Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                                                         June 10, 2015 • Page 3


  Emil Broers, Jr.                        ral school in Bath Township in Cerro                                           Robert Bremer                          	 He graduated from Harris-Lake             Henry Bokelman                        and attended school in Ventura, grad-
                                          Gordo County and graduated from                                                                                       Park High School in 1976. Following                                               uating from Ventura High School.
	 Emil J. Broers, Jr., 77, of Ventura     Rockwell High School in 1956. He                                             	 Robert “Bobby” Dean Bremer, 57,        High School, he enlisted in the Unit-      	 Henry “Hank” Hollis Bokelman,        He was united in marriage to Irma
died Friday, June 5, 2015, at the Good    furthered his education at Iowa State                                        of Clear Lake, died Thursday, June 4,    ed States Navy and served as Gunners       88, of Ventura, died Monday, June 8,   Schultz on June 22, 1946, at the Little
Shepherd Health Center, in Mason          University where he received an ag-                                          2015 at Mercy Medical Center North       Mate.                                      2015, at Oakwood Care Center, Clear    Brown Church, in Nashua. He was a
City.                                     riculture education degree.  On June                                         Iowa in Mason City, Iowa.                	 Following the service he worked          Lake.                                  United States Army veteran, stationed
 	 Funeral services will be held at       8, 1962 Emil was united in marriage                                          	 There will be a gathering for          for Culligan in Spencer, Iowa. While       	 A funeral service will be held at    at Camp Sykes in Kyongju, Korea.
1:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 11, at        to Anita Katter at Peace Reformed                                            friends and family at the Clear Lake     he was working for Shopper Supply, he      1:30 p.m. Thursday, June 11, 2015,     After serving his country, he returned
Peace Reformed Church, south of Gar-      Church. The couple was blessed with                                          VFW from noon to 3 p.m. on Satur-        met Tami Richardson and they married       at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,     home to Ventura, where he farmed all
ner, Iowa with the Rev. Robert Gross-     three children. After teaching Voc. Ag                                       day, June 13, with a time of sharing     on Jan. 11, 1992. He later owned and       101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, with Pas-  of his life.
mann officiating.  Burial will be in the  in Ventura and Lemars, Iowa, Emil and                                        and Military Honors at 2:30 p.m.         operated bicycle shops in Fort Dodge       tor Scott Kozisek officiating. Burial  	 Hank was a member of the Vet-
church cemetery.                          his wife farmed south of Ventura. In                                         Memorials in memory of Robert D.         and Spencer. Due to declining health,      will be in Clear Lake Cemetery, with   erans of Foreign Wars Post 5515 in
 	 Visitation will be held from           his later years, during off season, Emil                                     Bremer can be made to the Clear Lake     he retired.                                military honors provided by the Clear  Garner. Besides spending time with
5-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 10, at       delivered motorhomes throughout the                                          VFW Honor Guard.                         	 He later moved to Clear Lake,            Lake Veterans of Foreign Wars Post     his family, Hank enjoyed fishing and
the Cataldo Funeral Chapel, 160 E.        United States until his health would                                         	 Bobby was born on Nov. 5, 1957         where he was a member of the Clear         4868. Visitation will be from 5-7      hunting. He took many trips to Mon-
4th St., Garner and will continue one     not allow it. He enjoyed his family,                                         in Worthington, Minn., the son of        Lake VFW and the Clear Lake VFW            p.m. on Wednesday, June 10, 2015,      tana to hunt elk, and a few years ago
hour prior to services at the church.     farming and traveling.                                                       Norman and Shirley (Taylor) Bremer.      Honor Guard.                               at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel.     took a dream trip to Canada to catch
 	 Memorials may be directed Peace         	 He was a member of Peace Re-                                                                                       	 He enjoyed hunting, fishing and          	 Hank was born June 18, 1926,         the big ones.
Reformed Church Mission Fund.             formed Church where he served as                                                Shirley Garfin                        golf.                                      the son of Hollis and Vida (Rosenau)   	 Hank is survived by his wife,
 	 Emil J. Broers, Jr., the son of Emil   an elder, deacon and a Sunday school                                                                                  	 He is survived by two sons, Doug         Bokelman, in Ventura. He grew up       Irma Bokelman, of Ventura; four chil-
and Cecil M. (Walls) Broers was born      teacher.                                                                     	 Shirley Theone Garfin, of Mason,       (Laurel) Bremer, Ankeny, Iowa and BJ                                              dren, Hank (Ann) Bokelman, of Han-
Jan. 18, 1938 on a farm southwest of       	 Emil is survived by his wife, Anita,                                      City, Iowa, passed away peacefully on    (Josi Whitmore) Bremer, Webster City,                                             lontown, John Bokelman, of Ventura,
Mason City, Iowa. Emil attended ru-       of 53 years; three children, Twyla Doyle                                     June 5 at Good Samaritan Nursing         Iowa; one daughter, Taylor Bremer,                                                Ruth (James) Conn, of Volin, S.D.,
                                          and her husband, Bryant, of Highlands                                        Home, in Forest City, Iowa.              Webster City; two granddaughters, Ella                                            and Jane (David) Easton, of Cedar
                                          Ranch, Colo., Troy Broers and his wife,                                      	 A funeral service will be held at 11   and Irie Bremer, Ankeny; two brothers,                                            Falls; seven grandchildren, Seth (Hol-
                                          Dana, of Sioux Center, Iowa and Tom                                          a.m., on Wednesday, June 10, 2015,       Michael (Lori) Bremer, Waterloo, and                                              ly) Bokelman, Jessica (Scott) Rosend-
                                          Broers and his wife, Dawn, of Bour-                                          at Hogan Bremer Moore Colonial           Steven Bremer, Arnolds Park, Iowa;                                                aul, William Conn, Elizabeth (Mitch)
                                          bonnais, Ill.; 11 grandchildren, Jenna                                       Chapel, 126 3rd St. NE, Mason City,      aunt and uncle, Maxine and TJ Hun-                                                Hessman, Ashley (Lee) Geisinger,
                                          Doyle, Jonathan Doyle, Cara Doyle,                                           with Msgr. Joseph J. Slepicka officat-   tsinger, Spirit Lake, Iowa.                                                       Cole Easton, and Tess Easton; and five
                                          Matthew Doyle, Emily Broers, Benja-                                          ing. Burial will be in the Ell Township  	 He was preceded in death by his                                                 great-grandchildren, Lela Geisinger,
                                          min Broers, Katie Broers, Austin Bro-                                        Cemetery, Klemme, Iowa.                  parents.                                                                          Jax Geisinger, Ella Rosendaul, Ethan
                                          ers, Elizabeth Broers, Benjamin Radak                                        	 Visitation will be held from 10-       	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel                                                  Rosendaul, and Dylan Rosendaul.
                                          and Alexander Randak; a sister-in-law,                                       11 a.m., prior to the service, at Hogan  was in charge of arrangements.                                                    	 He was preceded in death by his
                                          Marilyn Broers, of Mason City; and                                           Bremer Moore Colonial Chapel.            Shirley Garfin Art Scholarships.                                                  parents.
                                          several nieces and nephews.                                                  	 In lieu of customary remembranc-       	 Shirley was born on Nov. 25,                                                    	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                           	 He was preceded in death by his                                           es, memorial contributions may be        1929, in Klemme, Iowa. Shirley was                                                pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
                                          parents; and brother, Billy Broers.                                          given to the MacNider Art Museum,        passionate about art and poetry and                                               rangements.
                                          	 Cataldo Funeral Chapel, Garner,                                                                                     was a founding member of the North
                                          was in charge of arrangements.                                                                                        Iowa Artist’s League and the North
                                                                                                                                                                Iowa Writer’s Club. She won many
  Eleanor Nelson                          for several children. She was a 4-H                                                                                   prizes for both her art and poetry. 
                                          leader for many years of the Daugh-                                                                                   Shirley enjoyed spending time with her
	 Eleanor Grace Nelson, 84, of            ters of the Land club, member of Cow                                                                                  family, whom she loved uncondition-
Clear Lake, died Monday, June 1,          Bells, DRE of Sacred Heart Catho-                                                                                     ally. She spent many hours painting,
2015, at the Muse Norris Hospice In-      lic Church in Rockwell, member of                                                                                     drawing, and doing various craft proj-
patient Unit, Mason City, Iowa.           American Legion Auxiliary, and Red                                                                                    ects with her grandchildren and great-
	 Funeral Mass was held on Sat-           Hat Ladies. Her grandchildren and                                                                                     grandchildren. 
urday, June 6, at St. Patrick Catholic    great-grandchildren were the light of                                                                                 	 She also loved camping and go-
Church, Clear Lake, with Msgr. John       her life, making her smile when hear-                                                                                 ing on picnics with her family.  Shir-
Heimann officiating. Burial was in        ing stories of their antics. She also                                                                                 ley worked at Federal Upholstery as a
Pleasant View Cemetery, Thornton,         enjoyed reminiscing with her chil-                                                                                    seamstress when she was first married,
Iowa.                                     dren about their past adventures and                                                                                  but her lifetime job was raising her four
	 Eleanor Grace Nelson was born           pranks as youngsters. She was a mem-                                                                                  rambunctious boys.
Oct. 3, 1930 to Fred and Emma             ber of St Patrick’s Catholic Church.                                                                                  	 Shirley will be missed by her chil-
(Wellik) Jakoubek on a farm north         	 She is survived by three children,                                                                                  dren, Andy (Altha) Garfin, of Litchfield
west of Garner, Iowa. She graduated       Sue Brager and husband, Mike, Clear                                                                                   Minn., Tom (Michele) Garfin, of River
from Hayfield High in 1948. After         Lake, John Nelson and wife, Diane,                                                                                    Falls, Wis., and Russ (Kathy) Garfin, of
meeting on a blind date and going to      Thornton, Iowa, and Joe Nelson and                                                                                    Forest City, Iowa; grandchildren, Aar-
a Duncan dance, later she married La-     wife, Renee, Thornton; eight grand-                                                                                   on, Kyle, Jessica, Mark, Kate and Jake
Verne Nelson on Sept. 12, 1950 at St.     children, Hollie Meyer and husband,                                                                                   Garfin; and great-grandchildren, Syd-
Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Dun-          Brian, Mason City, Todd Brager, Gar-                                                                                  ney, Preston, Cassidy, Kylie, Quentin
can, Iowa. She enjoyed helping La-        ner, Iowa, Carolyn Nelson and fiancé,                                                                                 and Owen; and  brother, Larry Stille.
Verne on the farm, raising kids, cattle   Josh Marth, Charles City, Iowa, Teresa                                                                                	 Shirley was preceded in death by
and especially cooking and baking for     Bonnema and husband, Wade, Shef-                                                                                      her husband, Milton; sons, John and
the family.                               field, Iowa, Mark Nelson and wife,                                                                                    Timothy; and brothers, Glenn and
	 They also enjoyed dancing, mu-          Melissa, Thornton, Steven Nelson and                                                                                  Harlan.
sic and their many gallivanting road      wife, Sarah, Thornton, Brad Nelson                                                                                    	 Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial
trips across the country. She en-         and wife, Logan, Camp Humphries,                                                                                      Chapels was in charge of arrangements.
joyed their annual fishing trips to       South Korea, and Chris Nelson,
Leech Lake with the family and play-      Thornton; and 11 great-grandchil-                                                                                                                                First Gabrielson Agency
ing cards. They were foster parents       dren, Cade and Emma Meyer, Abby                                                                                                                                  Welcomes Paxton Farmer
                                          Brager, Wyatt and Ryley Bonnema,
                                          Micah and Mason Nelson, Brelynn                                                                                                                                                                  First Gabrielson Agency
                                          and Kynnley Nelson and Carter and                                                                                                                                                                 would like to welcome
                                          Quinn Nelson; two sisters-in-law,
                                          Juanita Nelson, Aurora, Colo., and                                                                                                                                                            Paxton Farmer.
                                          Shirley Nelson, Thornton; and nu-
                                          merous, nephews, nieces, cousins and                                                                                                                                                            Paxton is a sales associate
                                          wonderful friends.                                                                                                                                                                                  working out of our
                                          	 She was preceded in death by her
                                          husband, LaVerne; daughter, Sally;                                                                                                                                                               Clear Lake office and he
                                          grandson, Scott; parents, Emma and                                                                                                                                                              is excited to help you with
                                          Fred Jakoubek; sisters, Abby, Dorothy,                                                                                                                                                           all your insurance needs.
                                          and Helen; and brother, William.
                                          	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                                                                                                                                                                    Paxton is a graduate of
                                          pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-                                                                                                                                                            Clear Lake High School
                                          rangements.                                                                                                                                                                                      and of the University of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Iowa’s Tippie School of Business where he majored
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