Page 17 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter July 22, 2015 • Page 17
Clear Lake City Legals Landfill North Iowa County Legals
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: LANDFILL OF NORTH IOWA Cerro Gordo County Agricultural Extension District
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Adjustment appointed under the terms of Published Report - Operating
Title 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Clear Lake, Iowa will conduct a
public hearing on appeals or petitions taken to said Board from the decision of the 07/01/2014 to 6/30/2015”
Administration Officer of the 28th day of July, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the City of Clear Lake, Clear Lake, Iowa at which time and The regular monthly meeting of the Landfill of North Iowa Executive Committee
Place the Board will review: was held on July 9, 2015, beginning at 5:34 P.M., at the Landfill Education Center, 15942
Killdeer, Clear Lake, Iowa. Beginning Balance and Receipts:
Jay and Elizabeth LeFevre, 1405 W 7th Avenue North, Clear Lake, IA, request Present at the meeting were Barney Ruiter, Chairperson, and Jay Waddingham,
permission to build a new dwelling at 2201 North Shore Drive. PERMISSION Member. Others present included William L. Rowland, Director, for part of the meeting
DENIED: Proposed construction will not meet the requirements of the Clear Lake Mitzi Brunsvold, LNI Education Coordinator, and James J. Locher, Attorney.
Code of Ordinances 165.17.4 Ruiter called the meeting to order. Total Balance: July 1, 2014 $198,031.65
Minutes for the Executive Committee meeting held June 9, 2015, were approved
upon motion by Waddingham, seconded by Ruiter and unanimously adopted. Receipts:
Monthly bills were reviewed and approved for payment, upon motion by Wad-
dingham, seconded by Ruiter and unanimously adopted.
Monthly financial statements were presented. Upon motion by Waddingham,
seconded by Ruiter and unanimously adopted, the financial statements were accepted Grant Revenue $6,568.62
subject to annual audit as required by law.
Rowland circulated a list of accounts past due more than ninety days. These Interest Revenue $273.75
amounted to $298.08 out of total accounts receivable of $237,561.18.
Rowland provided information regarding LNI’s participation in the Environmental Other Revenue $13,174.49
Management System Project.
Locher presented proposed Restated Bylaws, which were to be considered by Other Tax Revenue $6,270.79
the LNI Board of Directors.
Rowland proposed a salary increase for the LNI Education Coordinator, calling Program Fee Revenue $42,658.11
for a five percent raise retroactive to July 1, 2015, and an additional five percent raise ef-
Ventura City Legals fective January 1, 2016, which together would increase the salary annually from $35,940 to Property Tax Revenue $244,797.87
$39,617.76. The matter was to be submitted to the LNI Board of Directors for action.
Rowland expressed the intention to pursue filling several positions on a tempo- Rental Revenue $125.00
rary basis through an outside agency. He characterized the positions as scale assistant/
facility attendant, whose responsibility would include assisting in covering scale activity, Resale Revenue $994.99
including on Saturdays, communication with customers and traffic control, and operator/
floater, whose responsibilities would include filling in for other workers, acting as work- Scholarship Revenue $750.00
ing face spotter and attending to dump boxes. Rowland’s intentions were acknowledged
MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING as being an administrative matter and it was noted any employees hired other than on a Utility Tax Replacement Excise Tax $9,825.08
VENTURA, IOWA temporary basis would be subject to approval by the LNI Board of Directors.
Rowland indicated attention would be given a revised Agreement with the Wright Total Receipts: $325,438.70
County Area Landfill Authority concerning an existing transfer station.
He reported on a visit to the Landfill by a delegation from Ukraine. Total Beginning Balance and Receipts: $523,470.35
It was noted the next Executive Committee meeting would be held on August 11,
Item # 1 – Call Meeting to order/roll call 2015, at 7:30 A.M., at the Landfill Education Center. Disbursements:
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M.
A regular meeting of the City Council of Ventura, Iowa was held on July 13, 2015. Bills Approved for Payment.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Lynn Benson. The meeting was Absolute Waste Removal Facility Expense $466.02
held at Ventura City Hall. The following Council Members were present: Darwin Avery, Ace Professional Cleaning Services Facility Expense $83.00
Kristie Meints, Mike Thackery and Brian Vaage. Also present were: City Administrator Adrenaline X Laser Tag Program Fee Expense $60.00
Else Taylor, Public Works Director Bill Bredlow, City Attorney Michael Moeller, and Lt. Aldi Non-Tax Meals Expense $119.53
Deb Ryg with the Clear Lake Police Department. Absent: John Quintus. Allen, James Program Fee Expense $1,070.00
Item # 2 - Consent Agenda Alliant Energy Facility Expense $6,916.67
Motion by Avery/Thackery to approve the consent agenda for July 13, 2015. Passed Equipment, Supplies Expense $471.45
unanimously. American Income Insurance Insurance Expense $206.00
a. Agenda July 13, 2015 Applebees Non-Tax Meals Expense $9.48
b. Regular Minutes June 22, 2015 Auditor- Cerro Gordo County Employee Benefits Expense $15,840.00
c. Claims Register July 13, 2015 Baker, Rebecca R. Net Wages and Travel $2,202.11
d. Treasurer’s Report June 2015 Bart Pals Program Fee Expense $225.00
Disbursements Bartusek, JoAnn S. Net Wages and Travel $24,833.85
23818 Glen’s Tire Service, Inc. Tires/rims – Fire truck 2817.96 Benjegerdes, Angela E. Travel Expense $11.50
23819 Central Iowa Distrib. Floor scrubber & burnisher 6247.00 Bits & Spurs 4-H Club Program Fee Expense $1,065.50
23820 Bredlow, William Payroll 7/1/2015 1178.56 Boundless Network Program Fee Expense $245.79
23821 Taylor, Else Payroll 7/1/2015 1222.71 Breanna Fairbanks Program Fee Expense $10.00
23822 Clemens, Carol Payroll 7/1/2015 1800.99 Date Num Name Memo Paid Amount Brett Weaver Program Fee Expense $82.50
23823 Domonoske, Tamara Payroll 7/1/2015 409.72 9,500.00 Britta Elsbernd Program Fee Expense $35.64
23824 Lundgren, Kimberly Ann Payroll 7/1/2015 669.75 06/10/2015 37440 Hogan Hansen CPAs 2014 Audit C. C. Riders 4-H Club Program Fee Expense $274.75
23825 Paschal, Debbie Payroll 7/1/2015 186.39 06/10/2015 37441 Office of State Auditor 2014 Audit 25.82 CALS Conference Services Professional Development Training Expense $120.00
23826 State of Iowa Sales tax bill cycle #3 – end June 1167.89 06/10/2015 37442 Brunsvold Trucking May Leachate Hauling 75.00 Cartersville Wildcats 4-H Club Program Fee Expense $150.75
23827 Doors Inc. Reissue (ck#23349) 11/10/14 480.43 06/15/2015 37443 Paulson, Kathy Supplies for Ukrane Visitors, DNR Meeting 516.32 Caseys General Store Program Fee Expense $117.62
23828 Absolute Waste Removal Sanitation fees June 2015 3581.74 06/16/2015 37447 Pasta Bella DNR EMS External Audit Meeting 40,067.18 Castillo, Gail Program Fee Expense $518.09
23829 Ace/Kramer Hardware Inc (2) gal. distilled water – lab tests 3.98 06/22/2015 37448 Office of State Auditor 2014 Audit 40.97 Cavalier Coaches, Inc. Program Fee Expense $4,010.00
23830 Alliant Energy - IPL Speed sign 901.5 E Lake St. 39.91 06/22/2015 37449 Iowa Department of Natural Cedar Springs Camp Program Fee Expense $4,295.00
23831 Avenet, LLC Website annual service package 425.00 Resources Operating Permit/Emissions 2,468.00 Century Link Telecommunications Expense $55.99
23832 Bill & Amanda Fowler Deposit refund – 8 S Main St. 40.00 06/24/2015 37450 Iowa Department of Natural 81.00 Cerro Gordo Co Ext-Agency Flex Ben Employee Benefits Expense $160.00
23833 Cerro Gordo County Emerg. Mgmt. annual allocation 1669.00 Resources Qtrly Fees 1st Qtr 2015 45.00 Cerro Gordo County 4-H Foundation Program Fee Expense $155.50
23834 City of Clear Lake Vehicle allocation (3) yr 28E 27999.00 06/30/2015 37453 Lietz, Mike Mobile/Grafton/Mike, Dan, Mitzi 176.10 Cerro Gordo County Conservation Board Program Fee Expense $20.00
23835 C L Mirror Reporter Publications – June 2015 238.63 07/07/2015 37454 Pizza Ranch Foth/Operator Meeting 82.35 Cerro Gordo County Extension Program Fee Expense $931.65
23836 Clear Lake Sanitary Dis. SW cleaning & televising 4475.00 07/07/2015 37455 Petty Cash Supplies 30.64 Cerro Gordo County Farm Bureau Memberships, Dues Expense $47.00
23837 CLTEL Chlorine alarm line 71.30 07/10/2015 37457 IPERS Retirement Contributions Cerro Gordo Explorers 4-H Club Program Fee Expense $455.25
23838 Famers State Bank ACH processing fees 2nd QTR 15 105.00 07/10/2015 37458 Treasurer, State of Iowa Withholding 162.35 Check Advantage LLC Office Supplies Expense $76.79
23839 FEDEX Shipping – water samples 26.11 07/10/2015 37459 Advantage Administrators Flex Plan Fees 82.10 Clear Lake Area Chamber Of Commerce Marketing Expense $250.00
23840 Five Star Co-op Weed killer 46.43 07/10/2015 37460 Airgas North Central Supplies 13,290.00 Clear Lake Bank and Trust Bank Charges, Fees, Interest Expense $254.00
23841 General Traffic Controls LED signal equipment 1476.00 07/10/2015 37461 All Star Pest Control Pest Control 301.22 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter Advertising Expense $294.78
23842 Glen’s Tire Service (4) new tires Chevy truck 2500 545.76 07/10/2015 37462 Alliant Energy Utilities Clear Lake Telephone Equipment Repair Expense $75.00
23843 Globe Gazette Library subscription 273.32 07/10/2015 37463 Avesis Vision Ins 298.40 Commercial Development Corp. Facility Expense $1,140.00
23844 Hancock County Co-op Petrol – FD & PWD 376.97 07/10/2015 37464 BMC Aggregates L.C. Road Rock 559.75 Country Inn & Suites Other Travel Expense $95.20
23845 Hawkins Corrosion inhibitor 1017.20 07/10/2015 37465 Brakke Imp., Inc. Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 300.00 Crowne Plaza Other Travel Expense $330.24
23846 House of Sports Blade set – John Deere 50.31 07/10/2015 37466 Brunsvold Trucking Jun Leachate Hauling 3,345.72 CustomInk Program Fee Expense $180.10
23847 IDNR-Operator Certif. Annual water supply fee 84.51 07/10/2015 37467 Brunsvold, Mitzi Expenses 5.34
23848 Iowa League of Cities Member dues 594.00 07/10/2015 37468 Cintas First Aid & Safety Supplies 1,653.00 Des Moines Botanical Garden Program Fee Expense $180.00
23849 Iowa Library Services Library E-book subscription 65.00 07/10/2015 37469 Clear Lake Independent Dollar General Program Fee Expense $2.78
23850 Jim Hunt Electric Replaced shop light fixture 234.81 Telephone Utilities 410.00 Dollar Tree Program Fee Expense $47.73
23851 Lake Auto Grease & battery- stop sign 216.39 07/10/2015 37470 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter 5/14 & 6/9/15 Board Meetings 25,380.00 Elsbernd, Nathan Program Fee Expense $25.80
23852 Larsen Plumbing & Heat A/C/roof leak repair @ C. Center 86.45 07/10/2015 37471 Coloff Interactive Education 301.35 EMC National Life Company Employee Benefits Expense $136.80
23853 Matt Parrott/Storey Ken Laser checks (1000) 316.56 07/10/2015 37472 Culligan Water/Office/Shop 4,200.20 Emily Shatek Program Fee Expense $20.64
23854 New Com Tech Software maintenance 400.00 07/10/2015 37473 D&D Printing Education Supplies 903.00 Erin Smith Program Fee Expense $20.64
23855 NIACOG Annual dues 530.58 07/10/2015 37474 Dakota Wood-Grinding, Inc. Compost Screening 71.72 Other Travel Expense $146.88
23856 Office Elements Printing – Laser checks 528.00 07/10/2015 37475 Delta Dental Dental Ins 76.91 Fallis, Nicholas Program Fee Expense $36.12
23857 Overdrive Library E-book content 299.53 07/10/2015 37476 EMC National Life Company Life Ins 45.00 Fareway Stores, Inc. Other Travel Expense $82.11
23858 Quill Corporation Toner (5), envelopes & folders 441.73 07/10/2015 37477 Federal Companies Off Site Back-up 18.00 Farm News Advertising Expense $178.05
23859 Richard Hopper Meter deposit refund 102 Nelson 40.00 07/10/2015 37478 Foth Infrastructure & Federal Fire Equipment Equipment Expense $24.00
23860 Traffic Control Corp. Field service – warning beacon 300.00 Environmental, LLC Engineering Services 340.03 FedEx Postage Expense $23.42
23861 Veenstra & Kimm Engineering - Bridge 406.25 07/10/2015 37479 G & K Services-Des Moines Uniforms 169.00 Firsching, Dennis Facility Expense $28,100.00
23862 Ventura Library Library petty cash for shipping 66.48 07/10/2015 37480 GeoLogic Computer Systems Monthly Service Contract GPS First Advantage Background Checks Expense $732.38
23863 Westrum Leak Detection Leak detection survey 550.00 07/10/2015 37481 Grainger Supplies 21.09 Franklin Co 4-H Foundation Program Fee Expense $2,125.00
23864 William Bredlow Reimb.–Prts for mosquito sprayer 26.42 07/10/2015 37482 Harding Elementary TARP 5,414.81 Franklin County Extension Program Fee Expense $200.00
23865 Woodford Wheeler FD – Ax blade 49.98 07/10/2015 37483 Hasler Postage 288,479.42 Gagnon, Alyssa Ann. Net Wages and Travel $2,417.54
23866 Active911 Inc. FD-911 Support info for fire calls 223.25 07/10/2015 37484 Haugen Contracting, Inc. Dig & Repair Waterline @ Main Shop Geneseo Haymakers/R.R.R. Program Fee Expense $363.25
23867 City of Clear Lake 93.75 ton sand/salt mix 4687.50 07/10/2015 37485 Health Works Dave DOT Physical Gilbert Sambalyegula Grant Expense $108.90
23868 Ingram Library Services Library book order 677.92 07/10/2015 37486 Hobby Lobby Education Supplies Globe Gazette Memberships, Dues Expense $312.62
23869 Jim Hunt Electric Repair traffic signal 669.50 07/10/2015 37487 IMWCA Work Comp Grace Pistek Program Fee Expense $15.00
23870 Bredlow, William 120 hrs comp time paid out 2092.46 07/10/2015 37488 K&H Cooperative Fuel Grant, Cody A. Net Wages and Travel $509.12
23871 Sorensen & Moeller Law Legal services 12/2014 – 06/2015 10150.00 07/10/2015 37489 KCMR Radio Education Grimes VIP 4-H Club Program Fee Expense $157.75
Total claims $82,379.38 07/10/2015 37490 Locher Law Firm Legal Services Hall, Gary Equipment Expense $75.00
07/10/2015 37491 MailFinance Postage Machine Rental
June 2015 Claim Totals General Fund 30669.01 07/10/2015 37492 Mason City Public Utilities Water Bill for Leachate Hancock County Extension Grant Expense $200.00
Road Use Fund 3371.13 07/10/2015 37493 Mechanical Air Systems Hanna-Marken, McKenzie Kay Net Wages and Travel $2,672.32
Water Fund 5438.37 Company Building Maintenance Hansen’s Farm Fresh Dairy Program Fee Expense $357.00
Sewer Fund 2754.31 07/10/2015 37494 Menards MC Supplies Hardin County Extension Program Fee Expense $150.00
Total Claims for June 2015 $42,232.82 07/10/2015 37495 Midwest Electronic Recovery Electronic Recycling Healthy Harvest Of North Iowa Non-Fee Proj Act Expense $750.00
June 2015 Receipt Totals 07/10/2015 37496 Mills Fleet Farm Supplies Hitzhusen, Megan L. Net Wages and Travel $29,772.82
General Fund 35012.30 07/10/2015 37497 NIACC-MEEC CPR/First Aid Training Hobby Lobby Program Fee Expense $116.06
Road Use Fund 8044.83 07/10/2015 37498 North Iowa Broadcasting Inc. Education Home Science Tools Program Fee Expense $206.97
Local Option Sales Tax Fund 8943.21 07/10/2015 37499 PAETEC Utilities Hy-Vee, Inc. Program Fee Expense $1,577.46
Special Assessment Fund 2978.00 07/10/2015 37500 Pomp’s Tire Service Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Iowa Assoc Of Co Extension Councils Benefits Expense $355.00
Debt Service Fund 4977.43 07/10/2015 37501 Prairie Inet Utilities Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Memberships, Dues Expense $60.00
Water Fund 3601.95 07/10/2015 37502 PSC-Philip Services Corp. RCC Waste Disposal Iowa Public Employee Retirement Sys Employee Retirement Plan $21,335.82
Sewer Fund 1856.47 07/10/2015 37503 Retrofit Recycling RCC Waste Disposal Iowa State University Extension Program, Equipment, Training Expense $27,263.44
Total Receipts for June 2015 $65,414.19 07/10/2015 37504 River City Communications, Ivesco LLC Fair Awards Expense $80.17
Item # 3 - Police Report Inc. Security Jacque Simon Professional Contracted Services Expense $157.50
Lt. Deb Ryg reported the following calls from 6/23/2015 – 7/13/2015:
07/10/2015 37505 Sandry Fire Supply LLC Fire Hose Jake Burress Program Fee Expense $5.00
Traffic Contact (10), Traffic Complaint (1),Disorderly/Disturbance (3), Welfare Check (2),
Suspicion (1), Drugs (1), Assist To Other Agency (2), Collision (2), Medical (3), Animal 07/10/2015 37506 Secory Plumbing & Heating Jaquelyn Hanson Grant Expense $438.50
(3), Inc 911 (1), Fire (1), Motorist Assist (1), Lost/Found (1), Weather (1), Parking (1).
Inc. Shop Leak Jimmy Johns Other Travel Expense $53.50
Lt. Ryg mentioned that 11 of the 34 calls were during the July 4th holiday weekend.
Item # 4 – Resignation of Thomas Taylor from the Board of Adjustment 07/10/2015 37507 Staples Advantage Supplies Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft Stores Program Fee Expense $5.74
Motion by Avery and seconded by Meints, to accept the resignation tendered by 07/10/2015 37508 Test America, Inc. Leachate Analysis Johnson Heating & Air Facility Expense $58.88
Thomas Taylor for his position on the Board of Adjustment. Passed unanimously.
Item # 5 – Council Appointment – Gary Coe replaces Board of Adjustment Member 07/10/2015 37509 Truck Specialties Seat Covers for HHW Chevy Johnson Sanitary Products Supplies Expense $167.26
Thomas Taylor, term ends 12/31/15
07/10/2015 37510 Verizon Wireless Utilities Johnson, Joyce C. Net Wages and Travel $1,878.60
Motion by Vaage and seconded by Avery, to appoint Gary Coe to finish the term
vacated by Thomas Taylor, term ends 12/31/15. Passed unanimously. 07/10/2015 37511 Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Kadie Casey Program Fee Expense $5.16
Item # 6 – Council Appointment – Elda Stone replaces Library Board Member Brian
Ward, term ends 6/30/17. Shield Health Ins Kaeser & Blair Corp. Marketing Expense $438.87
Motion by Avery and seconded by Meints, to appoint Elda Stone to finish the term 07/10/2015 37512 Xerox Corporation Xerox W7120P Copier Maintenance Kaitlyn Canedo Program Fee Expense $250.00
vacated by Brian Ward, term ends 6/30/17. Passed unanimously.
Item # 7 – Cost estimate for Post Office signage repairs and replacement of original 07/10/2015 37513 Ziegler, Inc. Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Klemesrud, Lori C. Net Wages and Travel $602.75
07/10/2015 37514 Brakke Imp., Inc. JD Tractor Purchase Kramer Hardware Marketing Expense $38.84
Council discussion. The general consensus was to revisit this matter after the USPS
extends the lease. No action taken on this item. Kum & Go Program Fee Expense $1.49
Item # 8 – Public Works Report
a. Boom motor replacement is going to cost approximately $1600 and a Notice of Probate Learning Zone Express Program Fee Expense $49.65
minimum of 4-6 weeks before delivery.
The Council directed PWD Bredlow to order the boom motor. LEGO Education Program Fee Expense $713.53
b. Street sweeper repair of lift arm with Trans Iowa includes transporting it
to their shop in Ankey. Approximatel cost $9,000. Little Caesars Program Fee Expense $12.82
Motion by Avery and seconded by Meints to table the street sweeper re
pairs until the next meeting. Passed unanimously. THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT Notice is further given that all persons MAC SCAN Program Fee Expense $522.00
c. Approximate cost of manhole repair near 2600 block of E Lake Street is CERRO GORDO COUNTY indebted to the estate are requested
$600. IN THE ESTATE OF to make immediate payment to the MacNider Art Museum Facility Expense $50.00
d.Sewer service at 36 Venetian Dr. is broken and taking in an considerable PATRICIA K. SNYDER undersigned, and creditors having claims
amount of ground water. Owner has been contacted. Deceased against the estate shall file them with the Marco, Inc. NW 7128 Equipment Expense $6,191.56
Item # 9 – Old Business - none Probate No. ESPRO29763 clerk of the above named district court, as
Item #10 – New Business provided by law, duly authenticated, for Martin Brothers Distributing Co Inc Program Fee Expense $173.48
NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF allowance, and unless so filed by the later
City Administrator Else Taylor informed the Council of scheduled time off and in- APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND to occur of four months from the second Mason City Challengers 4-H Club Program Fee Expense $303.25
quired if they had any interest in hiring anyone to help with office duties during the three publication of this notice or one month
week period. NOTICE TO CREDITORS from the date of mailing of this notice Mason City Chamber Of Commerce Marketing Expense $265.00
(unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim
Council discussion followed, and it was determined that the matter will be revisited To All Persons interested in the Estate of is thereafter forever barred. Mason City Public Utilities Facility Expense $795.30
again at the next meeting. Patricia K. Snyder, Deceased, who died
Item # 11 - Public Forum - none on or about July 4, 2015: Dated this 13th day of July, 2015. McCubbin Trophy & Engraving Program Fee Expense $300.00
Item # 12 – Adjournment You are hereby notified that on the
10th day of July 15, 2015, the last will and Michelle R. Snyder Sharpe Menards Program Fee Expense $558.87
Motion by Thackery/Vaage to adjourn. testament of Patricia K. Snyder, deceased, Executor of estate
_________________________________ bearing date of the 21st day of October, Mills Fleet Farm Program Fee Expense $387.55
Lynn Benson, Mayor 2013, was admitted to probate in the 1767 Rockingham Road
above named court and that Michelle R. Chester, VT 05143 Mitchell County Extension Grant Expense $200.00
Attest:_________________________________ Snyder Sharpe was appointed executor
Else Taylor, Clerk of the estate. Any action to set aside the Charles H. Biebesheimer of National 4-H Supply Marketing Expense $682.08
will must be brought in the district court Stillman Law Firm
of said county within the later to occur of 304 Main Avenue, P.O. Box 127 North Iowa Area Community College Program Fee Expense $286.00
four months from the date of the second Clear Lake, IA 50428
publication of this notice or one month North Iowa Broadcasting Marketing Expense $100.00
from the date of mailing of this notice to all Date of second publication: 29th day of
heirs of the decedent and devisees under July, 2015. North Iowa Events Center Program Fee Expense $500.00
the will whose identities are reasonably
ascertainable, or thereafter be forever North Iowa Media Group Advertising Expense $645.17
O’Connor, Allison M. Net Wages and Travel $245.31
Oelkers, Becky M. Net Wages and Travel $18,185.76
Office Depot Supplies Expense $136.78
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo Program Fee Expense $2,623.50
Oriental Trading Company, Inc. Professional Development Training Expense $250.15
Papa’s American Cafe Non-Tax Meals Expense $7.48
Pasta Bella Restaurant Non-Tax Meals Expense $15.94
Paulette Rueter Grant Expense $92.40
Petco Supplies Expense $19.24
Philomena Schnoebelen Program Fee Expense $7.22
Pies & More Professional Development Training Expense $54.00
Pioneer Enterprise Subscription Expense $36.00
Continued on page 18