Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 14
LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Sept. 30, 2015 • Page 15
Clear Lake City Legals
The Clear Lake City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 21, 2015, at 52716 Carpenter Uniform Company Uniforms 239.41
6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, with Mayor Nelson P. Crabb presiding. 52717 Charlson Excavating Company W 7th Ave N Payment #1 102,379.60 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING
Council Members present: Boehnke, Hugi, Callanan, Brant. Absent: Nelson. 52718 Clear Lake Sanitary District Testing VENTURA, IOWA
Mayor Crabb asked that the agenda be amended by adding the following: 52719 Clear Lake Veterinary Hospital Services 40.00
-Street Closing Requests: Opportunity Village, Saturday, September 26th, 52720 Clerk of District Court Court Fees 100.00 Item # 1 – Call Meeting to order/roll call
N5th Street from Main Avenue to 1st Avenue N. 52721 Crescent Electric Supply Inc Bulbs 60.00
Boehnke moved the agenda be approved, seconded by Brant. Passed Unanimously. 52722 Des Moines Register, The Subscription 182.46 A regular meeting of the City Council of Ventura, Iowa was held on September
Brant moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Hugi: 52723 Ditch Witch - Iowa Locator Repair 396.04
B. Minutes – September 8, 2015. 52724 Electronic Engineering Supplies & Services 394.86 14, 2015. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Lynn Benson. The
C. Approval of the bills & claims. 52725 Fareway Stores Inc. Supplies 1,115.65
D.Licenses & Permits: 52726 Floyd & Leonard Auto Electric Parts 276.16 meeting was held at Ventura City Hall. The following Council Members were present:
-Liquor License: Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with Sunday 52727 Glen’s Tire Service Inc. Repairs 277.63
Sales, VFW Post 4868; Class C Beer Permit (BC) with Sunday Sales, Pilot 52728 Globe Gazette Employment ad 147.90 Darwin Avery, John Quintus, Mike Thackery and Brian Vaage. Also present were:
Travel Centers, LLC; (renewals). 52729 Goodnature’s Work Stop Uniform 282.56
-Tree Trimmer’s License: Maleks Lawn & Tree, Garner, (new). 52730 Grainger Valves 159.97 Public Works Director Bill Bredlow, City Attorney Michael Moeller, and Chief Pete
-Excavator’s License: Shane Monson Construction, Clear Lake, (renewal). 52731 Hach Company Supplies 599.03
-Amusement License: VFW Post 4868, (renewal). 52732 Hart’s Auto Supply Parts 147.97 Roth, with the Clear Lake Police Department. Absent: Kristie Meints.
Roll Call: All Ayes. 52733 Hawkins Inc. Chlorine 242.46
Mayor Crabb announced that it was the time and place for the citizen’s forum. 52734 Heartland Asphalt Inc. S Lakeview Dr Street Patches 886.50 Item # 2 - Consent Agenda
Peter Lagios, 308 4th Avenue S, informed the Council that it is his intention to withdraw 52735 Heartland Paper Co. Supplies 5,477.40
from the upcoming Municipal election as a candidate for the At-Large Council member 52736 Hunt Electric LLC, Jim Repairs 928.82 Motion by Quintus/Avery to approve the consent agenda for September 14, 2015.
as he will be relocating from the City. 52737 IA Communities Assurance Pool Insurance 893.46
Carrie Lahner, 2011 S 24th Street, asked the Council to address the speed limit on the 52738 Interstate Motor Trucks Inc. Parts 106.68 Passed unanimously.
gravel portion of S 24th Street and stated that it is currently a posted speed limit of 55 52739 Iowa Dept of Justice Services 54.52
mph and that she would request that it be changed to 35 mph. 52740 Iowa DOT Testing 200.00 a. Agenda September 14, 2015
Scott Flory, City Administrator, reviewed the Annual Street Financial Report for fiscal 52741 Iowa History Journal Subscription 762.12
year 2015. He stated that the report must be submitted annually to the Iowa Depart- 52742 Iowa One Call August Locates 18.95 b. Regular Minutes August 24, 2015
ment of Transportation by September 30th and that the report includes the following 52743 Iowa Park & Rec Association Tickets 227.30
major capital construction projects completed by the end of the 2015 fiscal year: N 52744 J&J Machining & Welding Steel 2,186.00 c. Claims Register September 14, 2015
Shore Drive Street Reconstruction Project; N 6th Street Reconstruction Project; and the 52745 Kramer Hardware Supplies 72.14
2015 Street Rehabilitation Project. Callanan introduced the following Resolution and 52746 Lake Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 363.24 Disbursements
moved its adoption, seconded by Brant. Roll Call: Passed Unanimously. Whereupon, 52747 Larsen Plumbing & Heating Inc. Repairs 829.34
the Mayor declared the following duly adopted: 52748 Larson Contracting 2015 Public Alley Improv-Retainage 81.49 23956 Bredlow, William Payroll 8/26/15 1178.56
52749 Larsons Mercantile Supplies 1,770.19
RESOLUTION No. 15-45 52750 Larue Distributing Inc. Supplies 29.22 23957 Taylor, Else Payroll 8/26/15 1222.71
A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 15 IOWA DOT 52751 Law Enforcement Targets Inc. Supplies 42.04
52752 Logan Contractors Supply Inc. Sidewalk Paint 66.66 23958 State of Iowa PR withholding August 2015 442.85
ANNUAL STREET FINANCIAL REPORT 52753 Marco Inc. Copier Maintenance 4,960.00
Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm, gave an update on the W 7th Avenue N 52754 McCann, Linda Books 61.95 23959 Clemens, Carol Payroll 9/1/15 1725.96
Water Main Improvement Project and reviewed Pay Estimate #1 in the amount of 52755 Memorial Park Cemetery Engraving 100.00
$102,379.69 to Charlson Excavating. Hugi moved to approve Pay Estimate #1, sec- 52756 Menards Supplies 230.00 23960 Domonoske, Tamara Payroll 9/1/15 368.63
onded by Brant. Passed Unanimously. 52757 Mercy Medical Center-N IA Pharmacy Supplies & Laundry Service 43.74
Flory reviewed the proposed SE Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan and stated 52758 Merritt Computer Service Computer Hardware & Services 290.97 23961 Lundgren, Kimberly Ann Payroll 9/1/15 715.20
that the Council allocated funding in the FY 16 budget to prepare a SE Wastewater Col- 52759 Midwest Pipe Supply Inc. Parts 9,095.68
lection System Facility Plan which would analyze capacity issues and concerns of that 52760 MidWest Roofing Co City Hall Roof Replacement (Retainage) 3,815.46 23962 Paschal, Debbie Payroll 9/1/15 265.66
portion of the municipal wastewater collection system that discharges into lift station #8 52761 Midwest Wheel Companies Truck Parts 7,075.00
on 12th Avenue S. Petersburg stated that the scope of work would include identifying 52762 NAPA Auto Parts Parts 38.61 23963 Bredlow, William Payroll 9/9/15 1178.56
future sewer trunk lines; make recommendations regarding potential future projects 52763 Norsolv Systems Services 54.56
to improve the existing collections system to alleviate areas of by-passing and correct 52764 North Iowa Collision Center Vehicle Repair 134.95 23964 Taylor, Else Payroll 9/9/15 1222.71
other deficiencies; and preparation of budgetary cost estimates for recommended im- 52765 Northland Glass Repairs 640.00
provements. He advised that the plan will provide the City with a summary of necessary 52766 Office Elements Copier Maintenance 352.41 23965 Absolute Waste Removal Sanitation Services 09/01/15 – 09/30/15 3022.52
capital improvements to meet both existing and future wastewater collection system 52767 Office of Vehicle Services Salvage Tags 32.86
loadings in the SE portion of the City. 52768 Payless Foods Supplies 60.00 23966 Ace/Kramer Hardware Inc. Misc. well house supplies 202.96
Boehnke moved to approve the engineering services agreement with Veenstra & Kimm 52769 Petroblend Corporation Oil & Filters 103.22
for the SE Area Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan, seconded by Callanan. 52770 Petty Cash -City of Clear Lake Postage & Supplies 642.76 23967 Alliant Energy Utilities 3320.42
Passed Unanimously. 52771 Petty Cash -Clear Lake Library Postage 162.99
Flory reviewed a proposed Resolution authorizing the reimbursement of funds ex- 52772 Physicians Claims Company Ambulance Billing Services 82.50 23968 Banyon Data Systems Interface for new meter software 2190.00
pended from the General fund from the proceeds of the Tax Increment Fund for the 12th 52773 Plumb Supply Company Supplies 1,328.68
Avenue S Bridge Replacement Project. He indicated the auditors have suggested this 52774 Pritchard Auto Company 2- 2016 Ford Explorers & Parts 37.50 23969 Barco Municipal Products Survey flags, marking paint 179.94
be done by Council Resolution. Brant introduced the following Resolution and moved 52775 Pro Clean Midwest LLC Carpet Cleaning 55,056.56
its adoption, seconded by Callanan. Roll Call: Passed Unanimously. Whereupon, the 52776 Quality Pest Control Services 250.00 23970 Blazek Electric EM24 – Community Center 300.00
Mayor declared the following duly adopted: 52777 Red Geranium, The Supplies 69.00
52778 Secory Plumbing & Heating Repairs 40.00 23971 Brakke Implement Tail light for tractor 47.71
RESOLUTION No. 15-46 52779 Sherwin-Williams Company Supplies 2,988.00
A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REIMBURSEMENT OF FUNDS 52780 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc Engineering Services 101.85 23972 Calhoun-Burns and Assoc. Engineering – Venetian Village Bridge 186.30
EXPENDED FROM THE GENERAL FUND FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE TAX 52781 State Hygienic Laboratory Water Sample Testing 4,786.00
52782 Superior Lumber Inc. Supplies 112.50 23973 Center Point Large Print Library book order 181.11
INCREMENT FUND FOR PURPOSES OF CAPITAL PROJECT(S) 52783 Thrifty White Pharmacy Supplies 189.09
INCIDENT AND RELATED TO THIS RESOLUTION 52784 Tire Experts, The Tires 20.54 23974 Chuck Madson Refund for meter reader error 130.25
52785 Titan Pro Sci Turf Chemicals 190.85
There being no further business before the Council, Boehnke moved to adjourn at 7:08 52786 Treasurer - State of Iowa Unclaimed Utility Deposits 254.70 23975 City of Clear Lake Ambulance calls – August 2015 100.00
p.m., seconded by Hugi. Passed Unanimously. 52787 Van Diest Supply Company Turf Chemicals 193.77
NEXT REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 52788 Verizon Wireless Phone Service 712.48 23976 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter Publications – August 2015 386.88
/S/ Nelson P. Crabb 52789 Woodford Lumber Company Plywood 96.64
Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor 52790 WT Fabrication Welding Services 37.80 23977 CLTEL VAC – Bridge repair 331.30
ATTEST: 52791 Yohn Enterprises Concrete 67.00
/S/ Jennifer Larsen 52792 Ziegler Inc. Parts 2,393.54 23978 Edwards Brandt & Assoc. Policy change – fire dept. jet ski 27.00
Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk 52793 Zoll Medical Corp Medical Supplies 98.84
TOTAL 276.58 23979 Fedex Shipping – water samples 58.56
23980 Five Star Cooperative Softener salt for library & C.Center 15.96
Cash Balance
09/21/15 23981 Hancock County Oil Fuel – Public Works 303.22
2,588,006.94 23982 Harrison Truck Centers Dump truck chassis - Freightliner 69922.00
23983 Huber Supply Co. Drill 210.59
214,411.06 23984 Hygienic Laboratory Lab fees – water testing 137.50
16,749.75 23985 Ingram Library Services Library book order 499.25
23986 Iowa Lot Striping Street sweeping 08/27/15 403.75
69,022.98 23987 Iowa Prison Industries Signage for new dump truck 661.32
357,248.19 23988 J & J Machining Welding Aluminum plate – chemical tank 30.91
564,931.91 23989 Laura Verbrugge Deposit refund for hall event 200.00
454,644.04 23990 Metering & Technology Water meters (414) units 103427.90
23991 Midwest Testing LLC Meter installation (59) installations 4455.00
23992 Municipal Supply Water meter fittings & gaskets 845.00
23993 Office Elements Library – toner, towels, protectors 250.36
23994 Quill Corporation Printer drums (4) 229.08
23995 State of Iowa Sales tax for bill cycle #4 end Aug. 2015 1462.76
23996 Tracey Peterson Deposit refund for 09/12/15 hall event 200.00
23997 Ventura Library Library petty cash 56.10
23998 Walmart Community Trash bags – Community Center 16.53
23999 Woodford-Wheeler Lumber Wood trim for well house 10.89
24000 Yohnco Inc. Concrete – hole near bridge 102.11
162E Internal Revenue Service 941 PR taxes August 2015 2645.89
163E IPERS Retirement contributions August 2015 1610.63
Total Claims $206,682.54
Item # 3 - Police Report
Chief Pete Roth reported the following calls from 8/24/2015 –9/13/2015:
Traffic Contact (8), Traffic Complaint (3), Collision (1), Suspicion (2), Animal (2), Fraud
(2), theft (1), Alarm (2), Weather (1), Civil (3), Harassment (1), Disorderly/Disturbance
(1), Assist To Other Agency (1), Lost/Found (1), Open Door/Window (3), Other (6).
Chief Roth discussed the security of personnel in City buildings.
Resolution 15-16 was introduced by Avery, RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING
Transfer City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct Transfer 9/4/2015 Wages & Taxes OF NEW WATER METERING TECHNOLOGY, and seconded by Thackery. The
Wire Iowa Dept of Revenue August Sales Tax 49.95 Mayor put the question upon the motion and the roll call vote resulted as follows:
Wire Payment Service Network Contracted Services 4,614.28 City of Clear Lake Ayes Avery, Thackery, Quintus and Vaage
52697 Wright Express FSC Gas & Diesel Fuel 32.95 Statement of Revenues & Expenses Nays None
52698 ANDERSON, MARA E Water Deposit Refund #1642 25.00 Cash Balance Absent Meints
52699 DALGLIESH, BROOKE Water Deposit Refund #2352 35.67 09/08/15 Receipts Expenditures Whereupon the Mayor declared Resolution 15-16 duly adopted.
52700 ENGEBRETSON, BOBBI Garden Mtr Deposit Refund #1524 General 2,431,323.29 387,532.27 (230,848.62) Item # 5 – Public Works Report
52701 HILL, EMILY P&R Program Refund 36.88 Road Use Tax 972,148.83 95,547.35 (5,477.40) Public Works Director Bill Bredlow reported on the following items:
52702 KNUTSON, SANDIE P&R Program Refund Employee Benefits 291,164.81 67,739.08 (60,307.12) a. Progress report on status of new dump truck. County is presently outfit
52703 VINE, BRIAN Water Deposit Refund #1894 461.73 TIF Revenues 53,391.53 161,019.53 0.00 ting old dump truck with their sander.
52704 ABC Lock Service Keys & Repairs 405.00 E/D Loan Trust 237,549.62 0.00 0.00 b. Tower cleaning to take place September 26 & 27.
52705 Absolute Waste Removal August Services 69,651.82 Law Enforcement - State 16,949.75 0.00 (200.00) c. Ten meters are still pending installation to complete the meter change
52706 Advanced Systems Inc Copier Maintenance Firefighter Benefit Trust 46,814.68 0.00 0.00 program.
52707 Airgas USA LLC Medical Oxygen 859.47 Kinney Lindstrom 0.00 0.00 0.00 d. Concrete repair on Clear View Drive estimate is $3,500.
52708 Alden Pool & Municipal Supply Gas Chlorinators & Parts Debt Service 38,852.07 30,170.91 0.00 e. Crack filing quote for Lido Road, Venetian Drive and a portion of E. Lake
52709 Amazon Library Books & DVDs Capital Projects 195,868.34 0.00 (5,548.12) St. is $6,300.
52710 Aramark August Services Riley Trust 357,248.19 0.00 0.00 Item # 6 – Old Business
52711 Backus, Carol L Fitness Classes Water 877,415.38 75,028.74 (133,373.98) Council Member Quintus made mention of vermin activity wandering the neighbor-
52712 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa October 2015 Health Insurance Sewer Rental 543,703.01 27,604.61 (6,375.71) hood near 204 W Ventura Street and suggested calling the County Health Depart-
52713 BMC Aggregates LC Gravel & Backfill Solid Waste 149,006.92 37,151.21 (37,811.22) ment again to address the matter.
52714 Bound Tree Medical LLC Medical Supplies Storm Water Utility 448,216.34 8,847.59 (2,419.89) The Council also wanted 104 East Lake Street brought up to the County Health
52715 Brown Supply Co Hydrant Parts Total 6,659,652.76 890,641.29 (482,362.06) Department, as this home has now been vacant for over ten years and has several
Clear Lake School Board concerns that need to be addressed.
Item # 7 – New Business
Council Member Avery informed the Council that the gun club is contemplating a
CLEAR LAKE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Student Directory new clubhouse building. The club is wondering how the new building would be taxed
BOARD MINUTES Superintendent Anita Micich reviewed the student directory information that may be
September 23, 2015 released to the public regarding any individual student of the school district as needed: if the new building was erected inside the Ventura City limits.
Name, grade level, enrollment status, participation in officially recognized activities and
Meeting called to order by President Tesar at 5:30 p.m. sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees and awards received, Item # 8 - Public Forum – none
photograph and likeness.
Present – President Tesar; Directors; Bergvig; Kuhlers; Loge; Wilhelm; Secretary Leerar Any student over the age of eighteen or any parent not wanting this information Item # 9 – Adjournment
and Supt. Micich released to the public must make objection in writing by September 15 to the principal.
The objection needs to be renewed annually. Motion by Thackery/Quintus to adjourn at 8:15.
Moved by Wilhelm, seconded by Kuhlers, to approve the September 23, 2015 agenda.
All ayes. Motion carried. Transportation Notice - Video Cameras on School District Buses _________________________________
Superintendent Anita Micich reviewed the video camera on school district buses notice
Moved by Bergvig, seconded by Loge, to accept the Abstract of Election from the Elec- that needs to be reviewed annually by the Board: Lynn Benson, Mayor
tion held on September 8, 2015. All ayes. Motion carried.
The Clear Lake Community School District board of Directors has authorized the use Attest:_________________________________
President Tesar adjourned the Meeting of video cameras on school district buses. The video cameras will be used to monitor Brian Vaage, Council Member
student behavior to maintain order on the school buses to promote and maintain a safe
Reorganization of the Board of Education environment. Students and parents are hereby notified that the content of the video- Read the Legals.
Serving as temporary Board Chair, Secretary Leerar called the meeting to order. tapes may be used in student disciplinary proceeding. The content of the videotapes It’s your right.
are confidential student records and will be retained with other student records. Video-
Present: Bergvig, Brady, Kuhlers, Moeller, Tesar, Secretary Leerar and Superintendent tapes will only be retained if necessary for use in a student disciplinary proceeding or
Micich. other matter as determined necessary by the administration.
Moved by Tesar, seconded by Bergvig, to approve the September 23, 2015 agenda. All Moved by Moeller, seconded by Brady, to approve Clear Lake Mirror Reporter as the
ayes. Motion carried. Clear Lake Community School District Official Publication. All ayes. Motion carried.
Secretary Leerar administered the Oath of Office to newly elected Board Members Mike Moved by Tesar, seconded by Kuhlers, to approve request for allowable growth for a Are you headed
Moeller, John Brady and Chad Kuhlers. negative special education balance in the amount of $87,044.09. All ayes. Motion Out-Of-State for the winter?
Moved by Tesar, seconded by Kuhlers, to nominate Bergvig as Board President. All
ayes. Motion carried. Moved by Moeller, seconded by Tesar, to approve physical education waiver request.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Leerar administered the oath of office to President Bergvig.
Moved by Brady, seconded by Kuhlers, to approve revisions/review of Board Poli- If so, please contact us
Moved by Tesar, seconded by Brady, to nominate Kuhlers as Vice President. All ayes. cies, 303.10 Succession of Authority to the Superintendent, 403.7 Licensed Employee with your change of address
Motion carried. Contract Release, 405.2 Employee Travel Compensation, 405.5 Public Service, 501.9
Open Enrollment Transfers: Procedures as a Sending District, 501.9A Open Enrollment information.
Leerar administered the oath of office to Vice President Kuhlers. Transfers: Procedures as a Receiving District, 503.1 Student Activity Program, 505.7
Pregnancy, 505.10 Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures, 601.2 School Cal- We can forward your paper to your new address for a $5.00
Moved by Moeller, seconded by Tesar, to approve that the Clear Lake Community endar, 901.6 Final Building Specifications, 902.3 Emergency Repairs, 902.5 Disposition fee. Please call, email or stop in before you leave.
School District Board of Directors hold its regular meetings on the Second Wednesday of Obsolete Equipment, 1002.2 Membership and Appointment, 1003.2 Complaints Con-
of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Administration Building located at: 1529 3rd Avenue cerning School Personnel, 1003.4 Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites, 1004.1 Thank You
North, Clear Lake, IA. The board may call special meetings with adequate and proper Community Use of School Facilities. Table 1001.2 Board Proceedings and remove
notice and may move the date of a regular or study session meeting with same notice. 1002.3 Communication & Recommendations. All ayes. Motion carried.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Superintendent Micich discussed the IASB conventions. 12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake
Public Forum (641) 357-2131
No Public comment made. President Bergvig declared the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Annual Notices ____________________ ________________________
Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
Chyrl Bergvig, President Lorna Leerar, Board Secretary