Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 4
Opinion Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Page 4 • Nov. 18, 2015
25 Years Ago Veteran gives is our privilege and honor to be in-
November 1990 heartfelt appreciation vited and attend this annual event. At
A money scam devised by a man a time when patriotism is sometimes
posing as a bank examiner victimized To the Editor, called into question these days, it does
an elderly Clear Lake man last week. On behalf of all area veterans I my heart good that it is alive and well
According to Clear Lake police, an would like to give my heartfelt ap- in the heartland.
unidentified male called an elderly preciation to Kate, Beth Ann, the Again, my gratitude for our “spe-
Clear Lake man and requested his as- speakers, the chorus, the Clear Lake cial day.”
sistance in correcting a problem at his High School student body for their
local bank. The caller posed as an of- undivided attention for your annual Mike Nelson,
ficer of the bank and stated the bank Veteran’s Day program on Nov. 11. It Post Commander VFW Post 4848,
was trying to catch bank tellers that
were responsible for money missing Clear Lake
from the bank. The caller requested
the man withdraw a large amount of Under The
money from his account and then Golden Dome, Too
meet a “bank examiner” at an ar-
ranged meeting place and turn the Representative Linda Upmeyer
money over to him. The man turned
his money over to the men and was 515-281-3221
directed to go home and await a call [email protected]
from the bank. There are no new
leads. Brave men, 1965 Last week we celebrated Veteran’s to take an assessment which tests basic
The 1133rd Transportation Com- Day to honor those who served in skills needed in the workplace such as:
pany, Iowa Army National Guard No vertigo here as employees of Waterpower Paint and Repair, did some painting on the Clear Lake water tower in 1965. our nation’s armed forces. I’d like to •Problem solving
from Mason City departed Fort Mc- The men, who usually worked all over the country, are shown here working on their home town watertower. take the time at the beginning of this •Critical thinking
Coy, Wis., on Monday, Nov. 12, en- newsletter to thank them for their ser- •Applied mathematics
rollee for duty in Saudi Arabia. athletes on the 1990 All-North Star son and Carroll Anderson. October 1940 vice, sacrifice, and dedication to this •Locating information
Clear Lake voters ousted local Conference football team: Scott Hin- Don Anderson, 6’4”, and Bill Hog cholera is prevalent in this country. Without the brave men and •And reading for information
incumbents in Nov. 6 election. Ap- richs, Chris Cash and Brad Eenhuis. Moresby, 6’6”, are the only two letter- part of the country. women of our armed forces, past and Upon completing the assessment,
proximately 64 percent of voters went Earning Honorable Mention status men Coach Gary Boeyink must build Clear Lake has a population of present, I wouldn’t be able to repre- individuals earn a National Career
to the polls to cast their ballots. In the were Travis Trca, Chad Younge, and this year’s cage team around. Last year 3,729. sent the 30,000 citizens of District 54 Readiness Certificate (NCRC) in one
race for governor, local voters solidly Matt Halverson. Clear Lake had a fine 19-4 mark and There has been no killing frost as in the Iowa House. Our soldiers and of four levels based on their score.
backed incumbent Terry E. Branstad. finished second in the North Central yet this year. Strawberries are on the veterans have fought to ensure that all Job seekers are then matched up with
In the U.S. Senator race, Republican 50 Years Ago Conference. These two young men market every day. Americans remain free and that our training to help them develop the
Tom Tauke was the choice of Clear November 1965 will have their work cut out for them. Clarence Pease Jr. returned from a democracy stands. skills that they need to improve upon
Lake. In the race for Iowa House Dis- Mayor B.C Myhr won re-election Playing at the Lake Theater two week hunting trip to Canada. He I’ve had the opportunity to talk and be successful in trades or other
trict 19 Representative, Republican and three political newcomers were is “Zorba The Greek,” starring An- brought home a two week beard and a with many Iowans over recent weeks. areas. The NCRC also helps employ-
challenger Merlin Bartz unseated two- victorious in Clear Lake’s municipal thony Quinn, Alan Bates and Irene 200 pound deer. The topics of education, career readi- ers identify which workers meet their
term representative Dennis May. Al- election. The five winning council Papas. Also playing is “Murieta!” The seven sons of Mr. and Mrs. ness and workforce needs have come job needs, and connects the two. Pro-
though incumbent State Senator Ken candidates were Dale Pattschull, Larry Thomas Joynt, of Clear Lake, have up frequently. While the Legislature grams like Skilled Iowa help prepare
Scott was a winner in Cerro Gordo, Secory, Floyd Nesbit, Warren Jacob- 75 Years Ago registered for the draft. The Joints live has taken steps over the past few years our workforce to compete in the 21st
he was defeated in the vote by Re- on a farm two miles north and one to solve some of these issues, there is century economy.
publican Allen Bourlag. In the 2nd mile east of George Sheridan’s in Lake still work to be done. House Republicans have worked
District Cerro Gordo County Super- Township. The state’s unemployment rate of over the years to create an environ-
visor’s election, Chris Nannenga, of 3.6% is at its lowest point in nearly a ment that produces quality, high-pay-
Thornton, was the winner 3,230 to decade, our rate remains significantly ing jobs that workers can raise a family
2,635 for Dick Nickerson, of Clear lower than the national rate, and more on. Middle-skill jobs pay good wages
Lake. Iowans than ever are working. How- while also offering a greater opportu-
The Surf Ballroom has an- ever, the more that I talk to employers nity for upward mobility. I am com-
nounced plans for the Winter Dance and business owners across the state, mitted to continuing to work on this
Party. The Saturday program includes the more I hear about a shortage of with our community colleges, trade
Carl Perkins, Wanda Jackson, Jack employees with a particular skill set. associations, and job training pro-
Scott, The D.C. Drifters and the Sun While Iowa has a good supply of high- grams so that more Iowans can take
Rhythm Section. ly skilled workers, it lacks those with advantage of the career opportunities
In recent balloting by league middle-level skills. that are out there.
coaches, six members of the Clear Iowa Workforce Development These efforts will spur economic
Lake Football team were voted to First estimates that 56% of all jobs in the growth in the state, as businesses look-
Team All-North Central Conference. state are considered middle-skill, ing to relocate or expand will find a
In addition, seven Lions made the compared to 12% that are low-skill ready workforce. This is a great way
Honorable Mention list. First team and 32% that are high-skill. Unfor- to grow opportunities for middle class
selections included: Aaron Marken, tunately, only a third of Iowa workers families, while at the same time mak-
Jeff Perkins, Paul Ebeling, Eric Mey- have the necessary skills to fill those ing us even more competitive with
er, Kurt Vala and Marty Fredericks. jobs. surrounding states.
Honorable Mention went to : Shawn In 2012 Governor Branstad As always, feel free to send me
O’Hare, Gregg Johnson, Scott John- launched the Skilled Iowa Initiative comments, questions, or feedback
son, Adam Callanan and Shawn Zim- aimed at identifying the skills work- that you may have regarding issues be-
merman. ers have, and helping them gain the fore us in the House. I can be reached
The Ventura Vikings netted six skills that they need for 21st century at [email protected] or
jobs. Skilled Iowa encourages workers (515) 281-4618.
100 Years Ago Rockin’ good time
October 1915
“Dutch” Callanan, while riding a Janine and Don Cramer had a rockin’ good time when they toured the Rock
bicycle on the street near the 1st Nat’l and Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. The couple also found
Bank, was run over by an auto. He time to check in on what was going on in their hometown by reading the Clear
sustained many bruises, but no bro- Lake Mirror-Reporter. -Submitted photo
ken bones.
Three young men have just sold
their crop of popcorn and with the
money each bought a new car. Now
they will hear the popping of tires in-
stead of corn.
Billy Sunday will begin a series of
revival meetings at Chicago.
Peterson’s Drug Store has a big
selection of records for sale.
Henry Ford, the automobile
man, peeved the Canadian Govern-
ment by his stand against the loan of
money to the allies. The Ford car was
about to be tabooed across the north-
ern boundary line until Ford gave
$10,000 to the Canadian Red Cross.
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