Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 7-22-2015
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Arts/EntertainmentPage 12 • July 22, 2015									                                                                                                                             Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

It’s LakeFest weekend: Celebrate the arts!

                                                                                                                                    Saturday Art
                                                                                                                                    Sail will feature
                                                                                                                                    75 atrists

MAUREEN KORTE                              JEFF DOYLE                                  JANICE DEL NEGRO                             	 On Saturday, July 25, from a.m.
                                                                                                                                    – 4 p.m. in Clear Lake’s City Park, the
Storytelling Festival has stories for all                                                                                           Clear Lake Art Sail will feature artists   Featured artist Art Ciccotti
                                                                                                                                    in three areas of arts interest.
     Three wonderful tellers will be the featured performers     has written four books.   Her specialties include retelling        	 “The mission of the Clear Lake           	 •2-4 p.m.: children’s book author,      can be held,” said Ciccotti when asked
at the 2015 Iowa Storytelling Festival in Clear Lake. Jan-       traditional folktales, with a gentle emphasis on women and         Arts Center is to ignite the creative      Karen Carr                                about the art form.
ice Del Negro, of Brookfield, Ill., Jeff Doyle, of Brighton,     ghosts.  She describes herself this way: “I am a storyteller       spirit in the visual, performing and       	 Glass Blower Art Ciccotti, of           	 In early August, Ciccotti will
Mich., and Maureen Korte, of Des Moines, will participate        who excavates and decorates the bones of traditional folk          literary arts and we will certainly be     Ames, Iowa is the featured visual art-    travel to Corning, N.Y. where he has
in the event Friday and Saturday, July 24 and 25.                and fairy tales as an invitation to others to do the same.”        accomplishing this at our Art Sail this    ist this year. Ciccotti, built his first  been accepted into an advanced Vene-
     On Friday at 9 p.m. the featured performers will share      She has participated in Storytelling Festivals across the Na-      year,” said the Arts Center director,      studio in 1987 after graduating from      tian Glassblowing Class with famed
eerie stories on the “Ghost Boat” aboard the Lady of the         tion.                                                              Paula Hanus.                               Iowa State with a degree in Art and       master Glassblower William Guden-
Lake paddlewheel boat.  This event is intended for ages                Jeff Doyle started telling stories around the campfire at    	 Not only will the fine arts and fine     Design. Over the years, Ciccotti at-      rath. On Saturday, meet Ciccotti and
10 through adult, and children under age 17 must be ac-          the family campout when his kids were elementary age.  His         crafts show and sale feature over 75 vi-   tended workshops around the country       see his work in booth number 51. His
companied by an adult.  Tickets for the “Ghost Boat” are         first story was The Blue Ape, which the kids asked to hear         sual artists from around the country,      to learn different glass blowing tech-    work can also be found for sale year
$15.  Advance purchase is recommended.  Tickets are non-         over and over again.  Jeff enjoys telling all types of tales, but  this year’s event, will also include book  niques and hone his skills. Ciccotti’s    round in the gift shop at the Arts Cen-
refundable.  In case of threatening weather the ghost stories    specializes in funny stories and scary stories, which range        signings with four local and regional      current designs have roots in Venetian    ter.
will be presented at the Lakeview Room behind Clear Lake         from the somewhat scary to the truly terrifying.                   authors – Peggy Bang, Julie Bronson,       glass working techniques.                 	 Since 1977, the mission of the
City Park’s bandshell.                                                Maureen Korte delights audiences throughout the Mid-          Karen Carr and Rhoda Penny, and the        	 “I enjoy the physical challenge         Clear Lake Arts Center has been to
     On Saturday in the Story Tent in City Park, there will be   west. Korte is well known for her creative audience partici-       music of World Port.                       of working with a material that starts    promote the visual, literary and per-
two performances:  “Stories for Kids of All Ages” at 10:30       pation stories and her appeal to listeners of all ages.            	 The Clear Lake Art Sail is orga-         out as a white hot fluid and then ends    forming arts.
a.m. and “Teller’s Choice” at 2 p.m.  All Saturday storytell-    	 The Iowa Storytelling Festival is funded by the Clear            nized by the Clear Lake Arts Center        up the next day in a solid form that
ing activities are free.  Other visiting storytellers will also  Lake Library Foundation with assistance from the Friends           and sponsored by CLB&T, KGLO
be performing at the “Story Exchange” at noon.  The rain         of the Library. For more information on the Iowa Storytell-        Radio, and Rob & Judy Gross with           Clean & Fresh! Comfortable &
location is the Lakeview Room.                                   ing Festival or to sign up for the story exchange, contact the     CL Tel sponsoring the music of the                           Convenient
      Janice M. Del Negro has performed, lectured, and “au-      library at 357-6133 or [email protected].                   Emmy wining Trio – World Port.
thor-visited” extensively throughout the United States. She                                                                         	 The book signing event will take                        All size dogs welcome
                                                                                                                                    place near the pavilion in the center of
                                                                                                                                    the park. The schedule is as follows:
                                                                                                                                    	 •10 a.m.-noon: author of “An Ex-
                                                                                                                                    tra Ordinary Life,” Rhoda G. Penny
                                                                                                                                    	 •11 a.m.-1 p.m.: author of “The
                                                                                                                                    Melton House Revealed: An Owner’s
                                                                                                                                    Perspective,” Peggy Bang
                                                                                                                                    	 •Noon- 2 p.m.: author of “Van-
                                                                                                                                    ishing Barns on the Backroads,” Julie

23rd Annual DixieFest features new and favorite groups                                                                                                                                  8$ Complete 8 min.wash
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Includes supplies)
	 The 23rd Annual Lakeside Dix-                                                                                                     kup Manufacturing, Yohn Company,
ieFest being held in Clear Lake on                                                                                                  Rich Dean Memorial and Dr. Dave            Clear
July 25 and 26 will feature a mixture                                                                                               and Cathy Beck.                            Lake
of bands new to the festival, as well as                                                                                            	 The Lakeside DixieFest is pro-
favorites from past events.                                                                                                         duced by Lakeside Festivals KTD, an        Located at Laser Wash • North 20th Street, Clear Lake
	 The Barehanded Wolfchokers,                                                                                                       all-volunteer 501)c)(3) non-profit co-
based in the Quad Cities, will be                                The Barberry Coast Dixieland Band                                  roporation that is a proud member of
making their first appearance in Clear                                                                                              the Iowa Volunteer’s Hall of Fame.
Lake, but are no strangers to ma-          music back to North Iowa. Through           Park. The Lakeside DixieFest con-
jor festival-goers on both coasts and      the years the band has performaned          tinues to be one of only a handful of                  DixieFest Schedule
many in between. The group is made         at regional jazz festivals, clubs, private  such festivals in the country that is        Saturday, July 25
up of seven of the top bandleaders in      parties and numerous church services        free to the public, thanks to the gen-       6 p.m.	 The Barehanded Wolfchokers
the Midwest, so count on good-time         with what they refer to as their unique     erous support of individual patrons,         7 p.m.	 Barbary Coast Dixieland Band
jazz and plenty of it.                     “swing style dixie.” Most of the mem-       as well as area major sponsors. Those        8 p.m.	 Raiders of the Lost Art
	 A returning DixieFest favorite is        bers are either current or former music     sponsors include: Clear Lake Bank
the Barberry Coast Dixieland Band.         educators that enjoy helping to keep        and Trust Co., CL Tel, Thrifty White         Sunday, July 26
This 45-year-old group will be making      Dixieland music alive.                      Stores, Corporate Farmer, Kingland           Dixieland Church Services
its seventh appearance at the festival,    	 All concerts will be performed in         Systems, Dean Snyder Construction            8:30 a.m.	Barbary Coast Dixieland Band 	
having first performed here in 1997.       the Band Shell in Clear Lake’s City         Co., Bertha Stebens Foundation, Su-          		 (Methodist Church)
The doubling of instruments (six men                                                                                                9:30 a.m.	Raiders of the Lost Art
- 18 instruments) provides a wide                                                                                                   		 (City Park)
range of sounds as any traditional jazz                                                                                             11 a.m.	 Barbary Coast Dixieland Band 	
band in the country. In 2001, they                                                                                                  		 (Methodist Church)
were honored by being inducted into
the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame.                                                                                                   Festival concerts
	 The Party Gras Classic Jazz Band,                                                                                                 Noon	 Raiders of the Lost Art
from the Des Moines area, will be                                                                                                   1 p.m.	 The Barehanded Wolfchokers
making its second appearance at the                                                                                                 2 p.m.	 Party Gras Classic Jazz Band
Lakeside DixieFest, having first per-                                                                                               3 p.m.	 Barbary Coast Dixieland Band
formed in Clear Lake in 2011. In                                                                                                    4 p.m.	 The Barehanded Wolfchokers
addition to entertaining audiences                                                                                                  5 p.m.	 Party Gras Classic Jazz Band
throughout Central Iowa with some                                                                                                   6 p.m.	 Barbary Coast Dixieland Band
very traditional Dixieland renditions,                                                                                              7 p.m.	 Raiders of the Lost Art
the group has served as the official jazz
band of the Iowa Cubs baseball team
in Des Moines. Membership includes
some of Iowa’s top university and col-
lege jazz music performers.
	 The Raiders of the Lost Art, made
up of eight North Iowa musicians, is
now in its 28th year and will be see-
ing its 23rd year as the host band of
the Lakeside DixieFest. The band has
been credited with bringing Dixieland

 In Memorium

        Patti Snyder

 It would be very difficult to tell
  you all what your displays of
 sympathy, empathy and caring
mean to myself and all the family
   and friends of Patti Snyder.
 The words of consulation…the
  tears shared…the reminders

      of life and works…the
  beautiful servings at the First
  Congregational Church…the
 unspoken and spoken and the

           AND BY ALL.
Our loving thoughts and prayers

          of appreciation,
     Patti’s daughter, Michelle,

              & family
   Patti’s Mom, Betty, & family
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