Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 16

Page 16, July 22, 2015					               Local News                                                                                                                                Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

CL Police, Drug Task Force help to                                                                                                                                                                           Free senior
send five to prison for meth distribution                                                                                                                                                                    health clinics
                                                                                  Davis, Mora-Martinez, and Moreno,                                                                                          scheduled in
	 Five men have been sentenced            ceived his prison term after a January  were sentenced in Cedar Rapids by          Gift for fire department                                                        Clear Lake
to federal prison for their roles in a    26, 2015, guilty plea, Michael Angelo   United States District Court Chief
methamphetamine distribution con-         Sanchez Moreno, age 25, of Stockton,    Judge Linda R. Reade.  Billy Huerta        James Smith, from Clear Lake, recently presented Assistant Fire Chief Mike      	 The Cerro Gordo County
spiracy.                                  received his prison term after a Dec.   was sentenced to 240 months’ impris-       Keefe with a scrapbook featuring photos and news articles about the depart-     Department of Public Heath of-
	 Billy Lee Jaime Huerta, age 31,         3, 2014, guilty plea, and Francisco     onment, David Huerta was sentenced         ment’s activities. According to Keefe, Smith is a CLFD buff who enjoys follow-  fers Senior Health Clinics to county
of Mason City, Iowa, received his         Mora-Martinez, age 29, of Stockton,     to 135 months’ imprisonment, Davis         ing and documenting the department. He has given the department other scrap     residents age 55 and older. There is
prison term after a December 10,          received his prison term after a Feb.   was sentenced to 121 months’ im-           books in the past, as well. The latest book featured the department’s new fire  no charge; however, contributions
2014, guilty plea; David Luiz Lee         2, 2015, guilty plea.  Billy Huerta,    prisonment, and Mora-Martinez and          boat, “Bud,” on the cover. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.                    are encouraged in order to keep the
Huerta, age 27, of Mason City, Iowa,      David Huerta, Davis, Moreno, and        Moreno were each sentenced to 120                                                                                          clinic running. The clinic is an an-
received her prison term after a March    Mora-Martinez each pled guilty to       months’ imprisonment.  Billy Huerta                                                                                        nual health screening and does not
25, 2015, guilty plea, Steven Andrew      conspiracy to distribute methamphet-    must serve a 10-year term of super-                                                                                        replace a physician’s care. To make an
Davis, age 32, of Stockton, Calif., re-   amine.  David Huerta and Steven         vised release after the prison term.                                                                                       appointment, Cerro Gordo County
                                          Davis each also pled to Distributing    David Huerta, Davis, Mora-Martinez,                                                                                        residents may call the Cerro Gordo
Retail gasoline                           a Controlled Substance.  Billy Huerta   and Moreno must each serve a 5-year                                                                                        County Department of Public Health
prices jump                               was previously convicted of a felony    term of supervised release after prison.                                                                                   at 641-421-9316 or toll free, 1-888-
                                          drug offense in Cerro Gordo County,     David Huerta, Steven Davis, and Mi-                                                                                        264-2581 ext. 9316.
	 Average retail gasoline prices in       on July 7, 2008.                        chael Moreno, were each ordered to                                                                                         	 On Monday, Aug. 3, a senior
Iowa have risen 4.7 cents per gallon      	 Information provided by the           pay a $200 special assessment.  Billy                                                                                      health clinic will be held at the Evan-
in the past week, averaging $2.68 per     United States at the sentencing’s and   Huerta and Mora-Martinez were each                                                                                         gelical Free Church, 1310 Highway
gallon Sunday, July 12, according to      change of plea hearings show the de-    ordered to pay a $100 special assess-                                                                                      18 W.
GasBuddy’s daily survey of 2,036 gas      fendants were involved in a conspiracy  ment.  There is no parole in the federal                                                                                   	 On Monday, Aug. 24, the senior
outlets in Iowa. This compares with       in which David Huerta and Steven        system.                                                                                                                    health clinic will be at the First Con-
the national average that has fallen      Davis were bringing from California     	 All five are being held in the                                                                                           gregational Church, 205 W. 10th Ave.
0.9 cents per gallon in the last week to  and/or mailing pound quantities of      United States Marshal’s custody until                                                                                      N.
$2.72 per gallon, according to gaso-      methamphetamine to the Mason City       they can be transported to a federal                                                                                       	 Upcoming blood pressure clinics
line price website          area and along with Billy Huerta and    prison.                                                                                                                    include:
	 Including the change in gas             Michael Moreno reselling it to oth-     	 The case was prosecuted by Assis-                                                                                        	 Tuesday, July 28, a blood pres-
prices in Iowa during the past week,      ers.  During his involvement in the     tant United States Attorney Jack Lam-                                                                                      sure clinic will be held at the Clear
prices Sunday were 75.6 cents per gal-    conspiracy, Francisco Mora-Martinez     mers and investigated by the North                                                                                         Lake Senior Center, 105 S. 4th St.,
lon lower than the same day one year      was responsible for facilitating the    Central Iowa Narcotics Task Force,                                                                                         10:30-11:30 a.m.
ago and are 2.4 cents per gallon lower    distribution of more than 150 grams     Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Office,                                                                                       	 Senior Health Clinic and Blood
than a month ago. The national aver-      of pure methamphetamine.  The con-      Mason City Police Department, Clear                                                                                        Pressure Clinic schedules are also
age has decreased 3.5 cents per gallon    spiracy lasted from August 2010 to      Lake Police Department, and Iowa                                                                                           posted on the Cerro Gordo County
during the last month and stands 81.2     October 2014, in the Mason City and     Division of Narcotics Enforcement.                                                                                         Department of Public Health web site
cents per gallon lower than this day      Clear Lake, Iowa area.                                                                                                                                   
one year ago.                             	 Billy Huerta, David Huerta,

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