Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-18-2015
P. 1
Thanksgiving Recipes pg. 9
Weather More weather on page 5.
Mostly sunny, but cooler for the weekend. Look
for a low of 20 degrees Saturday night.
USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 46 Nov. 18, 2015 Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Marlin & Pats Meints $1.50
Clear Lake City gives go-ahead
Mirror-Reporter to hire design firm
CALENDAR for veterans memorial
Thurs. - Sat. Former water tower site
Cup O’ Joe eyed, but not yet chosen
The fall Cup O’ Joe Vehicle jumps curb, crashes into garage The Clear Lake City Council ceptual plan to move forward,” said
production will have you on the agreed to enter into an agreement with Callanan.
edge of your seat, or rolling in Emergency crews worked to free Vanessa Swalve from the vehicle she was driving Thursday, Nov. 12, when it crashed into Clear Lake V.F.W. Post 4868 to have Councilman Gary Hugi said he
the aisles, as you wonder what a garage attached to a home at the corner of 4th Avenue South and South 9th Street. Swalve, of Clear Lake, was driving a RDG Planning and Design, of Des was opposed to using taxpayer money
those crazy art instructors are 2006 Chevrolet when she first hit a power pole and then a garage. She was transported by ambulance to Mercy Medical Cen- Moines, provide design services for a for the project, but voted in favor of
going to do next in “Art School ter - North Iowa, where her condition was not made available. The accident, reported at 11:08 a.m. Thursday, is still under proposed veterans memorial at the for- an agreement with the V.F.W. for re-
Homicidal.” The melodrama investigation.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy. mer downtown water tower site. payment. In September, Hugi voted
will be performed by the Blue Council members stressed they against the development of a plan for
Horizon Players on Nov. 19-21 School Board tables discussion of were not approving the site, but rather a memorial at the water tower location.
at 7:30 p.m. at the Lakeview supporting creation of a conceptual At whatever time a specific location is
Room at the City Park Bandshell superintendent sharing until Dec. 16 design which will provide a visual for proposed for the memorial, Hugi sup-
- doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets the amount of space a memorial would ports holding a public hearing to re-
can be purchased in advance The Clear Lake School Board dis- Earlier this year the Board indicated it tops $765,000. occupy. ceive comment.
at the Clear Lake Chamber of cussed ending its superintendent shar- was interested in at least planning for a Clear Lake School Board members “I think it is important to know The Council approved entering
Commerce or Lake Liquors for ing agreement with the Mason City time in which the superintendent posi- have expressed their concern that in- the height, width, depth, how large, into the concept design agreement with
$10, or at the door for $12. School District during its regular meet- tion would not be shared. centives may eventually be reduced and how much space a memorial would RDG and into a loan agreement with
ing, Wednesday, Nov. 11. Ultimately In March, the Mason City School Mason City, which holds 60 percent use,” said Mayor Nelson Crabb. the VFW on a 5-0 vote.
Friday Board members decided to table a vote Board agreed to continue sharing on a of the contract, may decide to end the V.F.W. Commander Mike Nelson Other business
Arty Party on the sharing agreement. 4-3 vote. sharing. brought a proposal to the Council, In other business Monday night,
The issue will be on the agenda at The Clear Lake School District, The Mason City School Board be- asking for the City to front the $8,500 the Council received the annual City
A stack of whimsical holi- the Board’s Dec. 16 meeting. helped by state incentives, has spent gan discussing its sharing agreements cost of RDG’s first phase. If the con- Financial Report from City Adminis-
day packages is the subject of The 2015-16 school year is the sixth just $121,930 for the shared superin- with Clear Lake Monday night. The ceptual design is approved and City trator Scott Flory. He told the Coun-
the acrylic on canvas painting that the two districts have shared a su- tendent over five years. Total district Board took no action. leaders vote to locate the memorial at cil the City continues to be in a very
for the Arts Center’s Arty Party perintendent, as well as other positions. savings by sharing a superintendent the water tower site, the City would strong financial position. Constitu-
on Friday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m. also pay the $19,500 phase two cost tionally, Iowa cities may have approxi-
Arty Parties are fun-filled art for final design and construction. Nel- mately $41 million in debt; however,
parties centered around an art son said the V.F.W. would enter into a the City of Clear Lake is one of the few
activity with cash bar (wine and loan agreement with the City to repay cities in the state, if not country, with
beer) and step by step instruc- the funds once its fundraising cam- less than $6 million in debt. “It’s an
tions from an instructor. De- paign for a memorial was underway. extremely proud moment,” said Flory.
signed for beginners or interme- Councilman Mike Callanan, Flory pointed out a number of
diates. Everyone paints the same who made the motion to approve the factors which contributed to the City’s
subject. In the end, there will be professional services agreement, said favorable financial report. Those high-
a finished canvas in everyone’s V.F.W. and Council members would lights included:
hands. All materials, includ- continue to participate in the design •Hotel-Motel tax collection ex-
ing paint smocks, are included process with RDG.
in the $32 price for Arts Center “As we have met over the last sev- See CITY COUNCIL on page 2
members or $35 price for non- eral months we agree we need a con-
members. To register, call or
email the Clear Lake Arts Cen-
ter at 357-1998 or clac2@cltel.
net The Clear Lake Arts Center
is located at 17 S. 4th St.
on page 2
Inside This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved homicides
in the hopes that it will lead to new tips and potentially help solve
Opinion..................... 4 cases. The project is a partnership between this newspaper and other
Weather.................... 5 members of the Iowa Newspaper Association.
Legals..................... 17 MARTHA “MARTY” ERICKSON | AGE: 47 |
Classifieds.........18-19 DIED: NOV. 21, 1995
Hometown: Avon Lake
The lake level rose slightly On the evening of Nov. 21, 1995 Martha Erickson, Mindy Coe, U.S. Navy retrired, delivered the keynote address at local Veterans Day services.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
to its new reading of -1.08” 47, was murdered while on her way to a dance. Her
below the weir. Last year at body was discovered the following day in Avon Lake’s ‘Find your purpose and use it’
this time the lake was declared shallow water. She had been beaten and stabbed. Police
officially frozen on Nov. 17. say the body offered few clues due to time spent in the water, and that they Clear Lake High School students and the public paid ford?” asked Coe. “Because veterans are silent heroes all
The last lake level reading of couldn’t even say for sure whether Erickson had been sexually assaulted. respect to veterans during a special ceremony held Wednes- around us.” She urged the public to say thank you and re-
the 2014 season was -1.20” Erickson enjoyed helping people fight their demons, and often attended day, Nov. 11, at E.B. Stilman Auditorium. The recognition flect upon the gifts veterans provide.
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings even though she wasn’t an alcoholic. included speeches by CLHS students, music, a flag presen- Coe said she realized when she joined the armed services
below the weir. After Erickson’s death, it was discovered that she was an acquaintance of two tation and keynote speech delivered by Mindy Coe, U.S. that she had a chance to become part of something greater
other murdered women: Susan Kersten, whose severely burned body had been Navy retired. than herself— serve with purpose; sacrifice for the greater
Mail: 12 N. 4th St., found two months earlier near Iowa City; and Donna Lee Marshall, who was Coe, a Ventura native who now serves as an Iowa State good.
Clear Lake, IA 50428 found shot in the head in her home in Bon Aire Mobile Home Lodge in Iowa Trooper, said she was honored to represent fellow service “Find your purpose and use it for the greater good,” she
Telephone: 641-357-2131 City in January 1996. But the investigation into the acquaintance of all three men and women. She told the story of William J. Craw- told the students. “There is always an opportunity to serve.
Fax: 641-357-2133 women yielded nothing substantial. ford, who served in Italy in 1943. The highly decorated Use the opportunities you are given to go forth with a pur-
Email: [email protected] Anyone with information about Martha Erickson’s unsolved murder is asked Medal of Honor recipient assumed a quiet life when he re- pose and the world will be a better place.”
Website: to contact the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation at (515) 725-6010, turned from service, working as a janitor. Student speakers Spencer Orr and Issac Byrne shared
e-mail [email protected], or contact the Polk County Sheriff’s Office “Why am I telling you the story of William J. Craw-
@CLReporter at (515) 286-3800. See VETERANS DAY on page 7
Find out more about this and other unsolved homicides at www.
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