Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • June 10, 2015									                                                                                                                                                        Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

More CALENDAR                                                                                                               OBITUARIES

                                                                                                                            into Carlisle. 1998 would mark the be-                                                    love for the staff and residents will be
                                                                                                                            ginning of another phase in Marlys’ life                                                  truly missed.
                                                                                                                            when she met and joined in matrimony                                                      	 Ronda was very much a fam-
from page 1                                                                                                                 to Wayne Sharon.                                                                          ily person, who looked forward to any
                                          Saturday                                                                          	 In 2012 Marlys’ dementia forced                                                         occasion that meant times with her
Tuesday                                                                                                                     her into assisted living and finally to                                                   parents, siblings, husband, Mike, step-
                                          Truck show                                                                        Court Yard Estates. Her illness never                                                     children, and nieces and nephews.  She
play music in the 400 block of Main                                                                                         robbed her of her kindness or her genu-                                                   was always interested in each of them.
(next to Larson’s Mercantile) and         	 The annual Midwest F-100 Na-                                                    ine interest in others. She continued to                                                  Her gentle demeanor and genuine con-
from 9-10:45 “Big Hero 6” (PG) will       tionals will be based at Clear Lake                                               make friends with the staff and other                                                     cern for the well being of all who she
be shown in City Park. All activities     City Park this weekend. A show will                                               residents and always enjoyed entertain-                                                   considered as friends will be cherished
are free.                                 be held around the park Saturday with                                             ing visitors.                                                                             by all who crossed in her life path ways.
                                          awards presented at 4 p.m.                                                        	 Marlys was preceded in death by                                                         	 Ronda was united in marriage
Friday                                                                                                                      her son, William (Junior); her hus-                                                       to Michael Mennenga on Aug. 3,
                                          Farmers Market                                                                    band, Donald (Bud); her granddaugh-                                                       2003, at the UCC Church in Latimer,
Fresh on Friday                                                                                                             ter, Tonya Brown; her parents; and her                                                    Iowa.   They had made their home in
                                          	 The Clear Lake Farmers Market is                                                brothers, Ethan, Dale, Daniel, and Stu-                                                   Klemme for many years.
	 Fresh on Friday is held weekly at       held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays                                                art.                                                 Ronda Mennenga 	 Ronda loved the outdoors and
Central Gardens, corner of 2nd Ave.       in the Surf Ballroom parking lot, 460     Maryls Sharon                           	 She is survived by her husband,                                                                   camping with friends and family.  One
N. and N. 8th St., from 8-11 a.m.         North Shore Drive. Fresh fruits and                                               Wayne Sharon; children, Kathleen                     	 Ronda L. (Donaghy) Mennenga, would often see her and Mike and oth-
                                          vegetables, as well as baked goods and  	 Marlys Beth Wilder Rosburg Sha-         (Wayne) Fleishman, Donna (Phil)
                                          handcrafted products are available.     ron passed from this life to the next on  Brown; her grandchildren, Aaron
                                                                                  May 4, 2015.                              (Lisa) Fleishman, Breanna Fleishman,
BBQ and Brew                              Sat. - Sun.                             	 Private family services are planned.    Tony (Tammy) Crawford, Tara (Andy)                   age 48, of Klemme, Iowa, formerly of ers  sitting around the campfire, mak-
                                                                                  In memory donations may be made to        Sheets; and by her great-grandchildren,              Clear Lake, died unexpectedly, Friday, ing her delicious s’mores and pie iron
	 The Rotary Club of Clear Lake           Band concert                            a place she frequently visited, The Car-  Daelah, Marin, Kole, Colin, Quinton,                 June 5, 2015, at her home in Klemme. delights.  The two enjoyed relaxing in
will hold its second annual BBQ &                                                 lisle Library Foundation. Condolences     Chloe, and Kaitlyn; along with step-                 	 Funeral services will be Wednes- their yard after work as they would bar-
Brew fundraiser Friday, June 12, at       	 The Clear Lake Municipal Band         can be sent to Donna Brown, PO Box        son, Larry.                                          day, June 10, 2015, at 10:30 a.m., at beque their evening meals with her fa-
the Other Place. The proceeds for this    will present its first concert of the   158, Fremont, Iowa or to Kathy Fleish-    	 Marlys was fiercely proud of her                   the United Methodist Church, Clear vorite country tunes filling the air.  The
year’s fundraiser will benefit the Clear  season at 7 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m.    man, PO Box C, Carlisle, Iowa.            family. She loved her children, grand-               Lake, 508 2nd Ave. North.  Pastor Ber- two also shared an interest in deer and
Lake Police Benevolence Association       Sunday in the City Park Bandshell.      	 Marlys was born on Feb. 5, 1929         children and great-grandchildren and                 nie Colorado will be officiating.  Visi- pheasant hunting, fishing and a love for
in memory of Chief Rex McChesney.                                                 to Lillian May (Wilcox) Wilder and        always took the time to keep up with                 tation continues one hour prior to the their dog and cat.  In more recent times,
The fundraiser will include dinner, en-   Tuesday                                 Frank Hart Wilder, in Clear Lake. She     what everyone in her family was up to                service at the church on Wednesday.  Ronda had taken up handgun shooting
tertainment by Spenser Rahm, a cash                                               would attend school in Clear Lake.        and was quick to offer a word of en-                 Those wishing to express their sympa- and even got her conceal carry permit. 
bar and raffle items. Tickets are $20,    Superhero masks                         Marlys would meet and court Donald        couragement, a bit of good advice, or a              thies through a memorial in Ronda’s She was a devoted Packers fan, member
and can be purchased from any Ro-                                                 William (Bud) Rosburg. They married       wry observation if need be. She was an               name my direct them to her family, the of the NRA and in earlier years loved to
tary member, as well as at Clear Lake     	 The library invites students going    on May 16, 1948 and to that union         amazing seamstress and crafted many                  local Humane Society, or to the donor’s attend the North Iowa Huskies hockey
Bank & Trust or at the Clear Lake         into grades six through eight to make   was born three children, Kathleen May,    wedding dresses, costumes, baptismal                 choice.                              games.  Instead of a sweet tooth her
Area Chamber office.                      a superhero mask on Tuesday from        William August (Junior) II, and Donna     dresses and home decor items.                        	 Ronda Lee Donaghy, the daugh- favorite indulgences were popcorn and
                                          4-5 p.m. Materials will be provided.    Marie. In 1958 the couple moved from      	 Marlys was an amazing person.
                                          Sign up in advance, 357-6133.           Clear Lake to Minburn. They raised        She took things as they came, whether
                                                                                  their family there until 1968 when they   they be good or ill and rolled with life
                                                                                  moved to Waterloo.                        as it was with a positive attitude. Even             ter of Larry and Mary (Ziemann) sunflower seeds.
                                                                                  	 Marlys was employed as a secre-         during tough times, she was never bit-               Donaghy, was born Dec. 6, 1966, in 	 Ronda’s gentle personality, wel-
                                                                                  tary at the police department where she   ter or spiteful, choosing instead to be              Mason City, Iowa.  She grew up in coming smile and non-judgmental love
                                                                                  worked until retirement. Upon retire-     forgiving and understanding. She was                 Clear Lake, where she attended Clear for others will be missed by all who
                                                                                  ment, she and Bud moved to Carlisle.      kind, genuine, discerning, and lov-                  Lake schools and graduated with the knew her.
                                                                                  Maryls quickly made lifelong friends      ing. She greeted each day as a new op-               Clear Lake High School Class of 1985.  	 Her memory will be cherished
                                                                                  in Carlisle and enjoyed vegetable and     portunity to learn something new, do                 She had been confirmed at the United by her husband, Mike Mennenga, Kl-
                                                                                  flower gardening along with many oth-     something good, and make a difference                Methodist Church, in Clear Lake, in emme; and stepsons, Ray (Sharon)
                                                                                  er hobbies and interests.                 to those she could. She was a good                   her childhood.                       Mennenga, Mason City, and Cole
                                                                                  	 In 1995 her husband, Bud, passed        wife, mother, granny, great-granny and               	 Following graduation she  contin- Mennenga, Alexander, Iowa;  her par-
                                                                                  away and she remained on their be-        friend. Marlys was a great woman and                 ued her life long career as a care pro- ents, Larry and  Mary Donaghy, Clear
   Assisted Living and Memory Care suites                                         loved acreage for a year before moving    she will be sorely missed.                           vider at Opportunity Village in Clear Lake; brother, David Donaghy, and his
                                                                                                                                                                                 Lake, where she was employed at the kids, Zachary (Amanda) Donaghy and
            Available Now!                                                                                                                                                       time of her death.  Ronda’s passion for family Vanessa, Joe, and  Walter,  all  of
                                                                                                                                                                                 helping those with special needs com- Grimes, Iowa, and Jacob (Becky)
                    June Special                                                                                                                                                 menced when she had been a student Donaghy and their  son,  Oliver, all of
                                                                                                                                                                                 volunteer at the Opportunity Village at Springville, Iowa; Ronda’s sister, Tam-
             Move in by the end of June and receive                                                                                                                              the age of 12, and solidified when she mi (Davey) Goodale and their chil-
              $2,500 off your first month’s rent                                                                                                                                 began working there as a sophomore in dren, Chloe and Justin all  of Osage,
                                                                                                                                                                                 high school.  She truly was a gift to the Iowa; many uncles, aunts, cousins, and
 Studio Apartments                                                                Russell Dean Oehlert                                                                           residents and considered the vocation as countless friends. 
     Available Now                                                                                                                                                               more than just a job.  She considered 	 She was preceded in death by
                                                                                  	 Russell Dean Oehlert, 83, 214           merly of Sheffield, Iowa died Satur-                 her clients family, a feeling that was her paternal grandfather;  maternal
         Move-in Ready!                                                           North Lakeview Dr., Clear Lake, for-      day, June 6, 2015 at the Muse-Norris                 mutually shared.  Ronda would always grandparents, Maxine and Benedict
                                                                                                                            Hospice Inpatient Unit, Mason City,                  go above and beyond the requirements Ziemann; her in-laws,  Arthur and
• Private suites and apartments with a                                               Work on your                           IA.                                                  of her job to provide the care they need- Sally Mennenga; and step-son, Andrew
  full bathroom                                                                        bucket list.                                                                              ed and relished occasions to take them (A.J.) Mennenga.
                                                                                                                                 A graveside service will be held                out dinner and on special adventures, 	 Andrews Funeral Home, Klemme,
• Community is completely secure,                                                      Sunday afternoons                    at 10:30 a.m. Friday June 12, 2015 at                shopping  and other excursions.  Her was in charge of arrangements.
  providing safety for residents                                                           on the patio                     the Hillside Cemetery, Sheffield, Iowa
                                                                                                                            with Chaplain Ed Bard, Hospice of                                                         tributions be made to Tim’s memorial
• Specially trained memory care staff                                                                                       North Iowa officiating. Military hon-                                                     fund.
  available 24 hours a day                                                                                                  ors will be provided by Harlow Ray                                                        	 Tim was born April 8, 1960, the
                                                                                                                            Massee American Legion Post 277,                                                          son of John “Jack” and Susan (Hauge)
• Personalized Individual Service Plan                                                                                      Sheffield, Iowa                                                                           Tyler, in Mason City. He grew up and
• Monitoring by a Registered Nurse                                                                                          	 Visitation will be held Thursday                                                        attended school in Mason City.
• One-on-one attention with ADLs,                                                                                           from 5 – 7 p.m. at Ward-Van Slyke                                                         	 Tim worked for the family busi-
                                                                                                                            Colonial Chapel, 101 N. 4th St.,                                                          ness, Tyler-Ryan Furniture, in Mason
  medication management and more                                                                                            Clear Lake.                                                                               City. He traveled all over laying every
• Stimulating planned and                                                                                                                                                                                             different type of floor, and really loved
                                                                                  $12Buckets of                              Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, 101                                                      what he did. He also enjoyed trout
  spontaneous activities                                                                                                    N. 4th St., Clear Lake, Iowa, 641-357-                                                    fishing, playing music, and attending
                                                                                  Busch Light                               2193. Colonial                                                                his AA meetings; which helped him
        Call Kimberly Boyd, Manager, to schedule                                                                                                                                                                      stay sober the last six years of his life.
                your tour today! 641-423-7722                                                                               THEATRE                                                                                   Above all else, God was the most im-
                                                                                                                            OPENING                                                                                   portant figure in his life; along with
   Country Meadow Place                                                                                                              Showing in                                                                       his wife, Kristine Olson.
                                                                                                                                       3D                                                                             	 Tim is survived by his wife; two
        Assisted Living and Memory Care                                                                                     Jurassic World                                                                            brothers, Rod and Bill, of Mason City;
 17396 Kingbird Ave., Mason City • 641-423-7722                                          (641) 829-3850                          Special Preview “PG-13”                            Timothy Tyler                     and loving cousins, the Wolfroms and
                                                                                  702 East Lake Street, Ventura                                                                                                       Hauges.
           [email protected]                                                                                   Thursday, June 11th • 9:15 p.m.                      	 Timothy John Tyler, 55, of Clear   	 He was preceded in death by his
                                                                                                                                             Lake, died Friday, May 29, 2015, at  parents; and a brother, John.
                                                                                                                                                                                 his home.                            	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                                                                                                             Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.                            	 Per Tim’s wishes, his body has     pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
                                                                                                                            Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.                been cremated and a Celebration of   rangements.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Life will be at a later date.
                                                                                                                            Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. • 7 p.m.            	 Family suggests memorial con-

                                                                                                                                 Starring: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard,
                                                                                                                              Irrfan Khan, Vincent D’Onofrio, Ty Simpkins, Nick
                                                                                                                              Robinson, Jake Johnson , Omar Sy (2 hr. 4 min.)

                                                                                                                            Adults ~ $750 • 12 & Under ~ $650

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