Page 14 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
P. 14
SportsPage 14 • July 22, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Wrestling is in the Colon family blood
Joe Colon continues Jacob Colon takes fourth at
to take the sport to the
next level and wrestles NAIA Nationals and helps
Grandview to national title
Former Clear Lake High School State Champion wrestler Joe
Colon continues to take his sport to the next level. For the past Joe Colon recently competed at the U.S. World Team Trials in Madison, Wis. -Submitted photos A former Clear Lake wrestling wrestled his way to a third place finish
year, Colon has been wrestling internationally. He recently com- standout helped Grandview College at junior college nationals. He left to
peted at the U.S. World Team Trials in Madison, Wis. to its fourth-straight national team go to UNI, and then got back on the
Colon earned wild back-to-back comeback wins of 17-12 title. Individually, Jacob Colon took mat after taking a long two years off.
over Matt McDonough and 11-8 over Angel Escobedo to storm fourth place at NAIA Nationals held Throughout his career Colon has
into the finals of the U.S. World Team Trials. Colon was one in Topeka, Kan. He was also part become the definition of “overcoming
point from being teched before rallying for an improbable 10-1 of Grandview’s All-Academic team adversity,” according to Coach Mitch-
deficit against McDonough. Colon was down 4-1 in the win which was third in the NAIA with a ell.
against Escobedo in the Challenge Tournament finals. 3.0 grade point average. At the Dakota Wesleyan Open
He advanced to face U.S. Open champion Tony Ramos in The Grandview team had the on Nov. 15, 2014 he suffered a slight
the best-of-three freestyle finals. Ramos, a 2014 World Team title locked in before the start of the break in his right hand and was out
member, won 6-0, 4-2 in the final match, making Colon an alter- finals session and finished with 147.5 for six weeks. And at the central re-
nate to Team USA. points, which was 38.5 points more gional qualifier tournament on Feb.
Colon is determined to represent the country at the 2016 than second-place Southern Oregon. 21, 2015 Colon hurt his MCL and
Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. USA Wrestling has an- “All four titles we’ve won have couldn’t wrestle his medal match. He
nounced that the Olympic Team Trials will return to Carver- been totally different,” said Coach couldn’t wrestle during practice the
Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City on April 8-10, 2016. Nick Mitchell. “And this year was following week because of the MCL
Colon is sponsored by Nike, Titan Mercury and PWC. not an exception. It was a really tough injury. His first practice back was
tournament. We only had two (wres- Wednesday, March 4, two days before
tlers) in the finals, which was the least nationals began.
over the last four years, but I really Coach Mitchell looks for Colon
thought our team wrestled well hav- to achieve even more next season.
ing eight guys in the top four.” “He’s going to get after it, there’s
Colon, a 133-pound sophomore no doubt about it,” he said. “Espe-
went to Iowa Central Community cially after overcoming the adversity
College after high school, where he he has had this season.”
Attention College Athletes Turtle and snake program at
If you are a Clear Lake or Ventura graduate who is playing Lime Creek Nature Center July 29
in a college sport this year, we would like to hear from you. A program entitled “Snake Scales The program will include live
We would be happy to publish your team’s schedule and and Turtle Tales” will be held on turtles and snakes, and participants Jacob Colon, a former Clear Lake High School wrestling standout, now wrestles for
Wednesday, July 29, at 1 p.m. at the will have the opportunity to get a pic- Grandview College. -Submitted photo
any personal highlights from your season. Lime Creek Nature Center. ture taken with a Ball Python! In addi-
Please send your news to us at: Turtles and snakes have been tion, “Turtles, Secrets of the Shell,” a
roaming the Earth for millions of traveling display about turtles, will be
Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter years. Nicole Steen, Conservation open for public viewing before or after
12 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, IA 50428 Education Intern at the nature center, the program.
will lead a discussion for people of all There is no charge, but registra-
FAX: 641-357-2133 ages about these fascinating reptiles. tion required; call 641-423-5309.
EMAIL: [email protected]
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