Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                                 July 1, 2015 • Page 3

OBITUARIES                                             Work set                                                                                                                                                           JULY 4TH
                                                       to begin on                                                                                                                                                        CELEBRATION
 Marilea Wheeler                                       Highway 18                                                                                                                                                         from page 1
                                                       July 7
	 Marilea G. “Jabber” Wheeler, 71,                                                                                                                                                                                        dating back to 1856. “We have a
of Clear Lake, died Friday, June 26,                   	 Once the smoke has cleared from                                                                                                                                  wonderful parade that draws from
2015, at her home.                                     the holiday week, a major resurfacing                                                                                                                              all over and a family-owned carnival
	 A celebration of her life was held                   project is set to begin on U.S. High-                                                                                                                              that’s been coming here for 40 years.
on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at the                      way 18 through town.                                                                                                                                               The icing on the cake is a huge fire-
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,                        	 The Iowa Department of Trans-                                                                                                                                    works display over the lake,” said Pat-
Clear Lake, with the Rev. Dennis                       portation reports work is expected to                                                                                                                              ton.
Ganz officiating. Following the ser-                   begin Tuesday, July 7, in the three-                                                                                                                               	 This year’s Fourth of July celebra-
vice she was cremated. Family suggests                 lane section of the road, starting at                                                                                                                              tion begins today (Wednesday, July
memorials to Marilea G. Wheeler me-                    the 1400 block of the highway. The                                                                                                                                 1).
morial fund.                                           center turn lane will be closed in the
	 Marilea was born April 5, 1944                       work zone, but the road will remain      Accident sends one to hospital                                                                                            Top 10 communities
in Hampton, Iowa, the daughter of                      open. There will not be a detour.                                                                                                                                  celebrating the Fourth of July*
Dorsie and Norma (Ward) Lugar. She                     	 The project will continue to just      Clear Lake fire and rescue crews were dispatched to the intersection of South 8th Street and 27th Avenue South Friday     1.	 Clear Lake
attended and graduated from Clear                      east of the North 20th Street intersec-  at about 8 p.m. on the report of a two vehicle accident. A vehicle driven by Rachel Stiehm, of Ames, pulled out in        2.	 Shell Rock
Lake High School.                                      tion.                                    front of a vehicle driven by Michelle Dean, of Goodell, causing the accident. Elaine Kushkowski, of Ames, was trapped     3.	Underwood
	 While she lived in Clear Lake she                    	 The $2.2 million resurfacing           in the Stiehm’s vehicle. The CLFD removed the door so she could be removed and transported by ambulance to the            4.	 Mount Vernon-Lisbon
worked for Unisys then IMI Corne-                      project is slated for completion in      hospital.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.                                                                                5.	Newton
lius. She also worked at Lu’s Lounge                   October. Heartland Asphalt, of Ma-                                                                                                                                 6.	Dubuque
and Clear Lake V.F.W.                                  son City, had the winning bid for the                                                                                                                              7.	 Sioux City
	 She enjoyed bowling, collect-                        work at $2,221,150.                                                                                                                                                8.	Ames
ing owls and spending time with her                                                                                                                                                                                       9.	 Morning Sun
grand dog, Pacey James. But her                                                                                                                                                                                           10.	 Battle Creek
greatest joy was spending time with
her friends, family and spoiling her                                                                                                                                                                                      *as reported in the Des Moines Register
grandkids.                                                                                                                                                                                                                June 24, 2015
	 She is survived by her four chil-
dren, Jim Wheeler, Des Moines,                                                                                                          TOWNSHIP                                 	 Peterson said under terms the          Township residents were never at risk
Iowa, Ron (Joleen) Wheeler, Mason                                                                                                       from page 1                              new agreement, annual payment by         of being without fire service, but “we
City, Iowa, Amelia “Amy” (Jeff) Tiedt,                                                                                                                                           the township to the City of Ventura      wanted to make sure this was a long
Clear Lake, and Dan Wheeler, Al-                                                                                                        payment satisfies what it had claimed    will be approximately $28,000, while     term solution and took all of the un-
toona, Iowa; six grandchildren, Man-                                                                                                    was underpayment for fire protection     payment to Clear Lake will be in the     certainty out of it.”
di (Jon) Johnson, Mariah Wheeler,                                                                                                       and equipment replacement under          $24,000 to $26,000 range.                	 Paul Menke and Marsha Doe-
Jenna Wheeler, Tangie Tiedt, James                                                                                                      prior agreements.                        	 “This is a very calculated and         bel also serve as Clear Lake Township
Wheeler and Noel Jensen; great-                                                                                                         	 Pederson said the one-year con-        thought-out process that involved        trustees, along with Kent Thoe, who is
granddaughter, Natalie Zuniga; one                                                                                                      tract gave Clear Lake Township trust-    everyone,” said Pederson. Clear Lake     the clerk.
sister, Sara (Dennis) Ouverson, Clear                                                                                                   ees time to craft fire service agree-
Lake; and one brother, James Lugar,                                                                                                     ments which would be fair to all.        Tips to fly the flag correctly
Austin, Minn.; and many nieces and                                                                                                      	 “We, as a board, concluded in
nephews.                                                                                                                                the fall of 2013 that the best way to    	 If you plan to fly the American        a staff projecting from a window or
	 She was preceded in death by                                                                                                          set up payment for fire service was to   flag this week in observance of Inde-    building.
her parents; and two brothers, Givens                                                                                                   create two fire districts,” said Peder-  pendence Day, please review these tips   	 •Position the union so that it is
“Buddy” Lugar and Dan Lugar.                                                                                                            son. “Each side of the township will     for flying the Stars and Stripes:        at the farthest point from the build-
	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                                                                                                          pay for where they are getting services  	 •Don’t display a flag at night         ing when suspending the flag over a
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-                                                                                                   from.”                                   unless it’s illuminated. If lighting is  sidewalk.
rangements.                                                                                                                             	 Property owners in Clear Lake          not possible, the flag should be taken   	 •Don’t allow the flag to touch
                                                                                                                                        Township will see a slight change to     down at sunset.                          anything beneath it.
                                                                                                                                        their tax bill. All township residents   	 •Don’t fly the flag in rain or other   	 •Retire frayed or worn flags.
                                                                                                                                        will see a charge for the Ventura        inclement weather, unless the flag is    V.F.W. Post 4868 in Clear Lake can
                                                                                                                                        Cemetery. In addition, there will be     made of all-weather material.            help with proper disposition of a flag
                                                                                                                                        a taxed amount for either Ventura or     	 •Be sure the union (blue field)        no longer fit to serve as a symbol of
                                                                                                                                        Clear Lake fire service.                 is at the top if hanging the flag from   our country.

  Cleta Haugen                                         Finishing touches

	 Cleta Mae Haugen, 80, of Clear                       Zach Wamre, with Jim Hunt Electric, works to get new street lights installed on
Lake, died Saturday, June 27, 2015,                    North Shore Drive wired and ready for the big holiday week. The project began
at Good Shepherd Health Center, in                     in July 2014 and was conducted in stages throughout the year. It encompassed
Mason City, Iowa.                                      North Shore from 5th Avenue North to 1st Avenue North, as well as Lakeview
	 Per Cleta’s wishes, her body has                     Drive in front of the Bandshell. The street is now open for travel.-Reporter
been cremated and a celebration of life                photo by Chris Barragy.
will be held at a later date.
	 Family suggests memorial contri-                        Welcome Home to the Gardens!
butions to the Cleta Haugen Memo-
rial Fund.                                                 New construction dedicated to senior living. Walking distance
	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                                 to downtown activities with many association amenities
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-

    CONGREGATE                                            Garden Park                             809 7th Ave. N., #313
         MEALS                                                Village                              Cherry Suite. Open floor plan
                                                                                                 with two bedrooms, two baths,
	 THURSDAY - Cook’s Choice.                                 809 7th Ave. N. #303                laundry, private balcony and heat-
	 FRIDAY - Closed.                                     Foxglove Suite. Open floor plan with      ed underground parking garage.
	 MONDAY - Chicken salad sand-                          two bedrooms, two baths, office or
wich, macaroni salad, tomato spoon                     den with laundry, private balcony and                $189,000
salad, fruit cup, orange juice.                        heated underground parking garage.
	 TUESDAY - Tater tot casserole,
tossed salad, apple slices, oatmeal                                  $235,000
fruit bar.
	 WEDNESDAY - Crunchy pol-
lock, roasted red potatoes, lima
beans, strawberry-rhubarb crisp with
ice cream, whole wheat bread.
	 Congregate meals are served
at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake,
105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in
Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45
a.m. Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake
and 829-3517 in Ventura for reserva-


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