Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 11
SportsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Sept. 30, 2015 • Page 11
Clear Lake
girls invited to
work on their
Once again the Clear Lake Girls
Basketball Program will offer skill de-
velopment and practice sessions for
girls in grades two through six.
A free clinic for second and third
graders will be offered Thursday, Oct.
8, from 3:15-5 p.m. at Clear Creek
Elementary. Skill development ses-
sions are on Oct. 13, 20, 27 and
Nov. 2. All sessions are after school
at Clear Creek and will go until 5
p.m. Snacks will be offered. Cost
is $40, which includes a T-shirt and
a halftime skill performance during
the JV girls basketball halftime versus
Charles City Nov. 24.
Clear Lake Noon Lions hold golf outing A free clinic for fourth, fifth and
sixth graders will be held Thursday,
On Wednesday, Sept. 23, the Clear Lake Noon Lions held their annual golf outing— with the only George Case, Mike Grandon, Jerry O’Neill, Roger Walston, Virgil Anderson, Bob Huntington, Oct. 29, from 3:15-5 p.m. at Clear
problem being the weather. Outing Chairmen Kirk Mueller and Terry Peterson braved the rain and Gary Claude, Louis Covillo, (back L-R) Jim Latham, Terry Peterson, Kirk Mueller, Terry Unsworth, Creek. More information will be sent
nine holes were completed. Club members assembled for a group photo and a delicious evening Don Hauge, Tom Sawyer, Bill Worsley, Bob Swanson, Eldon Pyle, Larry Schroeder, Dave Fritz, home with students and at the Clear
meal prepared by Louie Covillo. Following dinner, golf awards were given. Pictured are Lions Kevin Moler, Jeff Stealy, Ken Chizek, Jim Dirks, Dennis Meuhlsted, Orlan Kelling, Fred Lemke, Creek Open House on Oct. 5.
Club members: (front L-R) Bob Halford, Gary Nyhus, Brad Kunst, Dave Klein, John Schlobohm, Don Peterson, Carl Ades, Gordon Rosenthal, Mike Callanan, Roger Ritter.-Submitted photo. Registration forms for all grades
Iowa’s popular archery deer Swenson plays CROSS COUNTRY Madison Brandt was close behind in will be sent home with students and
season begins Oct. 1 football for from page 9 30th in 30:10. Krystle Lu finished will also be at the Clear Creek open
Deer hunters have Oct. 1 circled hunter may accompany each adult Western Illinois 48th in 31:46. Madison Gochanour house on Oct. 5. Parents may sign
on their calendar marking the begin- mentor. on top of the team standings with a was 53rd in 32:41. Breauna Archer up their child at that time or they can
ning to Iowa’s popular archery deer Youth hunters harvested more PETE SWENSON team score of 68 points, one point was 57th in 33:12, Ivy Pruisman was pick up a form during the free clinic
season. than 3,300 deer in the 2014 special Pete Swenson, a former Clear ahead of GHV. The JV boys were led 59th in 34:10, Eli Biebesheimer was offered Oct. 8.
An expected 50,000 hunters will season. The 2015 season closes on Lake High School football standout, by a strong performance from Grant 60th in 34:41 and Aliyah Bennett was Registration forms must be
be hiding among the branches on Oct. 4. is a member of the 2015 Western Il- Dieken, who finished in second place 61st in 34:41. turned in by Oct. 20 for the second
tree stands in the timber across Iowa Where to Hunt linois University Football Team. with a time of 20:07. He was fol- and third grade clinic.
forests and field edges waiting for the Looking for new areas to hunt? Swenson is a red-shirt freshman. lowed by Jake Wessels, who was 12th
next legendary Iowa buck to walk by. Try Iowa’s online hunting atlas, high- He was named to the Missouri Valley in 20:53. One place back was Josh Mason City
“The herd is in excellent condi- lighting more than 600,000 acres of Football Conference Academic Honor Howard in a time of 20:54. Jonah Pe-
tion statewide following the mild public hunting land. The atlas is avail- Roll in 2014-15. He is 6’3” tall and delty was next for the Lions, putting in John Deere Ski Doo Sea Doo
winter and early spring and the popu- able at in weighs 230 pounds. He was switched another top 20 performance. Pedelty Can-Am ATV Ariens Grasshopper
lation is about where we want it. If the middle of the page. from tight-end to defensive end dur- finished 19th in 21:15. Rounding out
they put in the time scouting and The atlas shows which zone the ing the spring drills. the scoring for the JV was Lewis Cal- All of your brand name For Work or Fun
sight in their bow, I expect hunters area is in, type of shot allowed, wild- Swenson had four solo tackles in laway in 22nd place in 21:22. Com- products under one roof
will have another good year in the life likely to be found, gives the user his first collegiate game against East- pleting the JV Team: Carter Olk,
timber,” said Dr. Dale Garner, chief an overhead look at the terrain and ern Illinois and he had seven tackles 62nd, 23:14; Gage Bendickson, 66th, Highway 122 W (Across from Target)
of the Iowa Department of Natural provides a downloadable or printable in the Illinois game on Sept. 12. On 23:18; Jackson Hamlin, 68th, 23:20;
Resources Wildlife Bureau. map. The mobile version of the atlas Saturday, Sept. 19 against the number Zeke Branstad, 85th, 23:54; Brian (641) 424-2861
Regulation changes incorporated will show hunter location on the area one ranked FCS Coastal Carolina he Hillyer, 109th, 25:01; Carson Meyer,
last year have helped to stabilize Io- if granted permission. had one solo tackle. 117th, 25:30; Noah Copney, 124th, Be Positive & Tom Alexander
wa’s herd. There were no regulation Another resource is the Iowa Swenson is a 2014 graduate of 25:58; Joel Groeneweg, 125th, 25:59; Patient Financial Consultant
changes for 2015. The archery sea- Habitat Access Program (IHAP), CLHS and he is the son of Scott and Daniel Tank, 127th, 26:00; Nick Cur-
son is open through Dec. 4, when it where private landowners receive as- Rhonda Swenson, of Mason City. rier, 134th, 26:46; Tucker Phaiboun, Securities America
closes for the shotgun deer seasons. It sistance to improve habitat on their 145th, 28:11; David Guetzlaff, 151st, Member FINRA/SIPC
then reopens Dec. 21 and runs until land in exchange for opening the 29:52; and Hunter Gerhardt, 156th,
Jan. 10, 2016. property for hunter access. The pro- 31:23. 641-357-7106
gram has added more than 9,000 acres The JV girls were led by Michaela 888-357-7106
Youth Season where hunters can access private prop- Niles, who finished 28th in 30:08.
Open Through Oct. 4 erty. Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
Iowa’s archery season crosses over Site maps are available at Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869. 322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake
with the youth only season for the showing boundaries,
first four days. The youth only deer which species would be most likely at- 15¢We Make Copies [email protected]
hunting season opened Sept 19. tracted to the habitat and the location each
Around 9,500 youth under 16 of a comment box where hunters can
years of age participate in the special leave their thoughts on the program. 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131 Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee
season each year. They must hunt un- Walk-in public hunting through Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency.
der the supervision of an adult men- IHAP is available between September
tor who has a valid hunting license Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.
Play by Play On-Air and Streamed on
and habitat fee. Only one youth 1 and May 31. or on our Mobile App
Fishing is good on Clear Lake (download the free app for your smartphone or iPad on GooglePlay or iTunes)
The Iowa Department of Natu- bass. Docks from the city park dock Signature Paint Store on KIOW FM 107.3
ral Resources issues a weekly fishing to the outlet have been doing okay on Thursday, October 1
report. The weekly fishing report is yellows. Most anglers are using a light 210 N. 4th Street, Downtown Clear Lake
compiled from information gathered lead head tipped with worms or cut 641-357-2134 V-Ball Forest City at Clear Lake, 7:30 p.m.
from local bait shops, angler creel sur- bait.
veys, and county and state parks staff. •Channel Catfish - Good: An- Friday, October 2
Clear Lake Report: glers have had good luck drifting
•Walleye - Good: Anglers are along the weed edges on the little FB Forest City at Clarion-Goldfield-Dows/CAL, 7:30 p.m.
picking up a few walleyes when tar- lake. Boat fishing near the outlet on FB GHV at Osage, 9:30 p.m.
geting yellow bass. Some walleyes are the east end has been catching a few;
being caught while trolling the main also anglers near Ventura grade have Game of the Week
lake basin. been catching a few.
•Muskellunge – Good. •Crappie - Good: Some luck on Saturday, October 3
•Yellow Bass - Good: Billy’s reef, Billy’s Reef and the rock reef by State
Fisherman’s reef, the State Dock Area, Dock area. FB University of Kansas at ISU, 11:00 a.m.
and the little lake have been producing For lake locations, maps and oth-
good numbers of 8.5 to 9 inch yellow er information, go to www.iowadnr. Tuesday, October 6
V-Ball Forest City at Lake Mills, 7:30 p.m.
on KHAM B103.1
Over 35 New Homes Friday, October 2
Years Addi•tions
experience Remo• dels FB West Hancock at Newman Catholic, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 3
FB Waldorf at Dickinson State, 2:00 p.m
Quality & Service you can count on.
[email protected]