Page 8 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 8
Arts/EntertainmentPage 8 • Sept. 30, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Stebens Kitchen Sink
Theatre will Productions to debut
stage Blue Horizon Players
‘Alice in in November shows
Oct. 14-18 These performers and more comprise the new Blue Horizon Players. Pictured are: (front L-R) Wendy Niccum, Dave Coulter, Community theater is alive melodrama was written by Jacky
Gloria Beeman, Dan Lloyd, Barb Halbach, Stacy Nichols, Kelly Goetz, Marc Borgman, Dave Spilman, Terri Masteller, Gene and well in Clear Lake. The popular Garlock and will be directed by Laura
Stebens Children’s Theatre Beeman, Alice Hanley, Michael Mahaffey, Judy Delperdang, Mark Mowrey, Kristy Neidlinger. More performers include: Cam Kitchen Sink Productions has just Wilson. Audiences will be entertained
Presents “Alice in Wonderland,” Byrnes, Tom Dakin, Grant Dieken, Gary Ewing, Bailey Goldberg, Larry Gustafson, Ed Halbach, Bonnie Hall, Mark Harthan, announced it will introduce the Blue by the troupe’s trademark, “Bad
sponsored by Children’s Dental Karen Harthan, Paul Harthan, Priscilla Mayland, Stef Penfield, Terri Mulford, Adam Sherwood, Bob Snyder, Jodie Stockber- Horizon Players. theater at its best.”
Center of Mason City and Todd and ger and Frankie Winegardner.-Submitted photo. The performance troupe, which Many local members of the
Renee Hoeppner, Oct. 14-18. has grown from one production in community have had the opportunity
Performances are scheduled for: Allan Dean returns to North Iowa to 2002 to multiple performances a year, to be involved in performing arts in
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, play with St. Louis Brass at NIACC from performing in a tent and outside the 12 years since the troupe debuted
Oct. 14-16, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. in a park, to most recently the Clear in 2002. Playwrights, directors,
17, at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Oct. 18, at Richard Dean families present Community Auditorium on the NI- used to accompany the clever stories. Lake Arts Center, Blue Horizon is and performers donated their
2 p.m. an evening of music and more with ACC campus at 3 p.m. on Sunday, The program will feature American seeking new venues and possibilities. time, costumes, and props. Sound
Tickets will go on sale to Mason City native Allan Dean and Oct. 11. Tickets for the performance composers of both jazz and classical The curtain will rise at the equipment was loaned to the group
members on Wednesday, Sept. 30, the rest of the phenomenal St. Louis are $15 for adults and $5 for students. Lakeview Room at the City Park by Mark Hanson and Mark Mowrey.
and to the public on Thursday, Oct. Brass returning to the North Iowa All tickets purchased on the day of the Bandshell on Nov. 19-21 at 7 p.m. for Blue Horizon Players are
1. Cost is $11 for adults and $8 for show and at the door are $20. This the next scheduled show, the ever- excited to continue the tradition
youth 18 and under. Purchase tickets presentation is part of the 2015-2016 popular “Cup O’ Joe” fall production. of entertaining the community in
at Stebens Children’s Theatre, 616 N Performing Arts and Leadership Se- Tickets for all three nights November. Tickets will be $10 in
Delaware Ave., Mason City, weekdays ries. will soon be available for “Art advance and $12 at the door. Ticket
1-5 p.m. or call 641-424-9802 using Take two trumpets, one French School Homicidal.” This hilarious information will be available soon.
Master Card or Visa. horn, a trombone, and a tuba -
put them in the hands of virtuoso genre. The quintet has commissioned Work of Clear Lake
performers - add some lighthearted two jazz oriented arrangements - an photographer Jean
demonstrations- and you have the arrangement of Louis Armstrong Poland exhibited at
Saint Louis Brass. favorites together with a new Clear Lake Arts Center
“We have a lot of fun with commission: “Four Times Five” by
the audience,” trombonist Melvyn young American composer Joshua
Jernigan told a reporter after a concert Hobbs. Allan Dean has written many
last fall. “It starts off really kind of of the arrangements including some
straight and then gets lighter as we go songs and music of the Renaissance
along,” said Jernigan, a music educator plus tangos by the Argentinian Astor
who performed with the Saint Louis Piazzolla.
Symphony Orchestra in addition to Humorous demonstrations
his quintet role. offered by the quintet have served Emotional and expressive are
A special event for this tour is the to enhance their reputation as an the words that come to mind when
new work “Aesop’s Fables” by Anthony extraordinary musical group. One looking at the work of Clear Lake
Plog, in which the brass music is such demonstration will focus on the Photographer Jean Poland.
history of the brass instruments all Poland’s exhibit titled “Capturing
Plan an Arty Party the way from the time of King Tut Life in a Moment” is on display in the
for your group to the present including the straight Stanton Gallery at the Clear Lake Arts
trombone and the French horn Center through the end of October
The Clear Lake Arts Center is of- fashioned from a twelve foot section with a Meet the Artist Reception,
fering its popular Arty Parties at either of garden hose. Friday, Oct. 2, from 4-6 p.m.
the Arts Center, or on the road where In addition to Melvyn Jernigan, Her work is genuine and tells
party hosts provide the space and the members of the quintet include a sensitive story of a multitude of
Arts Center brings the supplies and trumpet soloists Allan Dean and Ray moments and the emotions those
instructor. Sasaki, hornist Thomas Bacon and moments bring – quiet, animated,
Designed for beginners or Daniel Perantoni, tuba. hesitant, reserved.
intermediates, classes are typically two The quintet has existed for more When asked about her work and JEAN POLAND
to three hours, with a limit on the what she is looking for in her work,
class size. For more information on than 30 years, presenting hundreds of Jean commented, “Anticipating the
how to schedule a private arty party, concerts across the country and inter- moment and capturing it for posterity
call 641-357-1998 or email clac@ nationally. The musicians have been is my challenge.” today. funded for touring by the Missouri The Clear Lake Arts Center is
Arts Council, the Illinois Arts Coun- located in downtown Clear Lake at
cil, the Mid- America Arts Alliance, 17 S. 4th St. Hours of Operation are
Arts Midwest and The National En- Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
dowment For the Arts. For more information call the
For tickets to the show, call the Clear Lake Arts Center at 641 357-
NIACC Box Office at 1-888-466- 1998 or e-mail [email protected].
4222, extension 4188. Tickets may
also be purchased online at www.
“Poppy” by Jean Poland
Musical comedy 42nd Street on stage Saturday night
Dean Genth, Dr. Gary Swenson, on Saturday, Oct. 3. This presentation including “We’re In The Money,” and lyrics by Al Dubin, 42nd Street is
and the Mason City Clinic present is part of the 2015-2016 Performing “Lullaby of Broadway,” “Shuffle Off based on a novel by Bradford Ropes
the quintessential backstage musical Arts and Leadership Series. To Buffalo,” “Dames,” “I Only Have and Busby Berkeley’s 1933 movie and
comedy classic 42nd Street in a “42nd Street” is the song and Eyes For You” and of course “42nd tells the story of a starry-eyed young
sparkling new production at the dance fable of Broadway, with an Street.” dancer named Peggy Sawyer who
North Iowa Community Auditorium American Dream story and some The 42nd Street production leaves her Allentown home and comes
on the NIACC campus at 7:30 p.m. of the greatest songs ever written, will be directed by co-author Mark to New York to audition for the new
Bramble and choreographed by Broadway musical Pretty Lady. When
WEDNESDAY NIGHT Randy Skinner, the team who staged the leading lady breaks her ankle,
the 2001 Tony Award® winning Best Peggy takes over and becomes a star.
SPECIALS Revival. The original production of 42nd
The book by Michael Stewart and Street was produced in 1980 on
Mark Bramble, music by Harry Warren Broadway.
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305 Main Avenue
Downtown Clear Lake
(641) 357-0106
Open 6:30 a.m. Mon-Sat. • 7 a.m. on Sunday
Dinner Tues.-Thurs. at 5 p.m. • Fri. & Sat. at 4:30 p.m.