Page 5 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter 														                                                                                                                    July 1, 2015 • Page 5

Stories from the History Room: Noah’s Ark                                                                                                                              Clear Lake Parks &
	 In the early 1920’s a floating palace with daz-                                                             Meeting is Aug. 22 at 1:30 p.m. at the Clear Lake             Recreation Update
zling lights, glazed floors, swaying dancers, soft                                                            Library Meeting Room. Alan Peterson will be talk-
music, and gondolas and a ferry that would carry                                                              ing about his life and his ancestors’ involvement in        Review this section of the paper for updated information
customers to the dance hall, promised fame and for-                                                           the history of Clear Lake. He has many interesting          regarding P&R programs, program deadlines and events.
tune for Clear Lake. Noah’s Ark was 100 x 60 feet                                                             stories to tell. A business meeting and election of
and was to be anchored in the middle of the lake. It                                                          officers will follow the presentation. Refreshments             by Steven Story, Clear Lake Parks & Recreation Assistant Director
sat near City Beach on dry land while it was being                                                            will be served for your enjoyment.
built. The ark was used for various activities await-  on their investment. Billy Schober and his partner     	 If you enjoyed this story, consider getting in-        	 •Yoga on the Lake: Come and              potential that participants can/will
ing its launch.                                        Ed Siler both lost over $1,000 on Noah’s Ark.          volved and learning about Clear Lake’s varied and        enjoy the sunrise on Clear Lake by         get wet, so please be prepared. Class
	 Robert Garfield was a smooth talking athletic        	 The Clear Lake Historical Society is looking         colorful past. Membership dues are: $15, Bow-            beginning your day with a yoga class       size is limited, so sign up early.
instructor who promised 100 percent dividends on       for a fun and catchy name for its column and other     man, Students and Seniors; $25, 1st Mate; $60,           from one of our many certified in-         	 Ages: Anyone 11-15 years old
the investors’ money. He was ready to launch the       social media publications. Please send us your ideas   Crew-Family Members; $100, Pilot; $250, Cap-             structors that will be leading the         	 Place: Will contact participants
dance hall when the investors and creditors became     for a name. We will be giving away one of John         tain; $1000, Navigator. Memberships are for the          class. Wear comfortable clothing, and      before program begins
suspicious and began to draw in on Garfield.           Larsen’s stained glass etchings to the winner. Please  calendar year. Members and volunteers are greatly        bring your own mat. Held outdoors          	 Dates: Thursdays- Aug 6, 13, 20
	 They tried to find someone to go ahead with          forward by Aug. 22 to CLHS, PO Box 252, Clear          appreciated.                                             south of the Main St. Boat Ramp or         	 Times: 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Garfield’s vision but everyone found it impractical.   Lake, Iowa 50428, or email clearlakehistory@gmail.     	 Stop in and visit the display at Dana’s Decorat-       at the Sea Wall depending on week-         	 Limit: 10 participants
It was finally decided to sell the dance hall at the   com.                                                   ing, 309 Main Avenue or the History Room at the          end events and instructor preference,      	 Cost: $23 per fisherman
sheriff’s auction. It was purchased by C.E. Geist      	 The Clear Lake Historical Society’s Annual           Clear Lake Public Library. Items for sale include a      these classes offer a unique atmo-         	 Registration Deadline: July 30
and moved to his farm south of Clear Lake to be                                                               1943 map of Clear Lake and Clear Lake: The Earli-        sphere to relax and invigorate at the
used as a farm building. Investors lost over $60,000                                                          est Images by Paul Juhl.                                 same time. In addition, participants       	 •Water Power Class: Get mo-
                                                                                                                                                                       can enjoy the stunning view. All par-      tivated and ready to work out to the
                                                                                  Tickets go on sale today for                                                         ticipants will have to sign a waiver       music! Class uses jog belts for the
                                                                                                                                                                       and anyone under 18 will need to           deep end work out. Basic swimming
                                                                                  Iowa Storytelling Festival’s                                                         have it signed by a legal guardian.        skills are necessary. Limited to 19
                                                                                                                                                                       	 Date: Saturdays thru Aug. 1.             participants so register early.
                                                                                  Ghost Boat ride July 24                                                              	 Time: 7 – 8 a.m.                         	 Session 2: July 13 – Aug 13
                                                                                                                                                                       	 Place: Clear Lake Sea Wall area          	 Mon., Wed., Thurs., 5:30 -
Special delivery to Tiki Bar                                                           Once again, Clear Lake is the place  tured performers at the 2015 Iowa          	 Fee: $1 per session paid directly        6:15 p.m
                                                                                  to be for the Iowa Storytelling Festi-    Storytelling Festival on both days:        to the instructor                          	 Registration deadline: July 6
Tree Town Festival, held in Forest City, has loaned the Tiki Bar at PM Park,      val, Friday and Saturday, July 24-25.     Janice Del Negro, of Brookfield, Ill.;     	 Registration: Registration will          	 Instructor: Stephanie Kappos
Clear Lake, their two Easter Island Tiki Heads. Looking on as one of the 14-      Tickets for the famous “Ghost Boat”       Jeff Doyle of Brighton, Mich.; and         only be available on site.                 	 Fee: Aquatic Center Members
foot tall heads is delivered to the South Shore entertainment spot is owner Cris  cruise aboard the Lady of the Lake        Maureen Korte, of Des Moines.                                                         $23; Non-Members $45. Minimum
Brager (center). PM Park has been rated one of the Top Ten Scenic Restaurants     paddlewheel boat go on sale today             On Saturday, July 25, in the Story     	 Advanced Fishing Techniques:             of 12 preregistered are required to
in Iowa by Travel Iowa.-Submitted photo.                                          (July 1).                                 Tent in City Park there will be two                                                   hold each session
                                                                                  	 On Friday, July 24, at 9 p.m.           performances by the featured story-        This class will be available to all youth
                                                                                  the Festival’s featured performers will   tellers:  “Stories for Kids of All Ages”   that are 11-15 years of age and will       	 •Co-Ed Kickball League:
                                                                                  share eerie stories on the “Ghost Boat”   at 10:30 a.m. and “Teller’s Choice” at     cover a variety of fishing techniques.     League is played on Tuesday evenings
                                                                                  aboard the Lady of the Lake paddle-       2 p.m.  All Saturday storytelling ac-      Classes will meet at three different       beginning Aug. 4, at 6 p.m. on the
                                                                                  wheel boat.  This event is intended       tivities are free.  Other visiting story-  sites around Clear Lake. Techniques        Clear Lake Youth Athletic League
                                                                                  for ages 10-years through adult, and      tellers will also be performing at the     covered include: fishing from docks,       Baseball/Softball Complex. This
                                                                                  children under age 17 must be accom-      “Story Exchange” at noon.  The rain        fishing using waders, as well as jigging   league is a great opportunity to just
                                                                                  panied by an adult.                       location is the Lakeview Room.             and trolling from boats at “hot spots”     have fun due to its laid back atmo-
                                                                                  	 Tickets for the “Ghost Boat”            	 The Iowa Storytelling Festival           on Clear Lake! Fishermen should            sphere. New teams are welcome and
                                                                                  are $15.  Advance purchase is recom-      is funded by the Clear Lake Library        have a basic knowledge of fishing,         encouraged to register! All 2014 team
                                                                                  mended.  Tickets are non-refundable.      Foundation with assistance from the        know how to use their fishing poles,       captains will be sent league registra-
                                                                                  In case of threatening weather the        Friends of the Library. For more in-       bait their own hooks and be able to        tion packets. Registration packets are
                                                                                  ghost stories will be presented at the    formation on the Iowa Storytelling         cast their lines. Everyone must have       available at the Parks and Recreation
                                                                                  Lakeview Room behind Clear Lake           Festival or to sign up for the story       their own transportation to and from       office, City Hall, or online at www.
                                                                                  City Park’s band shell.                   exchange, contact the library at 357-      the sites and bring their own fishing
                                                                                       Three storytellers will be the fea-  6133 or [email protected].          gear along with your life jackets (live    	 Fee: $40 per team
                                                                                                                                                                       bait will be provided). There is a good    	 Registration deadline: July 28

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