Page 8 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
P. 8
Ag./BusinessPage 8 • June 10, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Global Leadership Summit comes to CL in August
Grand Re-opening at Fareway The Global Leadership Summit Professor, University of Houston of America’s Global Wealth & Invest-
2015 is coming to Clear Lake. The Graduate College of Social Work; ment Management
Clear Lake Fareway Grocery Manager Rod Bernard cuts the ribbon for the Grand Re-opening of the Clear Lake Fareway annual premier training event will Best-selling Author •Adam Grant – Professor, Whar-
store. Meat Market Manager Ryan Fasbender (right of Bernard) assisted in the ribbon cutting. Also pictured are mem- originate from Willow Creek in the •Bill Hybels – Founder and Se- ton School of Business; Best-selling
bers of the Clear Lake Chamber First Mates and a number of Clear Lake Fareway employees and Fareway corporate of- Chicago area, Thursday, Aug. 6 – nior Pastor, Willow Creek Commu- Author
ficers. The Clear Lake Fareway store has just completed an extensive re-modeling which included expanded display areas, Friday, Aug. 7 and will be broadcast nity Church •Craig Groeschel – Founder and
along with new and expanded freezer space and new meat counter and produce areas. -Reporter photo live via satellite to host sites in North •Horst Schulze – Chairman and Senior Pastor,
America. Zion Lutheran Church, CEO, Capella Hotel Group; Former •Sheila Heen – Founder, Triad
Clear Lake, is the North Iowa host site President, and Former COO, The Consulting Group; Faculty, Harvard
for the Summit Broadcast. During the Ritz-Carlton Group Law School
fall the event takes place in an addi- •Albert Tate – Founder and Se- •Brian Houston – Founder and
tional 120 countries and is translated nior Pastor, Fellowship Monrovia Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
into 55 languages. The Global Leader- (California) •Sam Adeyemi – Founder and
ship Summit is expected to draw some •Ed Catmull – Co-founder and Senior Pastor, Daystar Christian Cen-
260,000 church and business leaders President of Pixar Animation Studios; tre in Nigeria
to conference sites in more than 875 President of Walt Disney Animation For more information about the
locations around the world. Studios Summit or to register, go to willow-
When the Summit began in •Sallie Krawcheck – Chair, Elle- or call 1-800-570-
1995, it was attended almost exclu- vate Network; Former President, Bank 9812.
sively by church leaders. As its trans-
ferable principles spread outside the Pahl joins staff at CLB&T
walls of the church, companies began
Klemme Ag Day to be held June 20 sending teams to the Summit and Clear Lake Bank & Trust is She has relocated to Ventura
many continue to use it as one of their pleased to announce the addition of a where she resides with her husband,
Klemme Ag Day will be held on vation needed. From the Klemme El- core annual leadership training events. new employee. Doug. The couple have two grown
Saturday, June 20. The highlight of evator the parade will proceed east on Featured leadership experts at Bea Pahl has joined CLB&T as children, Ryan and fiancé, Nicole,
the celebration will be the Barney Fife Main Street to the east end of the park. The Global Leadership Summit 2015 a customer service specialist in the from Pequot Lakes, Minn., and
impersonator. He will be on stage in There it will turn north two blocks to will include: Clear Lake office. Originally from daughter, Kaitlyn, from Lincoln, Neb.
the park at 1:30 p.m. following the 11 the UCC church. From there it will •Jim Collins – Nationally Ac- southeast Wisconsin, Bea brings more Founded in 1934, Clear Lake
a.m. parade and noon firemen’s lunch. turn west and gradually disintegrate. claimed Business Thinker; Best-selling than 25 years of customer service and Bank and Trust Company is a locally
“Barney Fife,” whose given name The Klemme Homestead Mu- Author Good to Great accounting experience to her new po- owned, full-service bank with four of-
is Larry Delawder, of Branson, Mo., seum will be open from 11:30 a.m. to •Liz Wiseman – President, The sition. fices in Clear Lake, Garner, and Ma-
is a Christian minister with Larry 4 p.m. on Saturday. It is located at 112 Wiseman Group; Best-selling Author son City.
Delawder Ministries. In addition to his S. 2nd St. •Dr. Brene Brown – Research
comedy show on Saturday, Delawder The afternoon of Ag Day will be
will lead a community church service filled with many activities including PAXTON FARMER
on Sunday, June 21. The service will Bingo (1 p.m.), horseshoe (registra-
be held in the Klemme United Meth- tion 1:30 p.m.), unicycling and jug- Farmer joins First
odist Church at 9:30 a.m. A fellow- gling with the Mark Hansen family of Gabrielson Agency
ship hour with rolls, coffee and juice Kanawha, waterball fight, coin search
will follow the service. Everyone is (1 p.m.), free inflatables, petting zoo, First Gabrielson Agency would
welcome to attend. balloon artist, and pedal tractor pull like to welcome Paxton Farmer to
The parade will organize in the (3:30 p.m.). their office.
elevator parking lot at 10:30 a.m. Free watermelon, will conclude Farmer is a sales associate work-
Anyone or any business is welcomed the afternoon about 4 p.m. ing out of the Clear Lake office, lo-
and encouraged to participate in the Anyone with questions may call cated at 815 4th Ave. S.
parade. There is no entry fee or reser- Kenny at 515-571-2929. “I am excited he to help the com-
munity with all its insurance needs,”
Farmers urged to report planted crops said Farmer.
He is a graduate of Clear Lake
Farmers are urged to remember acreage report to be filed to be eligible High School and of the University
to stop by the Cerro Gordo County for payments. Planting dates will be of Iowa’s Tippie School of Business
Farm Service Agency to report planted required again this year. where he majored in finance.
acres. The deadline to timely report a After July 15, 2015, producers Contact him at 641-357-6117 or
crop acreage report is July 15, 2015. will be charged a measurement ser- [email protected].
Programs such as the Agriculture Risk vice fee to inspect the field to ensure
Coverage (ARC), Price Loss Coverage the 2015 reported crop is planted. Dave’s
(PLC), Conservation Reserve Pro- For any questions concerning this or Deck Care
gram (CRP), Marketing Authoriza- any other program please contact the
tion Loans (MAL), and the Livestock Cerro Gordo County Farm Service Carpentry
Forage Program (LFP) all require a Agency at 641-423-2286. & Remodeling
Wild joins ISU BOBBI JO WILD New Decks
Extension as County sistant program advisor for 4-H and
Youth Coordinator Youth. She is also a recent graduate (Wood & Composite)
of South Dakota State University with
Bobbi Jo Wild, of Lansing, Iowa, majors in Ag Education, Communi- Deck Repairs
has joined Iowa State University Ex- cation, and Leadership specializing
tension as the new County Youth in Leadership and Dairy Produc- & Ramps
Coordinator to develop and coordi- tion. Wild began her duties on June
nate local 4-H and youth education 1. She can be contacted at 641-423- Deck Cleaning
programs and to provide leadership 0844 or email her at bobbiw@iastate.
for the 4-H councils and volunteers in edu. & Staining
Cerro Gordo County. For more information visitwww.
She will collaborate with staff, General Home
4-H Foundation, Youth and Teen
council members, and local partners Remodeling
to identify programming needs and
opportunities for education. She will Windows & Doors
work directly with 4-H youth volun-
teers, schools, youth-orientated orga- Dave Marreel
nizations, and other partners within
the various communities of Cerro 641-357-0227
Gordo County.
Wild comes to the position with A Clear Lake Family Owned Business.
knowledge and experience working Serving North Central Iowa since
with South Dakota State University
Extension, in Brookings, as an as- 1989