Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	               Lifestyle                                                                                                                                                                                                              July 1, 2015 • Page 9

	 (Family Features) Everyone will be      Yield: 12 cupcakes                                                                                           pan. Sprinkle with remaining mini          pin, roll each ball into a circle
bringing something to the 4th of July     Favorite cupcake recipe or mix                                                                               marshmallows and press lightly to          approximately 12 inches in diameter
picnic, but you can bring the grand       1 	 4.5-pound tub White Ready-To-                                                                            adhere.                                    by 1/8 inch thick. Cut cookies with
finale. Each of these tasty sweet treats  Use Decorator Icing                                                                                          	 In small microwave-safe bowl,            star nesting metal cookie cutter. Dip
captures the flair of the 4th without     Color Right Performance Color System                                                                         microwave remaining 1/2 cup candy          cutter in flour before each use.
the fuss. In just a little time, you can  Icing Colors                                                                                                 on 50 percent power in 30-second           	 Bake cookies on ungreased cookie
add patriotic color and fun flavor to     	 Red (formula 186): 2 cups icing +                                                                          intervals, stirring between each, until    sheet 8-11 minutes or until cookies are
classics like cupcakes, ice cream cones   40 R                                                                                                         candy is almost melted. Stir thoroughly    lightly browned.
and cookies.                              	 White: Reserve 2 cups icing                                                                                until smooth and drizzle over treats. Let  	 Prepare Color Flow icing. Tint
	 It’s a great feeling to bring a         	 Deep Blue (formula 647): 2 cups                                                                            cool completely.                           icing following color formulas above.
dessert that can’t miss. The Wilton Test  icing + 26 B + 8 R + 4 P                                                                                     Creamy Coconut Cookie Flag                 Use tip 3, a parchment bag and full-
Kitchen developed these deliciously       	 Bake cupcakes according to                                                                                 Yield: About 3 dozen 3-inch cookies        strength icing to outline cookies: 32
easy ideas to go with your summer         package directions in red, white and                                                                         Cookies                                    in red, 21 in white and 16 in blue. Let
celebration so you can enjoy the          blue standard baking cups.                                                                                   1 	 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter,        cookies dry 1-2 hours.
fireworks with everyone else. For more    	 Tint icing following color                                                                                 softened                                   	 Thin 1 cup red, 1/4 cup blue and
party ideas, visit        formulas above. Prepare Color Swirl                                                                          1 1/2 	 cups granulated sugar              1 cup white icing. Use thinned icing
Dipped Ice Cream Cones                    3-Color Coupler according to package                                                                         1 	 egg                                    and disposable decorating bag to fill
Yield: 12 ice cream cones                 directions, filling one decorating bag                                                                       1/4 	teaspoon Toasted Coconut              in cookies. Fill in 8 of blue outlined
1 	 bag (12 ounces) Bright White          each with red, white and blue icing                                                                          Treatology Flavor Concentrate              cookies with white icing and remaining
Candy Melts Candy                         and fitting with tip 1M. Pipe a swirl                                                                        8 	 drops Creamy Vanilla Custard           cookies with matching outline color.
Sugar ice cream cones                     on each cooled cupcake top.                                                                                  Treatology Flavor Concentrate              Let dry 8-12 hours.
Jimmies 6-Mix Sprinkle Assortment         S’mores Crispy Cereal Treats                                                                                 3	 cups all-purpose flour                  	 To serve, arrange cookies on tray
Rainbow Jimmies                           Yield: 20 servings                                                                                           1 	 teaspoon baking powder                 in stars and stripes design.
	 Melt candy in microwave safe            6 	 tablespoons butter                                                                                       1 	 teaspoon salt
bowl. Dip cones about 1 inch deep         1 	 bag (16 ounces) regular-sized                                                                            Icing                                      More 4th                                 of July Recipes....
around opening of cone. Cut small         marshmallows                                                                                                 3/4 	cup + 3 teaspoons water                                                        sugar and vanilla in a large bowl with
hole in tip of bag and drizzle melted     1/4 	teaspoon Warm Cinnamon                                                                                  12 	c u p s ( a b o u t 3 p o u n d s )    Red, White and Blue                      electric mixer on medium speed until          3/4 cup sugar
candy 1 inch deep around opening of       Graham Treatology Flavor Concentrate                                                                         confectioner’s sugar, sifted               Mousse Parfaits                          stiff peaks form. Add red food color;         1 1/2 tsps. McCormick Rood Beer
cone. Tap cone lightly to smooth, and     10 	 drops Creamy Vanilla Custard                                                                            6 	 tablespoons Color Flow Mix             Serves 12                                stir gently with spatula until evenly         Concentrate
sprinkle with jimmies. Position cone      Treatology Flavor Concentrate                                                                                Color Right Performance Color System       3 1/2 cups heavy cream, divided          tinted.                                       1 bottle cold soda water
in cone rack. Let chill, about 10-15      1/4 	teaspoon salt                                                                                           (see colors tinted below)                  1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder         	 Beat remaining two cups heavy               	 Bring water to a boil in medium
minutes.                                  10 	 cups crisped rice cereal                                                                                Icing Colors                               1/2 cup plus 2 Tbls. sugar, divided      cream, remaining 1/2 cup sugar and            saucepan. Add sugar; stir until
	 Add ice cream scoops at party and       1	 bag (10 ounces) mini                                                                                      	 Red (formula 32): 1 1/2 cups icing       2 tsps. pure vanilla extract             lemon extract in large bowl with              dissolved. Add Root Beer Concentrate;
serve in cone rack.                       marshmallows, divided                                                                                        + 62 R + 8 O                               2 tsps. McCormick Red Food Color         electric mixer on high speed until stiff      stir until well mixed.
                                          1 1/4 	 cups Light Cocoa Candy                                                                               	 Deep Blue (formula 647): 1/2 cup         1 tsp. McCormick Pure Lemon Extract      peaks form. Remove one cup. Add               	 Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Red, White and Blue Swirled               Melts candy, divided                                                                                         icing + 27 B + 5 P + 6 R                   McCormick Assorted NEON Food             3/4 tsp. neon blue and five drops neon        Slowly pour soda into root beer mixture
Cupcakes                                  	 Prepare 13-by-9-inch baking pan                                                                            	 White: Reserve 2 cups icing              Colors and Egg Dye                       purple food colors; stir gently with          until well blended and serve.
                                          with vegetable spray.                                                                                        	 Note: Make and decorate cookies          2 Tbls. white chocolate chips            spatular until evenly tinted.                 Root Beer Floats: Place scoops of ice
                                          	 In very large saucepan, melt                                                                               1 day in advance to allow for drying       	 Beat 1 1/2 cups of the heavy                                                         cream in tall glasses. Slowly pour Easy
                                          butter over medium high heat until                                                                           time.                                      cream, cocoa poweder, two Tbls. of the           	 To a s s e m b l e p a r f a i t ,  Homemade Root Beer over ice cream
                                          it smells nutty and browns slightly.                                                                         	 Heat oven to 350 degrees F.                                                               alternately layer red and white       and serve.
                                          Reduce heat to medium low; stir                                                                              	 In large bowl, beat butter and                                                            mousses in dessert glasses. Top
                                          in regular marshmallows, warm                                                                                sugar with electric mixer until light                                                       with blue mousse and white
                                          cinnamon graham and creamy vanilla                                                                           and fluffy. Beat in egg and flavors. Mix                                                    chocolate chips. Refrigerate
                                          custard flavors, and salt. Cook, stirring                                                                    flour, baking powder and salt; add to                                                       until ready to serve.
                                          constantly, until melted and smooth.                                                                         butter mixture 1 cup at a time, mixing
                                          	 Remove from heat; stir in cereal, 3                                                                        after each addition. Do not chill dough.                                                        Easy Homemade Root
                                          cups mini marshmallows and 3/4 cup                                                                           Divide dough into 2 balls.                                                                      Beer
                                          light cocoa candy. Press into prepared                                                                       	 On floured surface with rolling                                                               Makes 6 (1 cup) servings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1 1/2 cups water
                                                                                                                                                       Optimum Health Chiropractic                                                                     of  July  Picnic                  F& Saivdeos rites
                                                                                                                                           Clear Lake  Bringing you and your
                                                                                                                            Made in Iowa               family better health and                                                            4th                     Chicken

                                                                                                                                                        a better way of life.                                                                          Tinkers are great for on-the-go
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Reef Cafe Call ahead & pick up or
                                                                                                                                                       641-357-1211                                                                                                                      stop in and order

                                                                                                                                                                  506 Main Avenue, Clear Lake           Dr. Nick McColley                  Dine In or  1205 S. Shore Dr. (641) 357-4925                            Open
                                                                                                                                                       Visit our new website at   Palmer Graduate                   Take Out                                                              Monday &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wed. - Sun. at 11 am

HUGE Summer Sale!                                                                                                                                      Celebrate With Us!
                                                                                                                                                       Thu., July 2 • Randy & The Classics • 7 pm
                                       (Some exclusions apply)
                                                                                                                                                       Fri., July 3 • Joe Santana • 7 pm
     Open Saturday, July 4th  Noon - 4 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Sat., July 4 • Mockingbird • 3 pm
   The Red Geranium
                                                                                                                                                       Sun., July 5 • Farm Rock • 3 pm
            301 Main - Across from the Park • Clear Lake
                  357-1505 or Toll Free (888) 353-1505                                                                                                 PM Park                                           Make
                                                                                                                                                                                                   a stop at the
                                            We Deliver!                                                                                                 15297 Raney Dr.,
                                                                                                                                                            Clear Lake                                 Tiki Bar

                                                                                                                                                                                                  (641) 357-1991

                                                                                                                                                       Monday-Sunday • 7 am-10 pm                 clearlaketikibar
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14