Page 6 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
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Social NewsPage 6 • June 10, 2015									                                                                                                                                                           Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

CHURCH NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                          COLLEGE NEWS

Women’s Bible Study                      vited to take part in “Agents of Truth”,                       Honor Flight trip                                                                            	 Justin Mikesell, Jason Sholly            Hanna-Marken, B.S. - Bachelor of
to begin at Zion                         the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible                                                                                                                     and Ethan Tindall, all of Clear Lake,      Science, Agricultural Business; McK-
                                         School (VBS) at Harvest Bible Cha-                             George and Edith Case, of Clear Lake, along with their dog, “Smiley,” went on                recently participated in the Univer-       enzie Hanna-Marken, B.S. - Bachelor
	 Zion Lutheran Church will              pel.                                                           an Honor Flight, May 8, 2015. While on the trip, they were assigned an escort,               sity of Iowa UI College of Dentistry       of Science, Animal Science; Brady
hold a women’s summer Bible study        	 Each evening June 22-26, from                                Jeremy Bayse (right). The couple learned that Bayse is the son of Charlie and                White Coat Ceremony.                       Horner, B.S. - Bachelor of Science,
class open to anyone.   This year        6:30-9 p.m., children will investigate                         Teri Zirbel, of Clear Lake. Jeremy is a firefighter, EMT employed at Langley                 	 The White Coat Ceremony hon-             Materials Engineering, Magna Cum
the group will be studying Priscilla     the truth about the Master Gardener.                           AFB, Virginia. The photo was taken at the Marine Corps Memorial, Washing-                    ors first-year dental students as they     Laude; Ryan Iverson, B.S. - Bachelor
Shirer’s, “Breathe: Remembering the      They will learn to see themselves the                          ton DC. The flight was sponsored by the Historic Triangle of Virginia for the                move into the second year that in-         of Science, Supply Chain Manage-
Sabbath.” The group will meet on         way their Creator sees them. They will                         97th Signal Battalion Association’s annual reunion, of which George Case is a                volves their first patient experiences.    ment; Zachary Johnson, B.S. - Bach-
Wednesdays, June 17-July 15, in the      also learn how they can become who                             member. -Submitted photo                                                                     The dental students were ceremoni-         elor of Science, Mechanical Engineer-
Friendship Room at the church, from      God created them to be using His In-                                                                                                                        ally cloaked with their first white        ing; Sarah Loux, B.S. - Bachelor of
9:30-11 a.m.  Childcare will be avail-   struction Manual.                                               BIRTHDAY                                           CL Public Library                        laboratory coats and in the presence       Science, History, Magna Cum Laude;
able.  Books are $12 and can be paid     	 The “Agents of Truth” curriculum                                                                                 to hold book                             of family, friends, and faculty, the stu-  Olivia Richardson, B.S. - Bachelor of
at the church office or ordered online   was written by The Ultimate Journey,                                         Jean Watts                            discussion                                                                          Science, Apparel, Merchandising, and
at or        a division of Christ Life Ministries                           	 Jean Watts, of Apple Valley,                                                               .dents recited the Oath of a Dentist.      Design, Cum Laude; Annaliese Witt,
com.   For further questions contact     whose purpose is to equip people to                            Minn. and formerly of Humboldt and                  	 On Tuesday, June 23, at 6:30                                                      B.S. - Bachelor of Science, Industrial
Jodi Holck at [email protected] or      be followers of Christ who live their                          Clear Lake, will celebrate her 90th                 p.m., the Clear Lake Public Library      	 Logan Kellogg, of Clear Lake,
Abigail Schumacher at abigails@zion-     lives with nothing to prove, nothing                           birthday with a card shower. Jean was               will be holding a book discussion of     was recognized for outstanding aca-        .Engineering, Cum Laude.  All women high school    to lose, nothing to fear, and nothing                          born on June 23, 1925.                              the “All Iowa Reads” 2015 selection,     demic achievement at Grand View
age and up are welcome.                  to hide.                                                       	 Help her celebrate by sending                     “My Name is Mary Sutter,” by Robin       University, located in Des Moines,         	 Amie Adams, a student at North-
                                         	 Online registration is available                             a card to 14610 Garrett Ave. #325,                  Oliveira.                                Iowa, for the spring semester.             western College in Orange City, Iowa,
“High Seas Expedition                    through the website: www.harvest-                              Apple Valley, Mn. 55124.                            	 In this stunning first novel,          	 Kellogg was named to the Dean’s          has earned a spot on the Academic
at First Congregational         or by contacting Becky                                                                               Mary Sutter is a brilliant, heads­trong  List for earning a grade point average     Dean’s List for the spring 2015 semes-
                                         Tank at (641)-357-7500. “Agents of                             CLUB NEWS                                           midwife from Albany, New York,           of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale while      ter.
	 Come take a “High Seas Expedi-         Truth” is being provided for all area                                                                              who dreams of becoming a surgeon.                                                   	 The Dean’s List is comprised of
tion” as First Congregational Church     children free of charge and will be                                           MCARSP                               Determined to overcome the preju-        .carrying at least 12 hours of classes.    students who have achieved a semester
and Galilean Lutheran Church team        held at Harvest Bible Chapel at 2200                           	 Mason City Area Retired School                    dices against women in medicine-                                                    grade point average of 3.50 or above
up for Vacation Bible School. The        N. 24th St., in Clear Lake.                                    Personnel Association members and                   -and eager to run away from her re-      	 At Iowa State University’s spring        while carrying a minimum of 12
event will be held at First Congre-                                                                     all retired school personnel are invited            cent heartbreak-- Mary leaves home       commencement ceremonies, 4,345             graded hours. Adams earned a GPA
gational Church, 206 W. 10th Ave.        Services to be held at                                         to meet for coffee at Cabin Coffee,                 and travels to Washington, D.C. to       students received degrees. Iowa State      of 3.75 or higher and is considered a
N., Clear Lake, on June 14-18, from      Bell Harbor Sunday                                             1304  4th St. S.E., Mason City, on                  help tend the legions of Civil War       awarded 3,646 undergraduate de-            Collegiate Scholar.
5:30-8 p.m.                                                                                             Monday, June 15, at 10 a.m.                         wounded. Under the guidance of           grees, 448 master’s degrees, 147 vet-      	 Adams is a junior and writing/
	 A meal and snack will be includ-       	 Worship services at Bell Harbor                              	 Spouses and guests are welcome.                   William Stipp and James Blevens-         erinary medicine degrees and 104           rhetoric major at Northwestern Col-
ed. The event is free for children kin-  will be held through the summer at 9                                                                               two surgeons who fall unwittingly in     doctor of philosophy degrees.              lege. She is the daughter of Scott and
dergarten through fifth grade. Call or   a.m. at Knoer Lodge, 4672 Epworth                                                                                  love with Mary’s courage, will, and      	 Of the students receiving bach-
e-mail First Congregational Church       Drive, off South Shore Drive, just be-                                                                             stubbornness in the face of suffering-   elor’s degrees, 1,093 graduated “With      .Mary Adams, of Clear Lake.
to register at 357-2818 or clcong@       yond P.M. Park.                                                                                                    and resisting her mother’s pleas to re-  Distinction” (cum laude, magna cum                              	 The Speaker for the service on                                                                                   turn home to help with the birth of      laude or summa cum laude). A total         	 Adam Buehler, of Clear Lake, and
                                         Sunday, June 14, is Stan Greiman,                                                                                  her twin sister’s baby, Mary pursues     of 94 students graduated as members        Rick Younge, of Garner were among
VBS to begin at                          of Garner, Iowa. The services are                                                                                  her medical career in the desperately    of the Honors Program.                     the 119 students named to the Wal-
Harvest Bible Chapel                     ecumenical and open to all. Dress is                                                                               overwhelmed hospitals of the capital.    	 Graduates from Clear Lake in-            dorf College spring 2015 Dean’s List.  
                                         casual. A fellowship time follows the                                                                              	 The purpose of “All Iowa Reads”        clude: Jeffrey Arians, B.S. - Bachelor     	 To receive this honor, students
	 All students entering Kindergar-       worship service.                                                                                                   is to foster a sense of unity through    of Science, Accounting; Joshua Fid-        must earn a grade point average of 3.5
ten through 5th grade this fall are in-                                                                                                                     reading. It encourages Iowans state-     delke, B.S. - Bachelor of Science,         or better on a 4.0 scale while complet-
                                                                                                                                                            wide to come together in their com-      Supply Chain Management, Market-           ing a minimum of 12 credits during
                                                                                                                                                            munities to read and talk about a sin-   ing; Paige Grabe, Master of Science,       the semester. Waldorf College is lo-
                                                                                                                                                            gle book title in the same year.  Extra  Agricultural Education;   McKenzie         cated in Forest City, Iowa.
                                                                                                                                                            copies of the book are available at the
                                                                                                                                                            library.                                 Clear Lake Lions Pr	ide to hold annual

                                            Help Celebrate                                                                                                                                           “Breakfast by the Lake” July 11
                                        Betty & George Lunn’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                     	 Tickets are now available for the        	 Tickets are available from any
                                            85th Birthdays                                                                                                                                           Clear Lake Lions Pride annual Break-       Clear Lake Lions Pride Member and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     fast by the Lake on Saturday, July 11,     these additional ticket outlets: Best
                                         A celebration will be held                                                                                                                                  at Clear Lake City Park. Breakfast         Western, Clear Lake Area Chamber of
                                         at the Clear Lake V.F.W. on                                                                                                                                 will be served from 7-11 a.m.              Commerce, Clear Lake Bank & Trust,
                                         Sunday, June 14th, 1-4 p.m.                                                                                                                                 	 The menu will include Chris              Farmer’s State Bank and Hall Realty.
                                        Cards can also be sent to the                                                                                                                                Cakes Pancakes, sausage and bever-         Fuel up for the Bicycle, Blues, & BBQ
                                                                                                                                                                                                     age. Tickets are $6 in advance and $7      Family Fun Ride which will begin at
                                                   couple at                                                                                                                                         the day of the event and ages five and     Clear Lake City Park.
                                          1515 Buddy Holly Place,                                                                                                                                    under eat free!

                                                  Clear Lake                                                                                                                                         NIACC Extreme Makeover: College
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Edition winners announced
                                                      No gifts please
                                                                                                                                                                                                     	 Michael Bohl and Cassie Hel- the hospital his whole life, it made my
Clear Lake and Ventura Church Directory                                                                                                                     CLHS Class of                            land, both of Mason City, are the passion for becoming a medical assis-
                                                                                                                                                            1971 to hold                             winners of North Iowa Area Com- tant grow more and now that I have
Agape Christian                         Thursday Bible Studies 6:30 and       First Church of                         St. Patrick’s                         get-together                             munity College’s Extreme Makeover: this opportunity to do it and it’s just
Family Church                           9:30 a.m.                             Christ, Scientist                       Catholic Church                                                                College Edition. Each will receive so amazing.”
                                                                                                                                                            	 The Clear Lake High School             free NIACC tuition plus textbooks 	 The three other finalists - Me-
2810 Hwy. 18 West, • 357-8014           Church of Christ                      Corner of 8th & Main • 357-7210         1001 9th Ave. South • 357-3214        Class of 1971 will hold a get-together   and more for the 2015-16 school lissa Mendez, Michaela Mahaffey and
Pastors: Dave and Kris Toyne                                                  Sunday Church Service: 10:30            Pastor: Fr. John Gossman              on Saturday, June 13, at noon at Ron     year. Deirdre Witham, all of Clear Lake,
Sunday Power Hour for all ages:         2010 14th Ave. N., • 357-5813         a.m.                                    Weekend Mass: Saturday, 4 p.m.        and Teri Gustin’s home, 616 3rd Ave.     	 Bohl was surprised and excited will each receive $1,000 scholarships
9 a.m.                                  Pastor: Brad Sheldon                  Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.               and Sunday, 9:30 a.m.                 N., Clear Lake. This event will be a     to be selected as one of the winners, to NIACC.
Sunday Worship with Super Church        Fellowship: 9:15 a.m.                                                         Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday       potluck. Ron and Teri will provide       “I couldn’t believe it because I’ve nev- 	 Many opportunities are available
for Children: 10 a.m.                   Bible School: 9:30 a.m.               First Church of                         and Friday, 8:30 a.m. (fourth Friday  the meat and table service. Everyone     er won a thing in my life before so at NIACC for adults interested in re-
Wednesday Big Dreams Children           Worship: 10:30 a.m.                   the Open Bible                          of month at Oakwood Care Center       else is asked to bring a dish to share   this is big,” said Bohl. He says he will turning to school. For more informa-
and Youth: 7 p.m.                                                                        at 9:30 a.m.); Tuesdays at Newman     and own beverage.                        go on to study computer science at tion, contact NIACC Admissions at
2nd Sunday of each month: “God-                                                                                       Catholic, 9:15 a.m., elementary gym;  	 For questions contact Teri at          NIACC in hopes of furthering his ca- 641-422-4245 or toll-free 1-888-GO
Tism” a class for children 2-8 yrs.                                                                                   Wednesday: 8:45 a.m. at Newman        641-357-6455.                            reer. “I can now do what I have been NIACC, ext. 4245 or visit our web
on the Autism spectrum                                                                                                Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:30 p.m.                                            putting off for the last 10 years. I am site:
2nd & 4th Sundays of each month:        Clear Lake Regular                    609 South 8th St. • 357-3217                                                                                           just so thankful for this opportunity.” 	 Fall classes at NIACC begin
“SIgn-Interpreted Sunday Service        Baptist Church                        Pastor: Rev. Will Hunsaker              United Methodist                                                               	 Helland said, “With my son hav- Monday, Aug. 31. There is still time
for the hearing impaired                                                      Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.              Church                                                                         ing epilepsy and being in and out of to apply for financial aid.
Staffed nursery for all services.       314 North 6th Street • 357-5851       Wednesday Family Night: 7 p.m.                                                                                                     508 2nd Ave. N. • 357-5247
                                        Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.              First Congregational          
Bell Harbor                                                                   Church                                  Pastor: Rev. Bernie Colorado
                                        Sunday Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.                                            Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 and
4560 Wesley Dr., Clear Lake • 357-3345                                                                                11 a.m.
Pastor: Rev. Keith Scott                Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer: 7 p.m.                                          Sunday School (all ages): 9:45 a.m.
                                                                                                                      Mid-Week Worship with Communion:
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.                  Wednesday Kids Club: 7 p.m.                                                   Wed., 5:15-5:45 p.m.
                                                                                                                      Kid’s Club: Wed., 2-5 p.m.
Celebration                             C Community of             hrist      205 W. 10th Ave. N. • 357-2818
Community Church                                                             Zion Lutheran
805 10th Ave. N. (Across from Lion’s    15 Plaza Drive • 357-3766             facebook: FirstCongregationalClearLake
Field) • 357-0026                                                                                                     112 North 4th Street • 357-5261
Pastor: Daniel Miller                   Pastor: Christina Blum(357-1234) Sunday: Worship, 10:10 a.m.                  Pastors: Rev. Dr. Patrck Hall and
Sunday School: 9 a.m. (Ages 3                                                                                         Rev. Kirk Wilkie
thru adult)                             Youth/Teen Ministers: Bob and Jill 	 Fellowship, 11:10 a.m.                   Worship Services: Saturday, 5:30
Fellowship 9:45 a.m.                                                                                                  p.m. and Sunday, 8 a.m. - Tradition-
Sunday Praise & Worship: 10 a.m.        Branstad (357-4918)                   Communion: First Sunday of the          al; 9:30 a.m. - Contemporay service
Wednesday Adult Bible Study: 7                                                                                        held in Clear Lake City Park.
p.m.                                    Young Adult Advisors: Cliff and       month
Christian Church                        Wanda Hagman (424-9246)                                                       Redeemer Lutheran
302 Hwy. 18 West • 357-4885             Fellowship: 9:30 a.m.                 Galilean Lutheran
Pastor: Scott A. Wilson                 Worship: 10 a.m.                      Church                                  LC-MS Ventura • 829-3650
Sunday School all ages: 9 a.m.                                                                                        [email protected]
Sunday Worship Service: 10 a.m.         Evangelical Free                      Hwy.18 West • 357-2296
Wednesday: Christian Education,         Church
6:30 p.m.; Praise Team, 7:30 p.m.                                             Pastor: Scot McCluskey
                                        1310 Hwy 18 West • 357-7581           Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m.
                                               Fellowship: 10:15 a.m.
                                                                              Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
                                        Senior Pastor: Dan Jordan
                                        H B CYouth Pastor: Randy Vaage

                                        Sunday Morning Worship Service: 8 	
                                        a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
                                        Wednesday: AWANA 6:30; Heirborn
                                                                                 arvest ible hapel

                                                                              2200 N. 24th St., Clear Lake
                                        6:30 p.m.; BASE (senior high) 7 p.m.
                                                                              Senior Pastor: John Tank

                                                                              Worship Leader: Cody Rogers

                                                                              Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.

                                                                              Sunday School: 10 a.m. for birth

                                                                              to fifth grade                          Pastor: Scott Kozisek

                                                                                                                      Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
This Directory is brought to you by these community minded sponsors:

Culver’s                                Bennigans                               Fareway                               Clear Lake Bank
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                                          Apple Valley                               7 Stars
                                        Assisted Living                       Family Restaurant                           Clear Lake

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Service, Inc.                                                                         Pharmacy
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