Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 4

Opinion                                                                                                                                                                                                              Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

Page 4 • Sept. 30, 2015									

                                                                                   REMEMBER WHEN

                 25 Years Ago                        volleyball court. Anderson has connected on            Farmers lend a hand in 1949
               September 1990                        127 of 134 serves for 96 percent with 44 aces.
	 A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place          She also boasts a team high 157 kills and 19           In the fall of 1949, a group of farmers gathered to lend a helping hand to the family of Homer Copeland who passed away due to an accident.
at 10 a.m. on Friday at the Baker’s Corner for       blocks.                                                The wind had knocked down the corn that was to be harvested, so the farmers had to pick up the corn by hand from the ground, because
the new recreational path which links Clear Lake     	 Playing at the Surf Ballroom is Malek’s Fish-        the corn picker could not get it. Some of the farmers that lent a hand included Dan Spilman, Harry Oxley, Bud Cox, Vern Oxley, Knute
and Mason City. The paved path runs along            erman Band on Saturday, Sept. 29 and the Whi-          Olsen, Bill Oxley, Fritz Spilman, Orvil Olson, Harold Grattidge, Harry Spilman, Leo Stark, Pearl Hishak, Denny Harrell, Dale Spilman,
the south side of County Road B-35, known as         tesidewalls on Sunday, Sept. 30.                       Elvin Toppin, Richard Nelson, Seth Howard, Walt Wood, John Ashland, Shorty Spilman, Sam Spilman, Babe Cox, Wayne Toppin, Danny
Highway 106.                                         	 Grocery specials for the week at Easter’s            Spilman, Herbert Meyer, Paul Nelson. -Photo courtesy of Wayne Toppin
	 After being temporarily stalled in its effort      Super Valu include: Frito Lay Doritos, 14 oz.,
to construct a new $120,000 library and post         $1.89; Folger’s Coffee, 39 oz., $5.59; Meadow          	 As Donald Garlock was delivering              litis.                                                           before.
office, the Ventura City Council accepted a bid      Gold Ice Cream, 5 qt., $3.79; pears, lb., 99¢;         milk for Kenyon Verbeekmoes, he slipped                                                                          	 For 35¢ you can get the following
for a company to remove asbestos from the old        sirloin tip steak, lb., $2.79; and turkeys, lb., 79¢,  and fell with a bottle of milk, lacerating the                100 Years Ago                                      supper at the U.L. Ladies Aid: roast beef,
structure, clearing the way for it to be torn down.  	                                                      palm of his left hand on the broken bottle.                  September 1915                                      brown gravy, mashed potatoes, scalloped
A temporary library will be set up at the Ventura                                                           No sense crying over spilled milk, however.     	 Billy Graham will open a revival effort                        corn, cabbage salad, pickles, white and
Community Center.                                                     50 Years Ago                          He was patched up and back in action in no      in Omaha this week. Omaha salon keepers                          brown bread, jelly, tea, coffee, ice cream and
	 The Lake Level of Clear Lake, as measured                         September 1965                          time.                                           and criminals of every class have fought his                     cake.
on Tuesday, Sept. 25, was -28.44” below the          	 A crowded race for two director posts on the         	 Mrs. P.T. Jensen is recovering nicely         coming but without avail. Omaha will have                        	 A Mason City citizen suffered a broken
spillway.                                            Clear Lake School Board lured what could be            from a severe attack of quinzy and tonsil-      such an awakening as she never experienced                       head by being struck by a pickax Sunday. A
	 Terry Peterson, general manager of the Bud-        described as a “heavy” turnout of voters to the                                                                                                                         crap game was at the bottom of the affair.
get Inn in Clear Lake, will serve as the Clear       Clear Lake Community School Districts election
Lake Chamber President. Also on the board are        Monday night. No less than 611 voters showed
Chuck Madson, Lee Speaker, Andy Anderson,            up to decide the six candidate race. The two
Lon Rosenthal, Larry Luker, Trish Schlobohm,         chosen for the spots were Dr. Tom Joslyn and
Marian Roisen, Jeff Nicholas, Ruth Lease, Dale-      Homer Bienfang.
na Barz, Kavin Swenson, Rhonda Mann, Roger           	 Tuesday afternoon hail pelted Clear Lake
Walston and Dick Bydlon.                             the size of ping pong balls for about 2 minutes.
	 The Lynx Jinx continues for the Clear Lake         	 For the first time since 1926, the Clear Lake
Lions, as Webster City picked up a 14-6 victory      Lions dropped a season opener to the Forest City
Friday night. Clear Lake’s lone touchdown came       Indians. The 6-0 game pitted two young and
on a 47-yard pass from Paul Ebeling to Jeff Les-     inexperienced teams against each other.
ter on Clear Lake’s first possession of the second   	 Ventura fresh from their 23 victories in a
half. Shawn Zimmerman led the defense with           row moved that number to 24 with an open-
five solo and four assisted tackles. Adam Cal-       ing victory over Dows. Coach Comstock was
lanan had four tackles.                              especially pleased with the performance of Tom
	 Ventura’s only touchdown, a punt return by         Anderson who blocked a punt and made 11 un-
Steven Wiley, was nullified by a penalty allowing    assisted tackles.
Northeast Hamilton a 14-0 shut-out.
	 Consistency, or a lack of it, was the name                          85 Years Ago
of the game for the Clear Lake volleyball team                      September 1930
last week, according to Coach Joe Doerges. The       	 The burning peat beds north of town are at-
team’s match record stands 2-8 overall.              tracting considerable attention. People for miles
	 Stephanie Anderson, a former Ventura               around visited the fields Sunday. To see smoke
standout, is leading the Waldorf Warriors on the     issuing from the ground with out seeing a blaze
                                                     is an unusual sight.

                                                                                                                                                             Now Hiring                                                        LETTER TO
                                                                                                                                                             Handsome,                                                            EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                             Tough Guys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ACR appreciates
                                                                                                                                                            By Guest Columnist Dorothy Rosby                                 support

Owen’s Outlaws                                                                                                      	 I think we could use an Ethan Hunt        There are a lot of dinner parties in this                    To the Editor,
                                                                                                                   about now. I just saw Rogue Nation, the      line of work. You’ll need to know which                      	 We would like to rec-
The team, Owen’s Outlaws, caught up on the news of their hometown newspaper while in Madrid, Iowa. The group was   newest Mission Impossible movie. In it,      fork to use and which drink to order, and                    ognize those alumni that at-
riding in the Pedal for the House, which benefitted the Des Moines Ronald McDonald House. Team members included    Hunt, played by Tom Cruise, takes on         you should also have the good sense to                       tended the Clear Lake All
Zach, Jen and Ethan Klein, Larry and Linda Barlow, Kirk, Sheila, Joel and Aimee Groeneweg and Ernie, Teresa, Nick  his most impossible mission yet: tracking    know when yours has been poisoned.                           Class Reunion this year. 
and Jake Klein. -Submitted photo                                                                                   down and destroying the Syndicate, an        	 Do you have ethics and integrity and                       Once again through the
                                                                                                                   international rogue organization. We’ve      the ability to drop them both like the last                  generosity of the Clear Lake
                                                                                                                   got a few rogue organizations wreaking       woman you dated if it’s in your best inter-                  merchants and fellow CLHS
                                                                                                                   havoc here in the real world. Maybe we       est to do so?                                                graduates our auction raised
                                                                                                                   need Ethan Hunt. Or James Bond or Ja-        	 Do you have that rare combination                          over $1,800 in scholarship
                                                                                                                   son Bourne. That’s why I’m posting this      of high pain tolerance and sharp wit? We                     dollars!
                                                                                                                   classified ad:                               need people who can keep up the witty                         	 We would like to ac-
                                                                                                                   	 Now hiring handsome, tough guys            banter even while they’re being beaten up                    knowledge our major spon-
                                                                                                                   with above average intelligence and more     or water boarded.                                            sors, Clear Lake Bank &
                                                                                                                   skills than a superhero has tights.          	 Can you hack into a computer net-                          Trust and Clear Lake  Inde-
                                                                                                                   	 Are you ready to put your talents to       work, crack a safe, cheat a slot machine,                    pendent Telephone Com-
                                                                                                                   work in a high energy, glamourous job        and pick a lock? What about if the lock                      pany, for your support these
                                                                                                                   that you can’t tell anyone you have?         is on the box you’re trapped in—under                        last five years, the Clear Lake
                                                                                                                   	 Do you have a black belt in some-          water?                                                       Chamber and to the Mirror-
                                                                                                                   thing and exceptional skills with weapons    	 Can you climb, swim, parachute, run                        Reporter for your many sup-
                                                                                                                   including, but not limited to guns, knives,  a five-minute mile, play poker, and do the                   porting articles. 
                                                                                                                   swords, and missiles? Can you turn mis-      tango, possibly all in the same afternoon?                    	 In 2016 only we will
                                                                                                                   cellaneous, benign items into weapons?       	 Are you fluent in a variety of languag-                    be changing our celebration
                                                                                                                   You never know when you might need to        es, including, but not limited to Chinese,                   week.  Next year the ACR
                                                                                                                   break a dinner plate over someone’s head     Arabic, Russian, and Morse code?                             will be held Sept. 8-10. Reg-
                                                                                                                   or immobilize a thug with a five iron.        	 Do you have a tragic past that’s left                     istration for 2016 will soon
                                                                                                                   	 Are you a self-starter who can build       you with no relatives checking up on you?                    be online as will photos from
                                                                                                                   bombs, dismantle someone else’s, and         That’s too bad, but it’s better this way.                    this year’s event.  Our alumni
                                                                                                                   survive an explosion even if no one else in  They’d only be in your way.                                  website is:  www.clearlakeio-
                                                                                                                   a five mile radius can?                       	 Do you have really good instincts—                and we hope
                                                                                                                   	 Can you steal and make a get-away          except when it comes to women? Are you                       that everyone will visit it to
                                                                                                                   in any vehicle you come across? We need      good with the ladies and comfortable                         see the fun everyone had see-
                                                                                                                   people who can outrun a terrorist, while     with the idea that most of your girlfriends                  ing classmates and friends.
                                                                                                                   being shot at, and who can do it driving a   will try to kill you? That will keep your                     	 Your Alumni Association
                                                                                                                   Lamborghini, a golf cart, or a road grader.  skills sharp.                                                holds the ACR as our only
                                                                                                                   	 Can you maneuver any water vessel,          	 And finally, do you work best alone                       fundraising event to provide
                                                                                                                   from gondola to a garbage scow? Can you      and require little supervision? There are                    scholarships for CLHS grad-
                                                                                                                   pilot any flying machine, from helicopter,   only two reasons you’ll ever hear from us:                   uates.  WE NEED YOUR
                                                                                                                   to 747, to hot air balloon, AND can you      One, when we give you the details of your                    SUPPORT AND ATTEN-
                                                                                                                   climb around on them in midair if some-      next dangerous mission, and two, when                        DENCE!  We hope to see
                                                                                                                   one else is in the pilot’s seat?             we tell you how really upset we are about                    you in 2016 as we honor the
                                                                                                                   	 Do you have above average looks,           the way you’re handling your current one.                    five-year reunion classes end-
                                                                                                                   an eye for style, and good table manners?                                                                 ing in one and six.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Merlea Amundson Schultz,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CLHS Class of ’67 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Alumni Director

                                                     Serving Clear Lake & Ventura  Owner/Publisher...... Mike Finnegan                                   The Clear Lake Reporter is a member of the “National
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