Page 6 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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Social NewsPage 6 • July 1, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Lion’s Pride scholarship recipients North Iowa Area Community ers, Autumn Prehn, Jamie Smith, 2015 school year to students pursuing
College announced that 634 in- Morgan Tue, Grace Tusha, Mallory
The Clear Lake Lion’s Pride group announced that Tanner Storbeck and Lindsay Kearns, both 2015 graduates of Clear dividuals have been named to the Van Oort. .fluid power technology fields of study.
Lake High School, were the recipients of the group’s scholarships. Pictured (L-R): is Sandy Whitehurst, Tanner Storbeck, 2015 Spring Term Dean’s List and Ventura students include: Colby
Darla Kibsgaard, Lindsay Kearns and Mandy VanVoorhis. -Submitted photo. President’s List. To be eligible for the Dickes, Stacy Hackenmiller, Vicki Lo- More than 7,560 Iowa State
Dean’s List a student must complete University undergraduates have been
“GriefShare” to hold reunion July 10 a minimum of six semester hours and .renzen, Sydney Younge. recognized for outstanding academic
earn a 3.25-3.49 grade point average. achievement by being named to the
The grief support group en- ticipated in the past. It will be held at July 10, from 6-8 p.m. To be eligible for the President’s List a Courtney Sherwood, daughter of 2015 spring semester Dean’s List. Stu-
titled, “GriefShare,” will be hosting the home of Joyce and Will Hunsaker, Hotdogs and Brats will be pro- student must complete a minimum of David and April Sherwood, of Rock- dents named to the Dean’s List must
a reunion for anyone who has par- 502 S. 12th St., Clear Lake, on Friday, vided, along with tableware and six semester hours and earn a 3-5-4.0 well, Iowa, was named to the Dean’s have earned a grade point average of at
drinks. Attendees are asked to bring G.P.A. List at Simpson College in Indianola, least 3.50 on a 4.00 scale while carry-
Rescue RXx ® a salad or dessert, a lawn chair and an Clear Lake students named to the Iowa for the spring semester. To be ing a minimum of 12 credit hours of
update on your life since the loss of Dean’s List include: Ethan Awe, Riley named to the Dean’s List, a student graded course work.
your loved one. Brinkman, Nicholas Chizek, Katie Clear Lake students include:
Please call Joyce with any ques- Hewett, Ellen Johnson, Chase Lester, .must have a GPA of 3.70 – 3.99. Austin Taylor Anderson, 4, Chemical
tions, 641-430-8861. Jennifer McInroy, Ernest Miszewski, Engineering; Courtney Lee Ander-
Regatta Olinger, Courtney Orte, Aus- Meg Monson, of Clear Lake, was son, 2, Biology; Alexis Rae Atkinson,
Repair damaged nails with CLHS class of tin Rozevink, Denise Suby, Tucker named to the Spring 2015 Dean’s List 2, Child, Adult, and Family Services;
the power of keratin protein 1975 to hold Tusha, Alexandra Vosburgh, Kylie at Mount Mercy University. Students Paige Cailyn Backhaus, 2, Pre-Busi-
and moisturizing jojoba oil. reunion July 3 Whitehurst. with a semester grade point average ness; Hannah Kjirsten Bartlett, 2,
With daily use peeling and Garner students include: Jack of 3.60 or better, and who are graded Kinesiology and Health; Taylor Re-
white spots are dramatically The Clear Lake High School class Bertilson, Payton Stadtlander. (letter grade, not pass/fail) for six or nae Berger, 4, Marketing; Alexander
of 1975 will hold an informal reunion Ventura students include: Jadyn more semester hours, are eligible for Joseph Blum, 3, Architecture-Profes-
reduced. on Friday, July 3, at 6:30 p.m. at The Dickes inclusion on the Dean’s List. sional Degree; Shane D. Boeshart,
Clear Lake Yacht Club, 103 Main Clear Lake students named to the Monson is majoring in manage- 4, Agricultural Systems Technology;
Call to schedule your appointment. nail salon Ave. President’s List include: Logan Ander- ment. She is the daughter of Greg and Caitlin B. Connor, 4, Dietetics (H
Food and drink will be provided. son, Lainey Arians, Makean Bang, SCI); Jeanette E. Davis, 3, Elementa-
Located at A donation of $10 would be appre- Brian Barkema, Leah Becker, Kylie .Paula Monson, of Clear Lake. ry Education; Alec Edward Euken, 2,
First Avenue Studios ciated. Questions or an RSVP can be Bottjen, Keely Branstad, Jonathan Animal Ecology; Carter John Hand,
306 1st Avenue North sent to [email protected]. Carew, Blake Christianson, Reece El- Olivia Smoldt-Hall, of Clear 2, Interdisciplinary Studies; Andrew
Join the group on Facebook---Clear phic, Allen Flickinger, Cassidy Flory, Lake, recently graduated from St. Olaf James Hansen, 4, Mechanical Engi-
Clear Lake Lake,Iowa-Class of 1975. Claire Franke, Timothy Franken, Vic- College on May 24. neering; Ivy J. Hogg, 2, Business Eco-
toria Fyfe, Emily Gerdts, Sierra Grei- Smoldt-Hall is an English and nomics; Mickenna Bree Holdredge, 4,
357-8007 man, Hallie Hall, Madelyn Hartnett, religion major. She is a graduate of Accounting; Austin Jeffrey Horner, 4,
Austin Hasfjord, Samuel Heck, Sue Clear Lake High School and is the Civil Engineering; Brady Scott Horn-
Hill, Grace Holbrook, Peyton Huey, daughter of Kent Hall and Cynthia er, 4, Materials Engineering; Mclean
Dylan Humberg, Kayla Kearns, Lo- Dub Jinkinson, 4, Graphic Design;
gan Kracht, Amanda Kruse, Garrett .Smoldt-Hall. Zachary N. Johnson, 4, Mechanical
Kunzman, Lauren Lafrenz, Alaris Mc- Engineering; Broderick R. Long, 4,
Cord, Seth Myers, Trudy Peterson, Tamera Munson, a resident of Advertising; Megan Ann Loux, 3, Ki-
Ivy Pruisman, Elizabeth Reid, Alicia Clear Lake, was among nearly 1,100 nesiology and Health; Sarah Elizabeth
Rodningen, Austin Rurup, Matthew students from Rochester Community Loux, 4, History; Benjamin Isaac Nel-
Stephany, Nattalie Tank, Christina and Technical College who made the son, 3, Software Engineering; Kaitlyn
Tesar, Devin Uhlenhopp, Kandice Dean’s List for Spring Semester end- Michelle Ouverson, 4, Psychology;
Waddington, Brittani Watson, Kyle ing this past May. Kirsten Melodee Reineke, 2, Music;
Willms. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a Olivia J. Richardson, 4, Apparel, Mer-
Garner students include: Sadhna student must successfully complete 12 chandising, and Design; Reed An-
Ades, Taylor Brown, Eric Bruggeman, or more letter-graded credits, in the thony Rognes, 2, Accounting; Anne
Chandler Diercks, Corey Haupt- same semester, and achieve a grade Marie Tesar, 3, Software Engineering;
mann, Hannah Hutcheson, Heath James John Theobald, 2, Political Sci-
Hutcheson, Blake Johnson, Angela .point average between 3.0 and 4.0. ence; Jacob Ryan Welper, 2, Music;
Johnston, Sarah Legge, Tierra Lup- Annaliese Marie Witt, 4, Industrial
pen, David Neuberger III, Jeni Oelk- The Fluid Power Educational
Foundation (FPEF) Board of Trustees .Engineering.
Clear Lake and Ventura Church Directory awarded Andrew Hansen, of Clear
Lake, a mechanical engineering senior, Kirkwood Community College
a $2,000 scholarship. He was one of has released its Dean’s List for the
the top eight students and received the spring 2015 semester. These students
distinguished FPEF scholarship un- have achieved a 3.3 grade point aver-
derwritten by Danfoss, Ames, Iowa. age or higher after completing 12 or
A minimum GPA, an essay, and more credit hours at the college.
three letters of recommendation were Ozzie Adams, of Clear Lake,
required from each applicant. The was named to the Dean’s List for the
FPEF awards 20 scholarships for the spring semester.
Agape Christian Church of Christ Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Hilgendorf Builders
Family Church Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday and
2010 14th Ave. N., • 357-5813 First Church of Friday, 8:30 a.m. (fourth Friday of month 1513 South Shore Drive
2810 Hwy. 18 West, • 357-8014 the Open Bible at Oakwood Care Center at 9:30 a.m.); Across from Tourist Park Pastor: Brad Sheldon Tuesdays at Newman Catholic, 9:15
Pastors: Dave and Kris Toyne Fellowship: 9:15 a.m. 609 South 8th St. • 357-3217 a.m., elementary gym; Wednesday: 8:45 Ken and Jen Are In!
Sunday Power Hour (all ages): 9 a.m. Bible School: 9:30 a.m. Pastor: Rev. Will Hunsaker a.m. at Newman Catholic Now ready to custom build yours …
Sunday Worship with Super Church for Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 p.m.
Children: 10 a.m. Wednesday Family Night: 7 p.m. Call Jim or Judy today to view an
Wednesday Big Dreams Children and Clear Lake Regular United Methodist Church Amwood Home
Youth: 7 p.m. Baptist Church First Congregational
2nd Sunday of each month: “God- Church 508 2nd Ave. N. • 357-5247 Jim 641-430-4204 Judy 641-430-3615
Tism” a class for children 2-8 yrs. on 314 North 6th Street • 357-5851
the Autism spectrum Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. 205 W. 10th Ave. N. • 357-2818 Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson Exceptional Home for the
2nd & 4th Sundays of each month: Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Discriminating Buyer
“SIgn-Interpreted Sunday Service for Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer: 7 p.m. facebook: FirstCongregationalClearLake Sunday School (all ages): 9:45 a.m.
the hearing impaired Wednesday Kids Club: 7 p.m. Sunday: Worship, 10:10 a.m. Mid-Week Worship with Communion:
Staffed nursery for all services. Fellowship, 11:10 a.m. Wed., 5:15-5:45 p.m.
Community of Christ Communion: First Sunday of the month
Bell Harbor Zion Lutheran
15 Plaza Drive • 357-3766 Galilean Lutheran Church Church
4560 Wesley Dr., Clear Lake • 357-3345 Pastor: Christina Blum(357-1234)
Pastor: Rev. Keith Scott Youth/Teen Ministers: Bob and Jill Brans- Hwy.18 West • 357-2296 112 North 4th Street • 357-5261
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. tad (357-4918) Pastor: Scot McCluskey Pastors: Rev. Dr. Patrick Hall and
Young Adult Advisors: Cliff and Wanda Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m. Rev. Kirk Wilkie
Celebration Community Hagman (424-9246) Fellowship: 10:15 a.m. Worship Services: Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Church Fellowship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. and Sunday, 8 a.m. - Traditional; 9:30
Worship: 10 a.m. a.m. - Contemporay service held in Clear
805 10th Ave. N. (Across from Lion’s Harvest Bible Chapel Lake City Park.
Field) • 357-0026 Evangelical Free Church
Pastor: Daniel Miller 2200 N. 24th St., Clear Lake • 357-7500 VENTURA
Sunday School: 9 a.m. (Ages 3 thru 1310 Hwy 18 West • 357-7581 Redeemer Lutheran
adult) Senior Pastor: John Tank Church
Fellowship 9:45 a.m. Senior Pastor: Dan Jordan Worship Leader: Cody Rogers
Sunday Praise & Worship: 10 a.m. Youth Pastor: Randy Vaage Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. LC-MS Ventura • 829-3650
Wednesday Adult Bible Study: 7 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service: 9:30 Sunday School: 10 a.m. for birth [email protected]
a.m. to fifth grade Pastor: Scott Kozisek
Christian Church Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
First Church of Christ, St. Patrick’s
302 Hwy. 18 West • 357-4885 Scientist Catholic Church
Pastor: Scott A. Wilson
Sunday School all ages: 9 a.m. Corner of 8th & Main • 357-7210 1001 9th Ave. South • 357-3214
Sunday Worship Service: 10 a.m. Sunday Church Service: 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday: Christian Education, 6:30 Pastor: Fr. John Gossman
p.m.; Praise Team, 7:30 p.m. Weekend Mass: Saturday, 4 p.m. and
Thursday Bible Studies 6:30 & 9:30 a.m.
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Jim 641-430-4204 Judy 641-430-3615