Page 10 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
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SportsPage 10 • June 10, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Clear Lake Reporter Clear Lake softball team struggling for a win
The Clear Lake softball team suf- gan Brackey on the mound. She gave Ritter had three hits apiece, with Niles third to tie the score at 4-4.
SPORTS CALENDAR fered four losses in four days last week, up nine hits and walked two. Kirsten picking up the RBI. Michala Ouver- Clear Lake’s four-run fourth was
dropping their record to 0-7. Baalson did a good job in relief. The son and Carney Frahm each had two topped by C-G’s five runs in the bot-
Wednesday 11 a.m. Iowa Falls-Alden 9, CL 1 sophomore closed out the game, allow- hits. Frahm and Katie Hewett each tom of the inning. A six run sixth gave
•GHV JJV baseball home vs. Lake Mills, The Lions pounded out 14 hits, ing two hits and walking six. stroked doubles. the Cowgirls the lead they needed to
•Clear Lake JV/V baseball at Algona, 11 a.m. but a strong start by the Iowa Falls-Al- “We had 14 hits and were able to Central Springs 7, CL 1 hold off the Lions. CL plated one run
5:30 p.m. •GHV JV/V baseball at Lake Mills, 5:30 den Cadets was too much to overcome. put the ball into play, but we couldn’t Another big inning was to blame in each of the final two innings.
•Clear Lake JV/V softball at Algona, 5:30 p.m. They were defeated, 9-1. overcome the one big inning deficit,” in a 7-1 loss to Central Springs Tues- “We continue to show progress in
p.m. •GHV V/JV softball at Lake Mills, 6 p.m. All nine of the Cadets’ runs crossed said Coach Megan Young. “Kayla Rit- day, June 2. The Lions scored one run both hitting and fielding, but we need
•GHV JJV softball at Eagle Grove, 11 home plate in the first inning. ter had a great night, but defensively we in the first, but trailed 3-1 through five. to put the two together,” said Coach
a.m. Saturday The runs were scored with Rea- were not on point.” In the sixth, the Panthers pushed four Young.
•GHV JJV baseball at Eagle Grove, 11 Michaela Niles, Sara Buehler and runs across the plate. Lexi Jones, Chloe Mueller, Tori
a.m. •Clear Lake V baseball Tournament at “Carney Frahm was a great leader Fyfe and Carney Frahm had two hits
•GHV JV/V baseball home vs. Eagle Council Bluffs, 10 a.m. tonight, as she swung a hot bat. Defen- apiece, with Fyfe and Carney each
Grove, 5:30 p.m. •Clear Lake V softball Tournament at Ma- sively, we just couldn’t hold them in the smacking doubles. Michaela Niles,
•GHV V/JV softball home vs. Eagle son City, 10 a.m. sixth inning,” said Coach Young. Michala Ouverson and Sara Bueller
Grove, 6 p.m. •GHV V softball Tournament at Algona, Frahm and Michala Ouverson each had one hit.
10 a.m. each had two hits. Lexi Jones, Chloe Baalson pitched themes. The
Mueller, Michaela Niles, Tori Fyfe and Cowgirls had 10 hits off her. She
Thursday Monday Sara Buehler had one hit apiece. Muel- struck out four and walked three. Rea-
ler picked up the RBI. gan Brackey came in for one-third of
•Clear Lake 9th grade baseball at West •Clear Lake JV/V baseball home vs. Kirsten Baalson took the loss on an inning and was touched for five hits.
Fork, 11 a.m. Hampton-Dumont, 5:30 p.m. the mound. She gave up five hits and She struck out one and walked three.
•Clear Lake JV/V baseball home vs. •Clear Lake JV/V softball home vs. Iowa walked seven in five innings of work. St. Ed’s 7, CL 2
GHV, 5:30 p.m. Falls-Alden, 5:30 p.m. Reagan Brackey there two innings, The Lions found themselves in a
•Clear Lake JV/V softball home vs. Web- •GHV JV baseball home vs. West Han- walking four and giving up one hit. battle Thursday, June 4, with St. Ed-
ster City, 5:30 p.m. cock, 11 a.m. C-G-D 16, CL 10 mond’s in town. The NCC teams were
•GHV JJV baseball at Algona, noon •GHV V baseball at West Hancock, 5:30 The Lions and Clarion-Goldfield- locked in a close contest until the fifth
•GHV JV/V baseball at Clear Lake, 5:30 p.m. Dows had a slugfest on Wednesday, inning, when the Gaels broke it open
p.m. •GHV V softball at West Hancock, 6 p.m. June 3. In the end, the host Cowgirls with four runs. The went on to win,
•GHV V/JV softball home vs. Rockford, posted a 16-10 win. 7-2.
6 p.m. Tuesday “Both teams had hot bats, but we “We are happy with the way the
just need to keep everything in perspec- girls played and the scores do not re-
Friday •Clear Lake 9th grade baseball home vs. tive. A few runs doesn’t guarantee any- flect the effort that is being put into
Algona, 11 a.m. thing,” said Coach Young. each game. The girls seem to continue
•Clear Lake 9th grade baseball at Hamp- •Clear Lake JV/V baseball at Webster The Lions had a fast start, as they to work hard and I have faith that it
ton-Dumont, 11 a.m. City, 5:30 p.m. put three run on the board in the top of will all come together,” said Coach Me-
•Clear Lake V baseball Tournament at •GHV JJV softball home vs. Algona, 11 the first inning. gan Young.
Council Bluffs, 7:30 p.m. a.m. The Cowgirls responded with two Leading the seven-hit Lion attack
•GHV JJV softball home vs. Lake Mills, •GHV JJV baseball at Rockford, 11 a.m. runs in the bottom of the frame, then was Michala Niles and Carney Frahm
•GHV JV/V baseball at Algona, 5:30 p.m. added two more in the bottom of the with two hits apiece. Lexi Jones, Chloe
Mueller and Sara Buehler.
Clear Lake’s Tori Fyfe connects with the ball in a recent softball game. -Reporter
photo by Chris Barragy
CL BASEBALL being a double. Truesdell, Tuck-
er Tusha and Devin Uhlenhopp
from page 9
job of finding the resolve to get the last each had one hit.
out after a walking a few batters, said Merrill’s hit scored three
Thompson. Schmalz struck out three runs while Keeran and McHen-
and walked five. ry each picked up two RBIs.
The Lions scored their 13 runs on
17 hits. In addition to Keeran and Mer- CL 5, Ames 3
Dr. Todd D. Hocraffer rill’s three hits apiece, Adams, Ethan Fort Dodge 3, CL 1
McHenry, Parker Truesdell and Devin The Lions split with a pair
Chiropractor Uhlenhopp each had two. McHenry of 4A teams they faced at the
and Truesdell each blasted a double. Ben River City Classic in Mason
Mason, Matt Stephany and Schmalen City Saturday, June 6.
each had one hit. The first game ended with
the Lions on the right side of a
5-3 score.
CL 11, Central Springs 0 (6)
Thursday, June 4, the Lions were “We ended up seeing their
at Central Springs for a non-conference top pitcher, a guy who in Class
tilt. Parker Truesdell threw a no-hitter 4A was 6-0 last year and is go-
Andersen’s Flowers and the Lions won, 11-0. ing to pitch Division one base- Senior trip
After walking the first batter of the ball next year in college. It was
All remaining plants game, Truesdell went the rest of the way awesome to see our kids step up Seniors on the Clear Lake High School baseball team this year went on the annual
with no more walks and nine strikeouts. to that challenge and come out Baseball Senior Trip last weekend to Wrigley Field in Chicago to watch the Cubs play
50% Off “We have come close to a few no right away and put four hits, the Royals on Sunday, May 31. Seniors this year are: (L-R) Matt Stephany, Brandon
hitters since I have been coaching at two doubles, and three runs on Tofte, Ryan Schmalen, Brock Adams, Devin Uhlenhopp, Jacob Hogan, Tucker Tu-
beginning June 13th Clear Lake, but this is the first time I the board in the first against sha, Mitch Keeran and Rowdy Yates. The players and Coach Seth Thompson left on
(Some exclusions apply) have seen one here,” said Coach Thomp- such a good pitcher,” said Coach Saturday in a motorhome borrowed from Coach Thompson’s family, stayed at a camp-
son. “No hitters are very rare in baseball Thompson. ground outside of Chicago Saturday night, went paint balling before the game Sunday,
and every pitcher’s goal when they step Brandon Tofte was on the and hit a deep-dish Chicago pizza place on the way home Sunday night.
on the mound, so that is a huge accom- mound for the Lions and got the -Submitted photo.
plishment for Parker and it was great win. He was touched for seven
to see yet another pitcher step up there hits, walked four and struck out
Locally grown produce arriving! when given the chance and shut down one. Cooper Merrill came in to Yates had doubles. Ethan McHenry, Jacob Hogan and
the other team offensively.” pitch the final inning and gave up one Against the Dodgers, the Lions Mitch Keeran each had one. There were
2727 19th St. S.W., Mason City Open Daily: 9-5 The Lion offense supported Trues- hit. were in a hole early. Fort Dodge scored no extra base hits for the Lions. Keeran
dell with two runs in the first and five “Brandon pitched great against a three in the first inning and then held got the only RBI.
(West of Newman School) (641) 530-1234 more in the second. Two runs in the good offensive 4A team and Cooper did on for a 3-1 victory. Ben Mason was on the bump for
third and two in the sixth sealed the nice job of closing things out for a big “We got to see another top-level 4A the Lions. The junior gave up six hits
Wednesday Night deal. win for our team,” said Thompson. pitcher and although we only ended up and struck out two.
Specials The 12-hit Lion barrage was led by Merrill and Parker Truesdell had with one run I thought we actually had “Ben pitched a fantastic game af-
Brock Adams’ three hits. Cooper Mer- two hits apiece. Brock Adams, Mitch good approaches at the plate and ended ter that first inning against a really good
rill, Mitch Keeran and Matt Stephany Keeran, Rowdy Yates and Tofte had one up with eight hits, which was more hits team that is a perennial 4A state tourna-
each had two hits, with one of Keeran’s apiece. Merrill, Adams, Keeran and that they ended up with,” said Coach ment team,” said the coach.
Thompson. “Unfortunately, they got “Our kids understand that to be
theirs in a bunch in the first inning the best you have to play against the
and ended up with the three runs that best, and if that results in a few more
Grissom says… turned out to be all they needed.” losses throughout the season than they
Steak Sandwich Cooper Merrill and Brock Adams have had in the past then that is some-
Did you know in the had two hits apiece. Parker Truesdell, thing we can live with,” said Thompson.
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