Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Nov. 18, 2015 • Page 3
Barry D. Ewoldt Richard Robson from high school he married his high Clear Lake Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
Barry Dean Ewoldt was born on school sweetheart, Harriet Folkedahl, THURSDAY - Breakfast: Waffles, THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-
Barry Dean Ewoldt, 55, of Traer, July 10, 1960, in Waterloo, the son of Richard “Dick” Robson, 95, of and they were together until Harriet’s sausage, or cereal, cinnamon toast or fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
Iowa, died on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, Royce and Patricia (Green) Ewoldt. Nehalem, Ore., formerly of Clear death July 8, 2001. yogurt cup. Lunch: Chicken tenders, Macaroni and cheese, grapes, green
at Cedar Valley Hospice Home, Wa- Barry grew up on the family farm Lake, died Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015, at At the age of 21, he went to buttery noodles, peas and carrots, beans, tossed salad with dressing.
terloo, Iowa, following a long battle near Traer and graduated from Dysart his home. work for the Chicago Great Western raisels. Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine sal- FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast
with Peritoneal Mesothelioma. Geneseo High School in 1979. Private graveside services were Railway, in Clarion. He worked as ad. wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Chili,
A funeral service was held on He married the love of his life, held at the Clear Lake Cemetery, a brakeman until he was injured in FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast pineapple chunks, carrots with hum-
Tuesday, Nov. 17, at Prairie Lakes Cheryl Craig, on Nov. 21, 1981, in Clear Lake, with the Rev. John Goss- 1952. During that period he served sandwich, or cereal, cinnamon toast mus, cinnamon roll.
Church, Cedar Falls, Iowa. A private Reinbeck, Iowa. The couple made man, of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, in the U. S. Navy from 1944-1946 or yogurt cup. Lunch: Cheese pizza, MONDAY: Breakfast: Western
family burial will be held at Bucking- their home on the family farm near officiating. Military honors were pro- with duty in the South Pacific. After romaine salad, orange wedges, choc- omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.
ham Cemetery, Traer, at a later date. Traer. In 2002, Barry joined Cortright vided by the Clear Lake V.F.W. his injury on the railroad, Dick went olate chip cookie. Alt.: Sub-stacker, Lunch: Meatball sub with marinara
In lieu of flowers, memorials Realty where Kevan bestowed him the Family suggests memorial contri- to work for Samson Motor Co. in cherry tomatoes and baby carrots. sauce, orange wedges, bean and corn
may be directed to North Tama BA- now-famous nickname, “Farmdog.” butions to Opportunity Village. Clarion where he was salesman until MONDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast salad, tossed salad with dressing.
SIC, Mesothelioma Applied Research In 2008, Kevan and Barry joined Dick was born March 31, 1920 in July of 1960. At that time he became pizza, or cereal, cinnamon toast or yo- TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle
Foundation, Cedar Valley Hospice, Lockard Realty. Barry and Cheryl Clarion, Iowa, the son of Effie Spitler an agent for New York Life Ins. Co. gurt cup. Lunch: BBQ rib patty on a sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.
or The Convenant Cancer Treatment enjoyed traveling and spending time Robson Gray and Bernard Robson. and held a license for 40 yrs. bun, fries, baked beans, applesauce. Lunch: Turkey gravy, mashed pota-
Center. Condolences may be left at with family and friends in Clear Lake. His father died two months before Dick and Harriet purchased a Alt.: Sub-stacker, veggies with dip. toes, strawberry cup, green beans,
He was member of the Traer golf his birth. When Dick was three his home at Dodges Point Beach on Clear TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scrambled dressing, dinner roll.
course and enjoyed sharing laughs on mother married Ben F. Gray who was Lake in 1968. In 1972, they moved eggs, toast, or cereal, cinnamon toast WEDNESDAY: No school.
Tuesday nights. He attended Prairie always known as “dad.” in for a permanent residence at Clear or yogurt cup. Lunch: Crispito, taco fix-
Lakes Church, in Cedar Falls. Dick attended Clarion Schools Lake. In 1995 they moved into town. ings, Mexican rice, corn, banana. Alt.: CONGREGATE
He was preceded in death by his and was proud of the fact that he In previous years, Dick was active Sub-stacker, romaine salad. MEALS
father, Royce; and his grandparents, played in the high school band and in American Legion, VFW, Clarion WEDNESDAY: No School.
Mildred and Elmer Ewoldt and Lyle orchestra when he was in the fourth Park Board, Industrial Board, United
and Phyllis Green. grade. He went to the state music Way, K.C., golfing, boating, water Community THURSDAY - Scalloped potatoes
Barry is survived by his wife, contest in Iowa City that year. He skiing, cleaning fish for Harriet and invited to and ham, broccoli, cranberry pear
Cheryl; his mother, Patricia; two sons, earned eight “C” letters in high school doing “do-fors” in later years. Harriet Thanksgiving crisp, orange juice.
Joshua Dean (Tasha) Ewoldt, of Traer, and was a member of the 1938 State devoted most of her last 18 years to dinner FRIDAY - Crunchy baked fish,
and Lance Alan Ewoldt, of Orange; Championship Wrestling team. being his driver and his eyes, although tartar sauce, sweet potato, creamed
three granddaughters, Braelyn Shae, After high school he attended he was a very good back seat driver. The Clear Lake Community peas, orange/banana/pineapple, to-
Kruiz, and Kaeler; two brothers, Brian AIB Business College in Des Moines For this he was deeply grateful. Thanksgiving Dinner will be held mato juice.
(Angela) Ewoldt, of Traer, and Cory for two years. Upon graduating Dick is survived by a daughter, Thursday, Nov. 26, from 11:30 a.m. MONDAY - Meat loaf, boiled po-
(Dawn) Ewoldt, of Hiawatha; and Beth McIntyre and husband, Mac, to 1:30 p.m. at the Evangelical Free tatoes, spinach au gratin, strawberries,
many nieces, nephews and friends. Jerry Lee Hanley son, Dan Robson and wife, Vicky; Church, 1310 Highway 18 West. angel food cake.
grandchildren, Daniel and wife, A family-style dinner will be TUESDAY - Creamed chicken
Bertha A. Pahus in 1940 in Northwood, Iowa. Jerry Lee Hanley, 67, of Elgin, Shelley, Jeremy and his wife, Kristin, served at no cost. over biscuit, brussel sprouts, pineap-
Bertha grew up and attended Iowa, formerly of Clear Lake, died Kelly Fuqua, Kristie Johnson, Kim No carryouts are available this ple, tomato juice.
Bertha Alta Pahus, 95, of Clear Union Township Country School #5 Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015, at his home. Hooper and her husband, Jeff; great- year, however, rides to the dinner are WEDNESDAY - Liver and onions
Lake, died Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, in Clear Lake and graduated from A memorial service will be held grandchildren and great-great grand- offered. Call the church Thanksgiving or beef patty, mashed potatoes, mixed
at Oakwood Care Center, in Clear Clear Lake High School in 1939. She at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 21, children; and his special companion, morning to arrange a ride, 357-7581. vegetables, oatmeal raisin bar, orange
Lake. and Jennings farmed south of Clear 2015, at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Bette Tillman, Nehalem, Ore. The dinner is sponsored by the juice.
A graveside service for family Lake until 1946, when they moved Chapel, with the Rev. Dennis Ganz Dick was preceded in death by Interfaith Fellowship for Community Congregate meals are served
and friends will be held at 2 p.m. on south of Swaledale. In 1971, they re- officiating. Inurnment will be in his parents; wife, Harriet; a grand- Action (IFCA). at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake,
Friday, Nov. 20, 2015, at Memorial tired and moved to Clear Lake. Clear Lake Cemetery, Clear Lake, daughter, Danielle Gilbert; a brother, 105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in
Park Cemetery, 11495 265th St., Ma- Bertha was an officer of the Rich- with military honors provided by Dean; step-father; and a step-sister, CL Library Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m.
son City, with Pastor Robert Harting land Lutheran Church Ladies Aid for Clear Lake V.F.W.. Naomi Speedling. announces Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake and 829-
officiating. Inurnment will follow several years. She liked to cook and Visitation will be one hour prior Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- holiday hours 3517 in Ventura for reservations.
services in Memorial Park Cemetery. was a wonderful seamstress. She also pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
Family suggests memorial con- enjoyed completing the daily cross- rangements. The Clear Lake Public Library is THEATRE
tributions to Richland Lutheran word puzzles and solving the Crypto- to the service at the funeral home. closed Thursday, Nov. 26 and Friday,
Church Ladies Aid. quote. Family suggests memorial contri- Nov. 27, for the Thanksgiving holiday, OPENING
Bertha was born Oct. 4, 1920, Bertha is survived by four chil- butions to the Jerry Hanley Memorial but will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
the daughter of Jacob and Alta dren, Larry Pahus, of Clear Lake, Fund. Saturday, Nov. 28. The Hunger Games:
(Lehman) Oettchen in Cerro Gordo Robert Pahus, of Gainesville, Tex., Ja- Jerry was born Nov. 23, 1947,
County. She married Jennings Pahus net (Paul) Brown, of Mason City, and the son of Jimmie and Alma (Peder- Mockingjay, Part 2 “PG-13”
Marilyn (Doug) Tyrrell, of Montezu- sen) Hanley, in Mason City, Iowa.
ma, Iowa; four grandchildren, Darrell A United States Navy veteran, Thursday, Nov. 19th • 7 p.m.
Brown, Lynette Brown, Sharon Tyrrell Jerry was stationed in the Mediterra- Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.
Schneider, and Ellie Tyrrell Burke; six nean. He worked at Farmstead Foods,
great-grandchildren, Derek and Craig in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and later at the Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
Brown, Evan and Amelia Schnei- Clear Lake Bakery. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. • 7 p.m.
der, and Pierce and Harrison Burke; Jerry enjoyed fishing and abso-
and three great-great grandchildren, lutely loved and cherished the time he Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth,
Gavin, Harper and Dax Brown. spent with his family and grandchil- Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Philip Seymour Hoffman,
She was preceded in death by her dren.
parents; husband; a sister, Helen Mes- Jerry is survived by two sons, Julianne Moore, Willow Shields (2 hr. 16 min.)
tad; and two brothers, Bernard and Scott (Carissa) Hanley, of Elgin, and
Robert Oettchen. Brian (Angie) Hanley, of Cedar Rap- Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- ids; eight grandchildren, Gage, Nate, 357-2414
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- Malynn, Brayden, Elijah, Levi, Cody,
rangements. and Raychel; his mother, Alma Han- Get your home ready for the
ley, of Clear Lake; a sister, Carolyn holiday season with
County Health Department Nichols, of Clear Lake; and a broth-
er, Duane (Mary Ellen) Hanley, of home decor to coordinate
schedules free senior health Ventura. with your Christmas traditions
He was preceded in death by his
clinic in Clear Lake father, Jimmie Hanley; and his broth- The Red Geranium
er-in-law, Willie Nichols.
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel 301 Main - Across from the Park • Clear Lake
was in charge of arrangements. 357-1505 or Toll Free (888) 353-1505
We Deliver!
The Cerro Gordo County County Department of Public Health
Department of Public Heath offers at 641-421-9316 or toll free, 1-888-
Senior Health Clinics to county 264-2581 ext. 9316.
residents age 55 and older. There is On Dec. 14, a clinic will be held
no charge; however, contributions at the United Methodist Church, 508
are encouraged in order to keep 2nd Ave. N., Clear Lake.
the clinic running. The clinic is an Senior Health Clinic and Blood
annual health screening and does not Pressure Clinic schedules are also
replace a physician’s care. To make an posted on the Cerro Gordo County
appointment, Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health web site
residents may call the Cerro Gordo