Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-1-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • July 1, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
More Clear Lake Reporter DUESENBERG words “Clear Lake” to describe
from page 1 the body of water they found in
CALENDAR the midst of the long grass prai-
bring in photographs or film rie.
from page 1 Saturday that they have discovered in their Other Clear Lake history,
homes, or while sorting through made readily available through
Wednesday con’t estates. Duesenberg’s promotion of local
Duesenberg said one of his history and the volunteer efforts
forming may take the stage in the Surf ’s Cypress Parade favorite historical “finds” of late Duesenberg delights in discovering and sharing Clear Lake history, such of other history-minded per-
Lounge. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; show time is was eight three-minute reels of as this recently found photo of a July 4, 1921 parade here. sons, include the story of Ellen
7 p.m. Admission is free. The traditional Fourth of July parade steps 17.5 mm movie film taken circa Wilhite, a former slave in Ken-
off at 10 a.m. Saturday from the corner of 20th 1921 in Clear Lake by Earl Ku- tucky who came to Cerro Gordo
Thursday Street and Main. It will proceed down Main to gler, a professional photographer. County around 1870 with a Mis-
3rd Street, turn left to 1st Ave. S., and turn right The reels were found by descen- souri family to work as a servant.
Wristband day onto S. 4th Street. H Milton Duesenberg, long- dants of Alonzo Green in the She made her way to Clear Lake,
time Clear Lake resident, community volunteer attic of a New York City home. where she lived independently.
From noon to 5 p.m. Thursday it will be and historian at the Clear Lake Public Library, The films depict a Fourth of July “I enjoy discovering the little
Wristband Day at the Evans United Shows Car- will serve as Grand Marshal. parade, Model T type cars on known,” adds Duesenberg. “As I
nival. Ride all the rides you’d like for $17. The East Main, a horse and buggy, have grown older, I have begun
Arts & Craft Fair will be open from 11 a.m. to Fun for all ages the Interurban trolley approach- to grasp the uniqueness and rich
9 p.m. Thursday and the Bingo tent opens at ing the Mason City and Clear tradition of Clear Lake— a place
5 p.m. Arch Allies, a Styx, Journey and REO The Arts & Craft Fair will be open 11 a.m. Lake Railroad depot, Main Street out of the ordinary. The more I
Speedwagon tribute band will be on the Band- to 9 p.m. Saturday and the carnival and Bingo activity in front of Silby’s restau- learn, the more I develop what
shell stage starting at 7 p.m. tent will open at noon. Entertainment for the rant, and family scenes including I think Bill Bradley meant by a
day includes Denny’s School of Dance, 1:30- Alonzo Green and his iconic tele- “Sense of Place,” the essence of
Friday 3 p.m., and Active Kids Gymnastics, 5-6 p.m. scope. what we call home. This sense
The Clear Lake Municipal Band will provide a “One of the things I find in- of place is born out of our tradi-
Fresh on Friday patriotic prelude to the fireworks with a concert triguing about our history are the tion and legacy. The Clear Lake
from 8:30-10 p.m. at the Bandshell. A concert little known and amazing stories Historical Society and the Public
This week’s Fresh on Friday event from 8-11 program appears on page 13. Fireworks will be that have come to light in the Library History Room are the
a.m. at Central Gardens of North Iowa, corner displayed over the lake starting at 10 p.m. History Room,” he said. keepers of this tradition.”
of 2nd Avenue North and North 8th Street, fea- One little known story is that
tures a Take Time at Ten (10-10:45 a.m.) pro- Farmers Market of the Chemin de Voyageurs fur Veterans
gram entitled “Ready, Set, Go! Set Your Table trader’s path across North Iowa invited to
for a Fun, Festive and Healthy Fourth!,” pre- The Clear Lake Farmers Market is held from from Prairie du Chein, Wis., to ride in July 4
sented by the Fresh on Friday team. Enjoy a re- 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays in the Surf Ballroom the Omaha Indian nations near parade
laxing morning with coffee and seasonal goodies parking lot, 460 North Shore Drive. Fresh the Missouri River. Their trail,
served on the patio of the Nature Education Pa- fruits and vegetables, as well as baked goods and which roughly followed U.S. All veterans are invited to New Rottinghaus print released
vilion and purchase fresh flower bouquets from handcrafted products are available for purchase. Highway 18, appears on a 1703 ride in Clear Lake’s Fourth of
the gardens. From 9:30-11 a.m. kids and adults map of North America which July parade on Saturday. The Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce has released “Lakeside
are invited to the Bee Happy Kids Garden. At Sunday can be seen in the History Room. V.F.W. Post 4868 Com- Series,” number four in the Limited Edition collection by North Iowa
10:45 a winner will take home a repurposed Clear Lake was also on mander Mike Nelson said vet- artist David Rottinghaus. Just 250 prints are available. They may be
item from the Opportunity Village General a route followed by Nathan eran Bill Kennedy has re-built purchased at the Chamber of Commerce at a cost of $125, plus tax.
Store for free. Boone, son of the legendary an Army truck and equipped it
Daniel Boone. In 1832 Nathan with a ramp so veterans can eas- Reporter office closed Friday
City Park fun Family fun day Boone had been sent north from ily board the vehicle. It can ac-
Missouri by William Clark, of commodate 20 to 25 riders. The Clear Lake Mirror-Re- 2. Classified advertising and
The holiday celebration continues in and Sunday, July 5, is “Family Fun Day” at Lewis and Clark fame, to survey Veterans interested in rid- porter office will be closed Fri- news submissions are due by 3
around City Park Friday, July 3. The Arts & Clear Lake’s Fourth of July celebration. In ad- the “Neutral Ground” which had ing in the truck should come to day, July 3, in observance of the p.m. Monday, July 6, for the July
Craft Fair will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. dition to the Arts and Craft Fair from 11 a.m. been set aside for the protection the parade staging area on North holiday. The deadline for display 8 edition of the newspaper.
Carnival rides and the Bingo tent open at noon to 5 p.m., Evans United Shows offers a second of the Winnebago Indians. On 20th Street between 9 and 9:30 advertising will be Thursday, July
and the Nicole Kottke country rock band will Wristband Day from noon to 5 p.m. for $17. May 26, 1832 Boone’s survey a.m. Saturday. The parade will
be on stage at 7 p.m. Families are also invited to take part in fun, free party moved along the North step off from 20th Street and
games starting at noon. A Family Feud Game Shore of Clear Lake while lay- Main at 10 a.m. The veterans’
Show is set for 1 p.m., followed by other games ing out the northern cession truck will be near the beginning
for all ages at 3 p.m. line. Duesenberg points out that of the parade lineup.
Boone’s map of the survey fea-
tures the first known use of the
2510 North Shore Dr. 1308 North Shore 65 Four Winds Dr. 1008 Pine Brooke Ct. 305 Mars Hill Dr. 5 Wedgewood Ct. 7 Wedgewood Ct. 414 E. Lake St. #8
$179,900 $184,900 $197,500
$475,000 $449,000 $424,500 $299,900 $284,000
15 Four Winds Dr. 504 18th St. W. 3806 Main Ave. 14996 Walnut 307 Pine Brooke Dr. 805 3rd Ave. S. C&D 2515 S. Lakeview Ct. 2301 S. Lakeview Dr.
$257,500 $239,000 $227,900 $219,000
$215,000 $225,000 #103 $269,900 #101 $299,000
4560 Wesley Dr. 1909 1st Ave. N. 612 W. 10th Ave. N. 210 N. 9th St. 200 S. 12th St. 310 1/2 Main Ave. 1205 S. Shore Dr. 2109 South Shore Dr.
$209,000 $155,000 $153,500 $150,000 143,900 $139,900 $159,000 $239,950
1204 N. 6th St. 1905 1st Ave. N. 101 S. 21st St. 610 Hwy. 18 W. 1007 9th Ave. N. 608 2nd St. Dumont 15390 Basswood Ave. 14684 Nettle Ave.
$143,000 $132,500 $129,500 $115,000 $79,000 Ventura $89,900 $217,500
5324 Lakeview Dr. 2601 S. Lakeview Dr. 2201 North Shore Dr. 15380 1st Street 2007 North Shore Dr. 102 N. German St. 634 3rd St. SE 921 1st St. SE
$345,000 $389,000 $550,000 $674,500 Ventura Mason City Mason City
$114,900 $119,900 $110,000
2609 E. Lake Street PENDING 3814 240th St. Wedgewood Ct. Lot #5 $35,000 11 Cedar Ridge Ct. Ventura $56,000
$749,000 $897,500 Wedgewood Ct. Lot #8 $40,000 S. 9th Pl. $90,000
15 Clear View Dr. Wedgewood Ct. Lot #9 $40,000 Lakeview Meadows Lot #16 $125,000
$789,000 512 W. Lake St. Ventura $55,000 240th St. $399,000
9 Cedar Ridge Ct. Ventura $56,000
203 Main Avenue, Clear Lake Bonnie Hall • 641.529.1820 Carrie Shannon • 641.583.1649
Robin Borrill • 641.529.3033 Kristi Wilcke • 641.430.6348
Office: 641- 357-7373 Jennifer Heller • 641.529.0313 Al Ashland • 641.512.7650
[email protected]