Page 13 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 13
Ag./BusinessClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Sept. 30, 2015 • Page 13
Corn growers receive 60-day Crop and Weather Report
harvest weight limit waiver Combines have started to roll
To help haul in this year’s harvest, Governor,” said Bob Hemesath, a Iowa Secretary of Agriculture are off to a good start, with some
Governor Terry Branstad signed into farmer from Decorah and President
effect a proclamation granting a tempo- of the Iowa Corn Growers Association Bill Northey commented on the Iowa emerging.
Crops and Weather report released by Topsoil moisture levels rated 0
rary weight limit exemption for trucks (ICGA). “On behalf of Iowa farmers, the USDA National Agricultural Sta- percent very short, 4 percent short,
on Iowa roads. The proclamation spe- we sincerely thank Governor Branstad
cifically increases the weight allow- for the proclamation, which will sig- tistical Service. 84 percent adequate and 12 percent
“Combines have started to roll surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated
able for shipment of corn, soybeans, nificantly improve farmers’ efficiency and five percent of corn and seven 1 percent very short, 5 percent short,
hay, straw and stover, by 12.5 percent during harvest.”
per axle (up to a maximum of 90,000 ICGA provided Governor Brans- percent of soybeans have already been 83 percent adequate and 11 percent
harvested. That will likely increase surplus.
pounds) without the need for an over- tad the information required for a significantly this week as crops contin- Seventy-one percent of the corn
size/overweight permit. proclamation, as well as informa-
The 2015 proclamation again ap- tion on the estimated harvest predic- ue to dry down. Unfortunately, some crop was mature, 6 days ahead of last
areas of Southwest Iowa could be de- year, but 3 days behind the 5-year av-
plies to loads transported on all high- tions. The proclamation directs the layed another week or more following erage. Five percent of the corn crop
ways within Iowa, excluding the in- Iowa Department of Transportation TODD KIRKPATRICK MARC YOUNGE heavy rains last week,” Northey said. for grain has been harvested, a week
terstate system. Trucks cannot exceed to monitor the operation of the proc- “With crops coming out it is also great ahead of last year, but 13 days behind
to see cover crops starting to appear average. Moisture content of all corn
CLB&Tthe truck’s regular maximum by more lamation, assure the public’s safety and
than 12.5 percent per axle and must facilitate the movement of the trucks announces across the state.” being harvested was at 24 percent.
obey the posted limits on all roads and involved. Farmers who are transporting promotions Wet conditions in western Iowa Corn condition rated 80 percent good
bridges. grain are also required to follow their kept farmers out of the fields, while to excellent.
“We as farmers understand the vehicle safety standards on axle weights. Clear Lake Bank & Trust is warm and dry conditions in the rest Ninety-two percent of soybeans
harvest weight proclamation is not The exemption will be granted for pleased to announce the promotions of the State marked the beginning of were turning color or beyond, while
a right by law, but a petition to the 60 days beginning, Sept. 25, 2015. of several staff members. harvest activities for many during the 72 percent of soybeans were dropping
Todd Kirkpatrick has been pro- week ending Sept. 27, 2015, accord- leaves, 4 days ahead of 2014, and 2
moted to senior vice president of NATALIE PLAGGE ing the USDA, National Agricultural days ahead of normal. Seven percent
business banking. He joined CLB&T ness banking. She joined CLB&T in Statistics Service. Statewide there were of the soybean crop has been harvest-
in 2007. With 27 years of banking 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork, though ed. Soybean condition rated 77 per-
experience, Kirkpatrick works with conditions varied from only 2.5 days cent good to excellent.
existing and prospective commercial suitable in Southwest Iowa to 6.7 days The third cutting of alfalfa hay is
banking customers in the Mason City in Southeast Iowa. Fieldwork for the 29 percent complete, 2 days behind
market. week included cutting hay, chopping last year and 8 days behind the aver-
Marc Younge has been promoted silage, harvesting seed corn, corn for age.
to senior vice president of business grain and soybeans. There was also Pasture condition rated 66 per-
banking. He joined CLB&T in 2005 some tillage of harvested fields. Scat- cent good to excellent. Livestock con-
tered reports indicate that cover crops ditions were reported as good.
and has 20 years of experience in ag- 2010 and has provided expertise in
Optimum Health Chiropracticricultural and business lending. He credit analysis and commercial lend-
works closely with commercial and ing during her five year tenure at Bringing you and your
New Chamber member agricultural customers to ensure suc- CLB&T. family better health and
cessful and well-maintained opera- Clear Lake Bank and Trust Com-
Vincent Applegate and Byron Perrine, of the Lodge Resort Hotel/Riverview tions. pany is a locally owned, full service a better way of life.
Restaurant, located in Forest City, Iowa, accepted their membership plaque to Natalie Plagge has been promot- bank with four offices in Clear Lake,
the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. -Submitted photo ed to assistant vice president of busi- Garner, and Mason City.
NIACC to host two Manufacturing Day events Oct. 1 641-357-1211 Dr. Nick McColley
506 Main Avenue, Clear Lake
In celebration of Manufacturing From 4 p.m. – 7 p.m., NIACC facturing technology and careers. duced by the Fabricators & Manu- Visit our new website at Palmer Graduate
Day 2015, North Iowa Area Commu- will host a MFG Day Open House “There is an increasing demand facturers Association, International
nity College (NIACC) will open its and Career Fair in the Murphy Manu- for highly skilled professionals in the (FMA); the National Association of
doors on Oct. 1 to area high school facturing Technology Building. The manufacturing sector who can de- Manufacturers (NAM); the Manufac-
students and hundreds of commu- public is encouraged to attend. At- sign, program and operate technol- turing Institute (MI); the National In-
nity members as part of an effort to tendees will have the opportunity to ogy,” said Renee Anderson-Bartz of stitute of Standards and Technology’s
change people’s perceptions about to- apply for one $2,000 NIACC schol- the Iowa Advanced Manufacturing (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Ex-
day’s manufacturing environment and arship which will be awarded to a Grant at NIACC. “The average age of tension Partnership (MEP); and guest
draw attention to the outstanding op- new student in one of three advanced a manufacturing employee is 56, and producer Industrial Strength Market-
portunities that a career in manufac- manufacturing programs: tool & die, between now and 2020 there will be ing (ISM). Media partners include the
turing can provide. welding or industrial technology. an unprecedented shortage of skilled Edge Factor and the Science Chan-
NIACC will host area high There will also be 18 manufacturers workers who will need to be replaced.” nel and the national movie partner is
school students on the NIACC cam- on site, ready to recruit new employ- Manufacturing Day is co-pro- American Made Movie.
pus where they will hear from keynote ees. Tours will be given of NIACC’s
speakers Leisa Fox, Vice President of state-of-the-art industrial technology
QPS Employment Services; David facilities. There will also be a virtual
Zrostlik, President of Stellar Indus- welding competition, free walking ta-
tries; and Bill O’Leary, HR Manager cos and prizes.
of Iowa Mold and Tool. They will also Manufacturing Day is an an-
tour NIACC’s advanced manufactur- nual national event executed at the
ing programs, and take a video tour of local level supported by thousands of
manufacturing and local manufactur- manufacturers as they host students,
ing businesses. Students will take the teachers, parents, job seekers and oth-
information gained at NIACC with er local community members at open
them as they tour an area advanced houses, plant tours and presentations
manufacturing facility. To register, designed to showcase modern manu-
students should contact their high
school counselor. This event is spon-
sored by NIACC Career Connections. LARGE ITEM PICK-UP
Fall bus tour
planned for October 12th ~ 15th Wednesday Monday
Oct. 10
Monday thru Thursday
The Iowa State University Ex-
tension and Outreach will sponsor
Iowa’s Hidden Gems - Fall Bus Tour (SEE SCHEDULE ON RIGHT)
on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 7:30 a.m. APPLIANCES ~ October 15th ONLY
to 6:45 p.m.
This fun and educational bus ITEMS MUST BE ON THE CURB BY
tour will includes stops at Hawkeye
Buffalo Ranch, Fredricksburg, Iowa; 7 AM THE DAY OF PICK-UP
Osborne Welcome and Nature Cen- Pick up is for larger There is a $15
ter, Osborne, Iowa; Heritage Days items NOT usually picked sticker fee for each appliance.
Celebration, Osborne; Shihata’s Or- up through weekly service Stickers need to be affixed to each appliance
chard, Prairie du Chien, Wis.; and and/or electronic item and are available at
City Hall until 5:00 p.m. on
Country View Dairy, Hawkeye, Iowa. like: Appliances, furniture, Wednesday, Oct. 14th.
The group will meet at the Sears doors. APPLIANCES WILL BE PICKED
Shopping Center parking lot, S. Fed-
UP Oct. 15TH ONLY.
eral Ave., Mason City, on Oct. 10. ALL ITEMS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS... Tuesday
The bus leaves at 7:30 a.m.
Cost of the tour is $45. 50 LB. WEIGHT LIMIT PER ITEM! Items in Tuesday * The city will not pick up in
To register contact John Sjolinder alleys or from businesses.
at 641-423-0844 or sjolinde@iastate. • Bulky items that are difficult to handle, such as swing sets, garage Garbage Cans,
edu. Registration deadine is Friday, doors must be cut up or dismantled into smaller sections.
Oct. 2. Cardboard Boxes,
• Appliances will be picked up, however, they will have to be empty.
Check out the Home • Refrigerator doors MUST be removed to eliminate an entrapment & Plastic
Buyer’s Guide at
hazard to children. Garbage Bags • Toxic items cannot be collected, including chemicals, gasoline, gas
will NOT be
tanks, fuels, propane tanks, pesticides, paint, tires & batteries.
• Limbs, brush or yard clippings will not be picked up. picked up.
• Construction materials, including concrete, from building
renovations & refurbishings will not be picked up.
**E-Waste (Electronics) will not be picked up.**
Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869. LOOSE ITEMS NOT BUNDLED WILL NOT BE PICKED UP
12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake Any questions call 357-6135 or 357-5267
(641) 357-2131
**Trash and refuse that is normally handled by refuse haulers during weekly pick up will not be picked up.**