Page 4 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
P. 4
Opinion Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Page 4 • July 1, 2015
25 Years Ago State Senator
June 1990
515-281-3371 or 641-424-0874
Response to a second Main Street [email protected]
meeting has led to a decision by lo-
cal officials to hold off on writing a and Mrs. T.E. Saundra, of Clear Lake, Iowa’s great quality of life is bol- •Community Attraction & Tour-
letter of intent to seek application to has entered the Miss Mason City con- stered by arts, culture and recreation. ism (CAT) Grants, which go to rec-
the Main Street Iowa Program. With test. The winner will go on to the These opportunities are important to reational, cultural, entertainment and
time being a factor the group did not Miss Iowa contest at Davenport. community development, enriching educational attractions.
feel it was time to apply. Don and Phil Everly, The Everly local amenities and attracting young •Community Cultural Grants,
An air show - the first to be held Brothers, will be appearing at the professionals. In addition, they create which support job creation for Iowans
in nine years at the Mason City Mu- Surf, June 27, for a Collegiate Night jobs, draw investments and stimulate who contribute to the cultural vitality
nicipal Airport, is slated for Aug. 19. Dance. They will perform some of the economy through tourism. of our state.
The event is sponsored by the Clear their million disc sellers such as, “Bye, Travel spending in Iowa totaled •Iowa Great Places, which brings
Lake Mason City Chambers of Com- Bye, Love,” “Wake Up Little Susie,” $7.8 billion in 2013, an increase of together resources to help communi-
merce. and “Bird Dog.” 1.3 percent over 2012. This spend- ties, regions and neighborhoods en-
Several Clear Lake attractions The feature event winner for the ing supports 65,400 jobs and close to hance what makes them unique.
will be featured on Iowa Public Tele- hobby cars at Mason City was Jerry $1.2 billion in payroll income. •Investing in the arts, cultural
vision’s “Iowa This Weekend.” At- Hejna, of Ventura. According to a report on the eco- endeavors and historic preservation
tractions featured will include Clear nomic impact of Iowa travel in 2013, through a variety of initiatives at Io-
Lake Fire Museum, Clear Lake State Franklin County generated $12 mil- wa’s Department of Cultural Affairs.
Park, the Mason City and Clear Lake lion in travel expenditures, with 70 •Improving the Iowa State Fair
Historic Society Trolley, the Surf Ball- workers in the county earning more and our county fairs, which offer lo-
room, Kinney Pioneer Museum, and than $1 million. Butler County took cal fun and a celebration of our state’s
of course, the lake itself. in almost $9 million from travel, with agricultural heritage.
Jeff Cronin, who has played two 30 workers earning about $680,000. •Providing $16 million for REAP,
seasons with the Clear Lake Lakers, Cerro Gordo County boasted $187 Iowa’s popular Resource Enhance-
agreed to a contract with the Atlanta million in travel expenditures, with ment and Protection Program for our
Braves. Cronin, who has to report to 1,470 workers earning close to $25 natural and cultural resources.
the Braves rookie camp at Bradenton, million. •Creating a statewide trail system
Fla., is a former Des Moines East and The investments the Legislature of rivers and lakes that is fun, safe and
Simpson College baseball player. He made this year will help ensure the at- interesting for outdoor enthusiasts.
is the son of Larry and Ruth Cronin, tractiveness and vitality of Iowa com- •Recreational trails funding to
of Clear Lake. munities by providing great things to establish hiking, biking, skiing, snow-
The Clear Lake softball team do, see and learn. We’re preserving mobiling and horseback riding routes
topped Eagle Grove, 6-1. Wendy Ball and enhancing Iowa’s cultural resourc- throughout the state.
pitched all seven innings, striking out es and recreation experiences through:
seven batters and walking only two.
The team also beat Humboldt, 14-4. 75 Years Ago 4th of July, 1990 The Senior
Ball and Kendra Berge both hit dou- June 1940 Connection
bles. The Grand Marshall of the 1990 Clear Lake 4th of July parade was Laurence
Jon M. Epsteen has joined Lake The old Princess passenger boat Fredrickson. His wife, Florine also enjoyed their ride. Above top, oxen and There is always something to do at the Senior Citizens Center, 105 S.
Chevrolet as a salesman. has been repaired and launched after horses brought up the rear of the parade. 4th St., Clear Lake. We invite anyone, 55 and older to come and take part
A total of 78 boats competed in being in dry dock for several years. in all the activities and the Congregate Meal program held at the Center
the MC National Championship Re- George Newman has stored in his Contractor Ernest Anderson is There will be some fireworks in every week day from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
gatta held over the weekend. Local warehouse, 30 carloads of government pushing along with the work on the the old town of Clear Lake this 4th of An excellent exercise program is available each Monday and Thursday
sailors who faired well included Bill shelled corn, which he is ordered to Masonic Temple. July. Elaborate plans have been made. at 10:30 a.m. Or try the Walk Fit program held on Wednesday and Friday
and Jeff Nicholas, of Clear Lake, they ship out at once to England. Good corn weather has arrived at A large platform has been built way at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the Center begins with Pool at 8:30 a.m. and a 500
placed second and third in the Ama- Word has been received in Clear long last and farmers are busy in the out on the lake from Mann corner. card game begins at 12:30 p.m. Bingo is the second Wednesday of each
teur Class. Brad Osmundson, Byron Lake of the critical condition of A.M. fields. month sponsored by Humana Insurance. Fresh Conservations, a nutrition
Bensely and Harry Alcorn finished Baker at his home in Orange, Calif. program designed for older adults, is the last Wednesday of the month at
12th, 13th and 14th respectively. Mr. Baker is one of the few remaining 10:15 a.m. A free hearing screening by Connect Hearing, of Mason City,
Playing at Cinema V is Warren veterans of the Civil War and whom will be held on Thursday, July 16, at 9:30 a.m. by Peggy Stephens, BC-
Beatty in “Dick Tracy,” “Gremlins 2,” Clear Lake claims as her own. He is HIS.
and “Robo Cop 2.” 95 years old. For questions, call Wendy, Site Manager, at 357-5443 or better yet,
Grocery specials for the week A crowd of 60 attended the re- stop in and see for yourself. Coffee’s on us!
include: Vlasic Hamburger Chips, union of classes 1935-36 at the Coun-
32 oz., $1.09; Miller Beer, 12-12 try Club in Clear Lake. Where do you read your Mirror-Reporter?
oz. cans, $4.79; Dole Lettuce, head,
2/99¢; peaches, 2 lbs., 99¢; Ruffles 99 Years Ago Drop your photos off at
Potato Chips, 15 oz., $1.99; 80% lean June 1916 the office, located at 12 N.
ground beef, lb., $1.68; and boneless, 4th St., or email them to
skinless chicken breasts, lb., $3.19. Military caps will be given away [email protected]
free at Peterson’s fountain with each
50 Years Ago 10 cent drink on Saturday.
June 1965 A big wrestling match will take
place in the ball park on July 4. The
M.A. “Curly” Hintzman has been contest will be between Otto Suter,
named Chamber of Commerce Secre- welterweight champion of the world,
tary. Huntsman will be assisted at the and Helmer Myre, of Forest City.
Chamber office by Ellen Lincimum Ringside seats are $1.50.
and Mrs. Dwayne Frampton.
Susan Sondrol, daughter of Mr.
A family affair
Denny and Anne Muehlstedt, of Clear Lake, enjoyed a family vacation with their children and grandchildren as an early
celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. The family went to Galveston Bay, Tex., where they enjoyed catching up
on hometown news in the Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter. -Submitted photo
Serving Clear Lake & Ventura Owner/Publisher...... Mike Finnegan The Clear Lake Reporter is a member of the “National
communities since 1869 Newspaper Association” & an award winning
[email protected] member of the “Iowa Newspaper Association.”
12 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, IA. 50428 • Ph. • 641-357-2131 • Fax • 641-357-2133 Editor.................. Marianne Morf Subscription Rates/Year Visit our home page at
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