Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
P. 11

“Ryan deserves all of his success. He                                                                                                                                                                       GVH
has put in a ton of time. It was a great way to                                                                                                                                                               Boys
coach my last match.”                                                                                                                                                                                         Basketball
Wresting Coach                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 12
Gary Weber
Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                                                                                                                                                  Feb. 24, 2016 • Page 11

Clear Lake Reporter



•Clear Lake Dance Team Spring
Show, high school gym, 7 p.m.

•Basketball: Wed., Feb. 24, home
vs. Wisconsin, 8 p.m.
•Basketball: Sat.-Sun., Feb. 27-28,
at Ohio State
•Basketball: Tues., March 1, home
vs. Indiana, 8 p.m.

•Basketball: Sat., Feb. 27, home       Clear Lake’s Ryan Leasure wrestles Wyatt Thompson, of Creston-Orient/Macksburg in the Championship match.     GHV’s Conner Shaw wrapped up State competition with a 5th place finish
vs. Kansas State, 5 p.m.
•Basketball: Mon., Feb. 29, home         Leasure wins                                                                                               second title
vs. Oklahoma State, 6 p.m.             Clear Lake & GHV wrestlers all place at State Tournament
•Women’s & Men’s Track & Field:        	 Clear Lake’s Ryan Leisure         very successful coaching career.     fall in just :29 seconds over Con-  position in the 30-second over-        ready to get back there.”            of Waterloo when Leisure took
Fri.-Sat., Feb. 26-27, home for Big    earned his second State wres-       	 Leisure (43-1) joins Joe Co-       nor Ascher, of MOC-Floyd Val-       time which followed. Leisure           	 “It was a blast watching           an elbow to the face. “I have a
12 Indoor Championships                tling title in dramatic fashion     lon as the only two-time state       ley. He topped Tanner Abbas,        stopped Thompson’s attempt to          Ryan hit the move, ‘the spladle.’    fake tooth, but I took it out for
                                       Saturday. The Lion junior used      champion in school history.          from Clarion-Goldfield-Dows,        tripod his way to his feet. Then,      It is a very technical move that     the podium picture for laughs,”
•Basketball: Wed., Feb. 24, home       a spladle off of a re-start in the  	 Leisure said the champion-         7-0, to reach the finals.           with :08 seconds left, the grap-       not many kids can execute as well    he said.
vs. Indiana State, 7 p.m.              second overtime period to pin       ship match was like nothing he       	 The championship match            plers had a re-start after Leisure     as Ryan does,” said Coach We-        	 Ryan Faught also had an ex-
•Basketball: Sat., Feb. 27, at         Creston/Orient-Macksburg’s          has experienced in high school       with Wyatt Thompson, of Cres-       had a potentially dangerous hold       ber. “He probably had the most       citing championship match, but
Evansville, 1 p.m.                     Wyatt Thompson and win the          wrestling. It was the first time he  ton-Orient/Macksburg, was           on his opponent.                       exciting finish of the entire state  fell in the 106-pound match to
                                       Class 2A 138-pound title.           has won a match without a take-      much more contested.                	 “All of a sudden it was just         tournament!  It was in overtime      Matthew Randone, of Assump-
•Wrestling: Fri.-Sat., Feb. 26-27, at  	 Leisure, along with fresh-        down.                                	 A one-minute sudden vic-          one of those things. I had my          and 15,000 people were focused       tion of Davenport, 5-4. 
NJCAA National Championships,          man Ryan Faught who finished        	 After opening competition          tory overtime was needed when       right leg in on his left side and I    on only that match. I will never     	 Faught entered the State
Council Bluffs                         as runner-up at 106-pounds,         with a fall in 1:26 over Austin      regulation ended in a tie. The      realized I could use the spladle,”     forget the roar of the crowd as he   tournament with an undefeated
•Women’s & Men’s Basketball:           provided retiring Coach Gary        Hazelett, of Washington, Leisure     first wrestler to score would win   said Leisure. The little-known         hit the spladle. Ryan deserves       record and rolled through his
Wed., Feb. 24, at Iowa Lakes CC,       Weber with a happy ending to a      went on to post a second round       the title. With :40 seconds to      move allowed Leisure to roll           all of his success. He has worked    early matches. He topped Dylan
5:30 p.m.                                                                                                       go the two wrestlers tied up and    Thompson back and get the fall.        extremely hard the last 16 years.    Robinson, of New Hampton, by
•Softball: Fri., Feb. 26, at Roches-                                                                            went out of bounds. On the          	 “I’ve known how to do a sp-          He has put in a ton of time. It      major decision, 9-0. In the sec-
ter, 9 a.m.                                                                                                     re-start Thompson’s shot was        ladle since the second grade, but      was a great way to coach my last     ond round he had a command-
•Women’s & Men’s Basketball:                                                                                    blocked by Leisure and the two      I can’t believe I did that in the fi-  match.”	                             ing lead over Kaleb Olejinczak,
Sat., Feb. 27, at Kirkwood CC, 1                                                                                hit the edge of the mat. Thomp-     nals.”                                 	 In addition to cheers, Lei-        of Perry, before he pinned him
p.m.                                                                                                            son’s move was nearly declared a    	 Leisure said his achievement         sure also drew laughs from the       in 3:47. He reached the champi-
                                                                                                                takedown, but the officials did     has begun to sink in and he is al-     crowd at Wells Fargo when he         onship with a 9-7 decision over
•Hockey: Fri., Feb. 26, home vs.                                                                                not award the points and after      ready looking to next year.            flashed a smile, minus one of this   previously undefeated Shea Ruf-
Rochester, 7:30 p.m.                                                                                            two more tie-ups time ran out in    	 “I didn’t take a day off,” he        front teeth, atop the winners po-    fridge, of Pocahontas Area/Lau-
•Hockey: Sat., Feb. 27, home vs.                                                                                sudden victory overtime.            said. “I’ll probably go up one         dium. The tooth was shattered        rens Marathon.
Rochester, 7:30 p.m.                                                                                            	 Thompson chose the down           or two weight classes, but I’ll be     earlier in the season at the Battle  	 Points were hard to come by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in the championship for Faught
•Baseball: Sat.-Sun., Feb. 27-28,                                                                                                                                                                                               and his opponent, Matthew Ran-
at Missouri Valley College, Mar-                                                                                                                                                                                                done, a senior from Davenport
shall, Mo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Assumption. The two had met
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                at the Battle of Waterloo earlier
•Baseball: Fri.-Sun., Feb. 26-28. at                                                                                                                                                                                            in the season and Faught posted
Maryville, Mo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a victory, but this time escapes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                provided the only scoring for the
•Women’s Track & Field: Fri.-Sat.,                                                                                                                                                                                              majority of the match. Faught
Feb. 26-27, at Big South Indoor                                                                                                                                                                                                 led 2-0 after an escape and a stall-
Track Championships, Blacksburg,                                                                                                                                                                                                ing call, but Randone used an es-
Va.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             cape and two takedowns for a 5-4
•Baseball: Fri.-Sat., Feb. 26-27, at                                                                                                                                                                                            	 “Ryan Faught had a great
Overland Park, Ks.                                                                                                                                                                                                              year,” said Weber. “He ended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                up with just one loss in his fresh-
•Baseball: Fri.-Sat., Feb. 26-27, at                                                                                                                                                                                            man year. He’ll be back. He’s got
St. Louis, Mo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  three more years.”
•Baseball: Sun., Feb. 28, vs. Wis-
consin-Oshkosh at Sauget, Ill., 10     Clear Lake’s Eric Faught had a strong showing for his first time at State GHV’s Cade Baker wrestled his way to a 6th place finish at the State Meet.                                     GHV Wrestling
a.m.                                   with a 2nd place finish.                                                                                                                                                                 	Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                was well represented at the State
•Men’s Track & Field: Fri.-Sat.,       Lions rally, but fall short                                                                                                                                                              Wrestling Tournament held last
Feb. 26-27, at Iowa Conference                                                                                                                                                                                                  weekend. For the first time in
Championships, Storm Lake                                                                                                                                                                                                       school history, the Cardinals sent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                two wrestlers into the semi-finals.
Area athletes playing in a college
sport include: Trudy Peterson, CL,                                                                                                                                                                                                  See STATE on page 13
Basketball, NIACC; Chase Lester,
CL, Basketball, NIACC; Brennan         	 Fourth ranked Cherokee (3A) sur-           heading into the final quarter.              missed an opportunity in the third quar-      Clear Lake’s Jordyn Barragy gets physical with a Cherokee defender in a Class
Doebel, CL, Wrestling, NIACC;          vived a third quarter rally by Clear Lake    	 “We cut it to six with three minutes       ter where they missed a lot of shots,” said   3A region 2 championship game played in Humboldt on Feb. 20. - Photo for the
Spencer Davidson, CL, Golf, NI-        and advanced to State with a 66-49 vic-      left in the third, but we didn’t capitalize  Coach Smith.                                  Reporter by Phil Monson.
ACC; Sola Stephenson, GHV,             tory Saturday night in Humboldt.             on it because of missed lay-ups and costly   	 Jordyn Barragy was the leading scor-
Track & Field, NIACC; Alex Vander-     	 “We faced a really aggressive team         turnovers.  If we could have tied it or      er for the Lions with 20-points. Snelling
Ploeg, CL, Track & Field, NIACC;       tonight,” said Coach Bart Smith, whose       made   it a one possession game to start     followed with 17 and Jessica Faber fin-
Rebecca Long, CL, Golf, NIACC;         team was looking for back-to-back trips      the fourth I think we would have had the     ished with seven. Ellie Biebesheimer and
Joel Toppin, GHV, Wartburg, Track      to State. “Their full court pressure didn’t  momentum,” said Coach Smith.                 Emilie Jandebeur had two points apiece,
& Field; Michael & Mitchell Keeran,    stop and eventually took a tole on us        	 The Lions’ shooting turned cold in         while Gretchen Jones had one point.
CL, Baseball, Waldorf; Sara Bar-       throughout the game.”                        the final quarter, as they missed three      	 “I’m very proud of this year’s group
low, CL, Softball, Waldorf; Tan-       	 Cherokee jumped out to an early            quick shots after the Braves opened the      because of their will to prepare, heart, and
ner Truesdell, CL, Baseball, BVU;      lead and the Lions were down 39-27 at        fourth with a basket and free throws fol-    a relentless desire to win,” added Coach
Brock Adams & Gavin Sheakley,          the break.                                   lowing another Lion foul, for a 54-41        Smith. “Ellie and Erin were great leaders
CL, Baseball, Kirkwood; Dasiana        	 The Lions came out of the locker           lead.                                        for us this year and will be missed.”
Larson, GHV, Track & Field, Lib-       room after the break ready to make a run     	 With 6:40 remaining, the Lions suf-        	 The Lions ended their season with a
erty University; Rowdy Yates, CL,      at the Braves. And that’s just what they     fered a major setback as Snelling fouled     16-8 record.
Baseball, Viterbo University; Ozzie    did.                                         out with 17 points. One minute later, se-    CL 54, Forest City 30
Adams, CL, Baseball, Northwest         	 In the opening minutes of the third        nior defensive specialist Erin O’Tool was    	 The Lions advanced to the Regional
Missouri St.; Chandler Diercks, CL,    quarter they quickly closed the margin to    sent to the bench with her fifth foul. A     final with a 54-30 victory over Forest City
& Andrea Toppin, Ventura, Track &      six points. A steal and lay-up by junior     third starter, Chloe Mueller, also fouled    Wednesday, Feb. 17.
Field, ISU; Jacob Colon, CL, Wres-     Emily Snelling and basket by Jordyn Bar-     out with the braves holding a 61-44 lead     	 Emily Snelling and Jordyn Barragy
tling, Grand View College.             ragy pulled the score to 46-40 at the five-  at that point.                               each put in 15 points to propel the team
                                       minute mark in the third.                    	 Cherokee effectively killed the clock      on offense, however defense was the key
                                       	 The closing minutes of the frame           and sunk their free throws down the          to avenging a 52-37 hurt the Indians put
                                       were the opposite, with the Lions making     stretch for the 17-point victory.            on the Lions on Jan. 9.
                                       five turnovers and committing three fouls    	 “I thought we handled the pressure
                                       in the final three minutes of the period.    some what well, but we just didn’t make               See CL GIRLS on page 12
                                       The Braves extended the lead to 50-41        free throws throughout the game and we
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