Page 10 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
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SportsPage 10 • Sept. 30, 2015 														                                                                                                                              Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

Clear Lake Reporter


 Continued from page 9

                                                                                                                                                                           MACKENZIE VANGERPEN                       HANNAH LAU

•Volleyball: Fri., Oct. 2, at Luther, 7:30                                                                                                                                 GHV volleyball team
p.m.                                                                                                                                                                       tops Eagle Grove
•Volleyball: Sat., Oct. 3, at Northwestern-
St. Paul, 11 a.m.
•Volleyball: Tues., Oct. 6, home vs. Loras,
7:30 p.m.

•Men’s Soccer: Sat., Oct. 3, home vs.         GHV’s Gabe Umbarger brings down a Charles City running back in Friday night’s showdown. Lending the assist is Anthony        	 It was a week of highs and lows         when our game is smooth and our of-
Lake Forest College, 1:30 p.m.                Sherwood. Also pictured is Connor Smith (55). -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy                                               for the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura vol-      fense looks strong. Our goal needs to
•Men’s Soccer: Sun. Oct. 4, home vs.                                                                                                                                       leyball team.                             be to push throughout the set, not just
Carroll University, 1:30 p.m.                 Cardinals stopped dead in their tracks                                                                                       GHV 3, Eagle Grove 0                      in spurts.”
                                                                                                                                                                           	 The Cardinals picked up a win on        	 GHV faced Clarion-Goldfield in
•Women’s Tennis: Fri., Oct. 2, home vs.       	 The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura           Drew Mitchell to Dallas Nehls. Bran-      spark on the following drive, putting      the road, downing Eagle Grove, 3-0,       the first match of the day. They won
Wartburg, 4 p.m.                              Cardinals (4-1, 2-0), came out flat     don Childs’ PAT kick was good to          together a positive series until it ulti-  on Tuesday, Sept. 22.                     the first set, 21-14, but dropped the
•Women’s Tennis: Sat., Oct. 3, home vs.       and stayed that way against non-        give the Charles City the lead, 7-0.      mately ended in a turnover and a long      	 The Eagles didn’t go down easily        next two, 21-19 and 15-10.
Luther, 10 a.m.                               conference foe, Charles City (3-3),     	 The Cardinals were forced to            Comet drive for the end zone for a         and they made GHV fight for the vic-      	 Lau led the team with seven kills,
                                              (0-2). GHV was plagued throughout       punt after a quick possession and the     third quarter score of 40-0.               tories with scores of 25-19, 25-19 and    followed by Van Gerpen with five and
•Football: Sat., Oct. 3, home vs. South-      Friday’s game by mental breakdowns      Comet’s Shane Feller took it to the       	 The fourth quarter belonged to           25-23.                                    Knutson and Van Oort each had four
west Minnesota State, 1 p.m.                  that proved too great to overcome.      house for a 69-yard return and the        the Cardinals. They scored twice on        	 “In practice we have been work-         kills.
                                              	 The Cards received the kickoff,       score. The PAT kick was good for a        Conner Shaw runs of 13-yards and           ing on finishing a set, an area that we   	 Van Oort and Van Gerpen led
Area athletes playing in a college sport in-  but the run plays that followed were    14-0 first quarter score.                 51 for a final score of 40-12, Charles     are improving upon, but still need        the defense with eight digs apiece.
clude: Tanner Tusha, Clear Lake, Football,    snuffed out immediately. A monster      	 The Cardinals only got flatter in       City.                                      to fine tune some more,” said Coach       	 Childress handled the setting po-
Iowa State; Andrea Toppin, Ventura, Cross     pick up and some hope came on a Lu-     the second quarter. The offense had       	 “My hat’s off to Charles City.           Kelsey Steffens.                          sition and had 16 assists.
Country, Iowa State; Jackson Finn, Clear      cas Prohaska pass to Ty Marth, but the  no spark and the defense couldn’t put     They came ready to play and we really      	 Hannah Lau and Mackenzie                	 For the second match of the day,
Lake, Men’s Soccer, NIACC; Spencer Da-        drive ran out of steam on the Comet’s   the brakes on the Comets. Going into      didn’t,” said GHV Head Coach Scott         Van Gerpen led the team with almost       the Cardinals faced the tough Lake
vidson, Clear Lake, Men’s Golf, NIACC;        nine-yard line.                         halftime Charles City chalked up two      VanDusseldorp. “They did a nice job        identical stats. Lau had 13 kills to Van  Mills Bulldogs. The Bulldogs won in
Rebecca Long, Clear Lake, Women’s Golf,       	 Tough defense helped GHV earn         more touchdowns for a 27-0 halftime       handling our line.”                        Gerpen’s 12. Lau had eight digs and       two, 21-6 and 21-10.
NIACC Adam Bueller, Clear Lake, Football,     back the ball. Another Prohaska pass,   score.                                    	 The Cardinal offense amassed             Van Gerpen had seven. Lau had sev-        	 Lau led the team with three kills
Waldorf College; Meg Monson, Clear Lake,      this time to Harley Forry, was good     	 Following halftime, the Cardinals       304-yards, 126 of which came in the        en points on serve and two ace serves,    and five digs. Childress had five as-
Women’s Golf, Mount Mercy University;         for an 18-yard pick up, but a fumble    picked up where they left off, playing    fourth quarter to Charles City’s 316,      while Van Gerpen had six points on        sists.
Antonio DiMarco, Clear Lake, Men’s Soc-       relented possession.                    a losing battle for field position ulti-  five of which came in the fourth.          serve and one ace.                        	 The Cardinals came out strong
cer, Grinnell College; Joel Toppin, Ventura,  	 The Comets were the first on          mately resulting in a touchdown and       	 GHV’s offense was lead by Shaw           	 Carlie Knutson and Jackie Van           in the third match of the day against
Cross Country, Warburg; Pete Swenson,         the board with a 70-yard bomb from      PAT kick. The Cardinals showed a          with 142-yards and two touchdowns          Oort also had good nights. Knutson        Bishop Garrigan. They captured a
Clear Lake, Football, Western Illinois; Em-                                                                                     on 16 attempts. Cade Baker added           contributed three kills, six digs and     close 22-20 victory in the first set.
ily Mathews, GHV, Volleyball, Buena Vista                                                                                       43-yards on nine tries; Prohaska had       had two ace serves. Van Oort led the      GHV fell apart in the second set and
University; Brock Adams, Clear Lake, Base-                                                                                      21 on nine; and Jack VanDusseldorp         team at the service line with 12 points   lost, 21-6. It was a battle to the end
ball, Kirkwood; Kirsten Jordan, Clear Lake,                                                                                     had 15 on four.                            on serve and one ace. She also had        in the third set, but Bishop Garrigan
Women’s Tennis, Central College; Bryson                                                                                         	 Prohaska was five of 12 passing          seven digs and one kill.                  prevailed with a 15-13 victory.
Hamilton, Clear Lake, Football, Augustana                                                                                       for 87-yards. His receivers were For-      	 Sydney Childress led the team in        	 The Cardinals played the last two
University.                                                                                                                     ry, with four grabs for 48-yards, and      assists with 18. She also had six points  matches of the tournament without
                                                                                                                                Marth had one catch for 39-yards.          on serve.                                 Van Gerpen, one of their strongest
                                                                                                                                	 The Comets were lead by Tyreque          Bishop Garrigan Tournament                players.
                                                                                                                                Baker with 61-yards and a touchdown        	 GHV struggled at the Bishop             	 Lau picked up some of the slack,
                                                                                                                                on 10 attempts. Alexander Koehler          Garrigan Tournament on Saturday,          collecting 10 kills. Knutson, Bailee
                                                                                                                                added 45-yards on eight carries.           Sept. 26. The Cardinals dropped all       Frayne and Van Oort each had three
                                                                                                                                	 The passing game was fronted by          three matches.                            kills.
                                                                                                                                Drew Mitchell with nine completions        	 “The girls had to play some dif-        	 Knutson and Childress led the
                                                                                                                                on 15 attempts for 206-yards and           ferent positions at the tournament        defense with five digs apiece. Van
                                                                                                                                three touchdowns. His receivers were       and they responded well,” said Coach      Oort and Payton Bamrick had four
                                                                                                                                Shane Feller, with four catches and a      Kelsey Steffens. “There are pockets       digs apiece.
                                                                                                                                touchdown for 60-yards; Dallas Ne-                                                   	 Childress led the team in assists
                                                                                                                                hls, with three catches for 119-yards                                                with 12.
                                                                                                                                and two touchdowns; and Jaden Fos-
                                                                                                                                ter with two catches for 27-yards.         GHV boys take boys third
                                                                                                                                	 Leading the Cardinal defense
                                                                                                                                was Gabe Umbarger with seven tack-         at Humboldt X-C Meet;
                                                                                                                                les and a sack. Also contributing was
                                                                                                                                Nick Joynt and Baker with five apiece;     girls led by Gonzalez
                                                                                                                                Forry with four; VanDusseldorp and
                                                                                                                                Grady Umbarger with three and one-         	 The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura             gan Graham ran personal best times
                                                                                                                                half each; and Matt Sonquist with two      cross country team proved that prac-      at the meet.
                                                                                                                                and one-half tackles.                      tice is paying off when they competed     	 Freshman Reece Smith led the
                                                                                                                                	 “We will have to get refocused           at Humboldt on Monday, Sept. 21.          boys team with a fifth place finish
                                                                                                                                this week, as we will be traveling to      The boys took third place behind two      in 17:43. Derek Brown was 10th in
                                                                                                                                Osage for a very tough district game,”     big, strong schools. Fort Dodge won       18:08 and Logan Dalbeck placed 13th
                                                                                                                                said VanDusseldorp.                        the meet with 69 points, followed by      with a time of 18:20. Also running
                                                                                                                                	 The Cardinals resume district            Mason City with 89. GHV had 95            for the varsity was Austin Siegrist,
                                                                                                                                play this Friday against the Osage         points. There were 18 total teams         30th, 19:03; Ezra Marroquin, 39th,
                                                                                                                                Green Devils (3-2, 1-2).                   running in the meet. The girls placed     19:22; Andrew Schreur, 76th, 20:37;
                                                                                                                                                                           10th in the 18-team field. Pocahon-       and Mason Wirtz, 87th, 21:06.
                                                                                                                                                                           tas won the meet with 52 points, fol-     	 Maria Gonzalez led the girls
                                                                                                                                                                           lowed by Humboldt with 53. The            team, finishing 19th with a time of
                                                                                                                                                                           Cardinals ended with 249 points.          22:25. Rebekah Larson was 48th with
                                                                                                                                                                           	 “I think both the boys and              a time of 24:52 and Morgan Graham
                                                                                                                                                                           girls ran very well on a very difficult   was 58th with a time of 25:14. Also
                                                                                                                                                                           course,” said Coach Jeff Short. “Our      running varsity was Kaylee Hudspeth,
                                                                                                                                                                           times are reflecting that our practices   60th, 25:23; Nicole Upmeyer, 72nd,
                                                                                                                                                                           are improving our runners.”               26:13; Hannah Wellik, 79th, 26:40
                                                                                                                                                                           	 Both Ezra Marroquin and Mor-            and Emma Whelan, 89th, 27:16.

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