Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-30-2015
P. 2

Local NewsPage 2 • Sept. 30, 2015									                                                                                                                                            Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                                                                                               Charges filed after                                                                    OBITUARIES
                                                                                               chase, crash on
More Clear Lake Reporter                                                                       Avenue of the Saints                                                                                                             	 Bill and Karen chose to take
                                                                                                           	 A driver who was trying to flee from authorities                                                                   advantage of two, rich, six-year
  CALENDAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities away from Denver. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1991 he was recruited to Lincoln,
from page 1                                         juice. Tickets are available from any                  crashed into oncoming traffic on the Avenue of the                                                                   Neb. to establish a Child and
                                                    Clear Lake firefighter or at the door                  Saints Wednesday, Sept. 23, near the interchange                                                                     Adolescent Psychiatric unit at Lincoln
Saturday con’t                                      the morning of the breakfast. Cost for                 with Interstate 35, just south of Clear Lake.                                                                        General Hospital, where he was
                                                    the tickets is $5 for adults with chil-                	 According to the Iowa State Patrol, Robert                                                                         also an Associate Clinical Professor
with boarding in front of the Yacht                 dren under 12 free if accompanied by                   Summers, 23, drove off when a trooper tried to                                                                       of Pediatrics at the University
Club on Main Avenue. At noon                        an adult. Firefighters and emergency                   stop his car in Mason City. The vehicle then went                                                                    of Nebraska. After six years they
and 4 p.m. there will be a Fall Colors              medical staff will be available to an-                 west from Mason City on the Avenue of the Saints,                                                                    returned to Denver, then in 2004 he
Tour aboard Miss Guided Excursions,                 swer questions about the services of-                  running over stop sticks placed down by an officer,                                                                  was asked to set up a private practice
operated by Clear Lake Boats, with                  fered by the department as well as                     with the car then intentionally driving through the                                                                  and act as Medical Director and
boarding at the Sea Wall. A salsa                   meet the citizens they proudly serve.                  median into the eastbound lanes. The car then struck                                                                 consultant for several organizations in
making competition, grape stomp,                    Proceeds from this year’s fund raising     ROBERT                                                                                                                           Hawaii. He was a Clinical Professor
pumpkin roll race and waiter race will              pancake breakfast will include edu-                                                                                                                                         in the Department of Psychiatry for
be held, along with live music. Those               cation programs within the schools,        SUMMERS     a semi near the driver’s side door, ripping off the rig’s                                                            the University of Hawaii Medical
who purchased an official festival bag              equipment and tools needed for the                                                                                                                                          School. He considered his time in
can partake in wine tasting at various              diverse requirements of fire and res-      fuel tank. The vehicle landed back in the median.                                                                                Hawaii a rewarding experience that
locations, noon to 5 p.m. A section                 cue operations in our fire district, and   	 Summers was taken to Mercy-North Iowa for treatment. The driver of the                                                         allowed him to learn much about the
about the Harvest Festival appears in               projects designed to get out in the        semi was not hurt in the incident.                                                     William M. Sykes                          multicultural aspects of psychiatry.
this edition of the newspaper.                      community and make response and            	 In the days that followed the accident, charges were filed against Summers.                                                    	 Bill was raised on a farm near
                                                    service better for all.                    He was charged with eluding, speeding at 100 miles per hour in a 65 mile               	 William (Bill) M. Sykes, MD.,           Clear Lake, Iowa. In high school he
                                                                                               per hour zone, driving while barred, driving while suspended, and driving on           of Denver, Colo., and a former Clear      was selected for the National Honor
                                                                                               the wrong side of a highway. He’s also being held on Wright County warrants            Lake resident, passed away in his         Society, and in scouting, obtained
                                                                                               of first-degree theft and possession with the intent to manufacture illegal            home Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015. Bill is    the rank of Eagle Scout. He attended
                                                                                               mushrooms.                                                                             leaving behind his wife, Karen, of 30     Iowa State University and graduated
Sunday                                                                                         	 He’s being held on a total of $22,000 bond.                                          years, close friends, family, admired     with a double major in chemistry
                                                    B-35                                                                                                                              associates, and many, many patients       and physics. While attending school
Firemen’s breakfast                                 from page 1                                SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS                                                                     that he has cared for over his 40 year    he worked part-time as a physical
                                                                                                                                                                                      career as a child, adolescent, and adult  chemist at the Atomic Energy
	 To kick off this year’s National                  first.  Construction traffic will dictate                Clear Lake                  yogurt cup. Lunch: Popcorn chicken,          psychiatrist.                             Commission. One summer was spent
Fire Prevention Week the Clear Lake                 the ability to keep the trail open.        	 THURSDAY: Breakfast: French             buttery noodles, broccoli, apple slices,     	 Bill lived life to the fullest, enjoy-  studying Shakespeare in England
Fire Department will be hosting its                 Staging and use of some temporary          toast sticks, sausage, or cereal, cinna-  Jello cake. Alt.: Sub-Stacker, fresh         ing a beautiful marriage, a career that   as part of Iowa State’s International
17th annual pancake breakfast Sun-                  granular surfacing until a contractor      mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Corn      veggies with dip.                            he loved, great friends, cooking, and     Study Program.
day, Oct. 4, at the Clear Lake fire                 can pave may be an option, she said.       dog, baked beans, potato wedges,                                                       traveling the world. Anyone who           	 After college, Dr. Sykes attended
station. Serving will begin early at 7              	 The estimated cost of the project        juice. Alt. Sub-stacker, romaine salad.        Garner-Hayfield-Ventura                 knew him would tell you that Bill         medical school at the University of
a.m. and continue until 1 p.m. with                 is about $3.9 million. Bid letting is      	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Mini pan-           	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-               Sykes never let anything stand in the     Colorado Medical Center and during
plenty of hot griddled pancakes, sau-               expected in January with construction      cakes, sausage, or cereal, cinnamon       fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:       way of having fun!                        that time spent another summer in
sage links, coffee, milk, and orange                to take place next year.                   toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Max Stix,     Walking taco with salsa, peaches/Jel-        	 Dr. Sykes had been in private           London doing a pediatric externship.
                                                                                               marinara sauce, romaine salad, or-        lo, corn salad, tortilla chips, cookie.      practice since 1980. He spent four        After medical school he did his
vv THEATRE                                          Police join in seat                        ange wedges, butterscotch cookie.         	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast              years as Consultation Liaison for The     pediatric internship at The Children’s
                                                    belt enforcement                           Alt.: Sub-stacker, cherry tomatoes and    wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Chicken     Children’s Hospital and then entered      Hospital of Denver, then did a
    The Visit                                                                                  baby carrots.                             nuggets with sauce, banana, sweet po-        a full time private practice of Child,    pediatric residency at the University
                                                    	 The Clear Lake Police                    	 MONDAY - Breakfast: Break-              tato fries, green beans, dinner roll.        Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry,         of Colorado. This was followed by a
                Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”        Department, in cooperation with            fast pizza or cereal, cinnamon toast      	 MONDAY - Breakfast: Western                where he worked until his death.          residency in adult and child psychiatry
                                                    the Iowa State Patrol and the Cerro        or yogurt cup. Lunch: Sloppy Joe on       omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.       Throughout his career he also con-        at the University of Michigan. While
  War Room                                          Gordo Sheriff’s Office, held a multi-      a bun, baked beans, potato wedges,        Lunch: Chicken sandwich, pears, cu-          sulted to many entities including The     in Michigan, he also obtained his
                                                    agency project focusing on seatbelt        applesauce. Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine    cumber/tomato dip, baked beans.              Children’s Hospital Burn Team and         private pilot’s license. He finished his
     Friday & Saturday 7 p.m“P.G”                   enforcement on Sept. 10.                   salad.                                    	 TUESDAY - Breakfast:   Waffle              various child and adolescent residen-     medical training at the University of
                                                    	 The departments worked the               	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Pancake            sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.       tial treatment centers. Dr. Sykes had     Colorado with a Fellowship in Child
   Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.            Clear Lake area, stopping vehicles for     on a stick or cereal, cinnamon toast      Lunch: Rotini with meat sauce and            been a Clinical Professor at the Uni-     Psychiatry.
                                                    seatbelt violations. The officers wrote    or yogurt cup. Lunch: Soft shell tacos,   parmesan cheese, apricot cup, tossed         versity of Colorado Health Sciences
    Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.      17 seatbelt citations, five seatbelt       Mexican rice, corn, banana. Alt.: Sub-    side salad, dinner roll.                     Center.
                                                    warnings, three speed citations and 17     stacker, romaine salad.                   	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg
 Starring: Priscilla Shirer, T.C. Stallings, Karen  warnings.                                  	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om-               biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Grilled
 Abercrombie, Alex Kendrick, Michael Jr., Beth                                                 elet, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast or  cheese sandwich, grapes, carrots,
 Moore, Alena Pitts (2 hr.)                                                                                                              tossed salad.

    Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4

                                                    51st                                       1 Day Sale                                    CONGREGATE                                                                         Friday, Sept. 25, 2015, at Sacramento
                                                                                                 Friday,                                          MEALS                                                                         Valley National Veterans Cemetery in
                                                                                                Oct. 2nd                                                                                                                        Dixon, Calif.
                                                                                                                                         	 THURSDAY: Turkey roast, po-                                                          	 He was born on Jan. 25, 1937,
Wisconsin                                           $1.49              Angus Pride                         2.99 lb                       tatoes and gravy, cooked cabbage,              Glen L. Bisher                          to Iris and Eldon Bisher. Glen was a
Russet Potatoes                                      .39 lb            Boneless                            $1.77                         strawberries, orange juice.                                                            Korean War veteran.
                                                                       Roast                                                             	 FRIDAY: Golden baked chicken,              	 Glen “Sonny” L. Bisher, 78,             	 Glen was the beloved husband
10 lb.                                                                 AE Chocolate                                                      scalloped potatoes, Harvard beets,           passed away at home on Sept. 16,          of 57-years to Judy (Hoffman)
                                                                       Milk                                                              Sunshine Salad, whole wheat roll.            2015, in Fair Oaks, Calif.                Bisher. He was the beloved father of
Premium                                                                                                                                  	 MONDAY: Crunch baked fish,                 	 A memorial service was held on          Randy, Barbara, and Debra. He was
Bananas                                                                Half Gallon                                                       parsley potatoes, green beans, pine-                                                   grandfather to Michael and Thomas
                                                                                                                                         apple crunch, raspberry lemonade.                                                      Bisher. He is also survived by two
                                                                                                                                         	 TUESDAY: Egg and potato cas-                                                         sisters, Beverly Farris, and Phylis
                                                                                                                                         serole, broccoli, banana half, fruit oat                                               Brown, and her husband, Clifford.
                                                                                                                                         muffin, orange juice.                                                                  	 He was proceeded in death by
                                                                                                                                         	 WEDNESDAY: Lemon-herbed                                                              his mother and father; and a brother,
                                                                                                                                         chicken, scalloped corn, tomatoes flo-                                                 Jerry Bisher.
                                                                                                                                         rentine, mandarin oranges.                                                             	 Memorials may be sent to Judy
                                                                                                                                         	 Congregate meals are served at                                                       (Hoffman) Bisher, 5404 Elsinore
                                                                                                                                         the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105                                                  Way, Fair Oaks, Calif. 95628.
                                                                                                                                         S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,                                              	 Lind Brothers, Carmichael,
                                                                                                                                         4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-                                                Calif., was the funeral home in charge
                                                                                                                                         5443 ¡in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in                                                    of arrangements.
                                                                                                                                         Ventura for reservations.

Old Dutch                                           2/$5               AE Orange                           $1.98
                                                                       Juice                               $1.39
Super Size Restaurante
Tortilla Chips                                                         Half Gallon                         4/$10

20oz. Pre-priced $4.99                                                 Prego Spaghetti
Old Dutch Party Pack
Rip-L & Original
2/$5Potato Chips                                                       Pizza

Pre-priced $4.99                                                       12”original

Coke, Diet                                          5/$10
Coke & Sprite
                                                           Must Buy 5
.5 liter 6packs.

     Hot Buy!                                                                Hot Buy!

Coors Light $14.50                                                     6.Canadian LTD $ 51
   18 pk, 16 oz. can                                                      Whiskey
         Limit 1                                                                     750 ml Limit 1

                                                                       20 S. 4th St., Clear Lake


                                                                          7 am - 10 pm Every Day
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