Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
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Legals/ClassifiedsPage 16 • Sept. 30, 2015									                                                                                                                                                  Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                 County Legals                                                                                               Statewide Classifieds                                                         ANNOUNCEMENTS                         RENTAL PROPERTIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                     _______________________                  _______________________
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                        not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional.                     FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS            Equipment, Great Benefits! 6 mo.
September 15, 2015                                             Section 5: This resolution shall be in full force and effect                                     recent tractor/trailer exp. in last  CHECK US OUT ON FACE-                    All real estate advertised herein
Unapproved                                                     from and after its passage. Motion passed.                    Restaurant Equipment Outlet;       3 years. Navajo Recruiting 866-      BOOK for daily specials.                 is subject to the Federal Fair
	                                                                                                                            New & Used Restaurant              539-9225 (INCN)                      Louie’s Custom Meat & More.              Housing Act, which makes it
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa,          Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to             Equipment see www.                                                      RTFN                                     illegal to advertise any prefer-
met in regular session pursuant to adjournment. Pres-          approve reports from the Zoning Director and Environ-, call 1-800-526-  MISCELLANEOUS                                                                 ence, limitation, or discrimination
ent: Supervisor Jay Urdahl, Supervisor Casey Callanan          mental Health Service Manager concerning the Manure           7105, or stop by our Showroom                                            AUTO/TRANSPORTATION                     based on race, color, religion,
and various members of the public. Absent: Chairman            Management Plan filed by B & S Farms Corporation Site         to see what’s in stock for you!    Advertise your EVENT,                _______________________                  sex, handicap, familial status,
Phil Dougherty.                                                3and forward them to the DNR. Motion passed.                  Sioux City, IA (INCN)              PRODUCT or RECRUIT an                                                         or national origin, or intention
                                                                                                                                                                applicant in this paper plus 30      1981 MAZDA RX-7 (Rotary                  to make any such preference,
Urdahl convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Callanan             Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to au-         HELP WANTED- SKILLED               other papers in Northwest Iowa       Engine), $2,000 OBO. Call 641-           limitation, or discrimination.
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the           thorize the chairman to sign side letter to the agreement     TRADES                             for only $110/week! Call 800-227-    420-7361. R-39
September 8, 2015 and regular and special session              between Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Department and                                              7636 (INCN)                                                    We will not knowingly accept
minutes, September 11, 2015 special session minutes            Teamsters Local Union No. 238. Motion passed.                 Can You Dig It? Heavy                                                   ’07 HONDA ACCORD: One                    any advertising for real estate,
and today’s agenda. Motion passed.                                                                                           Equipment Operator Career! We      Oxygen Concentrator InogenOne        owner, new tires, all power, dark        which is in violation of the law.
                                                               Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to             Offer Training and Certifications  – Regain Independence. Enjoy         gray, in Clear Lake. $6,250.             All persons are hereby informed
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to              adjourn at 10:28 a.m. Motion passed unanimously.              Running Bulldozers, Backhoes       Greater Mobility. NO more Tanks!     Call 319-269-0598 before 9 p.m.          that all dwellings advertised are
approve the claims. Motion passed.                                                                                           & Excavators. Lifetime Job         100% Portable Long-Lasting           R-40                                     available on an equal
                                                               The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,        Placement. VA Benefits Eligible!   Battery. Try It RISK-FREE! For                                                opportunity basis.
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to              reports, correspondence, and other documents that were        1-866-362-6497 (INCN)              Cash Buyers Call 1-800-998-              CLEANING SERVICES
approve the payroll warrant register for the period ending     presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s                                           1831 (INCN)                          _______________________                  HOUSE FOR RENT: One
September 5, 2015. Motion passed.                              office.                                                       HELP WANTED- TRUCK                                                                                               bedroom. Stove, refrigerator,
                                                                                                                             DRIVER                             IF YOU HAD HIP, KNEE OR              WINDOW CLEANING                          washer & dryer included. Close
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to              ___________________________________________                                                      HEART VALVE REPLACEMENT              Clean View Window Cleaning is            to downtown. 641-512-4046.
adopt Resolution 2015-97, Whereas, the following payroll       Vice Chairman Jay Urdahl                                      Hiring Company Drivers and         SURGERY AND SUFFERED                 the answer to all of your window         RTFN
change requests were submitted to the Board of Supervi-        Board of Supervisors                                          Owner Operators for Flatbed or     A BACTERIAL INFECTION                cleaning needs. Call Nick and
sors for review; and, Whereas, the Board of Supervisors                                                                      Dry Van. TanTara Transportation    POST-OPERATIVELY and a               get a FREE estimate. Phone               FOR RENT: Agent owned two
of Cerro Gordo County, has reviewed and considered the         ATTEST:                                                       offers excellent equipment, pay,   Bair Hugger (BLUE BLANKET)           529-0451. RTFN                           bedroom ranch with single stall
change requests as follows:                                                                                                  benefits, home weekly. Call 800-   forced-air warming blanket was                                                garage, main floor laundry avail-
                                                                                                                             650-0292 or apply www.tantara.     used during the surgery, between              EMPLOYMENT                      able now!  $700 per month plus
Department		     Name                                                                                                        us (INCN)                          2010 and present time, you may       _______________________                  utilities. Call 641-529-0082 for
                                                                                                                                                                be entitled to compensation. Call                                             details. R-39
Pay Change		     Effective Date                                _____________________________________________                 QLF Transportation – Class A       Attorney Charles H. Johnson          HELP WANTED: Front desk
                                                               Ken W. Kline	                                                 CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay,    1-800-535-5727 (INCN)                clerk, 3-11 shift, flexible hours.       AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY:
County Sheriff	  Jennifer Nelson                               County Auditor                                                Home Weekends, and Benefits!                                            Apply at Microtel Inn. R-40              Two bedroom house, one bath,
                                                                                                                             Potential of $60,000 plus per      STEEL BUILDINGS                                                               refrigerator, stove, off-street
$17.09/hourly		  09/08/2015                                    PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                       year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915                                          GENERAL MERCHANDISE                     parking. No pets. References
                                                               September 16, 2015                                            Ext 16 (INCN)          Fall Close Out - Prices Slashed      _______________________                  and lease required. Call 641-
County Sheriff	  Kenzo Onoo                                    Unapproved                                                                                       Archwall & Straight Wall Steel                                                425-0179 or 641-824-8671.
                                                                                                                             Mid Seven needs flat/stepdeck      Buildings “60x80”, “80x100”,         FOR SALE: Three dining room              RTFN
$17.09/hourly		  09/11/2015                                    The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County,               drivers! Home on weekends.         “100x150” Factory Direct Pricing     table sets. Call 357-4267 or see
                                                               Iowa, met in special session pursuant to adjournment.         Great pay, great equipment.        Call - 1.844.297.8335 (INCN)         at 2508 N. Shore Dr. R-39
County Sheriff	  Bradley Hillyer                               Present: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Casey            6 months FB/SD experience
                                                               Callanan, Supervisor Jay Urdahl and various members           needed. Lease purchase                   If you have a
$17.09/hourly		  09/17/2015                                    of the public.                                                available. Call 515-333-4180.            carpentry job
Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Board of Supervi-          The purpose of the meeting was to discussion regarding                                                   coming up,
                                                               the maintenance on B60 and the B35 project between            Butler Transport Your Partner in         give us a call.
sors of Cerro Gordo County does hereby approve the             Mason City and Clear Lake.                                    Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers
                                                                                                                             Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles      Professional • Experienced
requests as shown above and directs the Auditor to             Various tabulations, reports, correspondence and other        paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www.           Windows • Doors • Siding
                                                               documents that were presented at today’s meeting are (INCN)
make the necessary adjustments to the payroll. Motion          placed on file with the supplemental minutes.                                                               Decks and more
                                                                                                                             NAVAJO Hiring CDL-A Truck
passed.                                                        _________________________________                             Drivers Earn up to .43CPM New            (641) 420-5559
                                                               Chairman Phillip Dougherty
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to              Board of Supervisors                                                                      
approve a payroll change for Jennifer Nelson to $17.35
hourly, effective January 1, 2016 and $17.87 hourly,           ATTEST:
effective March 8, 2016, Kenzo Onoo to $17.35 hourly,
effective January 1, 2016 and $17.87 hourly, effective         __________________________________
March 11, 2016, and Bradley Hillyer to $17.35 hourly,          Kenneth W. Kline
effective January 1, 2016 and $17.87 hourly, effective         County Auditor
March 17, 2016, Motion passed.
                                                               Notice of Public Test of Voting System
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to                                                                                                                                                    FOR SALE: Beautiful cherry               VENTURA DUPLEX: Two
adopt Resolution 2015-98, Resolution of Public Purpose         PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in preparation for                                                                                 armoire. Dual sliding doors, dis-        bedroom, CA, stove, refrigerator,
for Domestic Violence Coalition Meeting. Whereas,              the November 3, 2015 Regular City Election, the public                                                                                play shelving, and able to hold          microwave, patio. Furnished.
Domestic Violence Coalition Members have substantial           test of the Cerro Gordo County electronic voting system                                                                               32” TV. $150. 641-860-2021.              Close to school, one block from
responsibilities for the training coordination, public aware-  will begin at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 7, 2015 in                                                                                 R-40                                     lake. $700/month plus deposit.
ness events, and case investigation of domestic abuse          the Cerro Gordo County Election Annex at 121 3rd Street                                                                                                                        No smoking/no pets. Available
and sexual abuse in Cerro Gordo County; and, Whereas,          NW, Mason City. The voting system will be used in all                                                                                       LOST AND FOUND                     Sept. 15, 2015. 641-425-7127.
the County Attorney has recommended that recognizing           voting precincts in Cerro Gordo County.                                                                                               _______________________                  RTFN
the public service of Domestic Violence Coalition Mem-
bers is in the public interest; now, Therefore, we find that   Kenneth W. Kline, Cerro Gordo County Auditor                                                                                          FOUND: Yellow kitty on S.                NICELY REMODELED two and
recognition of public service on behalf of the Domestic        and County Commissioner of Elections                                                                                                  Lakeview Dr. Call 357-4233.              three bedroom homes for rent.
Violence Coalition Members in the form of expenditures                                                                                                                                               R-39                                     Basement, garage, a/c, no pets/
for food and beverages are a public purpose. Motion                                                                                                                                                                                           no smoking. $700 - $900 plus
passed.                                                                                                                                                                                              FOUND: Galileo telescope car-            deposit. Call 641-420-1657.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     rying case at Clear Lake yard            RTFN
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to abate                                                                                                                                              sale on 9/5. Please call 641-
2016MH & 2015DM taxes in the amount of $170.00 each                                                                                                                                                  420-3414. R-39                                       SERVICES
plus interest & costs on VIN 88A16324 junking certificate                                                                                                                                                                                     _______________________
170124261. Motion passed.                                                                                                                                                                                          MARINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     _______________________                  PRAIRIE STAR KENNELS
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to deny                                                                                                                                                                                        *Indoor/Outdoor covered runs
the access request for Brad and Jean Heagel. Motion                                                                                                                                                  1984 MERCURY MOTOR: 18                   for dogs of all sizes.
passed.                                                                                                                                                                                              HP, 2 gas cans, 2 props. $900            *Pick-up/Drop-off services
                                                                                                                                                                                                     O.B.O. 641-357-6450 or 641-              available.
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to                                                                                                                                                    583-1301. RTFN                           Owners Dano and Marianne
close the public hearing for Change of Zone Request for                                                                                                                                                                                       Morf invite you to make a reser-
Philip Garland, Executor for the Roger W. Felker Estate.                                                                                                                                              FARMLAND FOR RENT                       vation for your dog. Ph. 641-
Motion passed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 357-5448. RTFN
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cerro Gordo County
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt        TOM MULFORD CONCRETE                                                                               Olde Style Stone                                   155 acres                  PICKUP TOPPERS:
Resolution 2015-99, Resolution #2015-99 Amendment                                                                                                                         Masonry
No. 349 To Ordinance No. 15, Article 5.2. Whereas, the                         Residential • CommeRCial                                                                                                  2 miles south of Hanlontown                 Buy factory direct
Cerro Gordo County Planning & Zoning Commission,                                ConCRete ContRaCtoRs                                                                  Patrick Cooley - Owner                        Cash lease                       1040 Diagonal Street
after study, has recommended that the change of zoning                                                                                                                                                                                                Britt 641-843-3698
classification of a certain area hereinafter described,                               FREE Estimates                                                                    Restoration                          AgriCare Mgmt., Inc.
upon the application of Philip L. Garland, Executor for                                                                                                                Natural Stone                              P.O. Box 885                UNICOVER
the Roger W. Felker Estate be made; and, Whereas, the                      Tom: 641-373-0260 • Dan: 641-373-4531                                                                                                 Mason City, IA
final public hearing has been held with notice as required                              [email protected]                                                                 Block                                 50402-0885                   Now’s the time
by law. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Cerro                                                                                                                   Constructor of                             641-423-6273                    to make your
Gordo County Board of Supervisors that Ordinance                                                         CHILD CARE                                                 Sutton Bay Lodge
No. 15, Article 5.2, of the Zoning Ordinance of Cerro                                                JOB OPENINGS!!                                                                                       [email protected]                         move
Gordo County, Iowa, is hereby amended by changing                                                                                                                         Fireplace
the district boundaries thereof so as to change the                                                                 Looking for experienced                            641-530-9037                   Highway 18                                PEBBLE CREEK
classification of the following described property from A-1                                                   individuals who love working with                                                          Storage
Agricultural District to A-2 Agricultural Residence District                                                                                                          See how we can enhance                                                        2 bedroom apartments.
on the following described real estate, to-wit: That part                                                                    children!                                        your home!                 1620 Highway18 West                        3 bedroom townhomes.
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 96                                                            Charlie Brown Preschool & Child                                  Call today                       Clear Lake
North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M., Cerro Gordo                                                                                                                                                                                                1 MONTH FREE RENT
County, Iowa described as follows: Commencing at the                                                            Care Centers have immediate                       For Perfect Mix                        October 1, 2015                               Vouchers welcome.
Southeast Corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence                                                            Full-time and Part-time openings.                   Use Ready Mix                         Private Sale Only
N 00° 29’ 10” E, 533.00 feet along the Easterly line of                                                        •No late nights                                                                                                                     Income guidelines apply.
said Northeast Quarter to the Point of Beginning; thence                                                       •Flexible hours                                  We Now Accept Credit Cards!                Unit #163 (Mike Nelson)
continuing N 00° 29’ 10” E, 506.00 feet along said                                                             • Benefits                                           Belmond �������� 444-4148           All personal contents including            641-423-4994
Easterly line; thence N 89° 30’ 50” W, 88.42 feet along                                                        • Fun & friendly work environment                    Forest City ����� 581-3020        beds, tires, full boxes, two dressers.
a line at a right angle to said Easterly line to a point on                                                                                                         Clear Lake ����� 357-6090                                         
the Westerly right of way line of County Road Jonquil                                                                       Apply in person at:                     Garner ����������� 923-2601
Avenue; thence S 07° 01’ 13” W, 268.74 feet (recorded                                                                   Lake Town Charlie Brown                                                                         Find your next Apartment at
as S 06° 52’ 29” W) along said Westerly right of way line                                                                                                       NOW HIRING                                      Lakeland Park Apartments in Clear Lake!
and along the Southerly extension of said Westerly right                                                                    7B South 8th Street
of way line; thence N 89° 30’ 50” W 216.99 feet along a                                                                         Clear Lake, IA                    ALL POSITIONS.                            Comfortable Apartment Living for Elderly Persons 55 and Over
line at a right angle to said Easterly line; thence S 00° 29’                                                                                                        ALL SHIFTS.                                                 or Persons with a Disability.
10” W, 239.00 feet along a line parallel with said Easterly                                         
line; thence S 89° 30’ 50” E, 336.00 feet along a line at a                                                                                                      COOKS STARTING                                   Utilities Included. Controlled Access. On-site Laundry.
right angle to said Easterly line to the Point of Beginning;   REWARDING HEALTH CARE OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                                   Barrier-Free Units Available. Off-Street Parking.
said Parcel A containing 2.48 acres subject to existing                                                                                                            AT $10/HOUR
public road right of way across the Easterly portion as        CERTIFIED DIETARY MANAGER: Responsible for the preparation and                                                                                 Eligible Residents Pay 30% of their Adjusted Gross Income.
described in the Partial Acquisition Contract filed April      service of meals in our 46-bed facility along with the management and                            Open interviews held                                                     For Applications or Appointments Contact
29, 1996 in Book 96 Page 3095 in the Office of the Cerro       scheduling of dietary staff. Will assess dietary needs of each individual                              TUESDAYS,                                                                Greg at 641-357-2378
Gordo County Recorder and also subject to any other            resident and formulate a care plan for nutrition. Knowledge of regula-                                 2 - 4:30 p.m.                                                    or visit today!
easements or record. This Resolution shall be in full force    tions and computer skills required. Certification preferred but will consid-
and effect from and after its passage. Motion passed.          er a candidate in the process of becoming certified.                                             1207 N. 25th Street, Clear Lake                                                        Oakleaf is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
                                                               CHARGE NURSE: LPN or RN to manage the care of our residents                                                   357-7558
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to close        and their direct care givers. Must have excellent assessment skills and                                                                  APARTMENTS FOR RENT
the public hearing to vacate and convey real estate in the     managerial experience.                                                                                                                 THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake
town of Wheelerwood. Motion passed.                            C.N.A.: Reliable individuals who enjoy assisting with the healthcare
                                                               needs of our residents.                                                                                                               • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt        The Rockwell Nursing Home a small, community-owned facility that prides                                                                   • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or
Resolution 2015-100, Whereas, the Board of Supervisors         itself in offering exceptional care to its residents. Join our team, and we can                                                                                    disabled of any age
of the County of Cerro Gordo did receive a request to          offer you a friendly work environment, competitive salary and extensive ben-                                                                       • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
vacate and convey the real estate described in Section         efit package along with a flexible schedule. Interested applicants can apply
1 herein, and; Whereas, the Board of Supervisors did,          at 707 Elm Street, Rockwell, IA or online at                                                                                 641-357-8888
upon published notice, hold a public hearing on the 15th                                                                                                                                       
day of September, 2015, on a proposal to vacate and
convey to the Kinney-Lindstrom Foundation, Inc. the
real estate described in Section 1 herein, and; Whereas,
the Board of Supervisors do approve the vacation and
conveyance of said real estate; Now, Therefore, Be It
Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo
County, Iowa; Section 1: All named and un-named
streets, avenues, alleys, roads, and roadways in the
Town of Wheelerwood as platted in Town Lot Plat Book 1,
Page 398 and described in Town Lot Plat Book 1, Page
399, with the following exceptions:
1. The western 120 feet of Wheeler, Whitman, Wheaton,
and Walker Avenues, which are included in the public
highway right-of-way described and recorded in Book
244, Page 250, all of which is now known as a portion of
Killdeer Avenue (County Road S-34); and,
2. The west 399 feet of Wiltsie Avenue, all of which is
now known as 325th Street, 66 feet in width, and includ-
ing the right-of-way of Killdeer Avenue and terminating at
the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 4 and the northwest
corner of Lot 1, Block 8; and
3. A portion of Wright Street, 66 feet in width, lying
between Lot 7, Block 3 and Lot 6, Block 4, Town of
Section 2: That a certified copy of this resolution, as
recorded, shall be provided to the Kinney-Lindstrom
Foundation, Inc. to serve as the deed of conveyance as
allowed in Chapter 354.23, Code of Iowa.
Section 3: That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in
conflict with the provisions of this resolution are hereby
Section 4: If any section, provision, or part of this resolu-
tion shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional,
such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the reso-
lution as a whole or any section thereof, or part thereof,
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