Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • Nov. 18, 2015									                                                                                                                                                                                 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

      MORE                                                                                          Tourism on the rise in Cerro Gordo
   Clear Lake                                                                                       County with record-breaking year
 CALENDAR                                  Look who’s reading                                       	 Tourism in 2014 generated a re-         up 30 percent in information requests                  *graph information provided by Visit Mason City
                                           the Mirror-Reporter                                      cord amount of visitor spending in-       and 20 percent in its hotel/motel tax
from page 1                                                                                         jecting an estimated $191.37 million      revenue, which is the highest ever since
                                           On a recent campaign trip to Des Moines, Iowa Re-        into Cerro Gordo County’s economy.        we increased the tax in 2008,” said Pat-
Saturday                                   publican presidential candidate Gov. Chris Christie, of  This 2.5 percent increase was featured    ton.
                                           New Jersey, took time out to catch up on Clear Lake      in a new report by a Washington‐based     	 Other economic benefits of tour-
Arm knitting                               news. Patrick Finnegan, a Clear Lake native now living   group that analyzes the economic im-      ism to the area includes supporting jobs
                                           in Des Moines, is a memebr of the Christie campaign      pact of tourism.                          for individuals at all levels of education
	 Learn how to knit a scarf using          staff for Iowa.                                          	 The report, completed by the U.S.       in both full‐ and part‐time positions.
the modern craft of Arm Knitting at                                                                 Travel Association for the Iowa Eco-      These jobs are vital since they cannot be
an Arty party Saturday, Nov. 21, at 10     CITY COUNCIL                                             nomic Development Authority Iowa          outsourced. In 2014, tourism in Cerro
a.m. at the Clear Lake Arts Center.        from page 1                                              Tourism Office, stated Cerro Gordo        Gordo County supported over 1,480
Everyone knits the same type of scarf                                                               County ranks 11th in the amount of        jobs and created $25.15 million in pay-
with step-by-step instructions. In         ceeded estimate by $12,600.                              visitor spending generated when com-      roll.
the end, there will be a finished scarf    	 •Local Option Sales tax money exceeded estimate        pared to all 99 counties in Iowa.         	 In addition to business and worker
in everyone’s hands. No previous           by $46,700.                                              	 According to Libbey Patton, tour-       income, travelers visiting the county
knitting experience is necessary.          	 •Building permits over estimate by $9,100.             ism director at the Clear Lake Area       generated an estimated $8.77 million
Participants will need to purchase         	 •Ambulance fees underestimated by $24,700.             Chamber of Commerce, tourism in           in state taxes and $3.15 million in local
their own yarn: three skeins of #6         	 •Realized gain on forgivable loan from Clear Lake      Iowa has increased above the national     taxes.
weight yarn (Larson’s Mercantile has       Sanitary District; Loan balance forgiven $31,800, in-    average the last five years. Latest data  	 Statewide, visitor expenditures to-
a large selection Red Heart Mixology       terest paid under estimate of $3,300.                    from the US Travel Association shows a    taled $8 billion in Iowa during 2014. In
yarns recommended for this project).       	 •Police fines over budget by $8,000.                   $5 million increase in 2014.              addition, tourism in Iowa employed an
The cost of this Arty Party is $15 for     	 •Variety of other financing sources impacted the       	 “We are seeing continued growth         estimated 66,500 people contributing
Arts Center members, $20 for non-          report due to timing or actual costs.                    into 2015 as year-to-date Clear Lake is   $1.2 billion in payroll.
members. To register for Coffee,           	
Mimosas and Arm Knitting call or           	 The City also saved money through key personnel        Giving Tree program begins today
email the Clear Lake Arts Center at        changes when interim leaders were named until direc-
357-1998 or [email protected]                tors were hired. For example, police personnel was       	 For a quarter of a century, the Giving                            cal children. And just like it always has, the    	 This year gifts must be brought to the
                                           $118,000 under budget, library personnel was $18,000     Tree has helped to make the holidays a little                       community rose to the challenge of seeing that    Mirror-Reporter office by Wednesday, Dec.
Cruz in Clear Lake                         under budget and public works was down $22,000.          brighter for Clear Lake area families. We are                       each of those ornaments was chosen.               16.
                                                                                                    pleased to report that there is already strong                      	 The Clear Lake School District is in            	 In the 25 years that the Mirror-Reporter
	 Senator Ted Cruz will headline                                                                    interest by families, businesses and other                          charge of distributing, as well as processing     has housed the tree, needs have never been left
the seventh event in  Concerned Vet-                                                                groups interested in choosing ornaments from                        the forms filled out by parents specifying        unmet. In fact, those choosing ornaments of-
erans for America’s  (CVA)‘Veterans                                                                 The Giving Tree and purchasing anonymous                            needs they have for their children. The school    ten remark that they had more fun shopping
and Military Town Hall’ series  to be                                                               gifts for local families.                                           district then provides the Mirror-Reporter        for someone they didn’t know than someone
held in Clear Lake on Saturday, Nov.                                                                	 The 26th annual Giving Tree will be dis-                          with ornaments representing the needs of each     they did. They put time into thinking about
21, from 10-11 a.m. This policy fo-                                                                 played in the Mirror-Reporter office starting                       child. Other ornaments will list the size of a    their gifts, had fun wrapping them and like to
rum, part of CVA’s ‘Defend & Re-                                                                    today (Wednesday, Nov. 18).                                         family requesting a food gift card.               think about how excited a child might be to
form Series,’ will be held at the Surf                                                              	 Sign-up forms for the Giving Tree have                            	 Again this year, the Giving Tree is asking      open their presents on Christmas Day.
Ballroom, 460 North Shore Drive,                                                                    already been distributed in the Clear Lake                          that gifts of food be made with a gift card. The  	 Questions regarding sign-up for the Giv-
and will highlight critical issues facing                                                           School District. They were also sent home                           card may be presented with a small treat, but     ing Tree should be directed to Sally Duesen-
Iowa’s veterans, military families and                                                              with those attending Head Start and Lake                            the food gift must be in gift card form, rath-    berg at Clear Lake Schools, 641-357-5288.
by extension all Americans. The event                                                               Town Charlie Brown. If your child did not                           er than boxes of non-perishable items. The        Those with questions about purchasing gifts
will feature remarks by Senator Cruz,                                                               receive a sign-up form, contact Sally Duesen-                       change was necessitated by the overwhelming       or food for families, or wishing to make a do-
a conversation with CVA’s CEO Pete                                                                  berg at Clear Lake Schools, 357-5288.                               amount of food given in the past, as well as      nation which will be dedicated to the Giving
Hegseth, and a Q&A session with vet-                                                                	 In 2014, the tree featured approximately                          the challenge of making timely deliveries to      Tree, should contact Marianne Morf at the
eran members of the audience. Com-                                                                  202 ornaments representing the wishes of lo-                        the large number of recipients.                   Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter, 357-2131.
plimentary refreshments will be avail-
able. Doors will open to the public at
9:30 a.m.

                                                                  Happy Tanksgiving

                                                                   Dick Hayes                      Matt Wolff                 Donna Eckard    Britney Formanek                     Rod Rozevink
                                                                  641-420-7123                   641-357-7990                 641-529-1525       641-860-0856                     Office Manager

411 Woodlane Dr., Clear Lake                                                    409 Bedford Court, Clear Lake                                 15126 Dove Circle, Clear Lake                                                         1513 N. 24th St., Clear Lake
            $479,000                                                                        $418,000                                                      $389,900                                                                            $243,900

3714 N. Shore Dr. #101A, Clear Lake  214 East Lake St., Ventura   18074-A Grouse Ave., Clear Lake 2515 S. Lakeview Ct. #103, Clear Lake  414 East Lake St. #5, Ventura  2700 N. Shore Dr. #N-25, Clear Lake 2700 N. Shore Dr. #F27-B, Clear Lake 2700 N. Shore Dr. #J-15, Clear Lake
                $636,000                       $485,000                                                                                             $218,900
                                                                  $299,000                          $232,500                                                            $183,800                                          $132,500       $113,900

630 Briarstone Dr. #204, Mason City  1781 Balsam Ave., Alexander  612 S. Penn. Ave., Mason City  839 14th St. SE, Mason City             635 4th St. NE, Mason City     118 11th St. NE, Mason City  1039 East State Street, Mason City  622 9th St. NW, Mason City
             $116,900                           $110,000                       $93,900                      $64,900                                 $49,900                        $48,900                          $39,900                         $36,900

15338 Bayside Ave., Clear Lake       800 N. 8th St., Clear Lake   2 N. 4th St., Clear Lake                                                                                                                                               Stonecliff
             $140,000                         $399,000                    $480,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Third Division
                                                                                   1112 Highway 18 East, Clear Lake
                                                                            641-357-6123 •                                                                                                                          Coming
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