Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
P. 9

“On day two I knew that every hole                                                                                                                                                                                     GHV
   counted and after the first hole I knew I                                                                                                                                                                                Baseball &
   could catch up.”                                                                                                                                                                                                         Softball
   CLHS State Golf                                                                                                                                                                                                          Results
   Champion                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 11
   Emily Snelling

   Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                                                                                                                                                        June 10, 2015 • Page 9

Another Clear Lake State Champion
Snelling claims title for Clear Lake; GHV’s Frayne places 13th
	 Clear Lake’s Emily Snelling    	 Snelling, an outstanding             Brooke  Klostermann, of Dy-          it was one that really stuck in     was hers. After a very well struck   is,” said Coach Todd Greiman.         season with the goal of earning
claimed the individual Class 3A  sophomore who was second last          ersville Beckman, in a one hole      her head the rest of the round,     shot that unluckily went a tad       “She no doubt has some disap-         a return trip. Her work ethic is
championship at the Iowa Girls   year, was considered one of the        playoff to claim the title. Klos-    so it was important to keep her     over the green, she was unable to    pointment resulting from a few        probably her biggest strength and
State Golf Meet held Monday      favorites to win, but she had          termann, a senior, held a four       calm, and I just kept reminding     make her par and forced a playoff    shots she’d like to re-do, but over-  I wouldn’t be surprised if she was
and Tuesday, June 1-2, in Mar-   to do it in dramatic fashion.          stroke lead over Snelling after      her that there was a full day left  with Brooke,” explained Brink-       all it was a great experience for     practicing on the driving range
shalltown.                       She defeated another favorite,         day one. However, on the first       of golf, so we got to get over the  man.                                 her and I know she’ll begin next      the day after we got back from
                                                                        hole the second day of the event     humps and forget about the past     	 Heading into the playoff                                                 Marshalltown.”
                                                                        Snelling said she felt the win was   holes, which she did.”              with more then 60 fans watch-
Clear Lake’s Emily Snelling claimed the individual Class 3A Iowa Girls  within her grasp when she parred     	 Within five-minutes after         ing, it was all about blocking       GHV freshman Bailee Frayne had a very successful day, placing 13th in
State golf title. -Photo courtesty of Cheila Frayne                     the hole and Klostermann dou-        turning in her scorecard, Snel-     them out and taking one shot at a    the State Golf Meet. -Photo courtesty of Cheila Frayne
                                                                        ble bogeyed.                         ling was off to the range working   time, continued the coach. “Af-
                                                                        	 Klostermann finished with          on   her short game with Brink-     ter placing second as a freshman,
                                                                        a (75-77) 152. Snelling had          mann and her father.                Emily has worked extremely hard
                                                                        rounds of 79 and 73 to card a        	 “Emily hits the ball extreme-     at getting this championship, and
                                                                        152. In a playoff, Klostermann       ly far, but sometimes she tries to  this one was well deserved. She
                                                                        had an unlucky break and all         overdue it, and going into day      works extremely hard on all as-
                                                                        Snelling had to do was par the       two we worked on not trying to      pects of her game, and I couldn’t
                                                                        hole. After sticking her approach    swing so hard, and taking some      be more proud of her. Although
                                                                        shot to 15-feet, she drained the     extra clubs to get more control of  the season might be over and she
                                                                        putt for birdie to record her first  her shots,” explained the coach.    won the State title, I know that
                                                                        State championship.                  	 Snelling’s adjustments paid       she will be working even harder
                                                                        	 “I couldn’t find a rhythm          off on day two.                     this offseason, because she knows
                                                                        on day one,” said Snelling. “On      	 “Her first nine holes were        she can do even better next sea-
                                                                        day two I knew that every hole       just absolutely tremendous,”        son. I am already looking for-
                                                                        counted and after the first hole I   said Brinkman. “Everything was      ward to next season.”
                                                                        knew I could catch up.”              clicking.”                          	 Snelling was back at an-
                                                                        	 Coach Adam Brinkman                	 Snelling was two-under par        other State meet Tuesday, June
                                                                        said on day one Snelling knew        after 12 holes after making a 12-   9, competing with fellow State
                                                                        she had left a few strokes on        foot eagle putt on the short par    Champion Dane Waldron in the
                                                                        the course and that stuck in her     five. She had a three stroke lead   Iowa Co-Ed State Meet at Cedar
                                                                        mind all day.                        with six holes to play overall,     Pointe Golf Course in Boone.
                                                                        	 “Emily has played the course       and after giving a couple of those
                                                                        in other summer tournaments, so      strokes back, she was up one with   GHV’s Frayne is 13th
                                                                        she knows it very well and it sets   two holes to play.
                                                                        up for her long distance hitting,”   	 “Emily is only a sophomore        	Garner-Hayfield/Ventura
                                                                        said Coach Brinkman. Snelling’s      and anyone in that kind of posi-    freshman Bailee Frayne claimed
                                                                        driver was on and it was giving      tion is going to be very nervous,   13th place in the Class 3A State
                                                                        her great opportunities to attack    so I just did anything I could to   meet with an (87-87) 174.
                                                                        the greens.                          keep her calm. Heading into the     	 “Any time you end the sea-
                                                                        	 “Honestly, Emily only had          last hole all she had to do was     son competing for a medal at
                                                                        one bad hole on day one, but         make par and the championship       the State met, you’ve got to be
                                                                                                                                                 pleased and I know that Bailee

GHV girls                                                                                                    Top ranked Lions roar through competition
                                                                                                             	 The top ranked Clear Lake         up a pair of RBIs with one hit.      to see his team produce more runs     on Wednesday, June 3, against
bow out of                                                                                                   baseball team (2A) notched five     Mitch Keeran also had an RBI on      and apply more and more pres-         Clarion-Goldfield-Dows. The Li-
Regional                                                                                                     wins last week over schools rang-   a double. Devin Uhlenhopp also       sure. The Lions were scoreless in     ons scored six runs in the top of
play                                                                                                         ing in size from Class 1A to 4A.    contributed a hit.                   the first, but put up one run in      the seventh to win their second
                                                                                                             Coach Seth Thompson said he         CL 10, North Union 0 (5)             the second, two in the third, three   NCC game, 13-2.
	 It was a disappointing loss for                                                                            suspects his team could lose their  	 The Lion machine kept roll-        in the fourth and four in the fifth   	 “Any win we can get on
the Garner-Hayfield/Ventura girls                                                                            week one number one ranking,        ing the next night. The team         to win by the 10-run rule. The        the road in conference is huge,
soccer team as they lost in the first                                                                        due to a pair of losses, but count  steamrolled North Union, 10-0,       game ended when Brock Adams           and our offense was consistently
round of Class 1A Regional play to                                                                           on the Lions to keep challenging    in a non-conference game.            hit a three-run homerun. Adams        put pressure on them the entire
Humboldt on Tuesday, June 2. The                                                                             for the top spot. They are cur-     	 Ethan McHenry made the             had two hits and four RBIs in the     game,” said Coach Thompson.
Cardinals had beaten the Wildcats                                                                            rently 2-0 in the North Central     most of his first start. The junior  game. Ben Mason also had two          	 Mitch Keeran had a huge
two times earlier in the season.                                                                             Conference and 7-2 overall.         got the win in five innings.         hits and an RBI.                      night with three hits, including
	 “It is hard to beat a team three                                                                           CL 5, IFA 1                         	 “It was a huge shot in the         	 Cooper Merrill, Mitch               two homeruns, and Cooper Mer-
times in a season. Sooner or later                                                                           	 The Lions started the week        arm for this team to see Ethan go    Keeran, Rowdy Yates and Jacob         rill added two triples.
they are going to get you and it was                                                                         against Iowa Falls-Alden, from      out there and pitch so well in his   Hogan also had a hit producing a      	 Brock Adams had a good
just unfortunate it had to happen                                                                            the NCC, on Monday, June 1.         first outing as a Lion. He only      run.                                  outing, giving up just two hits in
in Regional play,” said Coach Josh                                                                           They recorded their first confer-   had one walk and held a team that    	 McHenry and Parker Trues-           five innings pitched. He struck
Banse.                                                                                                       ence win, 5-1.                      has put a lot of runs on the board   dell also had singles.                out nine and walked three. Ryan
	 The Wildcats had a good plan                                                                               	 “I was a little disappointed      this year to two hits and no runs.”  CL 13, C-G-D 2                        Schmalen came in to throw the
to stop GHV offensively. They put                                                                            we didn’t have better at-bats on    	 The coach noted it was great       	 It was another lopsided win         final two innings and did a nice
five defensive players to stop Payton                                                                        a consistent basis, but we played                                                                              See CL BASEBALL on pg. 10
Bamrick and Emily Spilman, GHV’s                                                                             good defense and got good pitch-
leading scorers. The strategy worked,                                                                        ing from Brandon (Tofte) and        Clear Lake catcher Tucker Tusha catches a strike while the Clear Lake bench watches. -Reporter photo by
as Humboldt defeated the Cardinals                                                                           Cooper (Merrill) and good de-       Chris Barragy
on penalty kicks, 2-1.                                                                                       fense and pitching will usually
	 Autumn Weaver scored the Car-                                                                              put you in the win column,” said
dinal’s lone goal on an assist from                                                                          Coach Seth Thompson.
Hannah Lau.                                                                                                  	 Tofte earned the win, giving
	 Goalie Sam Betz had nine saves                                                                             up just two hits in six innings on
in the match.                                                                                                the mound. The senior struck out
	 Coach Banse is sad to say good-                                                                            six and walked two. Merrill came
bye to his talented seniors, Macken-                                                                         in to throw the final inning and
zie Haag, Emily Spilman, Sam Betz,                                                                           struck out one.
Riannan Kadrlik and Tiara Van Ger-                                                                           	 The Lion defense was led by
pen.                                                                                                         Brock Adams.
	 “They have been the rocks of                                                                               	 “Opposing pitchers have a
this program for the last four years,”                                                                       had a really tough time getting
said Banse. “The good thing is that                                                                          Brock out all year, and he fueled
we are moving in the right direction                                                                         our offense tonight with three
with the program. Every year we im- GHV’s Autumn Weaver scored the Cardinals lone goal in Class              hits, including two triples,” said
prove our record and we are starting 1A Regional play on Tuesday, June 2. -Reporter photo by Chris           the coach.
to compete with great programs.” Barragy                                                                     	 Rowdy Yates had a single and
                                                                                                             a double. Parker Truesell picked

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      MAKEOVERSermon Title on June 14
                                                                                                                                                               Summer Worship Series

                                                                        WEDNESDAY NIGHTS

   God is that You?                                                     It’s two-wheel night and everyone’s welcome                                                        (Home Edition)
                                                                                                                                                               June 14 Extreme Landscaping Dr. Hall
                                                                                                             Brat, Fries & Beer
       God Speaks Through                                                                                             $8                                       June 21 Father Knows Best              Dr. Flippo
      Circumstances, Others,                                                                                                                                   June 28 Law & Order                    Dr. Hall
                                                                                                                             Downtown Ventura
         Signs and Miracles                                                                                                  (641) 829-3765                                           112 N. 4th St.         Clear Lake City Park
                                                                                                                                                                                      Clear Lake             Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
   Service Times: Sunday 10:00 a.m. • Wednesday 7:00 p.m.                                                                      Mon. - Sat. • 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.                         641-357-5261                                                                                                                                                   
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