Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 7
Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Sept. 30, 2015 • Page 7
Property From
taxes due The
today Market
A piece of history returns to Clear Lake Treasurer Patricia Wright re- By Marysue Salmon
minds all taxpayers that first half as- This layered vegetable soup is prepared in a unique manner. The veg-
Devon Clancy and H Milton Duesenberg are shown with a box used to ship mechanic’s tools to Alaska in 1942. The tools sessment year 2014 real estate taxes etables are added in specific order according to their optimum cooking
were used by employees of E. M. Duesenberg Inc., in the construction of the Alaska Highway. Devon’s grandfather, Pat and assessment year 2016 mobile time. They retain their shape because the soup is not stirred until all of the
Clancy, originally found the box in the Verbeckmoes home that he had purchased at present day 200 South Shore Drive. home taxes are due in the Treasurer’s vegetables are added.
Devon, of Davenport, Iowa, recently donated the box to H Milton.-Submitted photo. office by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. If you want a “juicier” soup you can add chicken or vegetable broth,
30. but this time of year the luscious garden tomatoes from our farmers market
RELAY FOR LIFE The Treasurer encourages all make a tasty broth!
from page 1 taxpayers to take advantage of the Layered Garden Vegetable Soup
online property tax payment at 1 Tbls. olive oil
in November with the same goal Teams, like this one from Clear Lake Bank & Trust, plan their own fundraisers to This service 2 onions, large dice
of providing information about raise money for the Relay for Life. Colleen Snyder and her team from CLB&T oper- provides opportunity to pay taxes for 6 medium juicy garden tomatoes, large dice
the event, answering questions and ated a dunk tank at last year’s Relay event.-Submitted photo. any property in Iowa online through a 2 medium-small unpeeled zucchini, sliced in 1/4-inch thick rounds
hoping to get more people involved. secure website, 24 hours a day, seven Salt and pepper and Italian seasoning blend
Snyder explains that individuals this disease) and support programs Those interested in learning days a week. Payment may be made 1 small head romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped (can substitute kale)
and teams can plan their own for cancer patients. The money was more about the Cerro Gordo County by Discover, Master Card, Visa, or 1/2 pound fresh green beans, cut in 1-inch pieces
fundraisers, like chili suppers or sent to the Cancer Research Center at Relay for Life, or wanting to register eCheck. 1/2 pound fresh or frozen small lima beans
golf outings, to raise money for the University Hospitals in Iowa City to can go to Taxes not received in the 1/2 pound frozen peas
American Cancer Society’s Relay for support the research and studies being Colleen Snyder can also be reached at Treasurer’s office by Sept. 30, 2015 More salt and pepper and Italian seasoning blend
Life. The possibilities are endless. done there. Equipment of the newest [email protected]. must be postmarked by Sept. 30, 2015 In a large 5 quart soup pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Have
Even those not directly involved design (computers/microscopes, etc.) or penalty will apply. Taxpayers who all vegetables chopped and measured before you begin! Layer vegetables
in fundraising for the event are are being used to discover ways to County to close wish to mail their payment are urged in the order given, beginning with chopped onions and ending with peas.
encouraged to make the Relay for cure cancer. New avenues are being campgrounds to take special attention to receive Add one vegetable at a time, with 3 minutes cooking time after each new
Life a summer go-to event. Between considered to attack this killer and postmark by midnight as mailing a layer. (This will take a total time of about 20 minutes.) Do not stir until
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on June 4 there successes are increasing as more Effective Monday, Oct. 5, all payment on Wednesday, Sept. 30, three minutes after add-
will be a variety of fun, as well as research is being done,” said Lovik. Cerro Gordo County Conservation 2015 does not guarantee a September ing the peas. Then stir
touching and motivating activities. Twenty years ago, the cancer Board modern campgrounds will postmark. just enough to evenly
During the day there are interactive survival rate was 40 percent. Today, be closed for the season (weather When paying by mail or in per- distribute the vegetables
games and learning opportunities and the cancer survival rate is 70 percent dependent- if unseasonably cold or wet son, the Treasurer recommends using in the pot.
new in 2016 there will be a 5K race or higher, adds Lovik. One out of weather, closing date will be earlier). the first half coupon attached to the Continue to cook 15-
to bring people to the event. After two men and one out of three women This includes Wilkinson Pioneer statement. The taxpayer’s cancelled 20 minutes over me-
an opening ceremony, each team will will have cancer in their lifetime. Park in Rock Falls, Linn Grove Park check will serve as receipt. Those wish- dium heat. Taste and
have someone walking a designated According to the American Cancer in Rockwell, and Ingebretson Park in ing an additional receipt must enclose correct the seasoning. It
track throughout the hours of the Society, 17 people die every day in Thornton. a self-addressed, stamped envelope. will take more salt than
Relay for Life. A highlight of the Iowa from cancer. Payment methods accepted in the of- you think. Garnish with
day is the luminaries at the closing fice are cash, check, and debit card, chopped fresh herbs, if
ceremonies held in the All Seasons Discover, MasterCard and Visa. desired, and serve in
Building, remembering loved ones The Treasurer’s office in the heated soup bowls. The
lost to cancer. As the lights go down courthouse is open Monday through eight large servings are
they spell “Hope” and “Cure,” Snyder Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. nice with crusty bread
explains. for dipping.
“It’s a really moving day. People Deadline set for
are having fun and remembering elderly, disabled Be sure to clean out
those they love. We all feel like we taxpayers your dryer vent!
are trying to help find a cure,” added
Snyder. County Treasurer Patricia Animals like to build
The American Cancer Society Wright has announced the deadline their winter home
Relay For Life is the world’s largest on the final extension for elderly or in these warm vent
and most impactful fundraising disabled taxpayers to return their Iowa pipes.
event to end cancer. In 2014, over Property Tax Credit forms until Sept.
$6 million dollars was raised to fight 30, 2015. Zilge’s Appliance Center
cancer through research (finding new Those taxpayers at least 65 years will provide this service for
medicines and procedures to combat of age as of Dec. 31, 2014, or those
taxpayers at least 18 years of age and $70 (plus mileage)
totally disabled as of Dec. 31, 2014, if the vent pipe is
may qualify for property tax credit if
their income from all sources is below accessible.
$22,011 for calendar year 2014. Indi-
viduals 23-years of age or older that
own a mobile home may also qualify
for a reduction in mobile home tax if
their income is below $22,011.
Property tax credit forms are
available in the Treasurers Office, on
the county website at, the statewide treasurers’
website at, or
at the Iowa Department of Revenue
website at
American Cancer Society will
recognize MCHS Coaches vs.
Cancer fundraising efforts
The American Cancer Society’s The Coaches vs. Cancer program WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU !
Coaches vs. Cancer program will is a nationwide collaboration between
recognize Mason City High School the American Cancer Society and the
at the upcoming Iowa Coaches National Association of Basketball
Basketball Association’s Fall Clinic in Coaches that empowers coaches, their
Des Moines on Saturday, Oct. 17, at teams, and communities to join the
the Iowa Events Center. fight against cancer by participating in
Mason City High School raised awareness efforts, advocacy programs,
the third highest dollar amount and fundraising activities. Guided
($12,590) of any Coaches vs. Cancer by the Coaches vs. Cancer Council,
events held in the state of Iowa. participating coaches help people with
Assistant Varsity Girls Basketball coach cancer today and to find cures to end
Tom Kirby will be presented with a the diseases tomorrow, and have raised
plaque honoring their achievement more than $87 million to help the
for the 2014/2015 school year. American Cancer Society’s mission.
Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,
would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!
102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112 26 6th Street SE, Mason City • 641-423-2473 Monday-Friday 9am to 7pm • Saturday 9am-5pm
Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00 Where Quality, Service, and Fair Prices Meet