Page 18 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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Legals/ClassifiedsPage 18 • July 22, 2015									                                                                                                                                                  Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                          County Legals                                                                                      Statewide Ads                             ANNOUNCEMENTS                 AUTO/TRANSPORTATION GENERAL MERCHANDISE
                                                                                                                                                                 _______________________            _______________________ _______________________
                                                                                                                             BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
Continued from page 17.                                                                                                                                          CHECK US OUT ON FACE-              1999 CHEVROLET CAMARO                FOR SALE: 1979 Yamaha QT
                                                                                                                             CONTRACT SALESPERSON:               BOOK for daily specials.           Z28 Convertible. V8 engine,          moped; new carburator, $600.
Pizza Ranch Mason City	                                Program Fee Expense	                           $145.30                Selling aerial photography of       Louie’s Custom Meat & More.        black with black top. Excellent      Lift chair, camo color, very good
                                                                                                       $14.45                farms on commission basis.          RTFN                               condition. 63,000 actual miles.      condition, $125. Room a/c,
Plaza Mexico	                                          Non-Tax Meals Expense	                         $237.75                $4225.00 first month guarantee.                                        Call 641-529-1455. R-30              6,000 BTU, $60. 641-357-4311.
                                                                                                    $3,229.30                $1,500-$3,000 weekly proven         AMY’S MOSAICS: Garden                                                   R-29
Portland Community Springers	                          Program Fee Expense	                           $119.29                earnings. Travel required. More     Rocks starting at $10. Also            CLEANING SERVICES
                                                                                                      $631.12                info or 877/882-      offering one-of-a-kind signs,      _______________________                    LOST AND FOUND
Postmaster	                                            Postage Expense	                               $105.51                3566 (INCN)                         garden items, small furniture,                                          _______________________
                                                                                                      $200.00                                                    picture frames and more. Cre-      WINDOW CLEANING
Printing Services, Inc.	                               Supplies Expense	                                $5.16                ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS            ated from repurposed china         Clean View Window Cleaning is        SUNGLASSES: Lost at Thurs-
                                                                                                       $34.75                                                    and pottery -- yours or mine!      the answer to all of your window     days on Main - prescription
Quill		                                                Program Fee Expense	                           $705.00                Military Tribute Concert Musicians  Call 357-7435. (I will be at the   cleaning needs. Call Nick and        sunglasses. If found call Bill:
                                                                                                      $104.00                Needed: Performing Aug. 17-Iowa     Clear Lake Art Sail this Saturday  get a FREE estimate. Phone           641-529-2318. R-30
Renae Parker	                                          Grant Expense	                               $2,847.19                State Fair. Assembling statewide    --stop & see me!) RTFN             529-0451. RTFN
                                                                                                    $1,450.00                100-voice choir and 40-member                                                                                             MARINE
Rickard W. Haas	                                       Marketing Expense	                             $125.00                orchestra. Practice: Aug 16/PM &    FINAL CITY WIDE GARAGE                      GARAGE SALE                 _______________________
                                                                                                      $227.70                Aug 17/AM. Sign-up/info: www.       SALE: Mark your calendar for       _______________________
Robert Casey	                                          Program Fee Expense	                            $44.75       (INCN)   the remaining weekend of Sept.                                          FOR SALE: Hewitt Aluminum
                                                                                                      $675.25                                                    5. Contact the Mirror-Reporter     3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE:                Sq. tube boat Lift.  Table 8’6” X
Rockford FFA	                                          Program Fee Expense	                         $1,036.64                FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS             for details. 357-2131. RTFN        1904 Main Ave. Friday 8 a.m.         9’, includes 12V Electric Motor
                                                                                                       $57.69                                                                                       - 4 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m.        and gray canvas tarp in good
Rotary Club of Mason City Noon	                        Memberships, Dues Expense	                                            Restaurant Equipment Outlet;         AUTO/TRANSPORTATION               - noon. Two air conditioners,        condition.  Model 2001.  $1350/
                                                                                                   $38,362.36                New & Used Restaurant               _______________________            snowblower, Christmas items,         OBO.  Call 357-7166. R-29	                                    Program Fee Expense	                            $54.64                Equipment see www.Chillmasters.                                        clothing, new Avon products and
                                                                                                        $5.00                biz, call 1-800-526-7105, or stop   1997 CHEVY LUMINA: Runs            much misc. R-29                      FOR SALE: 1984 Mercury mo-
Schmitt, Brenda	                                       Grant Expense	                                 $960.66                by our Showroom to see what’s       great - $1,700 or best offer.                                           tor, 18 HP, 2 gas cans, 2 props.
                                                                                                      $114.54                in stock for you! Sioux City, IA    New battery and good tires.        GARAGE SALE: 1811 W. 5th             $900 O.B.O. 641-357-6450 or
Screenvision Direct	                                   Marketing Expense	                              $67.74                (INCN)                              641-357-3815. R-29                 Ave. N. (East of All Vets) Friday,   641-583-1301. RTFN
                                                                                                      $250.00                                                                                       8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday, 8
Seed Savers Exchange	                                  Program Fee Expense	                            $80.00                HELP WANTED- MANAGERIAL                                                a.m. - 5 p.m. Household items,                 REAL ESTATE
                                                                                                       $24.66                                                                                       men’s tools, drop-leaf table, kid -  _______________________
Servpro		                                              Facility Expense	                               $50.00                                                                                       adult clothing, much misc. R-29
                                                                                                       $26.74                                                                                                                            CONDO FOR SALE: Choice
Sharpshooters 4-H Club	                                Program Fee Expense	                           $215.00                                                                                        GENERAL MERCHANDISE                 three bedroom, two bath condo
                                                                                                                                                                                                    _______________________              at Eagle Bay. Enjoy sunsets
Shifting Gears 4-H Club	                               Program Fee Expense	                         $6,403.00                                                                                                                            from large screened deck. All
                                                                                                       $60.00                                                                                       SIMMONS BEAUTYREST full              new kitchen appliances, stack
Shinobu Peterson	                                      Grant Expense	                                                                                                                               size mattress and boxspring.         washer/dryer, garage and boat
                                                                                                    $1,161.75                                                                                       New condition. $200. 357-            dock. $310,000. Call 641-753-
Shopko		                                               Program Fee Expense	                           $875.00                                                                                       7811. R-29                           3126. R-29

Sign Pro	Marketing Expense	                            $1,190.00                                   $37,523.87
Sjolinder, John E.	                                    Net Wages and Travel	                          $216.00
Spaghetti Works	                                       Program Fee Expense	
Spencer Orr	                                           Program Fee Expense	                           $783.50
Staples		                                              Supplies, Equipment, Program Fee Expense	      $330.05
Sue-Z-Q’s Family Dining	                               Program Fee Expense	                       $332,819.64
Target		                                               Program Fee Expense	

Taylor University	                                     Scholarship Expense	

Terwilliger, Brenda	                                   Program Fee Expense	

The Hungry Mind	                                       Non-Tax Meals Expense	

TLF Caroles Flowers	                                   Supplies Expense	

Tractor Supply Co.	                                    Program Fee Expense	

Tracy Scharper	                                        Program Fee Expense	

Treasurer - State Of Iowa	                             State Payroll Taxes	

Trinity Lutheran Church	                               Program Fee Expense	

Trophies Unlimited	                                    Equipment Expense	

United Methodist Church	                               Program Fee Expense	

US Dept Treasury	                                      Federal Payroll Taxes	

Ventura Hustlers 4-H Club	                             Program Fee Expense	

Vesterhein Museum	                                     Program Fee Expense	                                                  SOUTH CENTRAL GRAIN and
                                                                                                                             Energy at Fairfax MN is seeking a
Village Inn Restaurant	                                Non-Tax Meals Expense	                                                qualified General Manager. This
                                                                                                                             is a multi-location grain shuttle,
Wal-MartP	 rogram Fee Expense	                         $2,110.51                                                             feed, energy and agronomy           PICKUP TOPPERS:
                                                                                                                             cooperative with sales of $300
West Fork FFA	                                         Program Fee Expense	                                                  million. Successful agricultural        Buy factory direct
                                                                                                                             business management experience          1040 Diagonal Street
Western Edge, Ltd.	                                    Program Fee Expense	                                                  desired. To Apply: http://tinyurl.       Britt 641-843-3698
                                                                                                                             com/pk77dz7 -- For more info
Whiskey Creek Catering	                                Program Fee Expense	                                                  contact Larry Fuller, 701-220-9775  UNICOVER
                                                                                                                             or Email [email protected]
Wild, Bobbi Jo.	                                       Net Wages and Travel	                                                 (INCN)                              For Perfect Mix
                                                                                                                                                                  Use Ready Mix
Windstream	                                            Telecommunications Expense	

Total Disbursements:		

Net Balance: June 30, 2015		

                                                                                                                             HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER                                                APARTMENTS FOR RENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE MEADOWS ~ 625 14th Ave. N., Clear Lake

PUBLIC NOTICE                                                 Bid Proposal And Agreement is hereby determined to             DRIVER TRAINEES- PAID CDL            We Now Accept Credit Cards!       • Rent Based On Income • Cable & Wireless Internet included in Rent
                                                              be $8220.00. Section 2. The total Project cost including       TRAINING! Become a new                  Belmond �������� 444-4148          • Taking Applications for anyone 62 years of age or older or
The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors will con-         but not limited to construction, engineering, design,          driver for Stevens Transport! NO        Forest City ����� 581-3020                                  disabled of any age
sider proposed Ordinance 57, an Ordinance Designating         administration, landscaping, and other costs, is hereby        EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Earn                 Clear Lake ����� 357-6090                   • Equal Housing Opportunity and Provider
Certain Areas of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa as Urban            determined to be: $8377.00. Section 3. The County              $800 per week! Stevens will             Garner ����������� 923-2601
Revitalization Areas, at the Board’s regular session on       Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment of said         cover all costs! 1-888-528-8864                                                        641-357-8888
August 4, 2015. The regular session will be held at 10:00     Project costs. Section 4. The Lease with the Owner(s) of (INCN)            NOW HIRING                   
a.m. in the Boardroom located in the Cerro Gordo County       the Improvements as set out in the Petition And Waiver
Courthouse, 220 North Washington Avenue, Mason City.          is hereby ratified and effective as of this date. Motion       Butler Transport Your Partner in      ALL POSITIONS.                                     Find your next Apartment at
Copies of the ordinance may be obtained at the Cerro          passed unanimously.                                            Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers          ALL SHIFTS.                             Lakeland Park Apartments in Clear Lake!
Gordo County Auditor’s Office.                                                                                               Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles
                                                              Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to adopt        paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www.         COOKS STARTING                          Comfortable Apartment Living for Elderly Persons 55 and Over
PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                       Resolution 2015-83, Resolution Adopting And Levying   (INCN)                                                                        or Persons with a Disability.
July 7, 2015                                                  Final Schedule Of Assessments, And Providing For The                                                  AT $10/HOUR
Unapproved                                                    Payment Thereof, For Cerro Gordo County On-Site                MISCELLANEOUS                                                                     Utilities Included. Controlled Access. On-site Laundry.
	                                                             Waste Water Treatment And Disposal System Program,                                                 Open interviews held                              Barrier-Free Units Available. Off-Street Parking.
The Board of Supervisors of Cerro Gordo County,               As Amended, Project No. 2008029, Be It Resolved By             Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT             TUESDAYS,
Iowa, met in regular session pursuant to adjournment.         The Board Of Supervisors Of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa:          or RECRUIT an applicant in this           2 - 4:30 p.m.                        Eligible Residents Pay 30% of their Adjusted Gross Income.
Present: Chairman Phil Dougherty, Supervisor Casey            That the final assessments for the Project specified in        paper plus 30 other papers in                                                                            For Applications or Appointments Contact
Callanan, Supervisor Jay Urdahl and various members           the caption of this Resolution have been approved by the       Northwest Iowa for only $110/       1207 N. 25th Street, Clear Lake                                             Greg at 641-357-2378
of the public.                                                Cerro Gordo County Department of Health as reflected           week! Call 800-227-7636 www.                     357-7558                                               or visit today!
                                                              in its Certificate Of Completion And Final Assessments (INCN)
Dougherty convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Callanan         filed with the Cerro Gordo County Auditor on the 7th                                                                                                                                  Oakleaf is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to approve the          day of July, 2015, and the same are hereby approved                  If you have a
June 23, 2015 and June 30, 2015 regular session min-          and adopted; and that there be, and is hereby assessed               carpentry job                                                    TOM MULFORD CONCRETE
utes and today’s agenda. Motion passed unanimously.           and levied, as a special tax against and upon each
                                                              of the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land, and the                coming up,                                                                     Residential • CommeRCial
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to ap-         Owner(s) thereof liable to assessment for the cost of                give us a call.                                                                   ConCRete ContRaCtoRs
prove the claims. Motion passed unanimously.                  said Improvements, the respective sums expressed in
                                                              figures set opposite to each of the same on account of             Professional • Experienced                                                                FREE Estimates
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to ap-         the cost of the construction of the said Improvements, all          Windows • Doors • Siding
prove the payroll warrant report for the week ending June     as reflected in said Certificate Of Completion And Final                                                                                          Tom: 641-373-0260 • Dan: 641-373-4531
27, 28 and 30 2015. Motion passed unanimously.                Assessments. Said assessments against said lots and                       Decks and more                                                                       [email protected]
                                                              parcels of land are hereby declared to be in proportion
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to             to the special benefits conferred upon said property by               (641) 420-5559
                                                              said improvements, and not in excess thereof, and not
adopt Resolution 2015-81, Whereas, the following payroll      in excess of 25% of the value of the same. Be It Further
                                                              Resolved, that said assessments shall be payable in
change requests were submitted to the Board of Supervi-       ten equal annual installments and shall bear interest at
                                                              the rate of eight percent per annum, the maximum rate
sors for review; and Whereas, the Board of Supervisors        permitted by law, from the date of the acceptance of the
                                                              improvements; the first installment of each assessment,
of Cerro Gordo County, has reviewed and considered the        with interest on the whole assessment from date of                                                                                          • Edging • Gutters Cleaned
                                                              acceptance of the work by the Board, shall become due                                                                                 • Bushes, Shrubs, Small Trees Trimmed
change requests as follows:                                   and payable on July 1, 2016; succeeding annual install-
                                                              ments, with interest on the whole unpaid amount, shall                                                                                                or Removed
Department		                 Name                             respectively become due on July 1st annually thereafter,
                                                              and shall be paid at the same time and in the same man-                                                                                       • Storm Damage Pickup
Pay Change		                 Effective Date                   ner as the September semiannual payment of ordinary                                                                                            • Landscape Tear Outs
                                                              taxes. Said assessments shall be payable at the office                                                                                   • Fall Clean-up • Snow Removal
County Sheriff	              Trevor Williamson                of the Treasurer, in full or in part and without interest
                                                              within thirty days after the date of the first publication of                                                                                    • Light Demo Work
$17.09/hourly		              07/16/2015                       the notice of the filing of the schedule of assessments              Garner-Hayfield-Ventura School
                                                              to the County of Treasurer of Cerro Gordo County,                           2015-2016 School Year                                       WOLFRAM
Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Board of Supervi-         Iowa. Be It Further Resolved, that the Auditor be and is                                                                                     Lawn Care
                                                              hereby directed to certify said assessments to the County      • Regular Bus Route Drivers
sors of Cerro Gordo County does hereby approve the            Treasurer of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, and to send by          • Shuttle Bus drivers                                                                641-357-1646
                                                              Ordinary mail to all property Owners whose property is         • Laundry Service for Athletics
requests as shown above and directs the Auditor to make       subject to assessments a copy of notice of said filing.        • Night Custodian at the High School (3:00-11:00 p.m.)
                                                              Motion passed unanimously.                                     • JH Volleyball coach
the necessary adjustments to the payroll. Motion passed
                                                              Urdahl made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to                      Send or email letters of interest to:
unanimously.                                                  authorize the chairman to sign Commitment to Continue                Tyler Williams, GHV Community School
                                                              Membership, Anniversary Information Acknowledgement,
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to             and Member Proxy with Iowa Communities Assurance                             [email protected]
approve a payroll change for Trevor Williamson of $17.35      Pool. Callanan abstained from voting. Motion passed.                  605 Lyon Street, Garner, Iowa 50438
hourly, effective January 1, 2016 and $17.87 hourly, ef-
fective January 16, 2016. Motion passed unanimously.          Callanan made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to            Applications will be taken until the position is filled. EOE/AA
                                                              approve reports from the Zoning Director and the Envi-
Urdahl made a motion, with Callanan seconding, to             ronmental Health Service Manager concerning Manure
authorize Rod McKinney to investigate problems reported       Management Plans filed by Waltzing Family Enterprises
by Don Bonner in Drainage District 31. Motion passed          , Craig Benjegerdes, S-70 Swine, Summit Pork 1, JCT
unanimously.                                                  Site, Research Farms LLC, and Ham Farms LLC and
                                                              order that the reports be forwarded to the Department of
Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to             Natural Resources. Motion passed unanimously.
approve the Bolton & Menk payment to be made by
Hancock County by Joint Drainage District. Motion             Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding, to
passed unanimously.                                           authorize the chairman to sign Fiscal Agent Agreement
                                                              between the Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Worth ECI Board
Callanan made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to          and Cerro Gordo County. Motion passed unanimously.
approve the City Assessor’s recommendations for the
Disabled Veteran’s Homestead Credits for an additional        Callanan made a motion, with Dougherty seconding, to
nine property owners. Motion passed unanimously.              adjourn at 10:22 a.m. Motion passed.

Callanan made a motion, with Urdahl seconding,                The audio tape of the meeting and various tabulations,
adopt Resolution 2015-82, Resolution Accepting Work           reports, correspondence, and other documents that were
Performed Pursuant To Cerro Gordo County On-Site              presented are placed on file with the County Auditor’s
Wastewater Treatment And Disposal System Program,             office.
As Amended, Project No. 2008029. Whereas, Cerro               ___________________________________________
Gordo County, Iowa, entered into a contract for the Proj-     Chairman Phillip Dougherty
ect specified in the caption of this Resolution, pursuant to  Board of Supervisors
the terms and conditions of the Building Permit, Petition
And Waiver And Bid Proposal And Agreement for said            ATTEST:
Project on file with the Cerro Gordo County Department        ____________________________________________
of Health (the “Department”), the provisions of which are     Kenneth W. Kline
hereby incorporated by reference the same as if fully set     County Auditor
out herein; and, Whereas, work on the Project has been
completed to the satisfaction of all parties, as evidenced
by the Certificate Of Completion And Final Assessments
of the Department filed with the Auditor on the 7th day of
July, 2015. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By The Board
Of Supervisors Of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa :Section
1. That the Department’s Certificate Of Completion And
Final Assessments is hereby approved and adopted
and the Improvements associated with this Project
are hereby accepted as having been fully completed
in accordance with said Building Permit, Petition And
Waiver And Bid Proposal And Agreement. The total
contract cost of the Improvements payable under The
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