
strong safety. He is the son of Mike and Sam Burleson. He is the son of Dave and Geri Bruns and Noah Petersen each had tection and run blocking from the first
and Shelly Eggers. Matz. one. week. That was fun to see.”
“Our offense is really starting to The second game ended once
click,” stated coach Weber. again in a 0-0 tie. Feuerbach and Eric
Bruns threw four touchdown Ritter connected on several passes, but
passes on the night and also returned ended up just short of the endzone. The
a punt 60-yards for a touchdown. game was shortened due to all of the
The young Lions started the boys playing considerable time in the
game on a high note when they recov- first game.
Kirsten Jordan member of Central
College women’s tennis team
GHV BRYCEN BOGE BRANDON FEURING CLAY JOHNSON Kirsten Jordan, a freshman from conference players over the last nine
Clear Lake, is a member of the 2015 seasons. Coach Ryan Ferrell is in his
Brycen is a junior and he plays Brandon Feuring is a junior. He Clay is a junior. He plays center Central College women’s tennis team. second season as head coach. He has
defensive tackle. He is the son plays running back and safety. He and defensive tackle. He is the son Central has finished in the top 15 years of NCAA Division I coach-
of Shannon Boge-Miller and Tim is the son of Rick and Nancy Feur- of Greg and Lori Johnson. three league play 18 times in the last ing experience at Drake University
Miller. ing. 32 years and has produced 25 all- and Northern Illinois University.
CONTEST RULES: 1. Only _ 12 N. 4th St., Return to the Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday Sport Shorts
official entry blanks from
the Clear Lake Mirror Re- Clear Lake OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (No Copies Please) Beginner trapper event planned
porter will be accepted. All
entries must have name and Circle the predicted winner A beginner trapper event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m.-noon
phone number included to at the Iowa DNR Clear Lake Wildlife Unit Headquarters, 15326 Balsam Ave.
be eligible. Blank tie breaker 1. Waverly-SR @ Clear Lake 11. Boston College @ Duke (Highway S14), in Ventura. Youth and adults of any age interested in getting
scores will be zeros. 2. En- started trapping are encouraged to attend this event. The objective of this event
tries must be received at the 2. GHV @ Osage 12. Alabama @ Georgia is to educate and inform beginning trappers about trapping responsibly. Parents
Clear Lake Reporter office of youth planning to attend are encouraged to attend as well. There will also be
by 5 p.m. each Friday or 3. Kansas @ Iowa State 13. Kansas State @ Oklahoma St. giveaways and door prizes. The event is free and is sponsored by the Iowa Trappers
be postmarked Thursday! Association (ITA) and the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources. For more informa-
Any mailed entries received 4. Iowa @ Wisconsin 14. Ole Miss @ Florida tion contact Iowa DNR Conservation Officer Ben Bergman at 641-425-0828.
after the following Monday
are not eligible. 3. Write in 5. Notre Dame @ Clemson 15. Arkansas @ Tennessee PWC Wrestling to hold social hour
your choice of winner on line
which corresponds with ad. 6. Arizona @ Stanford 16. Minnesota @ Denver (P) PWC Wrestling will hold a social hour at the Other Place, 200 US Highway
Tie games do count. You 18 W., Clear Lake, on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. Speakers for the night will
may choose tie as a result if 7. W. Virginia @ Oklahoma 17. Philadelphia @ Washington (P) be Doug Schwab and USA Team member Joe Colon. The event is being held
you wish. 4. You may enter in support of Colon, a former CLHS wrestling standout, who is on a quest to
as many times as you wish; 8. S. Carolina @ Missouri 18. Oakland @ Chicago (P) become an Olympian. PWC will furnish drinks and appetizers for the social hour.
however, you must use an For reservations, contact Maria Colon at 641-529-3729 or email mcdesign68@
official entry blank from this 9. Minnesota @ Northwestern 19. Green Bay @ San Francisco (P)
paper. No copies will be ac-
cepted. 5. Each previous 10. Houston @ Tulsa 20. Dallas @ New Orleans (P) Senior Only event at Lime Creek
week’s winner will be listed
in the Mirror-Reporter. 6. In Name _________________________________Phone_____________________ TIE BREAKER: A “For Seniors Only” program will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 14, from
case of ties, the tie-breaker Address__________________________________________________________ TOTAL POINTS OF 10 a.m. – noon at Lime Creek Nature Center, Mason City. Iowa’s butterflies
guess will determine the and other pollinator species are facing some serious challenges to their future
week’s winner. 7. Weekly GAME #1______________ survival. Iowa DNR Wildlife Biologist Stephanie Shepherd will talk about Iowa’s
winners will receive $10 in butterflies and other pollinators, threats to their survival, and how gardens at
Clear Lake Chamber Bucks CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received home can greatly benefit these important species. A catered lunch and social
and the choice of another at the Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following Monday are not eligible. 3. Write in your choice of winner on line which corresponds with ad. Tie time will follow the program. Cost is $5 for nature center members and $7 for
prize. games do count. You may choose tie as a result if you wish. 4. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from this paper. No copies will be accepted. 5. Each previous week’s winner will be non-members. Please call 423-5309 by 4 p.m., on Oct. 12 to register.
listed in the Mirror Reporter. 6. In case of ties, the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 7. Weekly winners will receive $10 in CL Chamber Bucks & your choice of a travel mug, insulated lunch tote or Stadium Cushion.
Results for Oak Hills Ladies Golf
This contest brought to you by these community minded sponsors
The Oak Hills Ladies Golf group had 16 ladies participate in their last day
The Perfect Place For A Tire Store of golf for the season on Thursday, Sept. 24. The events of the day were won by
... And A Whole Lot More! Janis Hutchison, Bethal Lemke and Vicki Hensley. Door prizes were won by
Senior Living Ginger Holmes, Shirley Berry, Kathi Kadolph, Bethal Lemke, and Gwen Gasperi.
A bench was presented to Sheila and Tom in remembrance of Jean Quintero and
405 27th Ave. South • Clear Lake, IA 880 Hwy. 18 W. Vernell Alexandres, who passed away this year. Thank you to all the ladies and
641-357-7083 • Email: [email protected] Clear Lake see you next spring.
and: 300 Lyndale St., Osage, IA. 200 Hwy. 18 W., Clear Lake • 357-8118 (641) 357-7117
Main Avenue, Clear Lake •Cabinets •High Speed Internet
(641) 357-5241 •Decking •Phone
•Digital Cable TV
•Paint •Business Solutions
210 N. 4th St., Clear Lake • 357-2134 •Home Security
107 North 4th Street • 357-2111
Visit us at:
Offering Drive Wise Classes 12 N. 4th Street • 357-2131 • Fax: 357-2133
e-mail: [email protected]
3005 Willow Creek Ct., Clear Lake
357-2612 or 800-469-3325